Was Burke involved?

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Was Burke involved in JB's death?

  • Burke was involved in the death of JBR

    Votes: 377 59.6%
  • Burke was totally uninvolved in her death

    Votes: 256 40.4%

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According to PMPT, pg677, Schuler was interviewing Burke in June 1997 over three days. This is info I had not remembered reading before:
"Then Schuler asked what had happened after Burke went to bed. Did he have any dreams? Did he hear anything in his sleep? Burke said he had heard voices, in the distance. Maybe it was a dream; maybe not. It was so long ago, he said."

I am taking this timeline to be shortly after 10 pm, which is the time that was previously established by JR, and by Burke as to what time he went off to bed.

Does anyone know if there was any followup on this by LE during interviews with JR or PR?

midwest mama,
10pm seems very early too me. From the R's own timeline they would not be long in the door.

The R's were asked many questions relating to Burke, but as we now know they were never followed up. Which is relevant if the case is actually BDI.

Did Hunter not indict because he knew it was BDI? There was no lack of evidence.

On BR and the above interview he stated he heard the 991 call, well that is what I call good hearing!

UBM I think the key word here is "demonstrate". The lack of ability to show (demonstrate) empathy, and the lack of empathy are two different things. Some people with Aspergers may not have the ability to express empathy, but that does not mean that they don't feel any.

Did BR feel empathy but lacked the ability to show it? Or did he not feel any empathy at all towards his sister? JMO, but I don't think he felt any. That opinion is based not just on that interview, but his apparent lack of concern since then. I personally do not believe that his cold, flat, unfeeling attitude necessarily indicates Aspergers. However, BR's reaction to JBRs death is unnatural and very disturbing. There are a number of disorders that this behavior could fall into.

I am bothered by the fact that this talk about BR possibly having Aspergers continues to be tied to speculation that he was responsible for her death. He might have Aspergers. He might have had something to do with her death. I just do not believe that they are related matters.

Flatlander I know you are not labeling people this way. The media is the guilty party here. No apologies necessary.

Correct and thank you for astutely pointing that out! inability to DEMONSTRATE is different than an inability to FEEL. Of course they have limited ability to demonstrate, they have a social disorder. They have an inability to demonstrate A LOT of things which is why they can come across as "off" and awkward.

It is also important to remember that as with any disorder, it is on a spectrum and continuum. From very mild to severe, and they will present accordingly. Many many are high functioning. You may not even realize that a person with mild aspergers even has it at all, as if they were severe you could never miss it. From what I have read, Lanza was most likely moderate on the continuum.

The media was irresponsible in their insinuations about the syndrome. What they did was stigmatize a disorder that was already misunderstood to begin with. A sociopath that cannot feel empathy for others, has a major personality disorder which is entirely different than a social disorder that is more biologically based than shaped by environment. They did NOT know what they were talking about and when they kept using it in the same sentence with the killer they gave the impression that people with aspergers can potentially become murderous killers.

That is patently false. Period.

There is zero empirical evidence that people with aspergers have the potential to be violent killers. Zero.

What is even more annoying to me regarding the how the media painted this is that how in the world did they go straight to mentioning aspergers and skip these very obvious facts:

1. He had recently started burning himself.

2. His mother stated to a friend one week before the shooting that she was despondent due to this and that she was "losing him" and not able to "reach him" anymore.

3. His mother had plans to relocate and have him get an assisted living apartment in another state to try and integrate him into the community more.

4. Adam Lanza was angry about this.

5. His parents had recently divorced and his father had a new woman in his life.
6. He had recently stopped speaking to his father and his brother, apparently due to this.

7. His only recreation or "social contact" was gaming. He sat in his basement alone for hours and hours on end obsessively playing first person shooter games.

