WA WA - Seattle, WhtFem 30-50, 159UFWA, alias 'Mary Anderson', copper IUD, breast surgery scars, Oct'96

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I am wondering if the dark circles on her face had anything to do with the cyanide poisoning. While researching this type of poisoning, I found that victims will often have very red or pink faces because the oxygen will stay in the blood and not get into the cells.

Apparently, cyanide is found in rat poison, so may be fairly easy to get? Also, people who work in photography, metallugy, electroplating, amd artifical nail removers would have access to cyanide, or someone who worked in a plastics factory would have access to cyanide. I am wondering, did LE find a container that the cyanide was in, or was the cyanide placed in the metamucel at an earlier time?

I have sent an email to the author of one of the articles about Mary, asking him to come here and give some insight. I also asked him if he knew how to get hold of Mr. Webster, the original investigator. I have not heard back from him yet....
Ms. Kennedy weighed considerably less than Mary Anderson, and went missing after Mary Anderson was found. JMO

You're absolutely right on those points.
Ms. Kennedy is too short, weighs less, has blue eyes and went missing after "Mary Anderson". Despite the similarities I saw in the side by side, I truly don't feel she's a viable match anymore.
You did great putting a suggestion out there though, thank you! That is what is great about this board. We can post a viable lead and then get others imput to see if it could be a possibility. Keep trying!

You're absolutely right on those points.
Ms. Kennedy is too short, weighs less, has blue eyes and went missing after "Mary Anderson". Despite the similarities I saw in the side by side, I truly don't feel she's a viable match anymore.
I am wondering if the dark circles on her face had anything to do with the cyanide poisoning. While researching this type of poisoning, I found that victims will often have very red or pink faces because the oxygen will stay in the blood and not get into the cells.

Apparently, cyanide is found in rat poison, so may be fairly easy to get? Also, people who work in photography, metallugy, electroplating, amd artifical nail removers would have access to cyanide, or someone who worked in a plastics factory would have access to cyanide. I am wondering, did LE find a container that the cyanide was in, or was the cyanide placed in the metamucel at an earlier time?

I have sent an email to the author of one of the articles about Mary, asking him to come here and give some insight. I also asked him if he knew how to get hold of Mr. Webster, the original investigator. I have not heard back from him yet....

Nail removers, Jane had neatly painted fingernails, I wonder if Jane had been a nail technician??? Also, jewlery makers, have access to cyanide, Jane could've been a jeweler??? I couldn't find where these possibilities were explored, but, am still searching old newspapers.....
Jane had done away with the dental plate (probably knowing these were traceable) she wore and her upper teeth were crooked.

Suicide by cyanide is historically the choice of many that are serious about it, alot of famous people have used it. Most lapse into a coma immediately and do not feel any pain, unless they're rescued... I asked a pathologist friend of mine and she said that the skin tone of someone that took cyanide, looks almost like a sunburn, the features of the face would just be enhanced, she also said that she would never say that a woman "absolutely" had "never" given birth, especially a woman that used a intrauterine device as a contraceptive, because iuds will cause scar tissue in the uterus. She also said that heavier womens pelvic rings are stressed anyway, so it wouldn't be advisable to say "never", she would say it's a "possiblity" that a woman had not given birth (if the womans iliac crest were not stretched) It's all above my head, so I've told it, just like she said it to me....

Re: Ms. Sollie (Cervone) also seems to have those Greek characteristics that Jane has (IMO) and Ms. Sollie disappeared two years prior! Living away from loved ones, can take a toll on the body and the mind. I, also read where the LE was suspicious of Ms. Sollies involvement in the childs disappearance, but then proved that theory as rumors!

I do believe, like several of you all, that this case requires looking outside the proverbial box!! So, I sent an email to the Chief ME at King County, asking if the last digit in the phone number (9) was dropped and the first 9 numbers 212-569-554, investigated as a SS number, I also am thinking SS #s were still used as drivers license #s in 1996, it would be an easy enough rule out by the DL photo, if Jane had a DL???

Back to my perusing old newspaper articles!!
Sandra was italian, and had a scar on her upper lip. Her ex-husband was the father of her baby, and her purse and wallet were later found in Rochester. LE feels she was killed. Some info on Sandra:



Here are some links to her case:
Nail removers, Jane had neatly painted fingernails, I wonder if Jane had been a nail technician??? Also, jewlery makers, have access to cyanide, Jane could've been a jeweler??? I couldn't find where these possibilities were explored, but, am still searching old newspapers.....
Jane had done away with the dental plate (probably knowing these were traceable) she wore and her upper teeth were crooked.

