Was BR involved? #2

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Interesting that Burke Ramsey is coming forward on Dr. Phil. I would expect he come forward on 20/20, Dateline, or 48 Hours.

I have seen people related to an infamous figure come forward years later. Not unheard of. Susan Klebold (Dylan Klebold), Monique Lepine (Marc Lepine), Zelia Huberty (James Huberty), Shanna Harper Widner (Wanda Holloway), and Becky Babcock (Diane Downs) came forward decades later.
Interesting that Burke Ramsey is coming forward on Dr. Phil. I would expect he come forward on 20/20, Dateline, or 48 Hours.

I have seen people related to an infamous figure come forward years later. Not unheard of. Susan Klebold (Dylan Klebold), Monique Lepine (Marc Lepine), Zelia Huberty (James Huberty), Shanna Harper Widner (Wanda Holloway), and Becky Babcock (Diane Downs) came forward decades later.

Dr. Phil seems a lot safer than those shows. He just wants the ratings, will pretend to ask a few difficult questions so the farce looks legitimate.
I have watched Dr. Phil a few times. He is Jerry Springer, Judge Judy and Steve Wilkos with a psychology background to give him reality respectability. Ho Hum. It is all just fluff for ratings.
Interesting that Burke Ramsey is coming forward on Dr. Phil. I would expect he come forward on 20/20, Dateline, or 48 Hours.

I have seen people related to an infamous figure come forward years later. Not unheard of. Susan Klebold (Dylan Klebold), Monique Lepine (Marc Lepine), Zelia Huberty (James Huberty), Shanna Harper Widner (Wanda Holloway), and Becky Babcock (Diane Downs) came forward decades later.
Its already been established why he went with Dr. Phil.....he is one of Lin Wood's clients. No chance in hell is that a coincidence.

As far as new threads go, I don't understand the lack of them either. People always have to discuss things in threads going back 10+ years in some cases.

Dr. Phony paid the Anthony's a quarter of a million to lie. Which of course they are quite accomplished at. He is probably paying Burke at least that much. You know this is all going to be the typical IDI nonsense.

I'm sure Burke will get paid well for the interviews but I feel like he is doing it for some reason other than money, from what I understand Burke has a high paying job and I'm sure got plenty of money from Patsy's life insurance. I assume his Dad talked him into doing it to get ahead of 20th anniversary publicity.
I've been off the site for a while and just heard that Burke will be on Dr Phil. Very disappointed as this will probably be a ******** IDI interview with no substance and nothing new.
I will be shocked if anything of importance comes out, and if it is anything new, it'll probably be fabricated.
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, the Ramseys are getting ahead of the media in advance of the anniversary.
I will NEVER stop shaking my head at the case. Unf--king believable.
I've been off the site for a while and just heard that Burke will be on Dr Phil. Very disappointed as this will probably be a ******** IDI interview with no substance and nothing new.
I will be shocked if anything of importance comes out, and if it is anything new, it'll probably be fabricated.
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, the Ramseys are getting ahead of the media in advance of the anniversary.
I will NEVER stop shaking my head at the case. Unf--king believable.

I agree it is perverse to go on a tabloid show like Dr. Phil, rather than to speak to LE. But then . . .Some families have special holiday traditions. Other families have ‘homicide traditions’. When a focus is on the case (as in a 20 year anniversary) the family 'homicide tradition' is to go to the media, not law enforcement. Image presentation/maintenance is what it’s all about. And if a little money is made on the side, well then it’s just icing on the ‘image cake.’

I have watched Dr. Phil a few times. He is Jerry Springer, Judge Judy and Steve Wilkos with a psychology background to give him reality respectability. Ho Hum. It is all just fluff for ratings.

Yup. And no way will Burke tell the world that he whacked his sister over the head, rendering her unresponsive....and thought to be deceased. JMO
I've been off the site for a while and just heard that Burke will be on Dr Phil. Very disappointed as this will probably be a ******** IDI interview with no substance and nothing new.
I will be shocked if anything of importance comes out, and if it is anything new, it'll probably be fabricated.
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, the Ramseys are getting ahead of the media in advance of the anniversary.
I will NEVER stop shaking my head at the case. Unf--king believable.

Foreign Faction,
I guess any interview with a Ramsey must accept IDI as the default position. For the general public they will be none the wiser, since they will be unaware of the subtleties of the case, e.g. the touch-dna sample, usually cited as DNA, might simply be foreign touch-dna originating from, say the autopsy?

For those interested in the case hearing what BR has to say, his demeanor, the questions not asked, etc will inform us all regarding the most likely BDI, there will be no smoking gun, but due to some clues left behind, i.e. the size-12's, pineapple residue, asymmetric ponytails, pink barbie nightgown, barbie doll, enough to rule out an intruder, since these are all absent foreign dna.