8. Police were baffled when they found his magazines at the crime scenes. Most had 15 or more bullets left in them yet he reloaded in each room. In the game that he obsessively played, players were to "reload" their magazine before entering a new room so that they wouldn't run out of ammunition. Isn't it obvious that this game got into his head and conditioned him to the point that he walked around mowing down six year olds like he was in a video game?

There is empirical evidence that states that chronic exposure to violence DOES make us more aggressive. Seems to me the media should have been a little more concerned with fact rather than insinuation.

9. His mother, a "responsible" gun owner knew her son had dark tendencies and was clearly agitated over the divorce and upcoming relocation, yet she somehow thought it was a smart idea to keep a literal arsenal of assault weapons lying around their home and took him to the range to teach him how to shoot.

All of the above are facts that can point to many environmental conditions and life events that contributed to this atrocity Yet the media could not stop mentioning a disorder that we in the field know has nothing to do with this kids very obvious simmering rage and obsession with violence and guns.

The FBI threat assessment created after Columbine highlights the fact that these mass shootings do not occur because the shooter "snaps." Quite the opposite. They are usually in response to a disappointing life event where the shooter feels hopeless and out of control and the shooter is on a "path' of destruction and the signs are unfortunately missed.

In this case we can point to the divorce and the relocation. Now add the unhealthy habit of obsessive first shooter games that are proven to be bad for mental health (especially someone that is exhibiting other problems) and the culture of guns in the home. Another study showed an alarmingly high number of school shooters had access to guns because their parents had them in the home and because gun culture was part of their household.

I don't want to turn this into a gun control discussion. I am just pointing out, that with this kid (and the others before him) there are similarities across the board. Access to guns, gun culture in the home, an obsession with violence and destruction, and upsetting life events. If we are to understand why these things happen we have to truly look at them and not make snap judgments about things that have nothing to do with the atrocities, such as aspergers.
I was reading at ForumsForJustice yesterday and came across a post that moved me deeply. We have discussed Burke, numerous times and if/what disease process he may/may not have. Kolar's book of course leads us to question this further.

What we do know, is that his behaviors after the death of JonBenet, seemed abnormal to many of us. I had losses at a young age and I still remember the feelings I went through, the grief and the mourning period. When I was 5 my Uncle was killed in a motorcycle accident, 8, a friend in my class was killed in an accident. The feelings, while different, were real and strong.

I remember that the losses affected everyone around me in different ways, but we all reacted. Some positively, some not as much.

Anyway, with permission, I am posting Cherokee's post here and in the Kolar thread. She was able to convey what I really wanted to, but was unable to. Thank you Cherokee!

Originally Posted by Cherokee
Burke's lack of tears or any emotion at JonBenet's death and funeral and the later interview with the psychologist seem indicative of a person who felt nothing at JonBenet's loss. I know people with Asperger's have difficulty expressing their emotions, but even then, they can usually cry and show signs of mourning/depression when suffering a heartbreak. Burke acted like nothing had happened. He didn't ask questions, he didn't comment, he just left JonBenet out of his picture.

When I was in 3rd grade, one of my best friends was accidentally shot dead by his older brother while they were fighting over a gun on the front porch. They told us the next day at school, and there was immediate sadness. Collectively, and individually, we felt a loss. Those of us who were closer to Donnie cried, and the boys who usually played ball with him at recess just stood around. No one felt like playing, and no one could imagine never seeing Donnie again. I was upset and missed Donnie for a long time. Back then, they didn't have school counselors for kids to see when they'd suffered the loss of a classmate. Some people have wondered if Burke, as an almost 10 year old, could have understood the finality of JonBenet's death. I am here to tell you, he was old enough to understand, and he was most certainly old enough to mourn.

