Was Burke Involved # 5

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The same Rolling Stone that publishes fake stories like "Rape on Campus" and has to pay the fraternity 1.65 million for defamation? I don't drink from the same can as a stranger either. Remember that what you might find acceptable, others might not. There are a lot of people who don't want to use dirty utensils. As for the officer trying to weaponize BR's feelings for his sister, I agree with BR on that.

Honestly, my whole point of bring up the therapist (Dr. Bernard) drinking from BR coke can is this: I felt like she did this on purpose to merely invoke a response from BR. She is right handed, yet the coke can in seen sitting on the left of her. So a response she did invoke. I had OCD when I was young and had this same response. I considered it gross especially when my mom did this to me.

Here is what is left of that interview on the internet:
Would you drink from a can that a stranger drank from? I don't see anything wrong with not being pleased that some stranger started scarfing his cola. That's a nasty thing to do.

Its a response engendered by wealth. Before there was canned coke, pepsi, etc, bottles were glass and usually screw-tops. Folks quite happily drank from the same bottle.

BTW the bottles were very large back then. I preferred the middle size range.

So while I would try and avoid drinking from something a stranger had drank from, it would never be a deal killer particularly on a hot summers day.

You used to get the same issue when folks drank directly from the water tap/faucet.
Its a response engendered by wealth. Before there was canned coke, pepsi, etc, bottles were glass and usually screw-tops. Folks quite happily drank from the same bottle.

BTW the bottles were very large back then. I preferred the middle size range.

So while I would try and avoid drinking from something a stranger had drank from, it would never be a deal killer particularly on a hot summers day.

You used to get the same issue when folks drank directly from the water tap/faucet.
We drank from the same water tap outside, everyday, growing up. Interesting how that never bothered me as a kid. We couldn’t afford much, but playing, drinking the water, could last as long as we wanted. Today, in my town, they charge by the gallon.
We drank from the same water tap outside, everyday, growing up. Interesting how that never bothered me as a kid. We couldn’t afford much, but playing, drinking the water, could last as long as we wanted. Today, in my town, they charge by the gallon.

Drinking water that is constantly flowing from a tap (with your mouth off the tap) is quite different from drinking a liquid that is in a contained source.
Drinking water that is constantly flowing from a tap (with your mouth off the tap) is quite different from drinking a liquid that is in a contained source.

Some kids put their entire mouths over the hose in my experience. You think maybe you could give me a break here?
We drank from the same water tap outside, everyday, growing up. Interesting how that never bothered me as a kid. We couldn’t afford much, but playing, drinking the water, could last as long as we wanted. Today, in my town, they charge by the gallon.
I think everyone who has played outside has done that. However, drinking the arc of running water from a hose isn't dangerous. I remember school in the 60s/70s and college in the 80s that people would be outraged if another person placed their mouth on the spigot of the drinking fountain or on the rim of the hose. That was a major violation of social etiquette.
I think everyone who has played outside has done that. However, drinking the arc of running water from a hose isn't dangerous. I remember school in the 60s/70s and college in the 80s that people would be outraged if another person placed their mouth on the spigot of the drinking fountain or on the rim of the hose. That was a major violation of social etiquette.
I will agree with you. Sadly not all people are schooled in social etiquette.
Drinking water that is constantly flowing from a tap (with your mouth off the tap) is quite different from drinking a liquid that is in a contained source.

Nah, because those watching can never be certain your mouth/lips never touched the tap.

Occasionally, people would complain and say stuff like, "That's gross, you should use a cup/glass", of course the latter was an extra step, possibly more if the tap was not close to cups or glasses.

It's a personal choice thing, not a Hebraic command.

Here's an anecdote: once out walking along a river path leading to wild country I noticed a group of people drinking via their hands from the river, which was running medium fast and looked clean, sporting fish of many kinds.

