Was Caylee a "thrill kill"?

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I posted many many moons ago in the theory thread that I think that last hour before she left to go to Tony's on the 16th... the pressure of it all, got to her.. but then again.. she back in May she was taking a 2 week vacation until June 16th. June 16th rolls around and well... keeping up the lie of "working" was getting to be too much trouble, Caylee was too much trouble.

Amy wondering when she was getting the place to live or rent...
Tony wanting her over there..
She wanting to be with Tony
Ric wanting her back...
Tony R texting to come over...
Chris S texting to come over...
The ongoing thing with Jesse
Mom's on her back
Dad's on her back
Grandma's ready to turn her in
No money
No job
No place to go
Keep up the lying
Caylee wet her pants again
Wanna be free
Kid won't stop crying or throwing a 2 year old tantrum

No, I am not a cop.. but a troubleshooter and untangler of problems....
However, I did have a crush on Kojak when I was a little girl and learned that I love bald headed men. :crazy: If I could, I would go into computer forensics for a daily living....

I think you are right on target with your observation maybe the SA reads here this would be a good final summation in court ...and I love bald men too I had a big crush on Patrick Stewart ...
These are fine analyses. I only differ in that I do not see that Casey was controlled by her parents. She was away for 31 days and could have done that any time. The only time she had to observe parental regulation was when she chose to USE George and Cindy. But what a user she was, and that was not confined to her parents.

I see Casey as an out of control individual. In the jail videos, we got a sample of how she works her parents with threats, plug ugly petulance and blowing her stopper. It must be horrible to live with a daughter like that. V-I-C-I-O-U-S.

I agree... Cindy may have been controlling. But Casey was only pulled in to return and be home and play nicey-nice only because it behooved her to do so. She NEEDED Cindy to babysit at night.
I don't get the feeling like Casey did away with Caylee for the thrill of it. I've always had an inkling that Casey did away with Caylee in a moment of rage.
This all makes sense to me. The only thing that bothers me are the grandparents not stepping in sooner and stopping the lies. They had to know she was lying. Granted they probably never figured that her lying would never resort to her murdering Caylee....they had to know AFTER Caylee was missing that KC did something to Caylee and that was the reason she was not allowing them to see her. Being the primary caretakers of this child, why not call the police sooner than they did? I would have done that if my child was a known liar and thief and had my grandchild and was making excuses for me not to see them, particularly if I was the primary caretaker. I may not get anywhere with the police, but I would call anyway to log a report.

I think that G & C are parents who prefer to keep their head in the sand concerning their daughter.
It was easier not to fight with her because they never won or made any headway with her.
It was probably exhausting and so they avoided it.

They were probably relieved to not have to deal with her for awhile.
It was more like a vacation for them.

Except for the fact that Caylee was gone.
KC was out of control and she did not respect her parents but the way I see it they controlled her because they did everything for her she could not have survived in the real world without a job,or a babysitter and because she was to lazy to work she gave up the control of her life to her parents...

G & C are very annoying people. I will grant you that.
But KC CHOSE to live the way she did.

I'm sure G & C would have supported her if she decided to go to college and make something of herself.
They would have been happy for her to support herself and Caylee down the road.

She was just too lazy and too entitled to work in any way, shape or form.
Everyone was to do for HER.

Enter Caylee. Everyone including "totmom" had to do for Caylee and SHE was the one that got all of the attention.
Resentment builds very quickly towards both her "master" (Caylee) and her former minions (G & C).

* I call Caylee "master" because her needs and wants came before KC's, thereby putting KC in 2nd place.*
i don't go along with the idea that killing Caylee had a thing to do with Cindy. I just don't see it, it's too much of a risk for Casey to take just to get even with her mother.

I just remember where she texted Tony and was like soon you will be able to come over whenever you want etc...

she was going to clear the decks for him...there was no Cindy in any of this. She didn't want to hurt Cindy...she wanted Cindy GONE.....and the whole shebang out of her way.

No, Casey's only inspiration for her crime was Casey....
She is a dark person who gravitated towards evil and negative things. She had no concious (sp?)

