Was Darin Routier involved in away with the murder or cover up of their boys?

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Did Darin Routier help in anyway with the murder of his son's?

  • Darin helped Darlie murder the boys

    Votes: 35 11.4%
  • Darin helped Darlie cover up the murder of their boys

    Votes: 142 46.3%
  • Darin took the sock and placed it in the Alley

    Votes: 22 7.2%
  • Darin was innocent and had nothing to do with his son's deaths

    Votes: 108 35.2%

  • Total voters
I always did wonder about Dana and why they never did have her take the stand. Seems strange that she was just kinda under the radar. Also I always thought it was really strange that Dana was the one with the idea of buying the silly string which in reality is what put the final nail in Darlies coffin in the jurors minds.

No one forced Darlie to use it so it doesn't matter who brought it to the grave.
I've seen an interview, fairly recently, with Dana. Since Darlie's conviction, Dana seems to have been in agony, believing it is her fault Darlie was found guilty because she bought the Silly String and brought it to the cemetery. As you said Cami, it doesn't matter who brought the Silly String, Darlie was the one who decided to use it.
When the Routier's were interviewed at the graveside Bday party for Devon Darin says "we have to live with what we saw, what we saw in their eyes". Devon was already dead when Darin came into the room.

There are 2 stories. One Darin has no pants on, one he does. If he came down with no pants when did he put them on? Also, Why haven't the pants been tested? Any photos released of them?

Did Waddell see Darin come out if the front door or did he appear outside? Was that ever established in transcripts (I cannot find transcripts anywhere, they seem to be off Darlie's site)

Darin was supposedly doing CPR before Waldell came onsite during the 911 call. Why didn't Waldell see blood anywhere but his hands? Also the neighbors didn't state Darin was covered in blood when he knocked on their door.

People describe Darlie's odd greiving but Darin did not appear to be a "wreck" either.

Darin says he woke to glass breaking which we know isn't possible. Was it to jive with the "I thought it was glass table on Devon" theory?

I'm not sure what I make of all that but I feel Darin knows a lot more than he is saying. I feel Darin may have staged the sock when outside.

I know Darlie is guilty. I'm really on the fence about Darin. There is something hinky there. Whether he helped or staged... He knows something.

Does anyone want to let me know where they feel I could be wrong about this? Although I haven't read the transcripts (can't find) I also know that the transcripts can't give me the whole story on Darin since he wasn't on trial. I trust their blood evidence and forensics but what if anything was held back about Darin's behavior?

also, Darin states he washed blood off of his back and shoulders..does that tie in with the CPR? I wish photos of him were taken as soon as cops arrived and after CPR.

And finally.. If Darin was trying to help with staging why didn't he say he saw the shadow of someone leaving or something to bolster Darlie's theory?
He lied about other things..why not throw that in the batch to protect his wife if that's what he was aiming for?
I get stuck on all these things.
Also stuck on Darin's many living large comments, biggest story to hit Rowlett, Darlie's big breasts, his message on answering machine so when people called they were told "Devon and Damon were stabbed to death". How could he say that. How about simply "the boys have passed". Why so graphic?
If Darin did CPR THEN went up to put pants on why no blood on stair or rail? Why did NO ONE attempt to help poor Damon who was still alive?
Why wasn't the dog heard on 911 call? Was he closed in bedroom? Why does Darin bolster the wet towel theory when most say there were no wet towels. Just towels?
What was Darin doing during the 911 call if he wasn't giving CPR to Devon (lack of blood when going to Karens)
Was Darin there for the 2nd attack or did he walk in right after when Darlie still had knife in hand?
Help! I need comments on some of these things. I don't know what to let go of.

Darin practically stepped over Damon to get to Devon. When did he notice Damon? Conflicting stories
On whether he noticed Darlie's injuries. His hiring of an attorney that could not point finger towards Darin. The failed lie detector test from Darin. The saying they had no incident the nite of killing but in Darlies statement she said they argued over the car. Why the insistance all was perfect? No family is perfect. The stupid red herring insurance scam story. Why would he go along with that 6 years later when Devon's case was still open?
the failed 5k loan. What if boys were the target from both parents. Darin would want Darlie kept alive as she was his arm candy. Besides if Darlie died he surely would on DR.
Feel free to tell me I'm crazy. Something is not right
and sorry if my stuff has all been rehased multiple times. i just cant go into the casey forum right now. i need to stay on a topic where i can be confident the killer is in jail. well at least one. im still wondering darin's role in the aftermath and question his freedom at this time. i am counting on fellow WS's to point me the right way since I cant get off the fence about what Darin knows
I think Darin was involved with a cover up. I don't think he could have remained asleep in that house when the murders occurred. He would have heard Darlie or the boys crying, screaming...........something.
and sorry if my stuff has all been rehased multiple times. i just cant go into the casey forum right now. i need to stay on a topic where i can be confident the killer is in jail. well at least one. im still wondering darin's role in the aftermath and question his freedom at this time. i am counting on fellow WS's to point me the right way since I cant get off the fence about what Darin knows
No kiddin about kc's forum.........

I do believe Darlie stabbed the boys and stabbed herself. What I can't figure out is how did she get those huge bruises on her arms?

Ok. Darlie was suicidal weeks before the murders.

One aspect of suicide is wanting the pain to stop. There are extra reasons, which may differ from person to person, but it comes down to making the pain STOP.

When you get to that point, but don't do it, there are reasons for that, too.
What were they for Darlie? Probably pure self preservation. Not for her family, or what it would do to them... more likely she couldn't do that to herself.

