WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 5

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Everytime I consider this possibility, I go back to it making no sense one child would be skirted out of the country without the other. It just doesn't fit.


I thought about that but what if she is so obsessed with her daughter she didn't want to be without her at all? And if she figured that two missing children would be harder to explain then one?
Maybe she thought that once the dust settled, after everyone bought her ridiculous story about Sky disappearing from the car, that when no one was paying attention any more, her and her daughter could just happen to go visit her father or whoever she sent the child with, and no one would figure it out.
To me, SM just seems like he does not believe that his son is missing. He is in denial. He believes his son is coming home. And his attitude reflects that. Focusing on anything other than that, and he would fall apart. IMO.
I thought about that but what if she is so obsessed with her daughter she didn't want to be without her at all? And if she figured that two missing children would be harder to explain then one?
Maybe she thought that once the dust settled, after everyone bought her ridiculous story about Sky disappearing from the car, that when no one was paying attention any more, her and her daughter could just happen to go visit her father or whoever she sent the child with, and no one would figure it out.

I hadn't considered that, it's plausible if her father lived abroad full time or if her family had been planning (for some time) on securing a place for the male child oversea's. If grandpa doesn't live there full time, I'm sure they still have long time family and friends.

It makes it even more plausible, imo, that there has been NO comment whatsoever, no plea, zero.nada.nothin', from mom or the extended maternal family. Hmmm...

I know it is not easy to kidnap children internationally, and laws exist to prevent such occurances, but it happens and often.

ETA: It makes even more sense, imo with moms apparent lack of interest in the son and hatred of the childs father. Kind of an I don't want him, but I don't you to have him either. IMO.

To me, SM just seems like he does not believe that his son is missing. He is in denial. He believes his son is coming home. And his attitude reflects that. Focusing on anything other than that, and he would fall apart. IMO.


If SM is in denial that Sky is missing, then it begs the question of what else SM has been in denial of with regard to Julia & his children. At this point, I'm more supportive than ever of the Judge's ruling denying SM custody of his daughter.

It's a fact that his son is missing, unless he isn't & SM knows he isn't.
I really don't think it's unusual for a parent of a missing child to hold to hope. I do agree, the guy appears to be thinking his son is alive. I don't think there is anything wrong with that at all. Hope dies last.
Now I find myself wondering what if any ties the maternal family would have to obtain a passport and visa without the fathers knowledge and possibly under a different name?

That would also depend on when the maternal grandfather left for the Ukrain and/or if anyone had recently visited the maternal family from the Ukrain. IOW, if grandpa was already overseas, did anyone come to visit anyone else in the maternal family recently? Anyone fly into town about the time of mediation and then leave about the time Sky was reported missing?

I think it's a long shot, but LE did state in the presser they have ruled nothing out. Even though they believe he is still in Washington.
I don't think she is hiding the live child. For one, she had full custody, father only got visitation. Now that the boy is missing she lost custody of her daughter. She certainly seemed to be attached to the daughter. Why hide one child and not the other? Makes no sense to me, especially considering she had custody of both children and now she got none.
Now I find myself wondering what if any ties the maternal family would have to obtain a passport and visa without the fathers knowledge and possibly under a different name?

That would also depend on when the maternal grandfather left for the Ukrain and/or if anyone had recently visited the maternal family from the Ukrain. IOW, if grandpa was already overseas, did anyone come to visit anyone else in the maternal family recently? Anyone fly into town about the time of mediation and then leave about the time Sky was reported missing?

I think it's a long shot, but LE did state in the presser they have ruled nothing out. Even though they believe he is still in Washington.

My daughter's biodad has absolutely nothing to do with her for all but 4 hours a year. He visits for 2 hours at her birthday and 2 hours on Christmas Eve. He refuses to provide me or her doctors with a family medical history, despite her having serious, life threatening medical problems and refuses to comply with the court order regarding her medical bills. We have never officially established custody because my attorney says that we are better off leaving things as they are, but because his name is on the birth certificate, I CANNOT obtain a passport without a court signing off on it. I have not attempted to get the court to do so because we were just going to go on a little vacation with a friend and it wasn't worth all of the hassle but I would have to assume, from my experiences that if they got him out of the country, if was not done with a legit passport. Only an assumption, so take it for what it is worth, but it was my experience that it was not possible without dad's signature or court action. There was no custody battle and he didn't say that he didn't want me to take her. He just wouldn't show up for the meeting to sign the papers because he had better things to do and it was no go for us.

