Was Burke Involved ? # 3

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The heart drawn on JBR's hand - any indication if it came from the killer, or if JBR or a friend drew it previously? Do we know the origin? It's probably irrelevant, kids write on themselves all the time, but in this instance every detail matters.

Patsy discourage JB from writing on her hands with markers--she'd have to scrub them off before a pageant. That doesn't mean JB didn't do it when she was with friends. I was confused about the shape of the heart. For all I can tell it isn't in the shape of a valentine's day heart, but a human heart. It seems to be a little worn-off as if it was done earlier in the day. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I never thought about the killer drawing the heart on her hand. That's a really creepy thought.

The RN is really strange. Enjoy falling down the rabbit hole while it lasts...take the blue pill...get out while you have a chance.
I said this on another thread but seem as to me J used the flashlight to get b in bed after the incident in order to keep out the lights and not alert the neighbors.

I thought of that just last night, Mina. If you look carefully at what DP said, and then look at BR's reply, it's almost impossible to determine if JR lead BR to his room BEFORE BR snuck downstairs, or if BR is trying to say that him sneaking downstairs is the reason JR lead him back to his room (by flashlight). If you consider that he actually meant the latter, it sure makes a lot more sense, imo.
I am confused by the explanation of the use of the flashlight. Who uses flashlights in their own house when the power is on, unless searching the dark areas of the attic or some storage? Putting children to bed being led by the light of a flashlight seems made up. I have wondered if PR use to check JBR's bed during the night for wetting or some other family habit with that flashlight. If dad used it then it should be in his room, or where he left it. He should be able to explain why it was found in the kitchen. I remember early stories saying it had been washed. Have not seen that lately. If JR is lying about that flashlight, then its probably the murder weapon. I have several flashlights in my house and none are next to the kitchen sink. I have not seen the interviews, but what exactly did BR say about the flashlight?
So was ID a failure? I haven't had time to watch more. Kids are awake until I go to bed most nights and Dh has been working late. We only managed the first one I think on A&E, pro Ramsey.

Imo, ID did a much better job of putting all the evidence out there and letting the viewers decide what to make of it. I think they did an admirable job.

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I am confused by the explanation of the use of the flashlight. Who uses flashlights in their own house when the power is on, unless searching the dark areas of the attic or some storage? Putting children to bed being led by the light of a flashlight seems made up. I have wondered if PR use to check JBR's bed during the night for wetting or some other family habit with that flashlight. If dad used it then it should be in his room, or where he left it. He should be able to explain why it was found in the kitchen. I remember early stories saying it had been washed. Have not seen that lately. If JR is lying about that flashlight, then its probably the murder weapon. I have several flashlights in my house and none are next to the kitchen sink. I have not seen the interviews, but what exactly did BR say about the flashlight?

Brilliant post! You got me thinking. There is no way that a flashlight was used in order not to wake others' up does not wash. The reason being, JB's room was so far away
from BRs - well separated even from the playroom. Lights would not wake up Patsy because their rooms were on different floors!

Using a flashlight to put a child to bed makes no sense under these circumstances. None at all. In fact I would be tripping over something in the house or
bumping into something with just a flashlight. That has happened to me (and I'm sure others) when the power goes out and we are walking around the
house with just a flashlight.

Thank you for your post mrseeker!

I certainly agree with you about the real reasons anyone would use a flashlight such as searching the attic or dark areas or of course the number one
reason - the lights go off.
Exactly. This is only the icing on the suspicious cake. When you dig in deeper, everything they say and do makes you go WTF? And they think we are dumb enough to buy their cake and eat it too.

*The truth is out there*

People have been buying and eating their cake for 20 years. Last night Tricia talked about rumors of how Dr. Phil could have paid Burke for the interview - which would explain to me why he was willing to sit and squirm his way through this. Perhaps the 20th anniversary is just seen as a money making opportunity for Burke - I can't figure out any other reason why he would do this.
Hi Doghairrules!

I am not able to watch I.D. because I don't get that channel. Hopefully it will be on youtube. I'm sure there is a great interest to watch it by others who cannot
get the channel.

Thank you for your view on the I.D. show. I appreciate that!
Hi Hadiehl !

Great posts! When I heard about Patsy's gown and crown (can't forget the crown and sash!) laid out on the bed for viewing my first thought was that the
"appearance" of the family was paramount to what was really going on in that house.

It is so sad to think that outward appearances would be so much more important to Patsy than her children's emotional well-being, especially
considering that it was apparent that there were manifestations of emotional issues happening with both children.

I looked up "appearance"in the dictionary and one of the meanings is " a way of looking that is not true or real" Sounds about right in this case!
Patsy discourage JB from writing on her hands with markers--she'd have to scrub them off before a pageant. That doesn't mean JB didn't do it when she was with friends. I was confused about the shape of the heart. For all I can tell it isn't in the shape of a valentine's day heart, but a human heart. It seems to be a little worn-off as if it was done earlier in the day. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I never thought about the killer drawing the heart on her hand. That's a really creepy thought.

The RN is really strange. Enjoy falling down the rabbit hole while it lasts...take the blue pill...get out while you have a chance.