IMHO - I just think she had enough and wanted to party, do drugs, and escape from her parents, and in her twisted mind - marry TL. The only way to do that was to kill the person who didn't deserve anything but be welcomed into this world with open arms.

Any one of us would have gladly taken Caylee. She didn't have to die.

But in Caylee's sick mind, she thought it was the only way out for her - regardless of the consequences.

Caylee - we will never forget you!
Here's my opinion for what it's worth...I don't think she killed baby Caylee for a thrill...I think the thrill came afterwards when she went out partying and was free to do what she wanted when she wanted. I think that in her head she had plotted and planned a couple of different scenarios, never really knowing whether or not she'd go through with them. The first scenario I think was in her head was to "do away" with George and Cindy so she could have the house, life insurance, etc. and play mommy to Caylee. The second scenario was to do away with all three--George, Cindy and Caylee--so she could be free. Perhaps in her imagination she allowed herself to think about several different versions...hence the chloroform, neck breaking, etc. on the computer...I think in her own head, to a large degree, she truly believed this fantasy life that she had made up for herself--the job at Universal, the nanny, getting the house from her parents, etc. So, in order to keep the dream/fantasy alive, she distanced herself constantly from everyone and anyone who knew or had the possibility of figuring out the truth....Then comes the big fight with Cindy, who calls Casey out on her lies and in a fit of rage, Casey either kills Caylee purposely or as an accident. Either way, the deed is done and she is so cut off from reality, she carries on with plotting the disposal of Caylee's body...She continues the fantasy in her head and imagines moving somewhere far, far away where her family can't find her...maybe California or New York...meanwhile, she avoids Cindy and George and Lee so that they can't figure out what she's done....and we all know the rest of the story...
imo..I dont think it was a thrill kill..KC is all about KC ..have you ever seen anyone use the word "I" "ME" more than she does. I agree with some others on here that say it was intially an accident but when KC realized the pure joy she felt being "unattached" and it was all about her again and only her she flourished. I am guessing that she felt a "rush" of being able to do what she wanted when she wanted. Although there are some disturbing facts..ie: all the thefts. That always throws me because we all know it was just a matter of time before that bite her in the a$$...
I think that Cindy threatened to file for full Custody of Caylee by claiming that Casey was an unfit mother....Drug use, constant partying, stealing, theft, etc. etc.

The argument on the 15th was the final straw......Things were said & it pushed Casey over the edge & in a twisted act of vengence directed at her mother she murdered Caylee.

Casey couldn't stand to see Caylee, her daughter, bringing joy to the person that she hated the most.....Cindy!

I don't think Casey killed Caylee just to be "Free to Party"

She knows that Cindy would have taken care of Caylee

I think the motive in this case has everything to do with the Toxic relationship that existed between Cindy & Casey
*difficult to snip such terrific work :clap:..just snipped for space*

...adding...back on May 23rd before Tony L. had really entered Casey's life...Casey was IM'g with Tony R. 'bout having 15-days of vacation coming up...starting 5/29...in synch w/ Cindy's b-day week...leading all the way up to 6/16 :eek:

So...Casey fully PLANNED on living la vida loca ::dance: (where's that pole-dancin' smilie when you need it?) while Cindy was on vacation and...for some reason...:waitasec: beyond...

I've been pretty well camped out in the Casey-pulled-a-dumbarse-move 6/16 attempting to neutralize Caylee when her game of Keep-the-Caylee stakes had been raised high enough that it impacted her plans to enjoy herself. I hafta admit though - the clearer these altercations with Cindy get...the more I'm challenged to move into the "spitefull biotch"-as-the-prime-motivator for Casey's actions being fully-intended.

