Was Burke Involved # 5

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I am assuming the work on his ears from comparing his photos as a boy. He is almost like a mean Peter Pan. Never grew up, not in a good way.
I am assuming the work on his ears from comparing his photos as a boy. He is almost like a mean Peter Pan. Never grew up, not in a good way.

Good job, sleuther! :sleuth: I agree! Ears don't change that much without a little work.



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Can CBS use the third show Dr. Phil made in which he felt he had to make excuses for BR's behavior as an indicator that BR himself tainted his reputation before the CBS special ever aired? The reason Dr. Phil made that third show in the first place was because numerous people were taking to Twitter and other social media and commenting negatively on BR's behavior.

Great point! DP's show caused so much negative response, DP had to spend an hour of prime afternoon tv view time to explain away his odd behavior. I would shove that so far up LW's - umm - nose.
Good job, sleuther! :sleuth: I agree! Ears don't change that much without a little work.
Ears stay the same throughout life. Back when people were claiming to be lost the 80 year old Grand Duchess Anastasia, ear comparisons of photos were done for this very reason He's had "work done" as they, say for sure. Only question is - did Patsy do it (horrible) or did he do it (strange)? I'd almost forgotten his "she'd like flaunt...her whatever...on stage."

"Flaunt: To dress or behave provocatively."
I am assuming the work on his ears from comparing his photos as a boy. He is almost like a mean Peter Pan. Never grew up, not in a good way.

That is my impression about Burke Ramsey. He is infantile like Jerry Sandusky, Lori Drew, Elliot Rodger, and Adam Lanza.

Injustice collectors and psychopaths are immature. They never grow up. They act like overgrown children.
Just playing devil's advocate here for a moment - no pun intended:innocent: - but BR's or PR's vanity wouldn't have to be the only reason for having B's ears tucked in. Sadly, the surgery is often done to keep children with prominent ears from being mercilessly teased at school.
Ears stay the same throughout life. Back when people were claiming to be lost the 80 year old Grand Duchess Anastasia, ear comparisons of photos were done for this very reason He's had "work done" as they, say for sure. Only question is - did Patsy do it (horrible) or did he do it (strange)? I'd almost forgotten his "she'd like flaunt...her whatever...on stage."

"Flaunt: To dress or behave provocatively."
Appears to me as though the ears were done before PR died. And yes, the ears are a big tell for identification. The external ears also say a lot about the brain as the two are formed in the same window of time in embryo.

And to me, that remark was not only disgusting, but sexist - "she'd like flaunt...her whatever...on stage." Gah!

And to me, that remark was not only disgusting, but sexist - "she'd like flaunt...her whatever...on stage." Gah!
Poor little kid was barely more than a baby when their mother had her "flaunt her whatever" in public. Strange way for a brother to talk about his long deceased little sister. Nearly as strange as deciding to bring up how odd she looked in her casket with that weird droopy eye.
I totally agree Meara. Maybe he was teased, bullying can wreak havoc on anyone. Honestly, call it what you will, vanity, etc., I don't blame anyone for improving their appearance within reason.
Just playing devil's advocate here for a moment - no pun intended:innocent: - but BR's or PR's vanity wouldn't have to be the only reason for having B's ears tucked in. Sadly, the surgery is often done to keep children with prominent ears from being mercilessly teased at school.
Fair point, although the surgery would have been done after JRB's death and probably at a time when he was old enough to wear his hair a little longer to cover the tops of his ears. From personal experience, ear surgery can be incredibly painful and not something I'd want to put my child through. He was hardly deformed. And you'd think they'd be more important things the kids might tease him about..
Appears to me as though the ears were done before PR died. And yes, the ears are a big tell for identification. The external ears also say a lot about the brain as the two are formed in the same window of time in embryo.

And to me, that remark was not only disgusting, but sexist - "she'd like flaunt...her whatever...on stage." Gah!


Patsy Ramsey is very vain and shallow. She is very obsessed about her appearance like Christy Sheats.

