Was Burke Involved # 5

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Very well put together Teatime. An observation, Kolar reported Burke making the remark about not getting to the late house & building a big fire. I think he was hinting Burke may have been pyromaniac, another symptom of being a sexually aggressive child.
I'll be addressing a few of your claims at a time.

His print on the pineapple bowl.

As were Patsy's. Besides, it can't be proven if the prints were on the bowl prior to the pineapple and cream being placed in it or after.
His boot print on the WC floor.

It was a poon print, not a boot print and a boot doesn't have to be worn by someone in order for a print to be made.

Poon is slang for female genitalia. Ted Nugent had a song out in 1977 called Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.


His DNA on the nightie by the body.

As was Patsy's. Besides, with Burke's bedroom also being on the same floor, it wouldn't have been beyond the realm of possibility for his clothes to also have been laundered in the 2nd floor laundry area. It is possible that, in the process of grabbing something of his out of the dryer, he grabbed the nightgown to get it out of the way.

His pants in JBR's BR.

From /u/Fr_Brown:
Where in JonBenet's room were the feces-smeared pajama bottoms "thought to belong to Burke" found? If they were in plain sight, is there a crime scene photograph of them? Were they collected?
Was the "feces-smeared candy box" collected? If not, do you know why not?

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[–]jameskolar 17 points 1 year ago
It is my recollection that the pj bottoms were on the floor but I didn’t see that they or the box of candy were collected. It was an odd observation noted by investigators, but I don’t think they grasped the significance of those items at the time. Interviews were still being conducted with family employees and friends during and well after the completion of the execution of the search warrants.

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There was a stacking washer-dryer on one of the bedroom floors, and a larger heavy duty washer and dryer in the basement that LHP used for heavy blankets and comforters. I can't remember now where she said it but she said no one would know the blanket was in the heavy duty dryer in the basement because the dryer was obscure and hard to find in the basement. And I read that the pink nightie stuck to the blanket because of static cling. So I think the nightie was actually in the basement dryer with the blanket. JMO.
That's Burke trying to act normal, big cheesy smiles, false show of confidence, etc. As a child he does not realize how his behavior will be interpreted.

All he knows is I Got Away With It


That's exactly how I see it, and it shows even twenty years later, IMO.
I'll be addressing a few of your claims at a time.

As were Patsy's. Besides, it can't be proven if the prints were on the bowl prior to the pineapple and cream being placed in it or after.

It was a poon print, not a boot print and a boot doesn't have to be worn by someone in order for a print to be made.

Poon is slang for female genitalia. Ted Nugent had a song out in 1977 called Wang Dang Sweet Poontang.


As was Patsy's. Besides, with Burke's bedroom also being on the same floor, it wouldn't have been beyond the realm of possibility for his clothes to also have been laundered in the 2nd floor laundry area. It is possible that, in the process of grabbing something of his out of the dryer, he grabbed the nightgown to get it out of the way.

From /u/Fr_Brown:
Where in JonBenet's room were the feces-smeared pajama bottoms "thought to belong to Burke" found? If they were in plain sight, is there a crime scene photograph of them? Were they collected?
Was the "feces-smeared candy box" collected? If not, do you know why not?

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[–]jameskolar 17 points 1 year ago
It is my recollection that the pj bottoms were on the floor but I didn’t see that they or the box of candy were collected. It was an odd observation noted by investigators, but I don’t think they grasped the significance of those items at the time. Interviews were still being conducted with family employees and friends during and well after the completion of the execution of the search warrants.

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Well you failed big time. BR is linked by all of TeaTime's references. It's not that any one is coincidental or false, e.g. your poon mark and as per usual elliptical commentary relating to female characteristics, which adds zilch to our understanding,

It's a no-brainer, next to no forensic links for JR, the forensic links for PR relate to the wine-cellar and the staging, but the smoking gun is JonBenet dressed in Burke Ramsey's long johns and those size-12's.