Suicide by cyanide is historically the choice of many that are serious about it, alot of famous people have used it. Most lapse into a coma immediately and do not feel any pain, unless they're rescued... I asked a pathologist friend of mine and she said that the skin tone of someone that took cyanide, looks almost like a sunburn, the features of the face would just be enhanced, she also said that she would never say that a woman "absolutely" had "never" given birth, especially a woman that used a intrauterine device as a contraceptive, because iuds will cause scar tissue in the uterus. She also said that heavier womens pelvic rings are stressed anyway, so it wouldn't be advisable to say "never", she would say it's a "possiblity" that a woman had not given birth (if the womans iliac crest were not stretched) It's all above my head, so I've told it, just like she said it to me....

Re: Ms. Sollie (Cervone) also seems to have those Greek characteristics that Jane has (IMO) and Ms. Sollie disappeared two years prior! Living away from loved ones, can take a toll on the body and the mind. I, also read where the LE was suspicious of Ms. Sollies involvement in the childs disappearance, but then proved that theory as rumors!

I do believe, like several of you all, that this case requires looking outside the proverbial box!! So, I sent an email to the Chief ME at King County, asking if the last digit in the phone number (9) was dropped and the first 9 numbers 212-569-554, investigated as a SS number, I also am thinking SS #s were still used as drivers license #s in 1996, it would be an easy enough rule out by the DL photo, if Jane had a DL???

Back to my perusing old newspaper articles!!
The JD here has never given birth IIRC so E. Mary Allen would not be a match.

It's an interesting case. I wonder if JD couldn't be the daughter of the actress Mary Anderson and her dec'd. husband, Leonard or Leon Shamroy. I couldn't find any photos of the actress Mary Allen later than prob. the early 1950s. Here's a side by side of all three. Maybe JD was given up for adoption.

Anyone see a resemblance?


  • 159UFWA2.jpg2.jpg
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  • 220px-MaryAnderson.JPG
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  • Shamroy1.jpg
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I believe Jane watched soaps (as someone else already pointed out) and this was the first name that she thought of to put on the register and it could be that during her younger days (Janes), a friend or family member commented that they favored each other! BTW, Mary 'Bebe' Anderson is still living, she's 89!! I am sure she was probably questioned by MEI....
You're probably right, Madeabecbec, but it's also possible she put the girl up for adoption, and that was the end of it for her. Maybe a child hadn't been in her plans or her husband didn't want a child. Stuff happens that people aren't proud of, and want to keep secret. Hollywood is notorious for secrets, esp. back in that era.

It could be that JD learned she was adopted, and someone may have even told her she looked like Mary Anderson. If it's true, then someone somewhere would know the truth.

We should be 100% sure LE checked it out, not just guessing. If no one wants to call, I will. Just say the word.
Hi -

I found this site after reading of this case. It's very strange.

Does anyone know if they ever gave the chemical composition of the cyanide? Cyanide is generally consumed as a cyanide salt, such as potassium cyanide, which is famous for being the type used by Adolf Hitler and some other note worthy persons to commit suicide. However, there are other compounds that could also be used - sodium cyanide, for example. Assuming there was even a tiny residue left, they should have been able to get a good analysis of exactly what it was chemically. Additionally, I'd be interested to see a report of the analysis and any impurities or trace elements found in the cyanide.

It occurs to me that there are a number of scientific tests that could tell a great deal about this woman, possibly revealing her identity.

Genetic testing: The obvious limitation here is that there's nothing to compare her to, but that's not necessarily the only thing that can be gained from genetic testing. For one thing, her ethnic heritage could likely be determined and there is even the possibility that it could be narrowed signifficantly. There are distinct genetic combination that are known to come from areas as narrow as southern Ireland or North Eastern France.

Mitochondrial DNA would also give the possibility of narrowing down relationships. It is inherited from the mother and there are a finite number of lineages. Over many generations it can change due to mutations, but these mutations occur at a predictable rate.

There are databases of DNA for criminals, military personal, missing persons etc. Obviously she would not be in any of these, but a close match could indicate a relative. Even a very partial match could indicate a distant relative or cousin. If, for example, a search found that of those who match closely, 75% had the same last name and came from the same region of the country, that would give at least a place to start as that likely indicates the family.