I wonder if Casey asked Cindy if she could have Caylee with her 24/7 during her holidays, either at home or away. She might have asked her and made up some excuse of needing a break herself due to a heavy work schedule.
If she did ask Cindy to take care of Caylee, I mean even more than she usualy did, that could cause sparks to fly.
I also wonder how often (due to habit) that Casey got herself ready to go out, then walked out the door without first asking Cindy if it was OK for her to take care of Caylee because she was going to be on a date. Just taking for granted that Cindy didn't have other plans for herself.
Poor Caylee must have been often confused. Small children can't handle going out every day, then need their schedule and daily naps.
When you think just how often Casey was either on the phone, or texting messages then I have to wonder how she did that with a toddler. From around 2 years of age, they are full of questions. Every mom knows how often they ask "Why?", I live with a 28 month old and she just never stops chattering. Did Casey answer her, or did Caylee just chatter on feeling isolated when it was just the two of them. You can't just get away with a "yes" to those why questions, they keep asking more.
I would ask what kind of mother was she, but sadly we all know the answer to that.
imo..I dont think it was a thrill kill..KC is all about KC ..have you ever seen anyone use the word "I" "ME" more than she does. I agree with some others on here that say it was intially an accident but when KC realized the pure joy she felt being "unattached" and it was all about her again and only her she flourished. I am guessing that she felt a "rush" of being able to do what she wanted when she wanted. Although there are some disturbing facts..ie: all the thefts. That always throws me because we all know it was just a matter of time before that bite her in the a$$...

I can't see how it was an accident. Not with the searches on Casey's computer back in mid March. Not just one or two items that relate to what eventuated in mid June, but many of them. Neck breaking, shovel, chloroform, household weapons, self defence.. And the 100th episode of One Tree Hill, with a story line about a nanny who kidnaps a child.
Too much research to call the death of Caylee an accident.
It seems she was planning a fake kidnapping for a while: one tree hill, missing kid's web sites, and having a fake nanny for quite a while.
There is a pattern that has emerged....this is not a thrill kill.... "she hated her mother more than she loved that baby" as quoted by Shirley.....

Casey out late. Cindy gets mad. Fight. Take Caylee from Cindy. Makeup. Casey out late. Cindy gets mad. Fight. Take Caylee from Cindy. Makeup.
Casey out late - doesn't have job -stealing. Fight. Take Caylee away from Cindy permenantly.

snipped for space

Brilliant, ibyoungr! Very well put-together post, which takes all those pings, etc. and makes it a whole lot less overwhelming! Good work!
I think you are right on target with your observation maybe the SA reads here this would be a good final summation in court ...and I love bald men too I had a big crush on Patrick Stewart ...

MMMMM John Luke Picard :blowkiss:
There is a pattern that has emerged....this is not a thrill kill.... "she hated her mother more than she loved that baby" as quoted by Shirley.....

It appears at the end of May, Casey was ramping up her partying. When she would stay out to late in the night 3AM ish... then a fight with Cindy and Casey occurs... Casey stays overnight with "the nanny" (Ric on May 29th and 30th) to keep Caylee from Cindy.

June 1st Casey is gone for most of the day and does not come back until early AM the next day.

June 2nd we have Casey, Cindy and Caylee all home in the morning (fight time??) Cindy says... you need to spend more time with Caylee. Casey say FINE and she takes Caylee the whole day...

June 3rd - Casey is needing momma Cindy for the weekend, decides to play nice, spend the day mostly around the house and the evening. Spending time with Caylee in order to apease her mother and after all she will need her on:

June 4th - Party at Voyage.. HOME at 3 AM ish... :eek: Cindy is not happy :furious:

June 5th - Comes home early at 7:45 PM spends some time with momma on her birthday - makeup time :blowkiss:

June 6th - Out to Fusion.. comes home at 5AM :eek: Cindy is REALLY MAD :furious:

June 7th - Cindy and Casey have a fight that was possibly the one that JC witnessed possibly at 9AM. Casey says F U and takes a little jog. Cindy says well fine... at tells Casey she and George are going to the beach.
Casey says FINE. I will take Caylee overnite and YOU will not see her.

June 8th - Casey comes home... another possible bickering fight. Casey says FINE, I will show you....

June 9th... Casey stays away overnite at Ric's. Amy is now there and Casey keeps Caylee away from Grandma Cindy. That'll teach her....

