WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #12

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He said that LE asked them to ask for anyone to come forward.

I realize that. Maybe I should have been more clear. It struck me as odd because I think it adds fuel to the fire hearing such a request from one of two parties family court attorney. Though, who knows, it very well may be part of LE's strategy.

Yes -too upset to do anything to help bring Sky home -I am just baffled that the only public communication she made thus far was an email to an ABC reporter. Did she really think that would be kept private? JB has had NO communication to/with the public. None -except to bash Pappa in an email, check her SD account, post flickr pics, and request computer assistance on a blog forum. I truly madly deeply hope they keep her Internet life alive...they will be able to see everything -practically every keystroke! And every bit of that information will turn up in court, right?

FTR, what's up with the paparazzi in Seattle? How is it that no one has caught her on camera yet -not one glimpse! Weird.

Can ya'all imagine what LE would find if they every explored any of OUR computers? I assume most of you are like me -you "get around" online...with all the searches of bizarre things;sites, articles... strange images, court docs, dating sites :blushing:, maps, banks :floorlaugh:, OMG -just all kinds of stuff! did you ever think of that? lol :crazy:

I don't think she's going out. At all. Holed up in there, cleaning her brother's apartment and drinking toddler formula is my guess.
The radio show..Solomons attorney said she had borrowed her brothers car for 10 days prior to Skys disappearance. She had called her brother telling him she needed to use his car for 10 days.

She took the bus sometimes and also rented a car..but she wrecked it.
What happened the first time when they left Sky in the car unattended whilst they shopped at target? Did they get arrested?

They were both arrested and charged with reckless endangerment. But they agreed to a deal that would allow them to avoid conviction if they attended a parenting class and did community service, paid a fine, etc., which they did. If they had not, it would have meant jail time.

WT heck does her not changing her name have to do with her commitment to her marriage?

What kind of statement is that?

In a normal person, I don't think it would be relevant at all. I have not and would not change my last name. I have five names all together and it is melodic to me and a huge part of my cultural and familial identity.

However, in this particular case, even the mundane may have some significance. Maybe not but it could.

Someone please enlighten me. If Sky has been missing since October 1st -- or around that time -- why would JB fake a kidnapping on November 6th? Perhaps because it was soon after the mediation. But, even then, why not just drive the car around until it completely ran out of gas and then, at least, your story is believable. Or....stage a kidnapping elsewhere? I don't get it.

I'm thinking she was so manic at the time and whenever she did what she did to Sky happened that she cannot think clearly. Her recent internet activity kind of shows that.

"The police would like us to ask for anyone who's seen (Sky) from October 1," Clay Terry, Solomon's lawyer, said during Monday's Ron and Don Show.


IMO, this is a very bad idea for Clay Terry to be making statements 'on behalf' of the police.

Respectfully, this crosses a line imo. Leave the police requests to the police. If the police want the public to come forward with any dates outside of those they have mentioned, ie. about 10-23 or November 6th., let LE say so.

All LE has to do is put out a written statement with their requests. They don't even have to call the media ahead of time.

I am very very uncomfortable regarding where CT is placing himself in this investigation. Especially making statements on behalf of the police. I hope LE clarifies this statement of CT's. :sigh:

I think this could be part of LE's strategy. Make Julia realize that they are on Solomon's side without coming out and saying it. Make her wonder and sweat. Certainly, whatever they are doing is working. She has been very busy, not on her knees praying, like she claims, but frantically trying to adjust her flikr to make some sort of statement, or perhaps to seem less odd, trying desperately to justify why she published heart-wrenching audio of her child screaming during a custody exchange and (my opinion) herself actively ensuring her child's hysteria, and insulting her ex, calling him a sadistic Pakistani Muslim. Only thing she's not doing is speaking with LE, or trying to find her baby.

I bet she's doing other things as well. I really hope LE has her trailed. I'm sure they do. Someone familiar with OCD speculated that she would have to check, recheck and check again, the site where she dumped her son. I thought that was a brilliant insight and I hope LE has thought of that.
I don't think she's going out. At all. Holed up in there, cleaning her brother's apartment and drinking toddler formula is my guess.

I hope she's not drinking that Earth's Best formula we saw on her counter... that stuff has a horrid fishy aftertaste.
Yes -too upset to do anything to help bring Sky home -I am just baffled that the only public communication she made thus far was an email to an ABC reporter. Did she really think that would be kept private? JB has had NO communication to/with the public. None -except to bash Pappa in an email, check her SD account, post flickr pics, and request computer assistance on a blog forum. I truly madly deeply hope they keep her Internet life alive...they will be able to see everything -practically every keystroke! And every bit of that information will turn up in court, right?