The second possibility: Isotopic analysis

Analysis of stable isotopes in human remains can determine the location where a person likely lived, their lifestyle, their diet and numerous other things. Isotopic fingerprints are extremely precise and vary depending on things like where a person gets the majority of their calories, the nature of the water they usually drink and other things.

Analysis of hair oxygen and hydrogen isotopes (only a two of the numerous elements that can be analyzed) can determine the area a person came from by the composition of the local water:




Radioactive isotopes can potentially give a more acurate age. Between 1946 and 1962, the US and Soviet Union tested numerous nuclear weapons in the earth's atmosphere. Someone who was a young child in the late 1950's would be expected to have higher than average amounts of certain isotopes in their teeth and bones. This was the peak of testing. From then the numbers dropped as the fallout settled out of the atmosphere.

Trace element analysis can also reveal things: Did she grow up somewhere that flouridated the drinking water? Did she eat very much sea food?

Another question Wasn't there any detectable residue on her? in her? (lungs, nasal passages) or on her clothing? her baggage? It's hard to imagine there wasn't any soil, any dust, any material from the local enviornment she came from. If so, what was it? What was any soil or geological dust? If so, what was it? Silica? Alumina? Was there any barium?

Finally, I had some observations.

I find the manner she wrote the note in interesting:

"To whom it may concern: I have decided to end my life and no one is responsible for my death. Mary Anderson.

"P.S. I have no relatives. You can use my body as you choose."

Why "Use my body?" I'd think that the natural thing to say is "Dispose of my body" or even "Do with my body as you choose"

I don't think the average person would normally think of the fact that human bodies have uses. They do, of course. They are used as cadavers for medical schools or other training. They may be used to harvest tissue from or something like that. She seems to have thought of this right away. This leads me to think she likely had some kind of research or scientific job. That's supported by her access to chemicals. She may have worked at a university or something.

Also, I would bet she was not reported missing right away. I would bet she left her life as she left her body - neat and with all the lose ends tied up. She probably left her home very clean and tidy, bed made, everything locked up and affairs in order. She may have sent a letter of resignation to her employer and told her neighbors and anyone else she knew she was going to be away for some time or that she was moving. She may have even canceled all her subscriptions, prepaid her taxes for the year, told her doctor she did not want to be called when it was time for an annual appointment, stopped her mail and things like that. If she did, it would have been some time before anyone realized that it was odd that she was not around. She may have never even been reported missing. Just a lot of people who remember she said she was going away and strangely, that was the last they heard.

Of course, that's just an assumption.
Dr Buzz, I like your observations. Thank you! I have never contacted LE about this case, and you seem to know much about cyanide etc, so feel free to contact them, and then please post what you find out. Thank you!
I did some sleuthing on this case today and came up with some interesting findings. The address she gave is located in Brooklyn,NY. I searched it as just the st addy with nothing else and got that result. Also the phone number she gave comes back to 514 w 213th st. and the zip to Astoria Queens or Long Island City,Queens. All are within minutes of each other with Queens in the middle. Interesting the surname on the next door address was simalar to the name she gave at the hotel.
I would bet she left her life as she left her body - neat and with all the lose ends tied up. She probably left her home very clean and tidy, bed made, everything locked up and affairs in order. She may have sent a letter of resignation to her employer and told her neighbors and anyone else she knew she was going to be away for some time or that she was moving. She may have even canceled all her subscriptions, prepaid her taxes for the year, told her doctor she did not want to be called when it was time for an annual appointment, stopped her mail and things like that. If she did, it would have been some time before anyone realized that it was odd that she was not around. She may have never even been reported missing. Just a lot of people who remember she said she was going away and strangely, that was the last they heard.

Of course, that's just an assumption.

I agree with this assessment. She's so very methodical about everything.

Something about her clothing, appearance, etc. makes me think "well to do widow." Comfortable, well-cared-for, casual. I can picture her burying her husband, selling the house, closing the estate, telling neighbors she's moving somewhere to start over.

The extra clothing makes me think she did not impulsively decide to kill herself. I suspect she had been somewhere else -- perhaps had visited several locations with sentimental value -- before reaching the end. It makes me think Seattle is either the place that had the deepest emotional association for her, or else is a place where she had no associations at all.

I suspect she must have lived in, worked in, or visited frequently in New York City in order to recall valid addresses and phone numbers. Perhaps she grew up there and had returned to bury the last of her family -- mother, aunt, sister -- before deciding she didn't want to go on.

Maple leaf: fall in New York, New England, Canada.

None of this is very helpful as far as actual clues...
I googled Mary Anderson, and there was a soap opera character from Days of Our Lives by the name of Mary Anderson.

