Was Burke Involved # 5

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It still baffles me that this case hasn't been solved.

In my opinion I believe now more than ever that he did it, it makes sense....

Also how he acts in the interviews after her death and then on Dr Phil just in my opinion make it look more likely.
Not so sure that Burke would kill again unless someone gets in his way. His nemesis is gone. He won't likely kill again, imo, unless he will benefit from it somehow. I do see him as a probable sociopath, rather than a psychopath, imo. A psychopath is more responsive to treatment - both in talk therapy pharmacotherapeutically. A sociopath, not so much. There is no counseling for them because they'll never see themselves as wrong. And there are no meds for sociopathy. Those people are the ones who either get by with their deeds or go to jail/prison.

Ironic that you mention Natalee Holloway. You do know that JR dated Beth Holloway for a while before he married his current wife, Jan Rousseaux, right? And that after they stopped dating, he downplayed it as just a friendship and said it was because, "Beth was behind me in terms of the grief cycle." How very empathetic of him. gah!

How I wish Beth would comment on their relationship. I haven't seen or heard anything about her recently...wonder how she's doing and what she would have to say if she ever would say anything.
Truly, just what purpose was served by BR being on the Dr. Phil show? I know we all think it was an offensive move to get ahead of the CBS special but there was no point to that. The special would have aired and then LW could have filed his suit on behalf of BR all without exposing BR and his quirkiness to public scrutiny.

Of course, it was a great ad for the special that would have otherwise had few viewers and we know that LW, JR and BR were paid handsomely to appear, but I do not understand any attorney urging a client who is being accused of murder to appear on a talk show. It is incomprehensible to me. I also do not comprehend any therapist agreeing to such an event.

This is all so smarmy. BR was used by LW, JR and DP for their own profit. He doesn't seem to be able to make a decision to come in from the rain much less think about the ramifications of his appearance on a phony-baloney talk show.

Did LW reveal his very cozy relationship to DP before he arranged the interviews? Isn't DP on CBS? Something is amiss here.
I didn't understand the editing on the DP episodes because it wasn't edited to be sympathetic to Burke. They showed him smiling during odd moments answering the questions. They showed the way he fidgeted with his fingers when asked some questions. There was some sign of remorse for Patsy's passing, but nothing noticeable when they talked about his sister's death. And then including the comment about JB's eye that looked funny when she was in the casket.

This show was carefully edited (unfortunately it was edited for someone with a 5 second attention span). But the editing was done with a deliberate intent. The people doing the editing intentionally made him look bad.

With this show, we have Phil stating that he's a normal young adult. He's just nervous and is not used to doing such interviews. And then we have his technical staff editing the piece together to portray him as nervous and deceptive. It was confusing. There were two separate goals here: Dr Phil telling Burke that he understands and is sorry that he's been a victim all of his life, and the other side cutting the interview to make him look like an uncaring psychopath.

I don't think we got a chance to see the real Burke during this interview. Burke got screwed (even if he was a volunteer). I'm certain that a Barbara Wawa interview would have been much better.
Wait, I thought The Flashlight was scrupulously clean? No fingerprints at all on the batteries, bulb, switch, casing?

Cleanest thing in the house, one could say....hope Lin Wood doesn't find that defamatory....

As I recall, the flashlight was checked for fingerprints and nothing was found inside or out. I don't believe it was ever checked for DNA and I don't believe that it can be because of the fingerprint powder. I do believe that the DP interview was done simply to lay the groundwork for an explanation if new testing methods were able to find Burke's or john's DNA on it though.

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I'm curious about the Dr. Phil interviews too. Dr. Phil went on all these talk shows hinting broadly that Burke had all but confessed, which I didn't take seriously. Then I watched the first interview, and it was then I figured out BDI. I hadn't followed the case in years and then the scales fell from my eyes. Then Dr. Phil started backing down from the rhetoric & did the intelligence insulting Burke is just an awkward young man bit. I think something happened we may never know about there.
I'm afraid that the editing put BR in his best light. Scary thought, I know. But, BR is a 30 year old grown man who lives alone, works from home and was coached for 'months' by DP and this is the best they could do with him.

How many people go on the DP show who have never been on a talk show, are revealing some very personal issues and do not present with 'awkward' behavior that is so odd DP needs to do a third show just to explain away the weirdness of his guest? None. Except BR.

Sumtin no right.
I'm afraid that the editing put BR in his best light. Scary thought, I know. But, BR is a 30 year old grown man who lives alone, works from home and was coached for 'months' by DP and this is the best they could do with him.

How many people go on the DP show who have never been on a talk show, are revealing some very personal issues and do not present with 'awkward' behavior that is so odd DP needs to do a third show just to explain away the weirdness of his guest? None. Except BR.

Sumtin no right.