FTR, what's up with the paparazzi in Seattle? How is it that no one has caught her on camera yet -not one glimpse! Weird.

Can ya'all imagine what LE would find if they every explored any of OUR computers? I assume most of you are like me -you "get around" online...with all the searches of bizarre things;sites, articles... strange images, court docs, dating sites :blushing:, maps, banks :floorlaugh:, OMG -just all kinds of stuff! did you ever think of that? lol :crazy:

Thank you so much, Madilu!
I have been wondering WHY? we haven't been witnessing any "Julia sitings" by now...real OR imagined!
I really have no idea why this is so. Could anyone shed some light on this? It is hard to imagine she has stayed inside living quarters this long. (Sedation?) And yes...where are the paparazzis when you need them?
I was also abused (mentally) by my ex. I did not realize the extent until I had left and I was able to talk to my family. When I talked to them, I realized that what I had experienced was NOT normal for a marriage. I sympathize with Solomon because I believe that he had to get away from the situation to see it clearly. Once away, he was likely appalled at how far down the road of mental illness their family had traveled. He finally realized once he moved back in with his parents how a family is supposed to live - and he realized how far from the norm their life had become.
I completely agree. I was married to a man with a personality disorder, who emotionally abused and bullied all of us-they make you feel so confused, constantly pulling the rug out from under you-you think YOU are the crazy one..it took me 17 years to divorce him. He wasn't cow-towing, he was trying to survive and still had hope that she could get better. It is completely overwhelming.
There have been numerous posts how jb manipulated the date of her Flickr photos but it blew me away to the extent of this manipulation. It is very easy to tell which time stamps have been changed since November 6th by checking the exif details of each photo and check to see if the PST (Pacific Standard Time) or the PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) match the date that the photo was supposedly taken or the date of the supposed upload. In 2011, PDT was March 13 to Nov 6.
I agree that changing the time stamp seems to be pretty simple to do but changing whether it was daylights savings time or not doesn't appear to be possible and the discrepancies are all over the place. She must have spent hours and hours working on this.
I can understand what you are saying; however, I truly think he "repented" for leaving Sky in the car. He went to classes, and he paid his dues. He openly admits on camera now that this was a mistake for which he is truly sorry. He took divorce classes, and he is/was in therapy for the "hurt" that the divorce caused him. I think it really took being away from the abusive relationship (while Julia was involuntarily committed) for him to realize the extent of the abuse he and the children were receiving.

I was also abused (mentally) by my ex. I did not realize the extent until I had left and I was able to talk to my family. When I talked to them, I realized that what I had experienced was NOT normal for a marriage. I sympathize with Solomon because I believe that he had to get away from the situation to see it clearly. Once away, he was likely appalled at how far down the road of mental illness their family had traveled. He finally realized once he moved back in with his parents how a family is supposed to live - and he realized how far from the norm their life had become.

This is all IMHO; however, I like SB. He is out there - he is trying for Sky. He is trying to get M back. He has had to endure TIME and TIME again, abuse allegations from SB that he has been able to prove false. He has had to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to protect himself and to try to get custody of his kids. And, IMHO, he has done it admirably. He has not attacked her in the courts per se; he has just tried to state facts. He has tried and tried to get the courts to see reason. He had tried his battles in the courts; and he finally won. He was finally getting joint custody again, but SB took that chance away from him. :(
IME it takes distance and time to truly appreciate how degraded the situation has become. Followed usually by embarrassment, humiliation, and regret for ever having been there. :hug: Fantastic post, coco, thank you for sharing.

Everything we have learned of JB actually points to her as the abuser in my opinion. Her willingness to vilify SM at all costs has not gone unnoticed. ;)
There have been numerous posts how jb manipulated the date of her Flickr photos but it blew me away to the extent of this manipulation. It is very easy to tell which time stamps have been changed since November 6th by checking the exif details of each photo and check to see if the PST (Pacific Standard Time) or the PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) match the date that the photo was supposedly taken or the date of the supposed upload. In 2011, PDT was March 13 to Nov 6.
I agree that changing the time stamp seems to be pretty simple to do but changing whether it was daylights savings time or not doesn't appear to be possible and the discrepancies are all over the place. She must have spent hours and hours working on this.