We were only eight-years-old, two years younger than Burke, and yet we felt the absence of Donnie immediately and for a long time afterwards. We mourned Donnie, and we talked about him, and we asked questions about how he died. No one can tell me that it is normal for a boy, three weeks away from being 10, to act like Burke did when his baby sister was murdered in his own home while he was present. Not only should he have mourned his sister and asked questions and acted like there had been a loss, Burke should have shown concern and fear about a predator/intruder who had gained access to his home and killed in silence with no physical trace. THAT is the stuff of nightmares, but Burke went on about his life as if nothing happened. His facial expressions are not changed from before JonBenet's death. There was no discernable difference in his world.

Thank you again Cherokee. Sentiments many of us have felt, but failed to express so eloquently.
I was sure I posted to this thread a few days ago, but it must have disappeared. I've noticed that a couple of my posts to threads in the JBR forum no longer exist.

I don't think Burke was directly involved, but I do believe he knows important details.
I have three question for all the BDI people here. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say and how you all view this. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, or say you are wrong in thinking Burke was the abuser, but just trying to understand how you arrive at your conclusions.

1. Do you believe that JonBenet was actually "sexually abused/molested", or do you think the signs of prior abuse were simply the result of the kids playing doctor? (We KNOW they played doctor, but I view that as different than being "molested" or "sexually abused", the difference being one is consensual and one is not. LHP said BOTH kids yelled at her to leave, so I would view that as consensual.)

2. If you think JonBenet was abused, and Burke was the one abusing her, would Patsy or John have seen it as "sexual abuse", or would they view it as kids just being kids playing doctor?

3. If you think they would view it as innocent, common, and somewhat normal then why did they feel the need to try and cover up signs of prior sexual abuse? What parent would think playing doctor would leave signs of past abuse? If they did see it as sexual abuse then why did they view it that way instead of the more innocent explanation?

I do believe BR was doing something to her, but I also believe John was too. The biggest reason, other than the fact that IMO he's a creepy, lizard lipped old perv, is the attempt to cover the past abuse. They KNEW there would be signs of past abuse, and I'm just not convinced that it would occur to them that "playing doctor" would leave those signs.
1. Do you believe that JonBenet was actually "sexually abused/molested", or do you think the signs of prior abuse were simply the result of the kids playing doctor? (We KNOW they played doctor, but I view that as different than being "molested" or "sexually abused", the difference being one is consensual and one is not. LHP said BOTH kids yelled at her to leave, so I would view that as consensual.)

2. If you think JonBenet was abused, and Burke was the one abusing her, would Patsy or John have seen it as "sexual abuse", or would they view it as kids just being kids playing doctor?

3. If you think they would view it as innocent, common, and somewhat normal then why did they feel the need to try and cover up signs of prior sexual abuse? What parent would think playing doctor would leave signs of past abuse? If they did see it as sexual abuse then why did they view it that way instead of the more innocent explanation?

I do believe BR was doing something to her, but I also believe John was too. The biggest reason, other than the fact that IMO he's a creepy, lizard lipped old perv, is the attempt to cover the past abuse. They KNEW there would be signs of past abuse, and I'm just not convinced that it would occur to them that "playing doctor" would leave those signs.

I suspect that if BDI, "playing doctor" had progressed into something more sinister. I have a hard time thinking BR is a sexual predator or sociopath, but I do see a strong possibility that he was perhaps manipulating her in some way. Maybe he threatens to "tell on her" (for eating pineapple? peeking at xmas gifts?) or makes her feel guilty for previous "playing doctor" activities, thereby coaxing her into going along with whatever "games" he wanted. Someone looked up "incest" in the dictionary. This is a young girl under tremendous pressure to be perfect and to please her mother. She is also hyper-sexualized. Maybe BR had been controlling her in this way for some time. After PR and JR find that BR has injured JBR, they might blame themselves or fear involvement from social services. Maybe they realize that what they thought was innocent sexual exploration has been much darker all along. Pure speculation, of course.

I keep struggling with the JR as pedophile angle. He's been married three times, no proof of abusing his other daughters, no incidents of abuse or pedophilia since JBR's death. It is definitely possible that he was also abusing her, but does he really fit the profile? Most pedophiles are repeat offenders--they can't stop themselves. Again, it is definitely possible, but...

