WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #13

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He converted.

You know what is strange to me is that there appear to be photos on the flikr that show his family, the women uncovered, although in the privacy of their homes, that would be okay, but they appear to be celebrating Christmas with him and they are dressed up in Christmasy clothes. That made me believe they are likely not Muslim.

Exactly, and if the circumstances were a bit different, even if he were taken from the home I would consider dad. She could have planned it a bit better in her favor. Until someone else confesses or more evidence points away, I am convinced mom did it.

Based on the allegations from Julia, if there was one tiny thing implicating him, he would be hot on my radar. I would tend to believe her over him if anything pointed to him, rather than her.

I just read he did file for a protective order and was denied. http://mynorthwest.com/108/581884/Documents-reveal-Biryokovas-questionable-mental-state I hadnt read that before. Sad.

Well, my reading of the court docket in conjunction with other things, like the custody exchange audio, indicates that he did receive a temporary restraining order. But she then got an attorney and went to court, filed her own, which was granted and his was dismissed (really, denied at the hearing for permanent orders).

You and me both!

Where is this precious child?

I'm on the fence with wondering whether or not LE is actually searching that seperated trash (mentioned in very early pressers) or if they haven't yet narrowed the timeline in order to deem searching the seperated trash worthwhile.

IOW, even though they have a day or a few days worth of trash seperated how would one know if he was there, or if he wasn't disposed of and made his way to the landfill outside of the window of time for which the trash was seperated. :sigh: :(

:praying: Sky will be found soon!

We have had no pressers. We have no news about new searches. I'm thinking they are still working hard to narrow the timeline so they can have an inkling of where to start. Because if she had a month, or even two weeks time to get rid of Sky and of evidence, it is so difficult to know where to look.

Yet, she had no car. So, I believe the 10 day period in which she borrowed her brother's, could be key. So, if she had it as of November 6, 2011, 10 days prior would be October 27, 2011, right before Halloween.

If he died during mediation or she got rid of him after that, we have it narrowed even more. If he died before that (which is what I suspect), then we are looking at her movements between 10-27-11 and 11-1-11, five days, really. I wish LE would release the dates of the surveillance screen shots. I wonder if they have been able to track her movements during that time period. Without more info, it is hard to be able to sleuth this out.
I am confused by this article. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/254729/20111123/sky-metalwala-mother-s-mental-health-recent.htm

"Apparently, Metalwala had stayed away from his son for a week, before the alleged disappearance." According to the family in another country...

WHAT? What did I miss here? Its written as if he had a choice. What is she telling them?

BBM, lies. Unless her family in the Ukraine is fluent in English, they may only hear JB's side of the story and may not be following the media on this case.

It's clear SM and his attorney were not lying about not seeing Sky for 10 mo's. If that were the case, JB would not have spent 12 hours at mediation....

.... (without rehashing many of the facts we've learnt) WHY would Julia now make up yet another spin of a story for her family in the Ukraine that is so blatently different than what is being reported here? It left me with one thought and one thought only, she is a flight risk. She's staying with her brother. She has previously stayed with SM's family. Has she worn out her welcome at her mothers? Is she concerned she may wear out her welcome at her brothers? If it looks like she may be charged will she flee to family oversea's?

So far, based on what we have learned I think a LDT would be useless on JB. Shes been telling the same stories for so long I believe she is convinced they are true. Her reality and ours are not the same so it would be very easy for her to say something and be completely comfortable with it. I do think Sky is no longer alive. I think it was an accident of some sort while left unattended, but she did not get medical assistance because that would ruin her "perfect" image she tried so hard to create. I do think that she blames dad. In her head, had he not made her go to the mediation she woudnt have had to leave them alone and can justify it being SMs fault. Like he set it all up, he knew it would happen because thats how she thinks. I also think she didnt go to any extreme to dispose of him. I dont see her digging anywhere. When the reports came out that they were searching under wet leaves that made my heart drop because I do think she would throw a pile of leaves on him in a wooded area. She could have easily put him in the stroller and covered him up with the blanket, just like M "saw" the day of the reported disappearance. I think if she was so angered with SM, she could have left him somewhere he loved to take Sky. A place she knew was "their place" as punishment. I do wonder if there was a special place they had and if that area has been checked.
If not this place then I think he is in the landfill.
If you don`t mind, I`d like to add that M is still in foster care and he`s only allowed supervised visitation resulting from a restraining order by CPS.

