Was Burke Involved ? # 3

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There is a docu-series that starts Sunday night after 60 minutes on CBS. I think a 4 parter. Was suppose to be 6 part they paired it down.
Teatime I am with you 100%. It was all for ratings and nothing else. But then it is Dr Phil what more could we have expected.
So was ID a failure? I haven't had time to watch more. Kids are awake until I go to bed most nights and Dh has been working late. We only managed the first one I think on A&E, pro Ramsey.
Many years ago I read that when investigators are looking at a child's death, if they find the body wrapped in any way with a favored blanket ect...it 'usually' indicates someone with loving feelings toward that child.

What intruder locks the closet door when leaving?

That locked closet door just screams at me. What does this mean? Why lock the door? Why unlock the door to look in there AFTER the police have already been down there?


To what end has JAR been cleared. I'm having a hard time finding this information.
Who owns the rights to those interview recording videos - ID love to see them in their entirety

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Was this during one of the Burke interview episodes? Or was different one? I think I only have parts 1 and 2 on my DVR and 3 is next week. So what was on today??

I am not surprised by Dr. Phil's stance. I've always been annoyed by him and think he's basically a joke. So I didn't really expect much from his interview.

Though I did think Dr. Phil gave Burke some strange looks during the first 2 episodes so after that I was kind of thinking he was suspicious of him. I guess not.
Amy Pond, it was an "inbetween" episode that aired today on the 15th, it's on YouTube now, "Dr Phil-Your Questions Answered." Tadpole posted the link but I forget which thread it was in, either the Burke Ramsey 3 thread or the Dr Phil Interview thread, within the last 2 hrs I believe if that helps any.

*The truth is out there*
I've been playing catch-up on this case for a few weeks now, and am far from being thoroughly informed. My "gut" instinct is that BDI with parental cover-up, but I haven't ruled out a PDI scenario either.

I have a question for you case veterans, and I apologize if this has already been discussed or if I'm asking on the wrong thread. I'm a newbie! Don't shoot!

It seems like one of the indisputable facts of JBR's death is the discovery of prior sexual assault. The trauma of the perimortem injury didn't disguise the abuse she suffered in the weeks/months leading to her murder. Have the Ramseys' ever discussed or been questioned about this abuse? Was any theory or suspect named as being the cause? If I was the innocent parent of a murdered child (God forbid), and I learned that said child had been sexually assaulted, I would be out for blood. Yet I can't seem to find one instance in which the Ramseys' address this issue. Certainly it pertains to the homocide investigation...why does it seem as if the previous sexual assault was entirely glossed over by the Ramsey camp?

Again, apologies if this post is annoyingly redundant. But if this conversation has already taken place, can someone please direct me to the thread?

Where is the other end of the paint brush?

Maybe JR ditched it when he went for a walk that morning. He left to make a phone call or something, I can't remember the specifics. The police didn't pat them down or anything did they? It could have easily been in a pocket or a shoe. Or as someone else suggested, flushed or ground up in the disposal.
Many years ago I read that when investigators are looking at a child's death, if they find the body wrapped in any way with a favored blanket ect...it 'usually' indicates someone with loving feelings toward that child.

What intruder locks the closet door when leaving?

loset door just screams at me. What does this mean? Why lock the door? Why unlock the door to look in there AFTER the police have already been down there?


To what end has JAR been cleared. I'm having a hard time finding this information.

Odd that the closet door was latched for LE, unlatched for FW and latched again for JR.

JAR was in Georgia having Christmas with his mother and went to a movie with friends that night. He produced a ticket stub and there was an image of him at an ATM machine (or maybe just an ATM transaction record) right before the movie. He was in Georgia the next morning as he boarded a flight to MI.
I've been playing catch-up on this case for a few weeks now, and am far from being thoroughly informed. My "gut" instinct is that BDI with parental cover-up, but I haven't ruled out a PDI scenario either.

I have a question for you case veterans, and I apologize if this has already been discussed or if I'm asking on the wrong thread. I'm a newbie! Don't shoot!

