WA - Unidentified Male: "Lyle Stevik", Grays Harbor, 17 Sept 2001 - #5

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I've looked in NY, NJ and CT so far.
PA is a good place to look.
Off topic, I have never seen ears attached like that.

FWIW, I am one quarter Slovak and have attached earlobes. I am also in Cleveland area where we actually have a section of town referred to as "Slovak Village". FWIW though, I don't think he is Slovak.
FYI, someone can probably research it but most of us Slovaks or at least the ones I know, are very short. I think Lyle was over 6 foot IIRC
FWIW, I am one quarter Slovak and have attached earlobes. I am also in Cleveland area where we actually have a section of town referred to as "Slovak Village". FWIW though, I don't think he is Slovak.

I need to correct myself. It is "Slavik Village".
Thanks for the warm welcome and reactions! I was a little nervous about posting.

I agree that so many people are interested in this case and doing their own little research. It is encouraging and it makes me hopeful we will some day ID him. I'm sure there are also many people who (like me until yesterday) are trying to solve this case without posting here or on reddit. Lyle has so many people intrigued and determined. I just hope if we ever work this out it will be worth it and people that knew him will get some peace. I'd hate the thought of ID'ing him and coming to the conclusion that it would've been better if he we had left it alone.

It's interesting that we haven't been able to narrow it down to anything though. There are so many different theories and opinions out there and most of them make a lot of sense too. I personally will stick to my Balkan theory/connection for a while, simply because that's what caught my eye and made me think, but I agree that at the end of the day his background could be so different or maybe even one that validates all of our theories. In some ways it feels as if identifying him is closer than ever, in other ways it feels like we're so far away. The isotopes results were a huge step in the right direction though! I noticed the Norwegian connection with the name Stevik (a place in Norway, but also the country where the name Stevik is most common compared to any other country). I don't know where I stand on his name and what it could be connected to or it if could be his real one. I do by now think he was someone who was never reported missing for whatever reason and that all of us determined to give him his name really have our work cut out. It's been long enough to know it won't be easy.

There have to be people out there who knew him though. I really do believe one of you lovely people will be able to give him his name back (or perhaps confirm his name). Let's keep looking!

I'm sure there's someone out there that knew him, it's just a matter of finding that person or people thru social media. He has a lot of people fighting to get his identity back so he can rest in peace. I feel his soul is stuck in limbo.

For me personally his nose is another thing that points me in the Balkan direction. I've noticed that a lot of men from Balkan countries have a slightly crooked nose (bridge) like Lyle's. A previously broken nose makes sense, probably more than my theory, but it's just another small thing that makes me want to keep looking into the Balkan background. The 'look' I'm talking about includes the sharp jaw, cheekbones, full lips, thick eyebrows, slightly crooked nose and things like that. To be fair it's also a look I've seen in Italian men, but for some reason I feel compelled to stick with the Balkan background for now. I do agree that him being a boxer could explain the traveling and/or the hands. I unfortunately have no idea about what would or would not show up/be looked at in an autopsy.

Ugh, I feel like I'm generalizing so much. I do think people from certain places have a certain 'look' sometimes though.

What people on Reddit have been trying to do is match his characteristics such as his body hair with various nationalities.
"Lyle" has quite a unique amalgam of features, IMHO.
I went looking through NamUs and Doe just to see what was out there. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't see too many men with all these characteristics. Some would have the chin but not the height. Or the eye color would be wrong or they'd have dangling earlobes, or they nose would be different. Here is the only one I found who embodied every thing but height and eyes, and I don't think he resembles "Lyle" at all.
Stovan Fletcher
I couldn't find him in NamUs
I found him on Doe Network and a few other places:
ETA: picture wouldn't attach
"Lyle" has quite a unique amalgam of features, IMHO.
I went looking through NamUs and Doe just to see what was out there. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't see too many men with all these characteristics. Some would have the chin but not the height. Or the eye color would be wrong or they'd have dangling earlobes, or they nose would be different. Here is the only one I found who embodied every thing but height and eyes, and I don't think he resembles "Lyle" at all.
Stovan Fletcher
I couldn't find him in NamUs
I found him on Doe Network and a few other places:
ETA: picture wouldn't attach

See what you mean, close- but no cigar..