If this guy was cleared and there was nothing to suggest he had anything to do with this case and he was totally innocent from harming his children, I would think he would have custody by now.

Like I said, when LE says he`s ruled out, I`ll feel more comfortable but right now, I`m left with this suspicion about him. Whether it has anything to do with Sky, I do not know but there is something bothering me.

You bring up some really good points. The reason for the present custody arrangement for the girl is likely not due to any question of SM culpability, but due to the current legal status of their case the day Sky went missing. Up to this point SM has not had any legal custody or parenting time due to not fulfilling a number of requirements asked of him by the courts. He admitted he did not fulfill these, and chose to wait for trial. Well, trial never came, his son goes missing, but I don't think that is a, "get all the parenting time you want" free pass.

A trial date had been set, and they were apparently required to attempt mediation prior to trial. At the time of that insanely long mediation (11+ hrs is unheard of with family mediation), they reached a tentative agreement. But then her attorney indicated 2 days later that she wanted to go back on the parenting plan agreement (and I don't blame her, I cannot imagine that such a lengthy mediation was fair to either party). So next Sky was reported missing 2-3 days after that. Therefore, the parenting plan agreed to at mediation was never filed with the courts. And the trial had not happened. So legally it would be status quo =SM has no parenting time.

Not sure if I am making sense, but from a legal standpoint, at the time Sky went missing, he had no rights to physical custody, and no parenting plan was filed. Stands to reason that this would not change overnight. Especially in light of a missing child status.

I am glad that CPS is protecting the little girl from ALL family until they start getting some concrete answers, and I happen to agree with only supervised visits with Dad or any family member at this time. Though the reason I am glad is not because I am doubting Pappa, but because I honestly don't think it would be in the girl's best interest in any way. I am glad she is tucked away from the public and the family -and the circus that surrounds this tragedy. I am glad she is safe and protected from it all. And if and when such time comes that she is reunited with her father, and I think it will, I hope they take it slowly and that the girl has a GAL or someone following up on them frequently, and for a long time.
the more I read into julia's and solomon's marriage, the more it reminds me of my parents own marriage. They too are now divorced and though my mother isn't as neglectful and sick as Julia is, she also does have her own problems, she has been abusive to us, her children, in the past and also to my dad when she was still married to him. Like Julia, she was also quite young when she met my dad, and there's a five year age gap between them. I don't find it impossible to believe or imagine that despite Julia being younger and poorer, she was the more dominant and controlling of the two. My mom was also quite poor and was abused as a child compared to my dad who had a more priveleged background, but that didn't stop her from being the dominant one in the relationship. Like Solomon, my mom was also my dad's first real love despite being older than her. I also suspect Solomon is the type to easily be manipulated, be submissive, just like my dad was. he stayed with my mom for 15 years even though she emotionally, mentally, and physically abused him. when julia said she threatened to commit suicide as a way to get attention, it also reminded me of what my mother used to say whenever she didn't get what she wanted from my dad. i don't think solomon is perfect, i think he may have his own issues as well, but i just have a hard time believing julia's claims seeing as she has lied so many times already. i still don't get how an emotionally abusive man would be willing to convert to his victim's religion though, i thought it more likely it would be the other way around, that julia would give up her religion for him as a sign of his control over her.

the lack of news about sky is killing me. i wish and pray that julia hid or gave him away instead of the other possibility. when is the next police update going to be?
At this point for me, its not who did it...its where did she put him. Thats what I am concerned about. It may not be a popular opinion but that is where my head is.

You're not alone. I was telling DH tonight "where the heck are parents putting their children". JB, Lena Lunsford, Deborah Bradley, Jerice Hunter. Their children were not all kidnapped by ninja baby snatcher - I'm convinced of it. So where are they?

As for me, I'm the worst liar on the planet. I can't get away with nuffin without my face and chest turning bright red. If I tried to disappear my son, or my cat for that matter, LE would know about it in 2 seconds.

I really wish I knew where baby Sky is.


I think it's simply bad reporting. It wasn't a "week." He hasn't seen his son in months.

IMHO, it's a poorly written article.