It seems like one of the indisputable facts of JBR's death is the discovery of prior sexual assault. The trauma of the perimortem injury didn't disguise the abuse she suffered in the weeks/months leading to her murder. Have the Ramseys' ever discussed or been questioned about this abuse? Was any theory or suspect named as being the cause? If I was the innocent parent of a murdered child (God forbid), and I learned that said child had been sexually assaulted, I would be out for blood. Yet I can't seem to find one instance in which the Ramseys' address this issue. Certainly it pertains to the homocide investigation...why does it seem as if the previous sexual assault was entirely glossed over by the Ramsey camp?

Again, apologies if this post is annoyingly redundant. But if this conversation has already taken place, can someone please direct me to the thread?

Hello and welcome! I've not been here too long myself but I've done a good bit of reading. If I remember right, John and Patsy denied she was sexually assaulted at all and denied any previous molestation. JBR's grandmother Nedra Paugh stated she may have been "a little bit molested," but I don't think she said by who, perhaps she meant by the killer. Something hinky was going on for sure. Jonbenet had a splinter in her vagina, blood on her underwear, and her hymen was not the size of a 6 yr olds. John and Patsy knew better.

*The truth is out there*
Hello and welcome! I've not been here too long myself but I've done a good bit of reading. If I remember right, John and Patsy denied she was sexually assaulted at all and denied any previous molestation. JBR's grandmother Nedra Paugh stated she may have been "a little bit molested," but I don't think she said by who, perhaps she meant by the killer. Something hinky was going on for sure. Jonbenet had a splinter in her vagina, blood on her underwear, and her hymen was not the size of a 6 yr olds. John and Patsy knew better.

*The truth is out there*

Thanks for the prompt reply!

I still don't understand, though. JR and PR denied molestation? I thought that fact was medically proven/concrete. Much like her head wound. JBR sustained a cranial fracture on the right side of her skull; JBR had been garroted, and JBR had been the victim of previous sexual abuse. In a case where there is so much speculation, I thought these facts were beyond doubt.

Also: the Nedra quote is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read! "A little bit molested"?!?!? What the actual f*ck? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Grandmother of the YEAR!

20 years later, my heart still hurts for that poor baby.
Thanks for the prompt reply!

I still don't understand, though. JR and PR denied molestation? I thought that fact was medically proven/concrete. Much like her head wound. JBR sustained a cranial fracture on the right side of her skull; JBR had been garroted, and JBR had been the victim of previous sexual abuse. In a case where there is so much speculation, I thought these facts were beyond doubt.

Also: the Nedra quote is one of the most disturbing things I've ever read! "A little bit molested"?!?!? What the actual f*ck? Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Grandmother of the YEAR!

20 years later, my heart still hurts for that poor baby.
Exactly. This is only the icing on the suspicious cake. When you dig in deeper, everything they say and do makes you go WTF? And they think we are dumb enough to buy their cake and eat it too.

*The truth is out there*
Exactly. This is only the icing on the suspicious cake. When you dig in deeper, everything they say and do makes you go WTF? And they think we are dumb enough to buy their cake and eat it too.

*The truth is out there*

Well, to be fair, there was that "foreign faction" targeting them... <<rolls eyes>>
If nothing else, this case has taught me what NOT to do if I ever have to fake a ransom note!

I don't mean that to sound crass, but that RN was so over-the-top and bizarre!

I'm watching the Dateline special now, and in the beginning they talk about the Holiday Parade of Homes (or whatever they called it). Is it weird to anyone else that Patsy reportedly laid her former pageant dress out on her bed for visitors to see? She won that title in 1977, and this was in 1996. In the immortal words of Elsa: "let it gooooo".

Anyway, that seems to illustrate a jealousy or need for attention on Patsy's part. She didn't want her own "legacy" to be forgotten. Her entire relationship with JBR's pageant envolement seemed to be vicarious.
One last question, and then bed!

The heart drawn on JBR's hand - any indication if it came from the killer, or if JBR or a friend drew it previously? Do we know the origin? It's probably irrelevant, kids write on themselves all the time, but in this instance every detail matters.

Ahhhhhh!!! Help!!! I'm going down the wormhole!! This case is taking over my brain! Did I even remember to feed the dog? &#129300;
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