Stovan Fletcher
See what you mean, close- but no cigar..


Stovan Fletcher

Exactly, dot! Thanks for posting the picture. My pc wasn't cooperating. Wonder why he's not in NamUs. He's a handsome feller.
Just back from a canoe trip in Canada. I noticed a LOT of Cree/Ojibway men who had that same general look--big square chin, strong bone structure, tall, good looking--and same general coloring.

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Just back from a canoe trip in Canada. I noticed a LOT of Cree/Ojibway men who had that same general look--big square chin, strong bone structure, tall, good looking--and same general coloring. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Did you get a good look at their ears? LOL!
The possibilities really are endless, aren't they? He has features that a lot of people from a lot of different places have. I guess it's good some people are focused on different places though and look into them. Question: I guess I read on Reddit or somewhere that the isotopes were only analyzed for North America and if it turns out he was born/raised in Europe or elsewhere that wouldn't show up? Does anyone know if that is true? I've read the isotopes results (most of it), but English is not my first language and reports like that aren't the easiest for me to read. Did I miss that part? Just to know if looking into missing people from Europe (born and/or raised) would make sense or not.
Just back from a canoe trip in Canada. I noticed a LOT of Cree/Ojibway men who had that same general look--big square chin, strong bone structure, tall, good looking--and same general coloring.

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Well now, looks like I'm off to Canada!
Thanks Carbuff.

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That's my old blog (but no longer active). I used to post a lot about Lyle on it when I was actively blogging, and I had taken a screenshot from his NAMUS profile in its early days, before they completely overhauled (IMO) the database.

Did you save any other dental charts by chance? Just curious what you have.
The possibilities really are endless, aren't they? He has features that a lot of people from a lot of different places have. I guess it's good some people are focused on different places though and look into them. Question: I guess I read on Reddit or somewhere that the isotopes were only analyzed for North America and if it turns out he was born/raised in Europe or elsewhere that wouldn't show up? Does anyone know if that is true? I've read the isotopes results (most of it), but English is not my first language and reports like that aren't the easiest for me to read. Did I miss that part? Just to know if looking into missing people from Europe (born and/or raised) would make sense or not.

The analysis of Lyle's hair and whatever other samples they use would be complete. It indicates the presence of certain chemicals that would have been ingested from the environment during his life. That chemical "signature" doesn't change, and it can be compared to the chemical profile of the water in any given area.

They also have maps of the chemical profiles of the water in many areas.

So what they're saying is they compared his isotope signature to the known profiles of water around North America. (Most of the cases I've followed only compare to the US map.) That means he might be from Europe; they can't say either way because they didn't check.

If they want to compare his chemical profile to maps from Europe or other areas, I'm pretty sure they don't have to repeat the testing, they just do the new comparison. But I'm not one hundred per cent positive on that.
Cool link and video.

Transcript: Role of the Isotope Analyst

Dr. Lynne Bell: My role in forensic anthropology is very much hinged around place and environment. I am very interested in looking at people's life history. So that means: where did these people come from? Where did they spend their time? Did they live in multiple locations? One of the key applications in forensics and one of the key questions is, not just who is this person (which is really important), but where did this person come from? In Vancouver for instance we have a lot of cold cases. We also have a lot of migrants coming in and so it's possible that we're going to have situations where a missing person report will not match to a local area and you have to look elsewhere. A lot of my research is geared towards trying to figure out from the human tissues we're left with, can we deduce where this person lived?

Transcript: Facial Reconstruction (drawing)

Two- dimensional approximations involve sketching the facial features on an overlay of a photograph of the skull. This may be done by hand or by using specialized graphic design software. Tissue depth markers may be attached to the skull before it is photographed to assist the artist in rendering the soft tissues. Two-dimensional techniques are relatively fast, efficient and economical. In addition, they allow small adjustments in the hair or face to be made quickly and easily. However, two-dimensional methods depend heavily on the skill of the artist, the completeness of the skull and the quality of the original photography.
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