Imagine your parents staging a crime-scene for you, no wonder BR was all smiles, he could not care less. Check his appearance on Dr Phil, again on the subject of JonBenet, do you get that Burke is going to talk about JonBenet, what do we get: Big Smiles, like I can smile my way through this, no empathy for JonBenet absolutely nothing. No consideration for her pain, her Blunt Force Trauma, her internal injuries.

We can disregard Kolar's reference to feces soiled pajama pants belonging to Burke, since they were never itemized. Yet if it turns out to be correct along with all the other SBP stuff that is out there, this will be one of those cases that got away?

Since the killer is still out there and knows they got away with it!

That's exactly how I see it, and it shows even twenty years later, IMO.

ITA. it also shows how consistent BR's behaviour is. IMO BR was copying his mother, his role model for social stuff. BR still has the same mindset he had twenty years ago, not a lot has changed.

He continues to smile, and dismiss what other people think. Yet he must know he has been found out, consider his best friend DS, how long before we hear from him, when will he do an interview and be questioned over what BR said about JonBenet's death?

Only if DS was tangentially involved will he never do a public interview, the case would be toxic for him and the Stine family.

He continues to smile, and dismiss what other people think. [/B]


Here's a couple pics, lest people have forgotten already.



This is not BR commenting on a movie or comedy btw. This is regarding the death of his sister. :maddening:


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  • Burke-Ramsey-on-Dr-Phil.jpg
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Here's a couple pics, lest people have forgotten already.



This is not BR commenting on a movie or comedy btw. This is regarding the death of his sister. :maddening:

Niceee pics. BR looks like some East Coast Hippie tripping out on acid. He is far out there. I reckon he is likely medicated during his interview, you know something to tranquilise him.

If the case really is BDI his parents must have arranged some kind of therapeutic support for him, not much point in staging for him then dumping him?

Seems like BR is still in denial, with all the smiles and throwaway remarks about JonBenet, how long will it be till reality makes an appearance, probably when JR leaves us and BR realizes the facade is all over there is nobody left to back up his story?

Very well put together Teatime. An observation, Kolar reported Burke making the remark about not getting to the late house & building a big fire. I think he was hinting Burke may have been pyromaniac, another symptom of being a sexually aggressive child.

Yes. I didn't want to put that one in there because I didn't want everyone to go sideways on how normal it is to build bonfires. I love bonfires, always have and was not a sexually aggressive child. But, you are correct. Setting fires is a big red flag, just not sure family bonfires count.
icetea - I don't want to have to waste space quoting your last post but I was taken aback. Can you not see the Hi-tech logo in the photo of the boot print?
icetea - I don't want to have to waste space quoting your last post but I was taken aback. Can you not see the Hi-tech logo in the photo of the boot print?

Did I say there wasn't a poon print in the windowless, tomblike, Lazarus-esque room, yes or no?
That smile could easily be a defensive mechanism. His parents were falling apart but we didn't see that. We also haven't received reports of how Burke mourned for JB because the family was doing everything they could to keep the grieving process private. I fell apart at my father's viewing and funeral, but I also smiled a lot too. It was good to see the friends and family members at the funeral. I also smiled when I was hurting inside. One of my defensive mechanisms is to smile and sometimes make jokes when I'm stressed. It doesn't mean that I care any less.

I remember when Rush Limbaugh had a TV show and Bill Clinton attended a funeral service for a foreign dignitary. Rush made a big deal because Bill had been caught on camera a few times with a simile on his face. Somehow it's a crime to smile at a funeral--you'll have to explain that to me because my experience has been that I do some crying, some laughing, and some smiling at a funeral.

Burke was 9 years old at the time. I personally don't know how a 9 year old is supposed to behave at a funeral. Burke's father doesn't show grief in public and neither does Burke. I honestly believe that Burke's smile is him trying to show strength to his parents. After that, he goes home and buries himself in a gaming console because he doesn't want to deal with what's going on around him.