The thing I've never been able to wrap my mind around (maybe a poor choice of words) is the garrotte. BR has a history of whittling, but can he tie that sophisticated knot? I know JR can.

If PR has prior knowledge of abuse, why does she keep taking JBR to the doctor? Something doesn't add up there.
I have three question for all the BDI people here. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say and how you all view this. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, or say you are wrong in thinking Burke was the abuser, but just trying to understand how you arrive at your conclusions.

1. Do you believe that JonBenet was actually "sexually abused/molested", or do you think the signs of prior abuse were simply the result of the kids playing doctor? (We KNOW they played doctor, but I view that as different than being "molested" or "sexually abused", the difference being one is consensual and one is not. LHP said BOTH kids yelled at her to leave, so I would view that as consensual.)

2. If you think JonBenet was abused, and Burke was the one abusing her, would Patsy or John have seen it as "sexual abuse", or would they view it as kids just being kids playing doctor?

3. If you think they would view it as innocent, common, and somewhat normal then why did they feel the need to try and cover up signs of prior sexual abuse? What parent would think playing doctor would leave signs of past abuse? If they did see it as sexual abuse then why did they view it that way instead of the more innocent explanation?

I do believe BR was doing something to her, but I also believe John was too. The biggest reason, other than the fact that IMO he's a creepy, lizard lipped old perv, is the attempt to cover the past abuse. They KNEW there would be signs of past abuse, and I'm just not convinced that it would occur to them that "playing doctor" would leave those signs.

Nom de plume,

1. I reckon more than one person was actively sexually assaulting JonBenet. She had chronic internal injuries.

2. It would be viewed as sexual abuse. The R's knew what the difference was. Denying JonBenet medical assistance confirms this view.

3. The obvious answer is because they knew that JonBenet was being abused, and by more than one person.

BR may only have ever played doctor. Someone on the night of 12/25/96 actually sexually assaulted JonBenet, the staging attempts to mask this from direct view.

So the million dollar question is: was the molestation of JonBenet, on 12/25/96, and her subsequent death directly related, as in forming part of a linear sequence?

i.e. can you have the molestation perpetrated by one person, and her head injury by another person, both events independent of each other?

With the first person recognizing JonBenet cannot be given medical assistance and there will have to be a crime-scene staging, so to mask the original abuse?

The thing I've never been able to wrap my mind around (maybe a poor choice of words) is the garrotte. BR has a history of whittling, but can he tie that sophisticated knot? I know JR can.

Knot(s) were not sophisticated. That was red herring, and out-and-out lies perpetuated by Lou Smit Spin Team to make it look as if it was something far beyond the realms of regular knots that any family, especially a normal, loving one like the Ramseys, would have any knowledge of.

Special Prosecutor Michael Kane on the subject:

Thanks, Whaleshark, for the info about the knot.

Was just viewing the pics on FFJ where the train track piece with the center pin removed is overlaid on the "stun gun" marks on JBR's body. Wow. A perfect match.
Nom de plume,

1. I reckon more than one person was actively sexually assaulting JonBenet. She had chronic internal injuries.

2. It would be viewed as sexual abuse. The R's knew what the difference was. Denying JonBenet medical assistance confirms this view.

3. The obvious answer is because they knew that JonBenet was being abused, and by more than one person.

BR may only have ever played doctor. Someone on the night of 12/25/96 actually sexually assaulted JonBenet, the staging attempts to mask this from direct view.

So the million dollar question is: was the molestation of JonBenet, on 12/25/96, and her subsequent death directly related, as in forming part of a linear sequence?

i.e. can you have the molestation perpetrated by one person, and her head injury by another person, both events independent of each other?

With the first person recognizing JonBenet cannot be given medical assistance and there will have to be a crime-scene staging, so to mask the original abuse?


:woohoo: I think we actually agree for once!

