WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 4

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You know also if he was sick she may have tried treating him with homeopathic remedies first then tried OTC medication and the combination of the two was deadly.

There are so many drug interactions with homeopathic remedies and none of them very well studied.
I'm beginning to wonder if maybe was in fact deceased prior to the 11 hour mediation.

Perhaps that's the reason it took so long because Julia was adamant on SM not being able to see Sky (because he is deceased) and after 11 hours she finally just gave up with the full intention on calling the next day to say she "felt pressured" and cancelling everything.

this would give Julia two weeks to put Sky almost anywhere.


I've considered that, but thought then why did she atttempt to negotiate at all during mediation and for 11 hours? Early MSM articles indicated dad agreed to Saturdays? (or one of the weekend days) from 10am until 6 pm and for a certain amount of time on Wednesdays. The agreement was supposed to be no overnights for 2 months and then after 2 mo's EOW. If Sky was already deceased prior to the 11 hour mediation session, I don't believe she would have caved in and agreed to the 2 mo time period, even verbally before an order was signed by a judge.

I wonder if she travelled with her cell phone between the end of the 11 hour mediation session and the time she left Sunday morning. Perhaps she did and pings might be able to be found that way, but then again, maybe any travelling she did was without her cell. It would be interesting to see if the cell pinged only from the nearest tower to her apartment between the end of the 11 hour mediation session and the time she reportedly left her home Sunday to take the child to the hospital.

It will also be interesting if there is any survellience at the apartment complex, particularly in the parking area/garage indicating whether or not her car left.....

I think LE has a lot to review to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

Bouncing off my own post...

As a mental health professional and as someone who has suffered from debilitating anxiety coupled with depression in the past, I can tell you that there are many homeopathic/holistic practitioners who do not believe that medication is necessary for mental illness. We have a homeopathic pediatrician (who is also an MD) and she is very well balanced in her approach. However, I have seen others try to tell me to stop taking Prozac when I was taking it years ago, telling me to take vitamins and exercise. I ignored them because - while exercise and vitamins may help in the long run - I had a child to take care of and needed to get out of the bed every day. THAT was my first priority and the quickest way there was the one I chose.

The reason I'm saying this is - I wonder if the mom saw some holistic folks herself (or just did some reading or whatever) and was convinced that she didn't need her own meds? I'm not saying that holistic methods aren't helpful or that all holistic-type of practitioners would recommend that course of action. But I do know that they are out there.

Just a thought as I was wondering about what could have contributed to a possible breakdown and let her slide down a slippery slope. MOO

Could be. I am one of those holistic people (or almost). I suffered from agoraphobia, extreme panic disorder, anxiety disorders and at least one major phobia (flying), off an on in different forms for most of my life, as far back as age 3 or 4 to some degree. I was given a tricyclic anti-depressant as a teen which did not work at all, but I have steadfastly avoided the Prozac class meds due to fear, basically.

I now live a calm, happy and full life, can go anywhere, can fly, etc., almost 100% via holistic means. The only medication I ever take is Xanax, in low doses, when I fly or in other limited circumstances, very infrequently.

But as I have learned, and from some holistic practitioners as well, you do whatever is necessary to avoid anxiety and panic, including medications at times, because the key to beating the disorder is to experience as many anxiety-free hours as possible. Medications are very necessary for some people to be able to function, at least in the short term. Some people do require them for life. And anyone advocating that a person stop all meds no matter what, is preaching something that could be very dangerous.

My feeling is that it is more likely that Julia, if obsessive about holistic medicine, may have decided for herself that medication was poison and that she needed to avoid it immediately. That could have ridiculously dire consequences. Not only could the lack of medication cause a person with mental illness to be incapable of functioning, a rapid halt in such medications, with no weaning, can cause psychosis. Scary thought but I'll believe anything about this case at this point.
further yet... I thought to myself... was M*** taken into the target that day? If so why is she always taken with and Sky left behind in a car?

I would like to hear a reporter ask this question (if M*** was with her parents in target that day..... as she would have been around Sky's current age now)

Right! What is worse for me is that BOTH parents thought leaving the baby in the car at Target was acceptable. Did these two have a lick of sense between them? YIKES!
Would LE search landfills and not tell the public?
Would they bring in cadaver dogs and not tell us?
Would they search local water with sonar and not tell us?
Would they Lie to the media about any of the 3 above if they were asked?
Thanks to all who transcribed!!!!!!!
they searched exhaustively around the car and could find no trace of him.... ground zero currently seems to be around redmond. It is a shame that LE has to work thru an attorney and at arms length from mom and her fantastical story...

I am sure if they get a lead or information that indicates a need for an actual search they will do that... LE is seriously dealing with multiple cans of worms in finding this child imhoo.. :twocents:

The last I heard is they brought in scent dogs. What about cadaver dogs? Have they been used in this case? I haven't heard if they did or not.

What about the home? Have they searched there extensively? Landfills, dumpsters, rivers, ponds? I know it sounds easier said than done and I'm not criticizing them. I just want to understand why? It's only been a week.

Do they still believe he's alive and someone has him?
You know also if he was sick she may have tried treating him with homeopathic remedies first then tried OTC medication and the combination of the two was deadly.

There are so many drug interactions with homeopathic remedies and none of them very well studied.

I am wondering why Miss Homeopathic Organic mama would use drugs to get her child to sleep. I am not organic or homeopathic. I get my kids all of their shots and take them to the doctor when need be and put them on the meds they tell me to for the length of time they tell me to. But I try to keep drugs to a minimum and would never drug my kids for sleep purposes.
When he said that, i thought the same thing PLUS when stating that he thinks he's still local means that something is leaning toward that theory... I think LE is forming their opinions about what is really going on...