No matter how much you might want it, we don't have the right to these private parts of Burke's life unless he chooses to share it. That doesn't belong to us and we weren't there in the home when Burke was going though the grieving process.

totally agree
BR is a very odd young man. think hes got a secret.....this doesn't make him a murderer
Just another possible red flag like the mystery of Jonbenet's dog. Both may mean nothing or ....
Just another possible red flag like the mystery of Jonbenet's dog. Both may mean nothing or ....
The fascination with or attraction to fires and the possible cruelty to Jacques are only unconfirmed speculation based on things we know or suspect. But add to those two things Burke's known enuresis (past the age of five) and you have the controversial "Macdonald triad" -- not a totally accepted predictor. I'm not a psychologist, and there's much about him that is unconfirmed, but I'm just sayin'...
was BR ever diagnosed or confirmed to be in the spectrum? that could explain his social awkwardness
i am not making apologies for him if he kill JBR, many people in the spectrum lead unremarkable, law abiding lives but it could explain his grinning and awkwardness

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I probably shouldn't touch the subject of DNA (rimshot:giggle:) because I really don't know enough about it to feel comfortable with it. However, in reading the BODE report on the nightgown, I think Patsy was excluded because of the wording in the report.

There were four samples taken from the nightgown. Three of them were apparently not sufficient to "include or exclude" anyone whose DNA they compared it to. But one sample (2S07-101-07A, the exterior and interior of the bottom front of the nightgown) was good enough to get at least two "hits." Here is the exact wording:

The DNA profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A contains a mixture of at least two individuals including the victim and at least one male contributor. The individuals associated with samples John B. Ramsey, John Andrew Ramsey, and Melinda Ramsey are excluded as possible contributors to the mixture profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A. The individuals associated with Burke Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey cannot be excluded as possible contributors to the mixture DNA profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A.

As I read this, one of the two individuals in the DNA sample is the victim (JonBenet would be expected since she had worn it at some time). The other portion of the mixture belongs to a male. In the male portion, they were able to exclude John, John Andrew, and Melinda (as matching the DNA profile). Patsy and Burke could not be excluded as the contributor to the sample. IOW their DNA profiles came close to the one found in the sample, but not enough to say it definitely belonged to either one. But here's the part some overlook: They have already said it belonged to a "male contributor" -- and that would exclude Pasty.

Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised to find that Patsy's or Linda H-P's DNA was on it, considering that one of them might have taken it out of the dryer and folded it. Perhaps it's a matter of where the sample was taken. That area (or the other sampled areas) might not have been touched when folding it (if it had been folded). Investigators took the samples where they thought it most likely an assailant might have touched it. The bottom front of her nightgown had JonBenet's and Burke's DNA on it. As they say: Do the math.
There was a stacking washer-dryer on one of the bedroom floors, and a larger heavy duty washer and dryer in the basement that LHP used for heavy blankets and comforters. I can't remember now where she said it but she said no one would know the blanket was in the heavy duty dryer in the basement because the dryer was obscure and hard to find in the basement.

TT: Can you describe the blankets again is it, I take it a fairly light weight cotton blanket?
PR: Yeah, kind of a loose weave blanket.


The blanket was light weight, not heavy, so it most likely would have been laundered in the 2nd floor laundry area.

And I read that the pink nightie stuck to the blanket because of static cling. So I think the nightie was actually in the basement dryer with the blanket. JMO.

By the time I'd come in the morning, Patsy would have all the sheets off the bed and in the laundry. JonBenet's white blanket would already be in the dryer.


IMO, the only way the nightgown would have wound up in the dryer with the blanket is if it had been purposely washed with it.
Is this theory unrealistic:
JR sexually abused JonBenet over a period, including on the night of her murder.
BR was aware of the abuse going on but sworn to silence / threatened by JR. This knowledge upset BR and made him act out, e.g. the smearing of faeces.
PR also knew of it but due to her illness she allowed it because she could not have a normal relationship with her husband.
JR accidentally kills JB and PR, not wanting to lose her family, agrees to help him cover it up.