Welcome KellyJ and good catch..She has been a busy little spider.
There have been numerous posts how jb manipulated the date of her Flickr photos but it blew me away to the extent of this manipulation. It is very easy to tell which time stamps have been changed since November 6th by checking the exif details of each photo and check to see if the PST (Pacific Standard Time) or the PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) match the date that the photo was supposedly taken or the date of the supposed upload. In 2011, PDT was March 13 to Nov 6.
I agree that changing the time stamp seems to be pretty simple to do but changing whether it was daylights savings time or not doesn't appear to be possible and the discrepancies are all over the place. She must have spent hours and hours working on this.

FANTASTIC FIRST POST! :welcome::fireworks:
I don't think she's going out. At all. Holed up in there, cleaning her brother's apartment and drinking toddler formula is my guess.

I should offer her a place to stay - I have lots of dust that I'd like gone. OHHH and I have a Moluccan cockatoo - he produces dust with his every movement! I'd love to have someone to keep up with the dust in his room - I have an air purifier and I vacuum every day and it just never ends.

It could be therapeutic....but that's just my nonprofessional opinion. And it's free. :rocker:
I completely agree. I was married to a man with a personality disorder, who emotionally abused and bullied all of us-they make you feel so confused, constantly pulling the rug out from under you-you think YOU are the crazy one..it took me 17 years to divorce him. He wasn't cow-towing, he was trying to survive and still had hope that she could get better. It is completely overwhelming.

He also stated in his declaration that Julia was the "love of his life" so it was probably hard for him to come to the decision that he just couldn't take it anymore. What makes me so angry about the whole situation is the fact that he warned people what she was capable off and there wasn't one person in authority out there that listened to him. I'm sure he has and will continue to beat himself up over what he could have done differently to protect Sky and M, and I hope he has someone who will be there for him.

If you ask me, they can't throw her in jail quick enough.

Julia not changing her name may or may not be relevant-the poster was just saying it was something she had been thinking about. No need for anyone to get flippant about it. That will only encourage posters who think of something that MAY be relevant to not post about it.
He also stated in his declaration that Julia was the "love of his life" so it was probably hard for him to come to the decision that he just couldn't take it anymore. What makes me so angry about the whole situation is the fact that he warned people what she was capable off and there wasn't one person in authority out there that listened to him. I'm sure he has and will continue to beat himself up over what he could have done differently to protect Sky and M, and I hope he has someone who will be there for him.

If you ask me, they can't throw her in jail quick enough.


It's called 'parental alienation' and unfortunately does not seem to be widely recognized in the courts.
There have been numerous posts how jb manipulated the date of her Flickr photos but it blew me away to the extent of this manipulation. It is very easy to tell which time stamps have been changed since November 6th by checking the exif details of each photo and check to see if the PST (Pacific Standard Time) or the PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) match the date that the photo was supposedly taken or the date of the supposed upload. In 2011, PDT was March 13 to Nov 6.
I agree that changing the time stamp seems to be pretty simple to do but changing whether it was daylights savings time or not doesn't appear to be possible and the discrepancies are all over the place. She must have spent hours and hours working on this.

BBM - How do you check the "exif details" on a photo?
Please let's stop with the name discussion. I know a LOT of women that have never taken their husband's last name or have hyphenated. There is really no reason to argue about this.

If you want to keep discussing it - then make it pertinent.

You can download many programs to get EXIF data-Opanda is a good one.
Julia not changing her name may or may not be relevant-the poster was just saying it was something she had been thinking about. No need for anyone to get flippant about it. That will only encourage posters who think of something that MAY be relevant to not post about it.

It is irrelevant TO ME.

It may or may not discourage someone from posting something but I can't take responsibility for what someone else chooses to do or not do.
I don't think it's a verified fact that Julia left the kids alone, but what is a fact is that the police can't find anyone that saw Sky since on or about 10/23. Most likely, if there was a babysitter, LE would have tracked them down.

You certainly bring up a good point, and others have concluded that it is a fact for the same reason. However, how is LE going to track people down if Mother is not cooperating. Odds are they are doing a bit of "social networking" -getting lists from the woman who picked her up that morning, asking SM for a list of contacts and family. Except he would not know about any boyfriends or new friends. LE knocked on doors at the apt. complex, etc., etc. -and have surely tried to track down as many as they could by looking at her personal records too. But without her specific cooperation, then they can't know everyone to ask.

Perhaps think of it like this: What if she has a BF, an accomplice, or someone who is helping her with all this... then it is easier and in her better interest to say she left the kids home that long day than to reveal who that person is, or that they even exist. At the end of the day, it has not come directly from LE's lips that she left them that particular day, but that she admitted to leaving them in the past...
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