I'm looking forward to what BR has to say, plus I reckon if he makes no real blunders he might just tour the talk show circuit in the years ahead?

The question is, will FW or LHP sit back or will they want to do interviews also? Guess who will be glued to TV for all three episodes: DS and momma, because I reckon they know the partial truth!

I am daydreaming that BR explains what happened to the bicycle that disappear that night and reappeared days later and Patsy's boots that disappeared that night.

Foreign Faction,
I guess any interview with a Ramsey must accept IDI as the default position. For the general public they will be none the wiser, since they will be unaware of the subtleties of the case, e.g. the touch-dna sample, usually cited as DNA, might simply be foreign touch-dna originating from, say the autopsy?

For those interested in the case hearing what BR has to say, his demeanor, the questions not asked, etc will inform us all regarding the most likely BDI, there will be no smoking gun, but due to some clues left behind, i.e. the size-12's, pineapple residue, asymmetric ponytails, pink barbie nightgown, barbie doll, enough to rule out an intruder, since these are all absent foreign dna.

I'm looking forward to what BR has to say, plus I reckon if he makes no real blunders he might just tour the talk show circuit in the years ahead?

The question is, will FW or LHP sit back or will they want to do interviews also? Guess who will be glued to TV for all three episodes: DS and momma, because I reckon they know the partial truth!


Good post & interesting thoughts as always. I especially agree with the idea that THE QUESTIONS NOT ASKED will be very telling to seasoned case researchers.

If FW or LHP or DS come forward for interviews later this year, just one or all three, that would be amazing.
I've been off the site for a while and just heard that Burke will be on Dr Phil. Very disappointed as this will probably be a ******** IDI interview with no substance and nothing new.
I will be shocked if anything of importance comes out, and if it is anything new, it'll probably be fabricated.
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, the Ramseys are getting ahead of the media in advance of the anniversary.
I will NEVER stop shaking my head at the case. Unf--king believable.
It would be horrifying if he fabricated new evidence/clues. Depending on the severity of such, it could potentially damage the case permanently beyond all recognition.

Imagine him saying Fleet White stopped by for awhile after they came home even if he didn't. Chaos would ensue.

Foreign Faction,
I guess any interview with a Ramsey must accept IDI as the default position. For the general public they will be none the wiser, since they will be unaware of the subtleties of the case, e.g. the touch-dna sample, usually cited as DNA, might simply be foreign touch-dna originating from, say the autopsy?

THis is what is most frustrating about the case for me....how little the general public knows. So many IDI slanted documentaries and news segments that unless you have read PMPT or forums, people don't know ANY of the real evidence or oddities that point to the Ramseys. Ask anyone who only knows about the case on a basic level about the suitcase. What will they tell you? "Oh yeah....the intruder used that suitcase to climb out the window". They don't even know what the contents of the suitcase was. They don't know that items in the house are moving around throughout the day while the cops are there. They don't know of the odd exchanges in the transcripts. Probably don't even know about the 23rd 911 call.

One of these upcoming series better go into more detail. Its 2016...time for people to "see the light".

I am daydreaming that BR explains what happened to the bicycle that disappear that night and reappeared days later and Patsy's boots that disappeared that night.


Wait....what? Which bicycle disappeared? I don't remember that and I read tons on this case the past year as a refresher. I guess I forgot that one.

Which pair of Patsy's boots disappeared? For some reason I don't remember this and I think the issue of clothing/footwear is a major piece of the overall puzzle.

Damn my memory is getting bad.

edit: I want JAR to be interviewed.
I agree it is perverse to go on a tabloid show like Dr. Phil, rather than to speak to LE. But then . . .Some families have special holiday traditions. Other families have ‘homicide traditions’. When a focus is on the case (as in a 20 year anniversary) the family 'homicide tradition' is to go to the media, not law enforcement. Image presentation/maintenance is what it’s all about. And if a little money is made on the side, well then it’s just icing on the ‘image cake.’


I have a song to go with it (with apologies to Hank Williams Jr!):

Ramsey Family Tradtion (sung to the tune of "Family Tradition" by Hank Williams Jr.)

Well John and Patsy Ramsey

Such a close-knit family

But most of the American people

Don't believe 'em anyway, ya see

Stop and read the case file, Stan Garnett

Before you make your decision

You might get it right

Though yer not too bright

It's a Boulder County tradition!

The ol' system's got problems

That is plain to see

There's one set of rules for the rich

Another one for you and me

The police didn't want to play ball

Linny Winny told 'em you got to

The Rs bought their way out

That's what I'm talking about

And Mikey spreads the doo-doo!

I'm gonna tell ya just what I think

And I'm not gonna blink

And I don't have big name shysters to whom the DA is linked

Yeah, I am my own man

Even though it does give me some friction

If I smell somethin' wrong

I'm gonna come down strong

It's a SuperDave tradition!