About a mile along the river bank I noticed a dead sheep lying in the river. It had clearly been there for days and was in an advanced state of decomposition, I'll spare you the details.

Walking on, my mind drifted back to those that had been drinking straight from the river when I realized they would have ingested any pathogens, insecticide, worms, etc which might have floated down river.

IMO Rain on my Parade has probably got it right?
Honestly, my whole point of bring up the therapist (Dr. Bernard) drinking from BR coke can is this: I felt like she did this on purpose to merely invoke a response from BR. She is right handed, yet the coke can in seen sitting on the left of her. So a response she did invoke. I had OCD when I was young and had this same response. I considered it gross especially when my mom did this to me.
Dr. Bernard might have been testing Burke's susceptibility to losing it or evaluating him on some moral range?

Honestly, my whole point of bring up the therapist (Dr. Bernard) drinking from BR coke can is this: I felt like she did this on purpose to merely invoke a response from BR. She is right handed, yet the coke can in seen sitting on the left of her. So a response she did invoke. I had OCD when I was young and had this same response. I considered it gross especially when my mom did this to me.

Here is what is left of that interview on the internet:

Falling down the rabbit hole ... searching .. and low and behold I find this:
I saw the video of Burke "bristling" when the psychologist took a drink out of his can. BR horror at the psychologist's action definitely showed how possessive and (can we say) germophobic he was for a young kid. He almost yelled at the psychologist, "Look what you did; that was mine. I can't drink out of that can now."
Just as I remembered it.
There was video of the portion of the interview where Dr. Bernhard drinks from Burke's coke can? I thought the only reference to it was in Kolar's book. In the book, Kolar's description of Burke's reaction is pretty mild.
There was video of the portion of the interview where Dr. Bernhard drinks from Burke's coke can? I thought the only reference to it was in Kolar's book. In the book, Kolar's description of Burke's reaction is pretty mild.
I recalled seeing BR react exactly as I posted earlier. Of course the entire video is no longer available via the internet.
I’m not stating BR is guilty but his stories are just as fishy as the rest of the Ramsey’s. I see no purpose in that if you are innocent.
There was video of the portion of the interview where Dr. Bernhard drinks from Burke's coke can? I thought the only reference to it was in Kolar's book. In the book, Kolar's description of Burke's reaction is pretty mild.

I'm not sure why his reaction would be a big deal. Patsy probably told him not to share drinks. I've told my daughter the same thing. Oral herpes is/was rampant.

We drank from hoses because we were ignorant of PVC (and lead). The water always tasted funny, as I recall.
Dr Bernard failed to pursue BR as to the nature of the secret that he said he was keeping. The subsequent interviewer did not even bring up this issue of the secret.
Dr Bernard failed to pursue BR as to the nature of the secret that he said he was keeping. The subsequent interviewer did not even bring up this issue of the secret.
I think Burke was referring to ALL secrets in general and not just
one in particular. Sort of, “if you tell, it is no longer a secret”, kind of thing!
Perhaps BR was referring to ALL secrets, but Dr Bernard did not pursue this line of questioning, leaving yet another ambiguity for us to ponder.
Can anyone cite a real-life instance of an accident being staged to look like a murder? How about a head blow staged to look like a elaborately planned murder?
It's odd that the patio door near the broken basement window wasn't unlocked as part of the staging. In his first interview, John says that he found all the first floor doors locked in the morning. Why not take the opportunity to reinforce the suggestion that the intruder left that way? That door was as hidden as the basement window and a lot more convenient for exiting.

I think outside near the patio door was where the invitation was found so the stager is suggesting activity around that door with one hand and taking it back with the other. (No doubt an intruder could have locked the door behind himself, but I'm assuming staging.)
Perhaps BR was referring to ALL secrets, but Dr Bernard did not pursue this line of questioning, leaving yet another ambiguity for us to ponder.

If only Dr. Bernard had followed up with, "Is there a secret about JonBenet that you can't tell me?"
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