Warren Jeffs FLDS compound in Texas surrounded by police #4

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I think pedophilia, like rape is about power and control. Jeffs is one sick puppy.

He sure is. I've been confused about the fact that he's been allowed to have visitors, receive mail and make calls. That's all good if that was allowed so LE can snoop and obtain more info. Otherwise he needs to be cut off from any outside contact.
Forbidden Fruit

Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children


From the link:

Experts say the number of children afflicted in the FLDS community is expected to steadily increase as a result of decades of inbreeding between two of the polygamous sect's founding families -- the Barlows and the Jessops.

"If you cross a Barlow and Jessop, you stand a high risk of getting this condition," Tarby says.
SewingDeb, that's interesting because I read an article this morning about how shocked experts were that there weren't a lot of genetic deformities within the YFZ group.

I wanted to shout at the article ... "Dummies! that's because Warren hand picked this bunch! Look at where they came from to see the effects of inbreeding!"
He sure is. I've been confused about the fact that he's been allowed to have visitors, receive mail and make calls. That's all good if that was allowed so LE can snoop and obtain more info. Otherwise he needs to be cut off from any outside contact.

I know, I was really stunned to realize one of the "mothers" wasn't at the compound because she was off visiting Jeffs. He's still in control.
Several of the FLDS children arrived in San Antonio yesterday via bus from San Angelo. Originally, they were to be taken to 5 facilities, but that has now been reduced to 4, according to local news reports. The 4 facilities that are being used are great facilities, well known for great care in the child advocacy community here in San Antonio. They are also supported by well known local and national companies with donations. 1 of them is a home for boys, 1 is a home for pregnant young women, and 2 are shelters for abused and abandoned children.

My foster children were housed at one of the shelters many years ago, and it was wonderful then, and has grown significantly since that time. They have facilities large enough to keep larger groups of kids together, keep them relatively separate from the rest of the kids at the shelters, and provide them with some sense of "normalcy".

No numbers have been released, and probably won't be, as to how many children went to each facility. I am very pleased with the facilities that were chosen here in this area. I have high hopes that they will be well loved and cared for during this stressful time.

My prayers remain with the children.
SewingDeb, that's interesting because I read an article this morning about how shocked experts were that there weren't a lot of genetic deformities within the YFZ group.

I wanted to shout at the article ... "Dummies! that's because Warren hand picked this bunch! Look at where they came from to see the effects of inbreeding!"


It is costing taxpayers tons of money to treat these children. There is no hope of curing them, only treating the symptoms. This will only get worse as the marrying continues among these families.

Maybe someone should email a link to the article I posted to that newspaper to bring them up to speed.
He sure is. I've been confused about the fact that he's been allowed to have visitors, receive mail and make calls. That's all good if that was allowed so LE can snoop and obtain more info. Otherwise he needs to be cut off from any outside contact.
Although I share the same sentiment, it's unlikely he'll be cut off from outside contact. Unless it could be shown that he was using those outside contacts to plot something violent against authorities/govt etc. he'll continue to wield his power over his followers.

Maybe someone should email a link to the article I posted to that newspaper to bring them up to speed.
Here you go Golfmom and SewingDeb. Perhaps someone at ABC needs to read their competitors articles!

"ABC News today brings up the issue of possible inbreeding among the members of the FLDS polygamous sect's closed community in West Texas. Their conclusion is that there's no evidence - yet - of health problems due to a too-restricted gene pool, a.k.a. inbreeding.

"there is, in fact, extensive evidence of damaging inbreeding within the sect.
Mr. Dougherty, who is now covering the Eldorado case for the New York Times, quoted pediatric experts who were finding evidence of a profoundly rare disorder called fumarase deficiency among children of the sect. The incurable disease causes severe retardation, physical deformities, and seizures - and researchers believe the FLDS sect has the highest concentration of fumarase deficiency in the world, due to marriages between people who are too closely releated."

"Until 1990 Tarby says he knew of only 13 cases of Fumarase Deficiency worldwide. Since, it has taken hold in the FLDS community because of intermarriage."

"The FLDS community, by and large, rejects the idea that Fumarase Deficiency is caused by genes, according to Tarby. "They have their mythology about the condition. They think it's something in the water, or something in the air," he says. Before Tarby retired in 2007, FLDS leaders invited him to address the community about the disorder and how to prevent it. He told them that prevention would involve barring marriages between people with the recessive gene, or asking those couples to forgo children. He suggested that families discontinue having children once the disorder presents itself, or test for the gene during pregnancy and selectively abort pregnancies with the deficiency. All were approaches rejected by the FLDS. "It's not something they are willing to do," Tarby says."
I think pedophilia, like rape is about power and control. Jeffs is one sick puppy.

I think pedophelia is a sexual orientation. I do not think it is like rape.