Looking more in depth of possible clues this woman has left behind. I too googled the name and found the info on Days of our lives.

Further digging shows the soap storylines are of hospital scenes- family doctors one of which worked in a mental hospital. The show depicts lives of middle and upperclass professionals in the midwestern town of Salem.

There are quite a few listings for this town name, Oregon is one location.

Mary Anderson did have a prescription bottle with the label torn off.

I am not sure if any of this could tie to her life or not. I am just noting it.

It seems this case is going to stretch to some "out of the box" ideas.
With her wish to not be id'd, it makes me wonder why did she attach a name to the note she left? Why not just leave it unsigned? The investigators noted there were hesitation marks in her signature, what was she thinking? The next question I ask is why "Mary Anderson" as an alias?

I researched the first and last name hoping it would provide some clues, maybe the first one does.

Mary- sea of bitterness, rebelliousness and wished for child. Also included was "love"

Anderson - the son of andrew, (manly). This one doesn't strike me, but the chosen first name does.

Also, did she choose the date of her death for a reason? Was it her birthday or of some importance to her?

I have looked thru missing reports from the day she was discovered thru March of 1990 and so far have found no good leads for this lady.

Also over a year and a half ago, I was told that a new sketch of her was being done on a voluntary basis by an artist, to disregard the present photos that are up of her, cause they don't do her justice. I haven't talked to the ME's office in over a year as per my notes and I see there is still no new pic available on a website for her. This I will inquire about in the coming week.

What if this lady was smaller in weight when she initially went missing, if it was a while before she was found? That is if she was reported missing at all.
Crystal Light?

Doesn't that seem like an odd thing to be found with? Was that something she was going to put the poison in instead of the Metamucil? (I know my end it all beverage would be something more like 100 proof! lol) I found this Wiki description interesting:

Crystal Light is the name of a sugar-free beverage (initially sold as a water soluble beverage powder). It comes in many different flavors, and is made by Kraft Foods.

Originally marketed in 1982 with Linda Evans as its spokesperson, the company later had stars Raquel Welch and Priscilla Presley as spokeswomen. The catch phrase for each of the ads was, "I believe in Crystal Light, because I believe in me!"
I wanted to add another possibility that Ms. Sollie could be this Jane, regarding the kitchen bowl, Ms. Sollies little dog (a poodle) went missing with her, maybe that was the point for having kept a bowl in the room. Jane may have needed a bowl for food and water for a pet! If the pet had just died, that could be a reason for depression and feeling hopeless! I know, I had a beloved pet pass away, just last March, and I still get teary eyed and miss him dearly! I have wonderful children and the sweetest grands, though, to keep me busy and laughing....:blowkiss:
So, even if Ms. Sollie is ruled out, the bowl being for a pet, should still be considered.
I am going to go ahead and email this info to Ms. Sollies investigator, it couldn't hurt, right? It may also help in getting both cases back in the light!


I couldn't figure out the bowl! That makes great sense! I even keep one under the driver's seat for mom's little dog when we travel together, and I forgot!! Good observation!

Reading over and over this, I keep trying to figure out how they for sure know it was a suicide? They don't know her handwriting, what if she was meeting someone secretly there (like an affair?) and met her demise at the hand of someone else? I mean, if you 're going to do yourself in, would you carry that much clothing for a two day stay? And, why stay two days anyway? Suicide notes are known to be forged, so why couldn't this be a murder? Also, the note is strange: P.S. I have no relatives? that's bizarre! Why state the obvious? And why as a PS? I dunno, but this seems really fishy to me! Which also would explain the terminology "use" my body. Perhaps whomever wrote it had been doing exactly that? Just wonderin!

I couldn't figure out the bowl! That makes great sense! I even keep one under the driver's seat for mom's little dog when we travel together, and I forgot!! Good observation!

Reading over and over this, I keep trying to figure out how they for sure know it was a suicide? They don't know her handwriting, what if she was meeting someone secretly there (like an affair?) and met her demise at the hand of someone else? I mean, if you 're going to do yourself in, would you carry that much clothing for a two day stay? And, why stay two days anyway? Suicide notes are known to be forged, so why couldn't this be a murder? Also, the note is strange: P.S. I have no relatives? that's bizarre! Why state the obvious? And why as a PS? I dunno, but this seems really fishy to me! Which also would explain the terminology "use" my body. Perhaps whomever wrote it had been doing exactly that? Just wonderin!

Could also explain why she seems never reported missing.

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