Specifically, according to Julia, she was taking Sky to the hospital because he was not keeping well.

Who says that anymore? Not keeping well?

The article also says Julia was complaining of suicide? Complaining?

I'm gonna toss that article on the trash heap. It's chock full of errors.


IMHO, it's a poorly written article.

Specifically, according to Julia, she was taking Sky to the hospital because he was not keeping well.

Who says that anymore? Not keeping well?

The article also says Julia was complaining of suicide? Complaining?

I'm gonna toss that article on the trash heap. It's chock full of errors.



There is no original reporting in the article; the writer is bringing together info from a lot of different articles.

It's an international business site, not American, so they are using English that might be unfamiliar to you, but it's not really incorrect. English is an international language and there are a lot of regional differences that can make it sound very unfamiliar to an American English speaker.
There is no original reporting in the article; the writer is bringing together info from a lot of different articles.

It's an international business site, not American, so they are using English that might be unfamiliar to you, but it's not really incorrect. English is an international language and there are a lot of regional differences that can make it sound very unfamiliar to an American English speaker.

I figured as much (written in another country). Maybe where Julie or SM are from?


LDTs are often useless on severely mentally ill people because they do have their own versions of reality and they often can't focus long enough to get through the test anyway. That said, Julia has apparently been functioning well enough to have primary custody of two small children. She should be able to take a LDT. Just my opinion.
Wherever Sky is, it is getting less and less likely they are going to find him...but maybe they will. I don't know why they haven't brought Julia in and broken her yet.
(snipperoo)But for now, let's get back to the business at hand - doing anything we can to help find Sky. I'm thinking everyone has taken a look at the pictures that princesspj posted of the search site and the places it was speculated that JB visited?

Is our timeline up to date and are the maps complete?

What can we do now to help find Sky?


I have to say I appreciate this call to action. Although the discussion is very interesting, and it is interesting to me to hear others' opinions and great to learn from others' areas of expertise, I would like to see more sleuthing.

So here is my report: The last couple days, I spent a LONG time checking every single one of JB's [Zuckerburg] friends...checking those with open profiles and public photos and whatever info I see. Mostly I was looking for anyone who seemed out of place or connected to AZ. Thinking if she were seeing anyone from the arrangement site that they may have friended her. Mostly I found church connections and BHS connections. A couple of nannies actually, but not hers. I found a bunch of pics of the 10yr HS reunion from 3 different people (friend, then friends of friends tagged, but the reunion happened when Sky was <1 mth old, there were no signs of her attending -and that didn't surprise me. Overall, I came up empty handed, but not really, cuz it ruled out things too. I found one AZ connection, initials SD, from Pakistan. Cross checking with those on her list, I see nothing nefarious at all. But I tried to find something, which is the important part.

I also started a timeline, but it hasn't really taken off at all. I might be neat to get that going...we all have great knowledge (or at least ya'll do!)
You're not alone. I was telling DH tonight "where the heck are parents putting their children". JB, Lena Lunsford, Deborah Bradley, Jerice Hunter. Their children were not all kidnapped by ninja baby snatcher - I'm convinced of it. So where are they?

As for me, I'm the worst liar on the planet. I can't get away with nuffin without my face and chest turning bright red. If I tried to disappear my son, or my cat for that matter, LE would know about it in 2 seconds.

I really wish I knew where baby Sky is.



Deborah and Jerice and (possibly Julia) didn't have cars. So...the babies can't be that far away. Jerice is a VERY good <modsnip>, and I guess Deborah is as well. Julia is NOT. But...those babies are somewhere. They are probably close by. I bet Jhessye's siblings know where she is and MAYBE Sky's sister knows where he is...
Happy Thanksgiving, you bright clever Websleuthers! Sky and the other missing babies are so lucky to have you as their "guardian angels"!
I am thankful for you all!

Good Night!:turkey:
(snip again) 'm thinking everyone has taken a look at the pictures that princesspj posted of the search site and the places it was speculated that JB visited?