Sadly, I don't think it's unrealistic. We've heard of things like that before. PR wouldn't be the first wife to turn a blind eye to such things to keep the family together. If what you say is true, PR could have been deathly afraid of JR.

Side-note: BR may not have known about it.
I probably shouldn't touch the subject of DNA (rimshot:giggle:) because I really don't know enough about it to feel comfortable with it. However, in reading the BODE report on the nightgown, I think Patsy was excluded because of the wording in the report.

There were four samples taken from the nightgown. Three of them were apparently not sufficient to "include or exclude" anyone whose DNA they compared it to. But one sample (2S07-101-07A, the exterior and interior of the bottom front of the nightgown) was good enough to get at least two "hits." Here is the exact wording:

The DNA profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A contains a mixture of at least two individuals including the victim and at least one male contributor. The individuals associated with samples John B. Ramsey, John Andrew Ramsey, and Melinda Ramsey are excluded as possible contributors to the mixture profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A. The individuals associated with Burke Ramsey and Patricia Ramsey cannot be excluded as possible contributors to the mixture DNA profile obtained from sample 2S07-101-07A.

As I read this, one of the two individuals in the DNA sample is the victim (JonBenet would be expected since she had worn it at some time). The other portion of the mixture belongs to a male. In the male portion, they were able to exclude John, John Andrew, and Melinda (as matching the DNA profile). Patsy and Burke could not be excluded as the contributor to the sample. IOW their DNA profiles came close to the one found in the sample, but not enough to say it definitely belonged to either one. But here's the part some overlook: They have already said it belonged to a "male contributor" -- and that would exclude Pasty.

Actually, I wouldn't have been surprised to find that Patsy's or Linda H-P's DNA was on it, considering that one of them might have taken it out of the dryer and folded it. Perhaps it's a matter of where the sample was taken. That area (or the other sampled areas) might not have been touched when folding it (if it had been folded). Investigators took the samples where they thought it most likely an assailant might have touched it. The bottom front of her nightgown had JonBenet's and Burke's DNA on it. As they say: Do the math.

Burke Ramsey's touch dna was matched to a sample on the Pink Barbie Nightgown. They are saying a minimum of two individuals, since they know they have a mixture of Ramsey dna. There might be three or four. Unlike John B. Ramsey, John Andrew Ramsey, and Melinda Ramsey who are excluded they have not excluded Patsy Ramsey!

The important feature is BR's touch dna, I would not be surprised to see Patsy's dna since I suspect her of the wine-cellar staging.

Of all the places in the house, the last place I would expect to see BR's touch-dna is in the wine-cellar, that is simply too coincidental for it not to be relevant?

Also JonBenet's blood was found on the Pink Barbie Nightgown, how come if it magicked itself out of the dryer and after JonBenet was either assaulted or asphyxiated, i.e. the staging was mostly complete?

Well you failed big time.*snip*

Translation: I, UKGuy, am incapable of rebutting any of your points.

It's not that any one is coincidental or false, e.g. your poon mark and as per usual elliptical commentary relating to female characteristics, which adds zilch to our understanding,

Poon is slang for female genitalia. It’s called using free-association but, sadly, you don’t seem to be able to understand it.

It's a no-brainer, next to no forensic links for JR, the forensic links for PR relate to the wine-cellar and the staging, but the smoking gun is JonBenet dressed in Burke Ramsey's long johns and those size-12's.

Did I address the long johns in my post, yes or no?

Imagine your parents staging a crime-scene for you, no wonder BR was all smiles, he could not care less. Check his appearance on Dr Phil, again on the subject of JonBenet, do you get that Burke is going to talk about JonBenet, what do we get: Big Smiles, like I can smile my way through this, no empathy for JonBenet absolutely nothing. No consideration for her pain, her Blunt Force Trauma, her internal injuries.

Do you think it would have been normal for Burke, nearly 20 years later, to be on the Dr Phil Show lying on the floor, curled up in a fetal position, wailing and sobbing, yes or no?
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