ETA: I wonder if someone could get Sky out by visiting with their own child and then taking sky back with their passport and then coming abck for their own child. Since we never made it out, I have no clue.

If SM is in denial that Sky is missing, then it begs the question of what else SM has been in denial of with regard to Julia & his children. At this point, I'm more supportive than ever of the Judge's ruling denying SM custody of his daughter.

It's a fact that his son is missing, unless he isn't & SM knows he isn't.

Regardless of whether or not it is a fact, denial is part of grieving. Everyone deals with grief, pain, the unknown, loss, etc. in different ways.

When someone dies, a family member may be in denial that they are gone. Even when they know they are. Some may sink into depression, while others may act like nothing at all has happened.

Behavior can be very telling. But it can also mean a great deal of nothing. And I hate to judge these cases on someone's behavior, which we only see small snippets of.
Haven't seen this one. Might have missed it.

Police: Missing Bellevue Boy May Be Dead

A police spokesman says a missing 2-year-old boy could be dead as the search in Washington state for Sky Metalwala stretches into its sixth day.


From the same link:

Maj. Mike Johnson said investigators have ruled nothing out. However he added there's a real possibility that Sky is no longer alive, considering how long it has been since he was first reported

My gut tells me that's what they may be awaiting confirmation of by way of the swabs taken from the apartment. LE used the words DNA, but I got the distinct impression they were sharing a tiny portion of what they were doing with those samples. I can't put it into words, but they are clearly, imo, forensically testing samples from the apartment for maybe something like death fluids? Maybe vomit from something he ingested? LE has not released the apartment back to mom yet either.

I'm really at about 98% something terrible happened on moms time and 2% on holding onto hope she has him hidden.

Yet another baby missing and LE can't do a thing about it. These baby killers know time is on their side. Just lawyer up right away and wait it out.

If SM is in denial that Sky is missing, then it begs the question of what else SM has been in denial of with regard to Julia & his children. At this point, I'm more supportive than ever of the Judge's ruling denying SM custody of his daughter.It's a fact that his son is missing, unless he isn't & SM knows he isn't.

If he had been granted custody all along his boy wouldn't be missing.
I've never seen a parent of a missing child exude ecstasy, until now.

I've seen parents of missing children express fear, anger, distress, desperation, sorrow, etc., but I've never seen euphoria, until now. I'm totally blown away.


After watching this video, I'm feeling more than a little disturbed @ SM's demeanor.

I kinda, sorta thought his behavior was a little "off", too.:waitasec:

While I'm all for the power of positive thinking, I felt as though he just has not fully grasped the seriousness of the situation. And (again), while I think it's a positive attitude, he (iMo) was slightly over enthusiastic with saying how fabulous it is to live in his community/state/USA. Nothing wrong with voicing those feelings, it just seemed odd (to ME) under the circumstances.

I also noticed he isn't up to speed with the technology of today (neither am I, so that's not a judgment); he seemed elated that a friend of his in England was getting the word out concerning his son, via "tweets", but clearly had no idea what that meant. Do we know how long Skye's father has lived in the United States? I may be totally off in left field, but he gave me the impression that he had difficulty understanding common slang phrases, though I can't provide an example other than the totality of the interview.

It's entirely possible this father has convinced himself that there WILL be a positive outcome and Skye will soon be back with his family......but his emotions also seemed to lack a deep appreciation for the seriousness of this situation and that's why (iMo) I walked away feeling a bit weird over his reactions/responses in this interview. At the very least, one would think he'd hold a tiny bit of animosity toward JB for:
1) leaving THEIR 2yr old child in a car, and leaving it UNLOCKED, to boot.
2) not appearing too concerned with assisting LE, lie detector tests, etc
3) learning via media (even if turns out not to be true? which I doubt, but y'all kwim) that mom has left both munchkins alone, without proper supervision from an adult.