I could see Patsy Ramsey being jealous of JonBenet. Ramsey
As I recall, the flashlight was checked for fingerprints and nothing was found inside or out. I don't believe it was ever checked for DNA and I don't believe that it can be because of the fingerprint powder. I do believe that the DP interview was done simply to lay the groundwork for an explanation if new testing methods were able to find Burke's or john's DNA on it though.

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Way back when, but here on WS, someone mentioned the original flashlight was replaced with the current one that LE found. The current one had no information such as DNA on it. The person thought to have removed it was the patriarch when he supposedly was staging the scene. I have no idea how to find out that info as it was such along time ago.
An observation I made from the Dr. Phil interview was Burke looked like they had too much makeup on him, especially pink lipstick, and he has had his ears cosmetically pinned back. Knowing how much PR valued pageant good looks, I almost wonder if Burke is subconsciously trying to still be the pretty one? I'm probably getting carried away. To me he almost had the mannerisms of being a pageant contestant. Here was his big chance to finally prove he was the chosen child.

As I pointed out before, in older black & white posed photos of Patsy, Jon Benet & Burke, both children obviously had on makeup. It seemed that Patsy found it necessary to put makeup on Burke as well as Jon Benet. You could speculate about why but they both have eye makeup and lipstick on. That gives me the creeps.
If and when BR has to be questioned before a jury, he better grow up and act like a 29 plus yr old man. In his Dr Phil interview he acted like a 10 yr old child.

Happy Birthday to Burke... he turns 30 this month! :::::eye roll:::::

Burke Ramsey on Dr. Phil show

“Yeah, I had some toy that I wanted to put together. I remember being downstairs after everyone was in bed … wanting to get this thing out,”

“Did you use the flashlight so you wouldn’t be seen?” Dr. Phil followed up.

“I don’t remember. I just remember being downstairs with this toy,” Burke replied.

Alsoooooo, after reading all that you posted (thanks Meara), IIRC PR said somewhere else she was up late packing for the trip, did she not??

yep. i think they were probably all up...
Yes I think they were probably all up as well, although John could have been in bed snoring (leaving Patsy to do everything). I get the idea he was never much help to her.

Burke doesn't remember if he took the flashlight downstairs? He's had 20 years to think about that night and to remember all the details.

Selective amnesia. It affected all of them.
Yes I think they were probably all up as well, although John could have been in bed snoring (leaving Patsy to do everything). I get the idea he was never much help to her.

Burke doesn't remember if he took the flashlight downstairs? He's had 20 years to think about that night and to remember all the details.

Selective amnesia. It affected all of them.
He didn't need a flashlight to go downstairs to play with a toy. The Ramseys left some lights on and it appears all or most of the Christmas lights were on and he was certainly tall enough to reach any needed light switches. He was only toying with the flashlight question because Lin Wood was worried that CBS maybe had access to information that showed his or his father's prints or DNA on the flashlight. So they suddenly felt the need to introduce an innocent reason for them - especially Burke - to have handled it.
My brother had his ears pinned back aged 9. He got bullied at school, certainly nothing sinister about it. It was entirely his choice to have the operation.
He didn't need a flashlight to go downstairs to play with a toy. The Ramseys left some lights on and it appears all or most of the Christmas lights were on and he was certainly tall enough to reach any needed light switches. He was only toying with the flashlight question because Lin Wood was worried that CBS maybe had access to information that showed his or his father's prints or DNA on the flashlight. So they suddenly felt the need to introduce an innocent reason for them - especially Burke - to have handled it.

You will notice in DPs line of questioning, when Burke reveals that he went downstairs, DP immediately asks, "did you use the flashlight?". That is not a normal followup question. Maybe "Did you see or hear anybody while you were down there?" or "Did JB go down with you?", but he specifically asks about a flashlight that up until now every Ramsey had resisted admitting ownership of. That question was scripted and a deliberate vehicle to allow both John and Burke to cover their asses.
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