1. Yes agree completely.

2. They knew there was abuse, by JR IMO, but did they know it to be abuse by BR too or did they view that as innocent?

3. Absolutely!

If you think BR was just playing doctor, which I tend to agree with, whom do you believe the "more than one person"s were?

Million $ answer: Yes. I believe the abuse by John, and still think the head injury by Patsy, but regarless, the abuse ultimately resulted in her death.

On your last question, are you saying that you think she was injured during the sexual assualt on the 25th and intentionally murdered due to being unable to seek medical care without being exposed for the abuse? Hmmm....haven't considered that possibility before.
:woohoo: I think we actually agree for once!

1. Yes agree completely.

2. They knew there was abuse, by JR IMO, but did they know it to be abuse by BR too or did they view that as innocent?

3. Absolutely!

If you think BR was just playing doctor, which I tend to agree with, whom do you believe the "more than one person"s were?

Million $ answer: Yes. I believe the abuse by John, and still think the head injury by Patsy, but regarless, the abuse ultimately resulted in her death.

On your last question, are you saying that you think she was injured during the sexual assualt on the 25th and intentionally murdered due to being unable to seek medical care without being exposed for the abuse? Hmmm....haven't considered that possibility before.

Nom de plume,
Yes and No.

Consider this scenario: after arriving back from the Whites, JonBenet dresses for bed in her Pink Barbie Nightgown, and ends up in someone elses bed, where she is sexually assaulted?

Next she has her pineapple snack, where Burke asks her down to the basement where for whatever reason, he whacks her on the head, or she has an accident.

Its at this point the person who sexually abused her recognizes, JonBenet cannot receive medical assistance since this would reveal both the acute and chronic molestation.

So the staging begins.

It might be that the person who molested JonBenet is not the same person who whacked her on the head?

Nom de plume,
Yes and No.

Consider this scenario: after arriving back from the Whites, JonBenet dresses for bed in her Pink Barbie Nightgown, and ends up in someone elses bed, where she is sexually assaulted?

Next she has her pineapple snack, where Burke asks her down to the basement where for whatever reason, he whacks her on the head, or she has an accident.

Its at this point the person who sexually abused her recognizes, JonBenet cannot receive medical assistance since this would reveal both the acute and chronic molestation.

So the staging begins.

It might be that the person who molested JonBenet is not the same person who whacked her on the head?


Ok. With you on the pink Barbie nightgown, but who's bed? Differ on when the pineapple snack occured, I would think it was before bed. If BR got her in the basement, for what ever reason, (keep in mind she was said to hate the basement) and whacks her on the head, or she had an accident, then who is the person that performed the molestation that night?

The rest of us are putting our thoughts and theories out there, how about you come clean with your thoughts now? Hmmm?
I have three question for all the BDI people here. I'd like to hear what everyone has to say and how you all view this. I'm not trying to argue with anyone, or say you are wrong in thinking Burke was the abuser, but just trying to understand how you arrive at your conclusions.

1. Do you believe that JonBenet was actually "sexually abused/molested", or do you think the signs of prior abuse were simply the result of the kids playing doctor? (We KNOW they played doctor, but I view that as different than being "molested" or "sexually abused", the difference being one is consensual and one is not. LHP said BOTH kids yelled at her to leave, so I would view that as consensual.)

2. If you think JonBenet was abused, and Burke was the one abusing her, would Patsy or John have seen it as "sexual abuse", or would they view it as kids just being kids playing doctor?

3. If you think they would view it as innocent, common, and somewhat normal then why did they feel the need to try and cover up signs of prior sexual abuse? What parent would think playing doctor would leave signs of past abuse? If they did see it as sexual abuse then why did they view it that way instead of the more innocent explanation?

I do believe BR was doing something to her, but I also believe John was too. The biggest reason, other than the fact that IMO he's a creepy, lizard lipped old perv, is the attempt to cover the past abuse. They KNEW there would be signs of past abuse, and I'm just not convinced that it would occur to them that "playing doctor" would leave those signs.