I don't think anyone would be shocked if his jaw tightened when reporters asked what he thought about his wife's actions, even if he then said, "I just want to focus on my son and not her at this time". Smiling and side-stepping the question also seems odd, to ME.:waitasec:

Then again, leaving one's child in an unlocked car to search for gasoline your car didn't need is ALSO rather odd!:banghead:
My daughter's biodad has absolutely nothing to do with her for all but 4 hours a year. He visits for 2 hours at her birthday and 2 hours on Christmas Eve. He refuses to provide me or her doctors with a family medical history, despite her having serious, life threatening medical problems and refuses to comply with the court order regarding her medical bills. We have never officially established custody because my attorney says that we are better off leaving things as they are, but because his name is on the birth certificate, I CANNOT obtain a passport without a court signing off on it. I have not attempted to get the court to do so because we were just going to go on a little vacation with a friend and it wasn't worth all of the hassle but I would have to assume, from my experiences that if they got him out of the country, if was not done with a legit passport. Only an assumption, so take it for what it is worth, but it was my experience that it was not possible without dad's signature or court action. There was no custody battle and he didn't say that he didn't want me to take her. He just wouldn't show up for the meeting to sign the papers because he had better things to do and it was no go for us.

ETA: I wonder if someone could get Sky out by visiting with their own child and then taking sky back with their passport and then coming abck for their own child. Since we never made it out, I have no clue.

I think it honestly depends on whether the parents were ever married or not on how easy it might be to get a child out of the country. For never married parents, unless the father signs a voluntary ack. of paternity immediately a birth certificate will be issued with no fathers name. That's how I was able to fly with my son to Vancouver without his dads permission. (and no, I would never flee with him.)

There's no dual citizenship for Ukranian citizens or descendents is there? I don't much about that, but know it exists in some countries if the parents have dual citizenships, even if the child is born in the US.

Fake documents is also another possibility.

However, in reality, I do it's a stretch.
I thought about that but what if she is so obsessed with her daughter she didn't want to be without her at all? And if she figured that two missing children would be harder to explain then one?
Maybe she thought that once the dust settled, after everyone bought her ridiculous story about Sky disappearing from the car, that when no one was paying attention any more, her and her daughter could just happen to go visit her father or whoever she sent the child with, and no one would figure it out.

My "theory" is a little different. I think it is a miracle that the girl is not also missing.
Was Sky even in the car that morning?

Thinking out loud.here.....maybe mom strategically placed a blanket over car seat making it look like Sky is sleeping and covered up...tells daughter we are taking Sky to see Dr. - he's sick, and he's in the car already - let's go we have to hurry.

Does daughter ride in front seat or back??

Still cannot wrap my brain around a mom leaving a child in the car after 'running out of gas".

Also - her car - back seat doesn't seem to be highly visible to a passerby - not like you would see a baby in the back seat when driving past it. ??
I think it honestly depends on whether the parents were ever married or not on how easy it might be to get a child out of the country. For never married parents, unless the father signs a voluntary ack. of paternity immediately a birth certificate will be issued with no fathers name. That's how I was able to fly with my son to Vancouver without his dads permission. (and no, I would never flee with him.)

There's no dual citizenship for Ukranian citizens or descendents is there? I don't much about that, but know it exists in some countries if the parents have dual citizenships, even if the child is born in the US.

Fake documents is also another possibility.

However, in reality, I do it's a stretch.

I don't know. Livy's dad and I were never married and he refused to sign the acknowledgment of paternity, claiming that he "knew she was [his], just look at her! [He was] just stalling" and forced me to take him for a DNA test. In the Commonwealth of VA, a father has to pay child support from the day the mother files, unless he requests a DNA test. If he does so and the child is determined to be his, he is still not responsible for back child support and only becomes responsible once they get him into court. He got 3 continuances and 2 appeals.
Was Sky even in the car that morning?

Thinking out loud.here.....maybe mom strategically placed a blanket over car seat making it look like Sky is sleeping and covered up...tells daughter we are taking Sky to see Dr. - he's sick, and he's in the car already - let's go we have to hurry.

Does daughter ride in front seat or back??

Still cannot wrap my brain around a mom leaving a child in the car after 'running out of gas".

Also - her car - back seat doesn't seem to be highly visible to a passerby - not like you would see a baby in the back seat when driving past it. ??

I have not thought he was in the car since day one. Daughter rides in the back seat.
I'm still stuck on "dad" leaving Sky in the SUV for at least 55 mins when he was supposed to be sleeping while he and "mom" went shopping. I feel bad for "dad" but I definately do not feel that he deserves custody of their children. This appears to be one of those lessor of two evils situations and IMO both children deserved so much more.

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