I did look at those, and I have tried to street view the entrances of every QFC, Trader Joe's, PCC Market, gas station and convenience market in the area and either can't get the view, or nothing that matches. I suspect what daycare may have been theirs (There are two on my radar), but no way will I post those names publicly. I can say that if the one is correct, then the route to the hospital would have been WELL known, thus no reason to be on the SW side of 520/405...just my lil sleuthing...
I am confused by this article. http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/254729/20111123/sky-metalwala-mother-s-mental-health-recent.htm

"Apparently, Metalwala had stayed away from his son for a week, before the alleged disappearance." According to the family in another country...

WHAT? What did I miss here? Its written as if he had a choice. What is she telling them?

I'm not caught up yet, but wanted to point out that in the Lisa Irwin case, the IB Times has been proven to NOT be a reliable source.

The writer of this article is a copy writer in India, for an international business publication. She basically reads already published MSM articles and then rehashes them for her pieces. She frequently gets it wrong.


ETA- deleted to correct. There is apparently some confusion about Sky's birthday. It is wrong on the missing poster. SM said it was in Sept and there are newborn pics of Sky in JB's flickr that say "This photo was taken on September 10, 2009 using a Nikon D40X."

Oh I know LE hasn`t ruled out any theories but Solomon has never been looked at as a possible perpetrator by many here on this board.

I realize he`s not the one who left Sky in the car and he hadn`t seen his children in 10 months but custody issues can be brutal.

I`ve always felt an uneasiness when watching him on tv. Gut feeling, I guess.

And no it has nothing to do with his gender nor his nationality.

I think my main problem with SM being a part of it is that I don't believe that SM and JB could ever ever work together to keep something like this quiet. Which means that SM would have to have acted alone. And that means that JB's story about running out of gas must be true and somehow SM took Sky or got something else to.

It just doesn't seem likely to me...

I do think everyone should be looked at, but I scratched him off on day one when I realized he just couldn't fit in anywhere.
ETA- One more thing, in the previous thread I have seen some posters talking about the 9/5 flickr upload and that there were no pics of Sky's birthday. I want to point out that Sky's birthday is October 2nd, NOT Sept. 2nd. I believe he disappeared before his birthday. I believe that LE had Julia's camera and suspects this because what they have found on it.


hambirg- I questioned the birthday issue as well, since on the missing flier it says 10/2, and I can't believe that possible mistake would not have been fixed yet on that flier... but I read from Pappa own words inferring that it was September 2009 when he was blessed with Sky. And I think that is backed up elsewhere as well, and perhaps already hashed over in this forum. It would be nice to know for sure, however. That has been a confusing issue to me as well. But alas, and at the end of the day -there were no holiday/anniversary/special or festive pics of sweet baby boy on HIS special moments posted online by either his mother or his father that I know of...thanks for reading.
Since JB may or may not have had a car during the time Sky disappeared. I thought I would figure out how hard it would have been for her to get from her apartment in Redmond to Watershed Park. Turns out it would have been very easy.

This link will take you to the "plan your trip page" of Seattle Metro. It won't link to my results, but I put in 161st Ave NE, Redmond as the starting point, and Watershed park as the destination. I used 4pm as the time I wanted to leave for no particular reason. . . :crazy:


This is what I got:

Walk 0.1 mile W from 161ST AVE NE & REDMOND WAY to Depart
Redmond Way & 160th Ave Ne At 04:20 PM

Arrive Kirkland Transit Center Bay 1 At 04:34 PM
Transfer to Depart Kirkland Transit Center Bay 3 At 04:46 PM On Route MT 255 DOWNTOWN SEATTLE

Arrive 108th Ave Ne & Ne 45th St At 04:52 PM
Walk 0.2 mile E to WATERSHED PARK



There were also two other alternatives, but this was the one with the least walking involved.
hambirg- I questioned the birthday issue as well, since on the missing flier it says 10/2, and I can't believe that possible mistake would not have been fixed yet on that flier... but I read from Pappa own words inferring that it was September 2009 when he was blessed with Sky. And I think that is backed up elsewhere as well, and perhaps already hashed over in this forum. It would be nice to know for sure, however. That has been a confusing issue to me as well. But alas, and at the end of the day -there were no holiday/anniversary/special or festive pics of sweet baby boy on HIS special moments posted online by either his mother or his father that I know of...thanks for reading.

Thank you! I corrected my post. There are flikr pics that back up the Sept birthday. And yes, regardless of the date, it obviously wasn't celebrated. :(
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