I am very proud

of my country's name

but a case like this makes me hang my head

it is just a shame

John Lou Lin and Mikey can have each other

At least Patsy showed some contrition

"Please move on

We are standin' strong"

It's Ramsey family tradition!

I'm gonna tell ya just what I think

And I'm not gonna blink

And I don't have big name shysters to whom the DA is linked

Yeah, I joined the Collective

Even though the implants give me some friction

If I smell somethin' wrong

I'm gonna come down strong

It's a SuperDave tradition!

It was so sloppy all around

Everything so amateurish

But Johnny had all his millions

And Patsy was a good-looking dish

How could you do such a terrible thing

Why put yourselves in the position

If you run out of luck

Use the almighty buck

That's a Ramsey family tradition!

A certain trailer park woman

Set me on the road to assimilation

Now I'm saying my part

I'm singing from the heart

Against the RST abomination

Jammy, if you'd been nicer

I might not have changed my position

You wanted a fight

You got one all right

That's my Irish family tradition!

People ask me, "Why do you post

Why do you make note

When will we get to read

That book that you wrote?"

Stop and think it over

put yourself in my unique position

I gotta be true

Why wouldn't you

It's a family tradition!

I'm gonna tell ya just what I think

And I'm not gonna blink

And I don't have big name shysters to whom the DA is linked

Yeah, I joined the Collective

Even though the implants give me some friction

If I smell somethin' wrong

I'm gonna come down strong

It's a SuperDave tradition!
Google Trends/Burke Ramsey:

https://www.google.ca/trends/explore?date=all&q=burke ramsey

I am daydreaming that BR explains what happened to the bicycle that disappear that night and reappeared days later and Patsy's boots that disappeared that night.


HKW, I wasn't aware there is an issue with the bicycle.
What's the source?

Patsy's Beaver fur boots

dirty laundry:


"The timing of, and motivation behind, Burke Ramsey’s exclusive interview are also being questioned. Why has he waited so long to come forward? Is this interview an attempt to finally gain closure over his sister’s death? Perhaps now that he has had time to mourn the loss of his mother, he feels ready to expose skeletons in the family’s closet that he formerly kept hidden out of loyalty to her. Or is this interview a way to ease his guilt about his own involvement – could he have been mistakenly exonerated back in 1999 when DNA evidence was not as reliable as it is today?The lingering suspicion about his parents’ involvement in his sister’s death undoubtedly plagued the then 9-year-old child for the remainder of his adolescence and adult life. Burke Ramsey may be suffering from mental illness, emotional distress, guilt, remorse, or even a macabre desire to be back in the spotlight once again.Could Burke Ramsey be ready to make a confession? Does he have evidence that points to the real killer? Will he implicate his deceased mother in the terrible events of Christmas Day 1996? Why do you think he has decided to come forward?"
"Patsy's beaver fur boots"

That jogged my memory. Thanks.

I'd like some info on this missing bicycle.
It will probably take me a year to find out where the bicycle is mentioned. It is so hard not to go off reading about something else when I look for something I read. I am hoping someone else can find the source. What I remember is that someone said one of the bicycles, I believe it was Patsy's bicycle, was missing on the 26th but it showed up days later. The missing bicycle and the missing boots always made me wonder if someone else was in the house and wore the boots and used the bicycle to leave that night. I believe I read about the bicycle on this web site.
No offense but I think you might be getting the various stories mixed up. There was that theory about Doug Stine being at the house with them because he was going to Michigan with them, something bad happens, and he rides a bike home. As far as Patsy's boots go, anything is possible. Why remove the boots from the scene but not other items? I'd wager the boots were there but the cops didn't find them. The crime scene was completely bungled top to bottom. THat house should have been sealed off immediately and not let anyone in their until every centimeter of the house has been analyzed. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Patsy walked out of there that day wearing the boots. Please someone jump in about this bike. We know both were there on Christmas as we've seen the pic but if her bike vanished the next day, I may have to dig through transcripts but all I remember about Patsy's bike is how she said "Santa Claus"(meaning JOhn) bought it for her. Don't remember any questions insinuating it was missing. Didn't they get rid of JOnbenet's boke fairly quickly? Talk about a family with a lack of emotional attachment to their dead daughter's items, especially her last Christmas presents.
I found a reference to the boots on this site. WHo killed JonBenet Ramsey Poll page 60 Post by Darlene733510 on 4/13/2013am

"There was a hair on the duct tape. It was possibly from a beaver, which would match the boots PR wore to the Whites. ST said that the Prosecutor refused to approve a warrant to have the hair tested."

Question, does one need to know the origination of information before posting? I don't know how people keep track of where they read what.

So I am going to stick my head out again ( because I can't have that many years left anyway). I believe Patsy was questioned about the boots during an interview and claimed she didn't know what happened to them. They were admired greatly by her friends. In other words people remembered them.
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