Was Burke Involved? # 4

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Thanks, very interesting.
It does however seem contradictory to me that a child could be found to have committed first degree murder which requires a strong level of intent yet not be capable of being charged. *
In the case of theft I can see how one can determine a theft has occurred but that the person had no intent of stealing or rather due to their age didn't realize that what they were doing was stealing and wrong.
You've probably already seen that intent is not required to constitute the charge of murder (in Colorado). But that's the reason for excluding what Colorado calls and "infant" (a child under the age of ten) from any criminal liability. Their reasoning is that an "infant" is unable to form criminal intent. Surely anyone can see that this reasoning is not without merit if you consider the actions of (say) a 5yo. That child just isn't old enough to know right from wrong. So at what age do lawmakers cut off that age of responsibility? In Colorado, they chose the age of ten. In my state, that age is flexible depending on how heinous the crime is, but a judge has to decide whether or not to allow a DA to proceed with criminal charges against a child. (At least that is my understanding of it; and actually, I'm more familiar with the laws of Colorado now than I am with my own state.)
Am not happy about it bue Wood will probably win against these kind of speculations based on assumptions. This is not justice. BR probably did this, BR might have done that...If you are an expert and influent bettet find a way to get SG retract those exoneration letters, its the first step in the right direction.
Garnett essentially did exactly that. I don't remember his exact words and can't find a link to the article, but when he first took over the office he said that Lacy's "letter of absolution" (my term -- not his) meant nothing -- no one was eliminated as a suspect in his mind until someone was charged.
JR has a completely different but just as troubling facial "tic" if you will. On FFJ we named him Lizard Lips because in all of his interviews, he frequently sticks his tongue out quite far and resembles nothing more than a snake or a lizard. Someone put a video together and I will see if I can find it and post it here. You will laugh, but then want to :sick:
:lol:Here it is... the classic "John Ramsey - 49 Tongues in 36 Seconds," brought to us by WhyNut:


Shock claim Burke Ramsey killed JonBenet - but with different weapon
Interesting article, maddie. (I might have to break down and buy the book.)

One quote from the book:

"...the garotte didn't work like a garotte, they didn't fashion it properly..."

and to that point:
(rsbm for relevance)
Eta: among a gazillion other details and major facts that would be great to have more clarity on in this case, whether or not there were skin tag things on the end of the hair would be helpful information right about now.

You are correct that knowing about whether the hair had to be cut by the ME or had already been pulled out by the roots would tell us more. We had discussed this here at WS long ago, and when Tricia had James Kolar on her podcast, our poster Cynic tried to get that information out of him. He never got a definitive answer, and as I recall, Kolar seemed to fall back on his not having looked at the evidence for a long time and not really remembering well enough to answer.
Without reading the book, I'm not sure exactly what they point to as the reason(s) they see the same thing I've always been trying to get everyone to understand, but apparently they realize it doesn't work the way it is made to appear to work.
Interesting article, maddie. (I might have to break down and buy the book.)

One quote from the book:

"...the garotte didn't work like a garotte, they didn't fashion it properly..."

and to that point:
(rsbm for relevance)

Without reading the book, I'm not sure exactly what they point to as the reason(s) they see the same thing I've always been trying to get everyone to understand, but apparently they realize it doesn't work the way it is made to appear to work.

It's a curious device but it could certainly kill. But it would be a very untalented murderer that would make such a device to strangle a child.
It's a curious device but it could certainly kill. But it would be a very untalented murderer that would make such a device to strangle a child.
Exactly, jj -- contradicting Smit's claim that it was made by an experienced, psychopathic, child-molesting killer who tied sophisticated knots onto an intricate device :giggle:.
In the interview with Dr. Phil, Burke says,

“I remember the viewing,” Burke Ramsey, now 29, said. “The casket was small; her eyes were closed.”

Of course her eyes were closed!!!!! Was he remembering when she was dead before, her eyes were open?

IMO...just seems like a strange thing to say. Usually people say, she looked like she was sleeping; she looked so peaceful; she was wearing such a pretty dress, etc.

He also said "One of her eyes was kinda droopy...."

Maybe because you had HIT HER IN THE HEAD so hard it cracked her skull nearly in half??? Or because of the AUTOPSY that was necessary because she was MURDERED??

What a rotten thing to say about your dead sister lying in her coffin.