Strange about the heart on her hand...wasn't there a heart sticker placed over the mouth of the body of CA?
I don't know whether Burke was involved or not, but IMO he is a "victim" of this crime no matter what occurred.

If an intruder really did it, then the accusations against him would have genuinely hurt him as an innocent person.
If one of his parents did it and he knew about it, then he was forced to not speak the truth.
If he himself did it, the fact that his parents were willing to cover up the murder instead of seeking help for him immediately has altered the course of his life.
I thought it was odd that on the Dr. Phil show, he had a previous interview he had done with JR: JR says, "I looked at JBR's eyes and she looked peaceful" - this was as he was carrying her dead body up the stairs. I don't know about you, but if my kid had just been strangled and was deceased, the last thing in the world I would say is that they looked peaceful! Also, I noticed when Dr. Phil had asked BR about where he thought JBR was he states at first, "did you check the whole house"? and then quickly adds, "Or outside or something"? He knew. I believe they all did.
If you truly believed your child had been kidnapped, and or murdered, you would guard your other child not ship them off with friends. They knew he was safe. The fact PR wrote the letter, PR was wearing the same clothes as the night before, the made up flashlight explanation...you don't have to be sherlock holmes here. JR knows what happend and he knows there is no intruder. He has been selling a bill of goods wasting police resources for two decades. Time to fess up JR. Now he parades his manchild son to tell the lies over again. Call a grand jury. Put them both under oath. I am sure they will take the 5th but if they don't and lie, charge them with perjury...since neither one probably commited the murder..at least JR didn't and BR cannot be charged criminally anyway..maybe JR can be charged with lying to a grand jury. If we go with their lie, there is an intruder out there who got away with murder, so a grand jury is warranted. JMHO
Thank you mrseeker !

I agree that if this could occur (Grand Jury) then it would go a long way towards justice for JonBenet. It is the very least that they could do - after all a little
girl was brutally murdered. Sometimes it has looked as if people involved in the investigation have lost sight of this. JonBenet deserves this
case to be thoroughly investigated with no bias.

In my opinion this whole case has been brushed under the rug for far too long! It is time to finally look at the case and evidence in its entirety instead
of protecting people's reputations.

Justice for JonBenet
Come on J.R. ! Shout it from the rooftops that you want something done about the perpetrator of your child's brutal murder!

Don't say "this will be my last interview". Instead say "I will work with the police and the D.A.'s office to do everything humanly possible - every single thing in my power to get this case back on track - on the right track - for justice for my little girl". Say "I will never give up or stop doing interviews until this case is solved. My baby deserves at least this!".

Please J.R. - do the right thing! Your daughter is counting on this!
I don't know whether Burke was involved or not, but IMO he is a "victim" of this crime no matter what occurred.

If an intruder really did it, then the accusations against him would have genuinely hurt him as an innocent person.
If one of his parents did it and he knew about it, then he was forced to not speak the truth.
If he himself did it, the fact that his parents were willing to cover up the murder instead of seeking help for him immediately has altered the course of his life.

Burke did get psychological help. It's not clear to me that his life would have been better if he was identified as the person who killed his sister. As it was, he went to normal schools and received a good education - not that much of that shows up in the Dr. Phil interviews.

If Burke did this then I can't figure out what the best way to have handled this would be.
I am confused by the explanation of the use of the flashlight. Who uses flashlights in their own house when the power is on, unless searching the dark areas of the attic or some storage? Putting children to bed being led by the light of a flashlight seems made up. I have wondered if PR use to check JBR's bed during the night for wetting or some other family habit with that flashlight. If dad used it then it should be in his room, or where he left it. He should be able to explain why it was found in the kitchen. I remember early stories saying it had been washed. Have not seen that lately. If JR is lying about that flashlight, then its probably the murder weapon. I have several flashlights in my house and none are next to the kitchen sink. I have not seen the interviews, but what exactly did BR say about the flashlight?


@ 34
I think your dad had said he used
the flashlight that night to put you to bed
Then you snuck downstairs to play
BR: Ya I had some toy that I wanted to put together
I remember being downstairs after everybody
was kind of in bed and wanting to get this thing out
DP: Did you use the flashlight so you
wouldn't be seen?
BR: I don't remember -
I just remember
being downstairs, I remember this toy
Come on J.R. ! Shout it from the rooftops that you want something done about the perpetrator of your child's brutal murder!

Don't say "this will be my last interview". Instead say "I will work with the police and the D.A.'s office to do everything humanly possible - every single thing in my power to get this case back on track - on the right track - for justice for my little girl". Say "I will never give up or stop doing interviews until this case is solved. My baby deserves at least this!".

Please J.R. - do the right thing! Your daughter is counting on this!
Amen! This is what a REAL parent would do! Well said!

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@ 34
I think your dad had said he used
the flashlight that night to put you to bed
Then you snuck downstairs to play
BR: Ya I had some toy that I wanted to put together
I remember being downstairs after everybody
was kind of in bed and wanting to get this thing out
DP: Did you use the flashlight so you
wouldn't be seen?
BR: I don't remember -
I just remember
being downstairs, I remember this toy

I can't believe Dr. Phil wouldn't want to ask him how long he stayed downstairs. Could there be clips we're not seeing?
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