I agree. Nobody involved with the DP special wanted Burke to be seen in a bad light, in fact quite the opposite. One can only imagine what the out-takes of that show look like.
Can CBS use the third show Dr. Phil made in which he felt he had to make excuses for BR's behavior as an indicator that BR himself tainted his reputation before the CBS special ever aired? The reason Dr. Phil made that third show in the first place was because numerous people were taking to Twitter and other social media and commenting negatively on BR's behavior.
An observation I made from the Dr. Phil interview was Burke looked like they had too much makeup on him, especially pink lipstick, and he has had his ears cosmetically pinned back. Knowing how much PR valued pageant good looks, I almost wonder if Burke is subconsciously trying to still be the pretty one? I'm probably getting carried away. To me he almost had the mannerisms of being a pageant contestant. Here was his big chance to finally prove he was the chosen child.
An observation I made from the Dr. Phil interview was Burke looked like they had too much makeup on him, especially pink lipstick, and he has had his ears cosmetically pinned back. Knowing how much PR valued pageant good looks, I almost wonder if Burke is subconsciously trying to still be the pretty one? I'm probably getting carried away. To me he almost had the mannerisms of being a pageant contestant. Here was his big chance to finally prove he was the chosen child.

That reminded me of a subject we had on here previously about his cross dressing (possibly).

Whatever it was, it is ALL ABOUT HIM. Me me me!
Wow Ambitioned, I missed that thread. That would make for an interesting read! Sad in many ways. So many people noted how much he looked like Patsy, and he has enhanced that look it seems to me. Obviously, lots of psychology going on with Burke.
No fingerprints on the note doesn't bother me. It was something they had for one day, they could have just washed their hands with it being morning and not had oily enough fingers to leave prints. Plus you don't necessarily leave prints every single time you touch anything.

But the flashlight is totally crazy. I guarantee every flashlight in my house has all of our finger prints on it! You use it from time to time for years, eventually everyone will leave a print there. Odd to clean it off if it was used for the headbash, just because her skin wasn't broken so there wasn't blood on it to be cleaned...

It's not so much the lack of fingerprints on the flashlight itself - because I understand the surface was rough and had a type of cross hatching effect on it - it was the fact that the batteries had been removed and wiped of fingerprints. The R's had to have been panicking, big time, to do that because they obviously did not think it through. It was their flashlight (although they tried to distance themselves from it) so it would have had their fingerprints on the batteries. All this tends to make me believe that the flashlight was indeed the murder weapon.

As for the lack of Ramsey fingerprints on the ransom note - even if somebody had just washed their hands they would leave prints on paper. Somebody would need to have washed their hands in special cleansing agents and then wiped them on paper toweling NOT to leave fingerprints and, as we know, the R's prints SHOULD have been on that ransom note, so something wasn't right, was it?
As for the lack of Ramsey fingerprints on the ransom note - even if somebody had just washed their hands they would leave prints on paper. Somebody would need to have washed their hands in special cleansing agents and then wiped them on paper toweling NOT to leave fingerprints and, as we know, the R's prints SHOULD have been on that ransom note, so something wasn't right, was it?
Gloves? Would have helped disguise the handwriting to an extent as well.
An observation I made from the Dr. Phil interview was Burke looked like they had too much makeup on him, especially pink lipstick, and he has had his ears cosmetically pinned back. Knowing how much PR valued pageant good looks, I almost wonder if Burke is subconsciously trying to still be the pretty one? I'm probably getting carried away. To me he almost had the mannerisms of being a pageant contestant. Here was his big chance to finally prove he was the chosen child.

Wow! This is getting more bizarre all the time! Keep it coming.
An observation I made from the Dr. Phil interview was Burke looked like they had too much makeup on him, especially pink lipstick, and he has had his ears cosmetically pinned back. Knowing how much PR valued pageant good looks, I almost wonder if Burke is subconsciously trying to still be the pretty one? I'm probably getting carried away. To me he almost had the mannerisms of being a pageant contestant. Here was his big chance to finally prove he was the chosen child.

Personally I reckon BR just did what he was told and answered the questions as practiced.

One telling moment, really an insight into his troubled mind was when he described JonBenet as flaunting herself.

Now as an adult surely he knew how that would come over: nope, apparently not, inside his immature mind he still thinks of JonBenet that way, that's normal for him but nearly everyone else on the planet understands six-year old girls just do not flaunt themselves.

So for me the psychology is that in the personal behavior space BR has not matured much, he likely feels the guilt but projects it all onto JonBenet, i.e. she gets the blame, because she was flaunting herself.

Because of the media coverage, all the JonBenet pageant movie twirls, etc, BR perceives this as confirmation?

Gloves? Would have helped disguise the handwriting to an extent as well.

Yes of course Patsy wore gloves to write the note, but what I'm saying is that their fingerprints WOULD have been on the ransom note as they stated they had handled it - yet no fingerprints were found.

A case of being over zealous in wanting to distance themselves with everything to do with the crime but in doing so they incriminated themselves even more.
Yes of course Patsy wore gloves to write the note, but what I'm saying is that their fingerprints WOULD have been on the ransom note as they stated they had handled it - yet no fingerprints were found.

A case of being over zealous in wanting to distance themselves with everything to do with the crime but in doing so they incriminated themselves even more.

At times they both went to great lengths to describe reading the note without touching it.
I forgot about the flaunt response. Poor JBR.��

I know, and at his age too, wanting us to all remember: JonBenet flaunted herself, characterizing her as wanton, duh!

I never knew his ears were pinned back. Yet he still managed to be portrayed as demonic, with the staring eyes and crazy smile.

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