What's even scarier is mom almost certainly knows LE has called off further searches, yet her level of cooperation has not changed and she has since hired a new criminal atty (news broke this am).

This isn't going to end well. :(
Would LE search landfills and not tell the public?
Would they bring in cadaver dogs and not tell us?
Would they search local water with sonar and not tell us?
Would they Lie to the media about any of the 3 above if they were asked?

I don't know how it is in WA, but here they can keep whatever they want a secret as long as it is revolving around an investigation.
I believe that HRD dogs were used around the car and around the apartment. I also believe LE is still quietly searching. Oriah and Sarx both have said that just because they aren't announcing or talking about searches doesn't mean they did not do them or they are not being done.

Sadly, at this point, I think they are just trying to find his little body. :(
I am wondering why Miss Homeopathic Organic mama would use drugs to get her child to sleep. I am not organic or homeopathic. I get my kids all of their shots and take them to the doctor when need be and put them on the meds they tell me to for the length of time they tell me to. But I try to keep drugs to a minimum and would never drug my kids for sleep purposes.

Yeah but you probably would NOT leave your 2 year old in an unlocked car along the road either!

It just does not make ANY sense!
What's even scarier is mom almost certainly knows LE has called off further searches, yet her level of cooperation has not changed and she has since hired a new criminal atty (news broke this am).

This isn't going to end well. :(

Are you saying that the mom has gone through one attorney already?

As in they were fired or even quit?

The last I heard is they brought in scent dogs. What about cadaver dogs? Have they been used in this case? I haven't heard if they did or not.

What about the home? Have they searched there extensively? Landfills, dumpsters, rivers, ponds? I know it sounds easier said than done and I'm not criticizing them. I just want to understand why? It's only been a week.

Do they still believe he's alive and someone has him?

They have searched the home and still hold it, they are taking care of Julia's living arrangements. They have NOT used cadaver dogs at the house, just search and rescue dog's.
They searched the trash at the apartment building but denied searching landfills and does not have enough info to search them yet..
(yesterday afternoon presser)
I believe that HRD dogs were used around the car and around the apartment. I also believe LE is still quietly searching. Oriah and Sarx both have said that just because they aren't announcing or talking about searches doesn't mean they did not do them or they are not being done.

Sadly, at this point, I think they are just trying to find his little body. :(

I agree. During the morning press conference yesterday he said he did not know about cadaver dogs.

Then later in the afternoon made a point to say they used SAR dogs. ?
I honestly don't understand the no additional searches. It hasn't even been a week.

Where to search, though? It's a big state with lots of water, rain forest and endless possibilities. When they say they have nothing to suggest he isn't in the area of the apartment or car, I think they mean they have nothing to suggest he left the area of the apartment or the car, alive.

Maybe they pulled some security camera footage from the place where she lives and saw that she left with M and a blanket and no Sky. If that were the case, and no one has seen the child in 2 weeks and security camera footage proves the same, then maybe they just don't want to waste resources on a wild goose chase.

The fact that they have no more searches planned is very telling, IMO.

I was going to post the very same thing! I bet they confronted her with apartment security footage showing M being taken out on the day of mediation, but not Sky. She may have admitted to leaving him unattended during the mediation and taking M to a sitter.

And when they say they believe those close to Sky have info, possibly that info they are not divulging is that Julia, when asked why they were watching M and not Sky, stated he was with a different, non-existent sitter. That would be a major clue.

I'm beginning to wonder if maybe Sky was in fact deceased prior to the 11 hour mediation.

Perhaps that's the reason it took so long because Julia was adamant on SM not being able to see Sky (because he is deceased) and after 11 hours she finally just gave up with the full intention on calling the next day to say she "felt pressured" and cancelling everything.

this would give Julia two weeks to put Sky almost anywhere.


I think it is a definite possibility. She would have had to go to mediation even if she knew Sky was dead because what was she going to do, say "Sorry, there's no point now. I killed one of the kids."? Going to court-ordered mediation would give her more time to come up with some kind of scenario that would allow her to explain away Sky's absence.
Yeah but you probably would NOT leave your 2 year old in an unlocked car along the road either!

It just does not make ANY sense!

Not even to run back into the house and grab something. If we forgot it and we can leave without it, we leave without it. If we can't leave without it, all three kids get back out of the car and come in with me. Pain in the butt, but easier than burying one of my kids.

I had it out with grandma (not my mom) for leaving my boys in the car while she went in to the gas station to pay for gas. She thought it was okay because she left them with her 19 year old daughter who has downs syndrome (high functioning). I flipped and told her that if it happened again I would call CPS on her myself. I was the same age as Adam Walsh and my mom put the fear of God in us. I don't remember much from being that age, but I do remember when he went missing...and when they found him. No way!

I don't know. I am going to keep checking back, but I have to get some school work done before my grade start dropping. Good work everyone! Thanks for keeping me up to date!
I believe that HRD dogs were used around the car and around the apartment. I also believe LE is still quietly searching. Oriah and Sarx both have said that just because they aren't announcing or talking about searches doesn't mean they did not do them or they are not being done.

Sadly, at this point, I think they are just trying to find his little body. :(

I feel the same. For some strange reason I also feel they are close....w/o her help. I hope.
Are you saying that the mom has gone through one attorney already?

As in they were fired or even quit?


Her first attorney was her family law attorney. I am a family law attorney, not criminal so if a client needed a criminal defense I would refer them out for that. I think that's what happened here.

Would LE search landfills and not tell the public?
Would they bring in cadaver dogs and not tell us?
Would they search local water with sonar and not tell us?
Would they Lie to the media about any of the 3 above if they were asked?

I think they would. Why not? They probably have profilers assisting them and want to keep mom in the dark.
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