1) I think that what may have started as exploration and 'playing Doctor' on BR and JonBenets part, at some time became a more intense 'game' of sexual exploration. If I remember correctly, when LHP walked in on the children, it was not immediately near the time of JonBenet's death. Things may have changed/evolved by that point.

Also, why were BR and JonBenet not afraid of getting in trouble when they were caught? I would think they would have hurried out of JonBenet's room, to make sure the housekeeper didn't tell PR.

2) I think this relates to my question above. Had JonBenet talked about this with PR? Did she tell JonBenet not to play that way anymore? I would think that most parents would want any such activities stopped. The children were young imho, to be as sexualized as they were. If PR knew, I think she would have made sure that their activities ceased.

3) Not sure how the R's would feel. I think the staging told us a few things. One was that they were aware that JonBenet had been abused. I think that there was more than one abuser. I think that night, Burke enticed JonBenet into going into the basement. There was the lure of the unopened toys, the train set she probably didn't get to play with much and the idea that they were defying their parents, who had most likely told them to go to bed.

I feel strongly at that point, BR was the perpetrator of the head bash. This followed JonBenet's scream. The scream, I believe, was due to BR molesting her.

As far as JR, the more I learn, the more I feel he has deep buried sexual secrets.
The feeling I get from the housekeeper's account of that discovery (the kids "playing" under a blanket on BR's bed) is that the kids had a very disrespectful attitude towards her. Patsy might not have spoken to her housekeepers in a disrespectful way, but she did have an attitude that indicated that she felt very much superior to them. I don't think the kids "feared" their housekeeper in the sense that they were worried that she would tell Patsy what they were doing.
Is it true that Burke's fingerprints were never found in the wineroom?

AHA. Nobody is saying.

His touch-dna is on the Pink Barbie Nightgown, so I'm willing to bet his fingerprints might be on some wine-cellar object, e.g. Barbie-Doll Packaging?

Ramsey fingerprints on some of these objects are not a smoking gun, since you cannot date fingerprints.

Then again, what if it was Burke Ramsey's fingerprints that were wiped from the flashlight, including the batteries because the wiper knew Burke Ramsey might have inserted new batteries in the near past?

One possibility I've been considering is BR molestation in JBR's bed. Something seemed to be up with BR that night, given the scat in his long johns in her room (and on the candy box). Say PR hears a noise and checks on JBR with a flashlight so as not to wake JBR if asleep, discovers BR and truly upset, tries to whack him hits JBR instead. Maybe the blood on the pillow came from her nose. Also the possible fibers from the cord, the knife, and the disturbed nature of her room and the bathroom make me think something happened in the bedroom.

Cord fibers and big bloomies make me think staging started there, but got moved to outside the wine cellar. I don't know when JR become involved; it could have been at any point. IMO the big bloomies and wiping may have been part of an early thought that maybe the molestation could go unnoticed and the acute (paintbrush handle) abuse was part of a later thought that it would be better to try to obliterate signs of chronic molestation. While youthful molestation may be not uncommon, having it come to light publicly is unacceptable to a family obsessed with appearances. An intruder is the only acceptable explanation.

There's no need to have BR involved in the basement staging. I believe the strangling was part of the staging but it may have also been part mercy killing. Maybe the blow was obviously fatal (or maybe a cell phone call confirmed it) and maybe she was seizing, or whatever.

Previously I was thinking through a scenario in which BR played a larger role, with the action focused on the basement, but I think the blood on the pillow and the evidence in the bedroom argue against that.

All moo.
One possibility I've been considering is BR molestation in JBR's bed. Something seemed to be up with BR that night, given the scat in his long johns in her room (and on the candy box). Say PR hears a noise and checks on JBR with a flashlight so as not to wake JBR if asleep, discovers BR and truly upset, tries to whack him hits JBR instead. Maybe the blood on the pillow came from her nose. Also the possible fibers from the cord, the knife, and the disturbed nature of her room and the bathroom make me think something happened in the bedroom.

