WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - #19

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Is it possible to start Sky's Law? So that a parent/guardian can't hide behind their 5th Amendment right when a defenseless babies life is at stake? I understand our Constitutional rights, but there has to be an exception when a defenseless baby is missing.

It's been 1.5 years since Sky disappeared ... err was disappeared.... is she still too distraught to speak to LE about the welfare of her precious baby boy? Enough with the stupid excuses. Sky needs to be found!!!
Is it possible to start Sky's Law? So that a parent/guardian can't hide behind their 5th Amendment right when a defenseless babies life is at stake? I understand our Constitutional rights, but there has to be an exception when a defenseless baby is missing.

It's been 1.5 years since Sky disappeared ... err was disappeared.... is she still too distraught to speak to LE about the welfare of her precious baby boy? Enough with the stupid excuses. Sky needs to be found!!!

Is this kind of what you're thinking Bree?


Fifth Amendment-Preventing An
Abusive Parent From Hiding
Behind The Self-Incrimination

I'll keep looking....this may be a place to start.
I have never posted in this forum before but I have followed it for quite some time. I just want to remark on how extraordinary your care for Sky is. The love you all have shown for this child is powerful. It's truly a beautiful thing.
A new and improved Craigslist posting in response to the ad Julia posted a while back.

Hi Julia Biryukova!

I just saw your ad here http://seattle.craigslist.org/est/com/3695991238.html on craigslist. You are "heartbrokenly single"??? What about being heartbroken about what you did to your son Sky Metalwala??? You're still complaining about being single?? I guess the seekingarrangement.com site didn't work out for you. You should be careful when posting ads on Craigslist looking to exchange "favors" for pay or housing. Plus, it is just tacky and illegal in most states. Have you considered moving to Nevada instead? I think there is work for you there.

If you tell us what you did to your son Sky Metalwala and you can get free room and board for the rest of your life. No work is even required.

I hope that you let any of your prospective employers know that you shouldn't work around children since you lost custody of your little girl who almost starved to death while in your care.

You also had a son who no one can find after you gave the police a story that has been proven to be one lie after another. What did you do with him? Did you kill him and then throw him in the garbage?? Did you shove him down the garbage chute at your apartment where a cadaver dog picked up his scent? Why? What did he do that was so bad? Why didn't you love him enough to do the right thing for him? At the very least, he should be allowed to have a proper burial if you murdered him. Where is he?

Shame on your for trying to go on with your life as if nothing ever happened.

Where is Sky????


Next time, screen shot before she can remove it, plz :)
I remember hearing about Sky's case at the onset and followed it pretty sporadically and not too thoroughly. I think I know the gist but for those who know all the details ....did LE print the car? I'm assuming there is nothing like a print or anything point to anyone except mom, correct? Because he either wandered out of the car or someone took him out and aat his age, getting out of his carseat and out of the car is pretty much an impossibility. So someone removed him. Does mom say someone must have taken him or he climbed out on his own? TIA for those who know and sorry I had to ask.
At the time Sky disappeared I was heavily immersed in Baby Lisa case so I could not switch gears as fully as I should have. I'm sorry baby Sky :(
Well, in my opinion, he wasn't in that car to begin with. She claims that she had to stop, and go walk to a gas station because the car wasn't working/run out of gas. Police say that the car still had gas and was working. So why would she need to stop at all? How does that add up in any way, shape or form?
Well, in my opinion, he wasn't in that car to begin with. She claims that she had to stop, and go walk to a gas station because the car wasn't working/run out of gas. Police say that the car still had gas and was working. So why would she need to stop at all? How does that add up in any way, shape or form?

Ah,, Ok ! Tks. I haven't read enough. I knew only the basics I guess.
So working theory is that something happened to him prior to that car
ride? :( What a gorgeous little face !
Next time, screen shot before she can remove it, plz :)

Do you mean you want to see a screen shot of the ad that she posted? We got one before she removed it and posted it upthread. Here it is again so you don't have to search for it...and to bump Sky's thread up to the top.


Is this kind of what you're thinking Bree?


Fifth Amendment-Preventing An
Abusive Parent From Hiding
Behind The Self-Incrimination

I'll keep looking....this may be a place to start.

Yes! Something has to be done to better protect these children. Julia goes on with life as normal while Sky is ... WHERE? :furious:

From the link above:
"In Baltimore City Department of Social Services v. Bouknighht,1 the United States Supreme Court held that the self-incrimination privilege of the fifth amendment2 does not protect a custodian from refusing to produce his or her child pursuant to a court order.


Finally, this Note concludes that by failing to stress that the rights of an abused child may outweigh the rights of the abuser facing possible criminal charges, the Court has failed to make a strong statement against child abuse and thereby better protect abused children in the United States."

Well, in my opinion, he wasn't in that car to begin with. She claims that she had to stop, and go walk to a gas station because the car wasn't working/run out of gas. Police say that the car still had gas and was working. So why would she need to stop at all? How does that add up in any way, shape or form?

I don't believe he was in the car either. I think he went down the garbage chute. That makes me want to :puke: to think about it.

To answer your questions:

So why would she need to stop at all?
She didn't need to stop, but she had to put a plan into motion. It wouldn't be long before she would have to show Sky and his older sister (Julia's favorite child). Mediation had just ended so she had to do something .... thus concocting his disappearance.

How does that add up in any way, shape or form?
It doesn't!!!
OH WOW , what a loser. Thanks so much ! :)

Oops to Princesspjs for the cl ads :)
:great: great reply PPJ!

This case infuriates me like no other!! WTH Julia!! Give us Sky back!! How dare you try to move on with your life, while your son is missing! Your Own flesh and blood!
Julia doesn't strike me as particularly cunning or intelligent, so how can she have gotten rid of Sky without a trace?!
One day closer. Lots of people looking for you, Sky and seeking justice. I believe strongly you will have it one day. We love you.
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