He's a horrible excuse for a human being.
Another thought I had today...if the Hi-Tek footprint was Burke's (IMO, it was his), why was he wearing his hiking boots in the house? Even in Colorado, I would not wear hiking boots in the house unless I had plans to head outside.

Had he already been outside? Was he planning to go outside? Two possibilities of why he would go outside...1. to get his friend to "play" with JBR that night after his parents went to bed (possible source of male DNA?); 2. to try to take JBR's body out to hide it?

No one ever determined when that bootprint had been left. I personally blame it on Evan. After all, he'd pooped in the toilet and left it there. And he was seen peeing outside of the house. Yep, it was Evan.

No one ever determined when that bootprint had been left. I personally blame it on Evan. After all, he'd pooped in the toilet and left it there. And he was seen peeing outside of the house. Yep, it was Evan.

And a new theory has begun: "EDI." :lol:
:lol:Here it is... the classic "John Ramsey - 49 Tongues in 36 Seconds," brought to us by WhyNut:


Thanks, otg! I was going to post it and then I got a call to go in to work, so I was gone for a while. I don't think he did this in his Dr. Phil segments, did he? Maybe it really was a side effect of some medication he was taking at the time. It certainly is odd and disquieting (but the video is still funny).

They must not have looked at photos of Burke at the funeral. He sure wasn't somber like that child actor. He showed absolutely no signs of grief. At one point, he stopped what he was doing with a friend, went over to her casket and patted it a couple of times (at least, this is what we've been told, I've seen no photos of this). Right after that, he and his friend went skipping through the cemetery. Yes, SKIPPING among the headstones. Why shouldn't he have been lighthearted? His nemesis was finally GONE. Bye-bye sis - good luck and good riddance!
Regardless of the length of hair or the length of the cord, I can see where the hair could either be caught or not caught in the knots depending on how closely it was held while being wrapped around the stick and tied. And either way, it isn't proof that it was tied before or after she was dead or unconscious, strangled or not.

That's true. But since I don't see it as proof either way, I don't understand why you keep trying to insist it means something based simply on what you think you see in one photo. Instead of it coming down to you and I simply having different opinions, I'm going to go with the ME who actually saw it himself on her dead body, removed it, was able to examine it closely from any angle he chose (not simply looking at a single photo), and then wrote:

"Blonde hair is entwined in the knot on the posterior aspect of the neck as well as in the cord wrapped around the wooden stick."

I don't doubt the ME's report. However I don't think it's proof of what came first either.
"if I were hiding the heinous murder of a loved one." Think about that sentence and try to find any reasonable and predictable actions. In this case, it is exactly the hot mess one would expect.

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Am not happy about it bue Wood will probably win against these kind of speculations based on assumptions. This is not justice. BR probably did this, BR might have done that...If you are an expert and influent bettet find a way to get SG retract those exoneration letters, its the first step in the right direction.

He won't file because they can't win. CBS followed the indictment and gave them a chance to respond. Public figures. Murder 1

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My favourite movie btw.

I was thinking of the cops planting bugs at JB's grave..weird that if RDI no one said something...dunno about others but whenever I visit someone's grave I talk to them...personal stuff..better than going to therapy lol

Also, I was wondering how often JR and BR visit JB and PR?

If I remember, madeleine, the bug wasn't there long enough. They hadn't even visited the grave before some kid knocked it over and found it.
Am not happy about it bue Wood will probably win against these kind of speculations based on assumptions. This is not justice. BR probably did this, BR might have done that...If you are an expert and influent bettet find a way to get SG retract those exoneration letters, its the first step in the right direction.

That's what Jim Clemente and Laura Richards want to happen, maddy. I'm not too worried about Wood winning, though. I don't think his suit has a leg to stand on, just like the FOX News suit didn't.
In the interview with Dr. Phil, Burke says,

“I remember the viewing,” Burke Ramsey, now 29, said. “The casket was small; her eyes were closed.”

Of course her eyes were closed!!!!! Was he remembering when she was dead before, her eyes were open?

IMO...just seems like a strange thing to say. Usually people say, she looked like she was sleeping; she looked so peaceful; she was wearing such a pretty dress, etc.

"She looks perfect." I had to bring that up.
He lacks in certain areas for sure, but often kids like that can be very strong in other areas of intelligence or learning.....I'm curious what his fluid reasoning skills were and if he would have been able to connect those dots.

This crossed my mind too
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