June 10th...Casey leaves Ric's with Caylee, stops by Tony's Then heads home at 4:30... time to make up :blowkiss: with Cindy, she is going to need her this weekend... doncha know.....So Casey stays close to home.

June 11th...1:30 PM Casey "leaves for work" she takes Caylee. George and Cindy just is fooled that she is taking her to the nannys.. BUT INSTEAD, Casey and Caylee head over to Tony's, goes by the Mall of Millenia at 5:30, heads home by 8:30 ands stays there....keeping the peace with Cindy.

June 12th... 1:30 PM Casey "is at work" she takes Caylee. George and Cindy think she is "working' and Caylee is at the sitters.. but she is with Casey, going to Tony's until 5:44 Momma calls Casey and talks FOR 20 minutes!!
:furious: Casey heads home because she needs a sitter for Friday night...
6:13 is promptly arrives home and stays the night

Jun 13th .... 1:07 PM Casey "goes to work" me thinks George watched Caylee that afternoon because he had Friday and Saturdays off. Cindy is reported to have had Caylee that night.
Casey comes home at 3:12 AM. Cindy is furious :furious:

June 14th 10:20 AM Casey and Cindy have ANOTHER FIGHT (76 minutes of no cell activity)
Casey says FINE..... Cindy says FINE.. but Caylee is STAYING HERE.
Cool, Casey thinks.. Casey heads over to Tony's and pings in the area at 12:13 PM to 3:38 PM Cindy called Casey at 3:29 and leaves a vm...
Casey heads home.. stays home for the evening...
They have another bickering fight at 4:37 for 56 minutes (no cell activity)

June 15th - Cindy takes Caylee for the day. Casey says fine.. I will go to Tony's. Casey comes home early...
bickering, bickering, Amy needs a place to move, Casey needs a job and money, getting kicked out, no money stealing from Grandma SP, BUSTED!

June 16th... It all comes to a head and Casey takes Caylee away from her mother permenantly. That'll show her.

Casey out late. Cindy gets mad. Fight. Take Caylee from Cindy. Makeup. Casey out late. Cindy gets mad. Fight. Take Caylee from Cindy. Makeup.
Casey out late - doesn't have job -stealing. Fight. Take Caylee away from Cindy permenantly.

I can't snip this excellent post, even for space, so I'll leave it intact.

Bravo! Ibyoungr!

I totally expect to see something like this come from the SA during their opening statements. This is how they are going to present things to the jury. This is how they are going to make sense out of this entire circus. This is how it's done! Thanks for the insight!
I don't get the feeling like Casey did away with Caylee for the thrill of it. I've always had an inkling that Casey did away with Caylee in a moment of rage.
I've wondered about that possibility myself, particularly after LE found that book regarding "temper tantrums" in her room. From what one friend stated, she never wanted to have Caylee in the first place. I don't think the maternal instinct was ever in her to begin with, and regardless of what others say they've observed - she never bonded with Caylee IMO.

One thing that has really bothered me was the disrespectful way that KC talked about Caylee with her friends. :mad: It seemed as if there was resentment already building. These friends, being young (and childless), may not have caught on. But as a mother myself, that has really bothered me.

A rage killing is a possibility. I really hope she gets the DP.:furious:
I think that G & C are parents who prefer to keep their head in the sand concerning their daughter.
It was easier not to fight with her because they never won or made any headway with her.
It was probably exhausting and so they avoided it.

They were probably relieved to not have to deal with her for awhile.
It was more like a vacation for them.

Except for the fact that Caylee was gone.
You may be right. They stick their head in the sand until now....and they stand behind her. I don't understand them at all. Not at all. And I'm glad I don't too.
Sure she did this for the thrill...

...the thrill of being able to do what she wanted
...the thrill of not having a child to worry about
...the thrill of getting even with her mom
...the thrill of having TonE all to herself
...the thrill of being the center of attention once again
...the thrill of it being all about KC and no one else

etc. etc. etc.
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