Was Darin Routier involved in away with the murder or cover up of their boys?

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Did Darin Routier help in anyway with the murder of his son's?

  • Darin helped Darlie murder the boys

    Votes: 35 11.4%
  • Darin helped Darlie cover up the murder of their boys

    Votes: 142 46.3%
  • Darin took the sock and placed it in the Alley

    Votes: 22 7.2%
  • Darin was innocent and had nothing to do with his son's deaths

    Votes: 108 35.2%

  • Total voters
IrishMist said:
Do you mean that it was all for show, or do you mean that she never would have followed through?

And thank you for the compliment :blushing:

I think she wasn't getting the amount of attention from Darin that she was used to. Maybe he was focusing on a failing business, maybe he was sick and tired of the diva and her constant hysterics. Who knows? Anyway, I think this was one more of her attention-getting "suicide" attempts.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think she wasn't getting the amount of attention from Darin that she was used to. Maybe he was focusing on a failing business, maybe he was sick and tired of the diva and her constant hysterics. Who knows? Anyway, I think this was one more of her attention-getting "suicide" attempts.
Yeah. I think you're right. But even if it was a cry for attention, I guess I feel like attention was warranted.
In other words, if you'll go to those lengths to get attention, attention is needed.
So she had to be in a bad place emotionally and mentally.
IrishMist said:
Yeah. I think you're right. But even if it was a cry for attention, I guess I feel like attention was warranted.
In other words, if you'll go to those lengths to get attention, attention is needed.
So she had to be in a bad place emotionally and mentally.

She had three boys under the age of 8 living at home. Darin's business was FAILING. They were brining in less than 1/3 of what they were used to bringing in. I think Darin's focus was on trying to bring the busines back to what it was. Darlie was used to his focus being HER. She felt fat (don't ask me why), she felt she was raising the boys alone, she was trapped with no vehicle, she was broke - couldn't do what made her happiest - spending money. I think she was desperate to get some attention. I think the "suicide" threat in her diary was supposed to work like it did in the past. Darin was supposed to drop everything and run to her. When she didn't get what she expected from him, I believe she started stewing. I think that night it came to a head and she snapped.
Jeana (DP) said:
She had three boys under the age of 8 living at home. Darin's business was FAILING. They were brining in less than 1/3 of what they were used to bringing in. I think Darin's focus was on trying to bring the busines back to what it was. Darlie was used to his focus being HER. She felt fat (don't ask me why), she felt she was raising the boys alone, she was trapped with no vehicle, she was broke - couldn't do what made her happiest - spending money. I think she was desperate to get some attention. I think the "suicide" threat in her diary was supposed to work like it did in the past. Darin was supposed to drop everything and run to her. When she didn't get what she expected from him, I believe she started stewing. I think that night it came to a head and she snapped.
That's what I think, too. I hate to think it, but there's no evidence of an intruder. People can say what they want, but there's not.
Goody said:
I understand that, but it took me months to get used to the idea that a beautiful young woman COULD muster up the courage to consider the option of cutting her own throat in an effort to cover up a crime, let alone that she did. So using that as a gauge, I am thinking that she would have needed time to get used to the idea before she had the guts to do it. I think she had to have weighed her options in the weeks prior to the murders, debating how safe it would be to cut here or stab there. I suppose what you suggest is possible, since we are all not alike, and I know Darlie is gutsy (willing to take risks, i.e. entrepeaneur skills), but still she was also quite vain and not one to throw herself under the wheels of a bus to save anyone. I have a hard time accepting that she thought it up at the last minute, debated it a bit, then accepted it in such a short time.

what if she did it to cover up their blood on her nightshirt?
cami said:
what if she did it to cover up their blood on her nightshirt?
Darlie? I don't see her as being that smart. She would have had to have been thinking on her feet and coming up with a solution pretty quickly to do that. I am more inclined to think that she did not expect to bleed as much as she did. I don't think she intended to cut herself as deep as he did, but the knife was so sharp it cut quicker than she realized it would. I really don't think they will find any of the boys blood on the front of her shirt if they do the new tests.
Jeana (DP) said:
I think she wasn't getting the amount of attention from Darin that she was used to. Maybe he was focusing on a failing business, maybe he was sick and tired of the diva and her constant hysterics. Who knows? Anyway, I think this was one more of her attention-getting "suicide" attempts.
Hmm...I see them as being more alike than unlike. Couples like that are like two peas in a pod, fighting or not. I doubt if he was sick and tired of her, and I am not sure I believe there was any serious talk that night about separating.
Goody said:
Hmm...I see them as being more alike than unlike. Couples like that are like two peas in a pod, fighting or not. I doubt if he was sick and tired of her, and I am not sure I believe there was any serious talk that night about separating.