Cord fibers and big bloomies make me think staging started there, but got moved to outside the wine cellar. I don't know when JR become involved; it could have been at any point. IMO the big bloomies and wiping may have been part of an early thought that maybe the molestation could go unnoticed and the acute (paintbrush handle) abuse was part of a later thought that it would be better to try to obliterate signs of chronic molestation. While youthful molestation may be not uncommon, having it come to light publicly is unacceptable to a family obsessed with appearances. An intruder is the only acceptable explanation.

There's no need to have BR involved in the basement staging. I believe the strangling was part of the staging but it may have also been part mercy killing. Maybe the blow was obviously fatal (or maybe a cell phone call confirmed it) and maybe she was seizing, or whatever.

Previously I was thinking through a scenario in which BR played a larger role, with the action focused on the basement, but I think the blood on the pillow and the evidence in the bedroom argue against that.

All moo.

The blood on the pillow along with the fecal deposits, the general disarray, including missing pajama bottoms all point to her bedroom having played some role.

Whether it represents the primary crime-scene or a secondary one, a staging post separate from where she was sexually assaulted is open to debate.

1) I think that what may have started as exploration and 'playing Doctor' on BR and JonBenets part, at some time became a more intense 'game' of sexual exploration. If I remember correctly, when LHP walked in on the children, it was not immediately near the time of JonBenet's death. Things may have changed/evolved by that point.

Also, why were BR and JonBenet not afraid of getting in trouble when they were caught? I would think they would have hurried out of JonBenet's room, to make sure the housekeeper didn't tell PR.

2) I think this relates to my question above. Had JonBenet talked about this with PR? Did she tell JonBenet not to play that way anymore? I would think that most parents would want any such activities stopped. The children were young imho, to be as sexualized as they were. If PR knew, I think she would have made sure that their activities ceased.

3) Not sure how the R's would feel. I think the staging told us a few things. One was that they were aware that JonBenet had been abused. I think that there was more than one abuser. I think that night, Burke enticed JonBenet into going into the basement. There was the lure of the unopened toys, the train set she probably didn't get to play with much and the idea that they were defying their parents, who had most likely told them to go to bed.

I feel strongly at that point, BR was the perpetrator of the head bash. This followed JonBenet's scream. The scream, I believe, was due to BR molesting her.

As far as JR, the more I learn, the more I feel he has deep buried sexual secrets.

My current theory is close to this one! I think B had been caught with JB more than once. Also that Patsy would become just as mad at JB for "allowing" this to happen- either by going into B's room or not yelling- and would then angrily scrub her (and possibly molest her out of anger).
John's role in this was that every time Patsy would bring up the situation to him, John would be dismissive of her concerns. From his view, Patsy was overdramatizing everything and "boys will be boys" or "it's just a stage". Perhaps B learned this behavior directly from JR, IDK.

When Patsy caught them this last time, she was enraged. Tired and mad from a long Christmas and trying to pack from the trip, this just sent her over the edge. She screamed at JB and dragged her out of the room. JB started to throw a tantrum. P caused her head injury, then went into hysterics. JR rushes in and they, thinking JB dead, go over all the repercussions if they go with the straight story. JR does the majority of the staging, unstaging and restaging. P writes the ransom note (for the first staging) as he is doing this- maybe after taking some meds? IMO P and JR are arguing/blaming each other as she was writing the note- which would also explain their attitudes towards each other the next day.

Anyways, I think JR was pretty desperate the next day to get both P and B away from LE so I think he was "in charge" of the cover up. I also think a lot of the puzzling things found are part of the staging/unstaging or just things forgotten about (like his robe in the wrong room) Just My Current Theory!
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