A strong argument could be made that any and all sexual contact is about power and control.

I only bring up my viewpoint on Jeffs because - as I pointed out before - I find his behavior more frightening.
I think pedophelia is a sexual orientation. I do not think it is like rape.

A strong argument could be made that any and all sexual contact is about power and control.

I only bring up my viewpoint on Jeffs because - as I pointed out before - I find his behavior more frightening.

Pedophilia is defined as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age." My concern is that we begin the slippery slope of accepting NAMBLA's contention that it natural rather than unnatural and should be accepted behavior.

Also, by elevating Warren Jeffs perversions as more frightening than your run of the mill pedophile actually minimizes the abuse suffered by the victims of molestation.

Where I find Jeffs positively frightening is that he created a religion out of this perversion and is busy training a generation of abusers. Child brides for this group is not a new concept, but Jeffs elevated it to a whole new level when he took over the group.
Ok, just sent three links (one I found and 2 from mollymalone to ABC News with a request that they follow up on this and realize that the Texas compound was populated with followers who were hand picked by Warren Jeffs and are not representative of genetic problems found in other FDLS strongholds.
Pedophilia is defined as "a sexual preference for children, boys or girls or both, usually of prepubertal or early pubertal age." My concern is that we begin the slippery slope of accepting NAMBLA's contention that it natural rather than unnatural and should be accepted behavior.

Also, by elevating Warren Jeffs perversions as more frightening than your run of the mill pedophile actually minimizes the abuse suffered by the victims of molestation.

Where I find Jeffs positively frightening is that he created a religion out of this perversion and is busy training a generation of abusers. Child brides for this group is not a new concept, but Jeffs elevated it to a whole new level when he took over the group.

I disagree that Jeffs created a religion out of pedophelia.

I do not minimize the abuse children suffered at Jeff's hands and direction. I consider him scarier than a pedophile because a person can be a pedophile and not molest children. But - as you point out - Jeffs's fanaticism indoctrinated children into a way of life that used sex to control children and deemed it normal and, indeed, godly.
I found the email address for Dr. Jonathan Turner at the University of California, Riverside and sent him this email:

Dear Dr. Jonathon Turner,

I read the ABC article that quotes you concerning inbreeding and genetic problems with the FDLS compound in Texas. That compound was populated with hand picked followers from other FDLS compounds where there are severe genetic problems already showing up. I suspect not many of the children with these problems were sent to Texas.

Here are a few links to read if you would like to learn more:


Forbidden Fruit
Inbreeding among polygamists along the Arizona-Utah border is producing a caste of severely retarded and deformed children
(fumerase deficiency is extremely rare but is showing up in great numbers at the FDLS compound in Arizona)


It's not exactly happy-hour conversation, but ABC News today brings up the issue of possible inbreeding among the members of the FLDS polygamous sect's closed community in West Texas.

Their conclusion is that there's no evidence - yet - of health problems due to a too-restricted gene pool, a.k.a. inbreeding.

But there's a different story if you consider the mother ship - the twin communities of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Arizona, from which favored FLDS members were allegedly chosen by now-imprisoned sect leader Warren Jeffs to populate the new compound in Texas. Read on:


Genetic testing could be completed in as little as a few days, according to Howard Coleman, CEO of Genelex, a Seattle-based commercial genetics lab, which is not involved with the Texas case. It could take several weeks longer, however, to construct a family tree from the results. Once they are traced, however, the children's origins may offer a fascinating look at the family structure of the secretive polygamist sect, as well as insight into the emergence of a tragic birth defect that has plagued the community.

Thank you for your time,

I disagree that Jeffs created a religion out of pedophelia..

I did state that, but after thinking about it for a bit. I think you're right, he didn't create a religion out of pedophilia, but incorporated it into the FLDS beliefs. Anyone who disagreed with him or he perceived as threatening his leadership, during his early years was immediately tossed out. Eventually, all that was left was blind followers, and then he culled that group even further, taking only the worthy on to Eldorado.

Now, the men are saying they didn't know it was against the law to marry children. And the women somehow managed to miss the fact that marriages were occurring at all.
Just curious, three women got up and testified that they'd do anything the state required for them to regain custody ... I hope those three were first in line to be tested.

Susan Hays, an attorney for a toddler, said some fathers may have left the state, fearing that the tests are really designed to help prosecutors make criminal abuse cases.

Me too with the 3 Moms....

The men know better / the idiots manufactured a website / they know how to use a computer / I'm sure they are full aware of DNA testing. Most are guilty of all charges & know it & chose to run & hide like the loosers they are. They have defrauded the welfare system for years & now the state of Texas is saying this is enough!!!! I hope they find the Dads & drag them back to Texas & insist on DNA testing to make them pay ALL child support!

:woohoo: For Texas!!!!
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