I think that he was "sick and tired" of the "I want a divorce," "I'm going to kill myself" hysterics of Darlie - not Darlie herself. I don't think that she ever actually had any intention of leaving Darin, but I do think that it was a line that she used from time-to-time in order to get her way.
Jeana (DP) said:
I don't think that she ever actually had any intention of leaving Darin, but I do think that it was a line that she used from time-to-time in order to get her way.
I agree but something seems different in both of them about that night and afterwards. They have managed to hide a great deal from us, I think. Like a chocolate eclair, it is that stuff in the center that makes the difference. That's the part we don't know in this case. I don't necessarily buy what they are trying to throw out there now. I figure if Darin is willing to admit it, it probably didn't happen at all. And I don't think Darlie was too keen on the disclosure of the dark skinned Mutt and Jeff wreastling with her on the couch that was put out either. I think she knows people won't buy that. She is probably just doing what someone else thinks she should to help her case.
Jeana (DP) said:
She had three boys under the age of 8 living at home. Darin's business was FAILING. They were brining in less than 1/3 of what they were used to bringing in. I think Darin's focus was on trying to bring the busines back to what it was. Darlie was used to his focus being HER. She felt fat (don't ask me why), she felt she was raising the boys alone, she was trapped with no vehicle, she was broke - couldn't do what made her happiest - spending money. I think she was desperate to get some attention. I think the "suicide" threat in her diary was supposed to work like it did in the past. Darin was supposed to drop everything and run to her. When she didn't get what she expected from him, I believe she started stewing. I think that night it came to a head and she snapped.
And lest we forget she had gained some baby weight, Darin was giving her crap about it and then there was the deal with her being pissed at Darin that night because she felt he took too long driving her younger sister home. She obviously had some issues.
I still do not believe that Darin had anything to do with the boys deaths. He may have helped cover for her after the fact because he'd have to be pretty naive to believe someone else committed the crime IMO. As I said before I think Darlie is a very selfish, egotistical person. The boys took away from the life she could have had so she got rid of them (I know that sounds harsh sorry). JMO and everyone is entitled to one! :truce:
Jeana (DP) said:
I think that he was "sick and tired" of the "I want a divorce," "I'm going to kill myself" hysterics of Darlie - not Darlie herself. I don't think that she ever actually had any intention of leaving Darin, but I do think that it was a line that she used from time-to-time in order to get her way.
I agree with that assessment!
dasgal said:
And lest we forget she had gained some baby weight, Darin was giving her crap about it and then there was the deal with her being pissed at Darin that night because she felt he took too long driving her younger sister home. She obviously had some issues.
Do you know that for a fact, JG? It isn't just rumor, is it?
Goody said:
I understand that, but it took me months to get used to the idea that a beautiful young woman COULD muster up the courage to consider the option of cutting her own throat in an effort to cover up a crime, let alone that she did. So using that as a gauge, I am thinking that she would have needed time to get used to the idea before she had the guts to do it. I think she had to have weighed her options in the weeks prior to the murders, debating how safe it would be to cut here or stab there. I suppose what you suggest is possible, since we are all not alike, and I know Darlie is gutsy (willing to take risks, i.e. entrepeaneur skills), but still she was also quite vain and not one to throw herself under the wheels of a bus to save anyone. I have a hard time accepting that she thought it up at the last minute, debated it a bit, then accepted it in such a short time.
As with Scott Peterson, people had a hard time wrapping their minds around the fact that someone like him, with a pregnant wife, whom supposedly he loved dearly, would do such a thing as killer her and their unborn son. People have a very hard time accepting that a mother like Darlie could do such a thing. That's the point though, not all mother's are like Darlie, because they don't kill their children. Darlie did. There are many mothers through out history and recent history in particular who have killed their children using whatever means, some even more horrific than Darlie's method.

If you noticed, Darlie didn't have any injuries on her face, or her new boob job. The two things she was the proudest of.
mollymalone said:
There are many mothers through out history and recent history in particular who have killed their children using whatever means, some even more horrific than Darlie's method.
Yes, today they say a mother in Kansas participated in the decapitation murder of her four year old daughter four years ago. The authorities just now identified the little girl and have arrested the mother. Supposedly the stepfather was the actual murderer and they are looking for him. Still.....whenever I think I have heard the worst, someone else pops up to top it.
Goody said:
Yes, today they say a mother in Kansas participated in the decapitation murder of her four year old daughter four years ago. The authorities just now identified the little girl and have arrested the mother. Supposedly the stepfather was the actual murderer and they are looking for him. Still.....whenever I think I have heard the worst, someone else pops up to top it.

Precious Doe. What a sad sad story. Her death is similar to Lisa Steinbergs. The step father inflicted the head injury, then they both left her there where she lay to die two days later. Sickening.
cami said:
Precious Doe. What a sad sad story. Her death is similar to Lisa Steinbergs. The step father inflicted the head injury, then they both left her there where she lay to die two days later. Sickening.

Oh Cami - the mention of Lisa Steinberg's name sent chills down my spine. That is one case that completely breaks my heart. I remember reading that book years ago and it took me forever to finish because I'd read a few pages and literally feel sick to my stomach and it'd take me a while to pick it back up again. That man (Joel) should have been shot - instead he was released from prison not long ago. *advertiser censored*.
Jules said:
Oh Cami - the mention of Lisa Steinberg's name sent chills down my spine. That is one case that completely breaks my heart. I remember reading that book years ago and it took me forever to finish because I'd read a few pages and literally feel sick to my stomach and it'd take me a while to pick it back up again. That man (Joel) should have been shot - instead he was released from prison not long ago. *advertiser censored*.

I couldn't believe he was being released. I can't fathom why someone would do that to a child and their own child. That's what blows me away. How could any mother stand by and watch and not do something. Some kids just get the short end of the stick in life don't they. It just breaks my heart.

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