But the feelings around suicide don't just *poof* go away.
The state of mind that you are in doesn't just appear out of nowhere, and doesn't just disappear into nothing.

We know she had a histionic personality. Remember when she cried rape when she wanted attention at a party?

And I think that's the key to all of this.

Now, remember, Darin has been with Darlie since her mid-teens. He was used to her behavior, and long ago bought into her dramatics. Probably why they stayed together so long. Their neurosis fit with each other.

Whereas someone else would have seen through her rape story, or figured it out later and dumped her, he didn't. He bought into it, for his own neurotic reasons.

After years of this subtle manipulation, I believe Darlie had him Wrapped.
I think she killed those babies, and he walked into the mess. And when he walked in, it was still about her...
In other words, I don't think his first actions were to help the boys... I think he had to spend time restraining her. (Hence the bruises)

Once he got her back to earth, I think she manipulated him into helping cover for her. And it wouldn't be hard, she knew how to press his buttons. She knew.
Her reason to begin with?
I posted in here somewhere...
I think she saw others as objects, not people.
I don't think she was equipped to deal with problems.
Post partum depression, diet pills, financial problems, emotional problems, youth, talk of divorce...
Put all of that into a jar, and shake it up.

What made her snap that night? I don't know, and have a hard time imagining.

But I think when all was said and done, they flew by the seat of their pants.
Came up with the basic intruder story, and didn't think of the details that would trip them up. In her previous story of crying rape- who questioned all that closely? They assumed they'd be believed.

At any rate, I think the whole night was one big emotional explosion.

I don't think there was one single rational thought floating around anywhere.

Great Post-Thank you,can you tell me if there is a link to that rape story she told?
i think he and she planned it and decided to let her do it (prior to that no woman had been sentenced to execution for killing her kids). i think he stayed upstairs until it was done. the youngest boy at some point was in the entranceway between the front door and stairs, was he trying to get outside or get his dad from upstairs? how could any of them have slept through all of that.
i think he and she planned it and decided to let her do it (prior to that no woman had been sentenced to execution for killing her kids). i think he stayed upstairs until it was done. the youngest boy at some point was in the entranceway between the front door and stairs, was he trying to get outside or get his dad from upstairs? how could any of them have slept through all of that.

No, Damon was never in the entranceway, his body was found at the entrance to the hallway to the front door.

Stabbing two sleeping boys doesn't make much noise.
No, Damon was never in the entranceway, his body was found at the entrance to the hallway to the front door.

Stabbing two sleeping boys doesn't make much noise.

the older boy was killed in his sleep. the younger tried to get away.
the older boy was killed in his sleep. the younger tried to get away.

Both were stabbed whilst sleeping. Yes, Damon didn't die right away and managed to either crawl or drag himself from his first position to the opposite wall that led to the entranceway. There's a map somewhere on this forum if you search you'll find it. I'll look for it.
I think Devon was killed first. Even if sleeping, he would have awoken. I don't think she was skilled enough to kill him with one blow, especially if she had never stabbed a person before. I have never stabbed anyone (whew!) but I am a nurse, and the first time I ever had to draw blood or start an IV, I was surprised at how hard you have to jab to insert the needle. I imagine inflicting life threatening injuries would take a bit more force. I think Damon did wake up, either when his brother was being stabbed, or when the attack on him began. I think when he woke up, Darlie realized she had to go all the way, otherwise, Damon would have been able to identify her. She couldn't have allowed that; that's what got Diane Downs convicted! I don't know if Damon was headed for the door or the stairs to get dad. Either way, it haunts the crap out of me, to think of the fear that the poor boy felt in his last moments. Darren sets my hinky meter off big time. I don't know what to make of his role in it. I suspect I never will, unless the Darlie camp comes out swinging real hard, calling him the murderer. Then I suspect he may suddenly have a different story. As for Dana, she is on FB and has a public wall. One can paint an interesting portrait of her based on what she posts/does etc. I have my own theories about what she knows and what went on. I can understand why the defense didn't call her. I don't understand why the state didn't, though. Because I am too lazy to look and haven't kept up with things, what is the status of Darlie's appeals? Did she ever get the new DNA testing done?
I think Darin was involved with a cover up. I don't think he could have remained asleep in that house when the murders occurred. He would have heard Darlie or the boys crying, screaming...........something.

slept through the attack and through the staging (wasnt the vacuum used too?), and woke while she was talking to 911...hmmm
I've seen an interview, fairly recently, with Dana. Since Darlie's conviction, Dana seems to have been in agony, believing it is her fault Darlie was found guilty because she bought the Silly String and brought it to the cemetery. As you said Cami, it doesn't matter who brought the Silly String, Darlie was the one who decided to use it.

one of my babies died in pregnancy, didnt know until checkup and sonogram. all very quiet, but for months i was not much more than a walking zombie, could not crack a smile. when i saw her on the news chomping on gum, laughing, spraying silly string--then a close up with her open collar showing a faint scar; i sat there for a while with my chin on the floor.
one of my babies died in pregnancy, didnt know until checkup and sonogram. all very quiet, but for months i was not much more than a walking zombie, could not crack a smile. when i saw her on the news chomping on gum, laughing, spraying silly string--then a close up with her open collar showing a faint scar; i sat there for a while with my chin on the floor.

I agree. I couldn't believe it when I saw it! I don't believe there were many mothers who weren't shocked by it! The loss of a child is incomprehensible and my heart and prayers go out to you and all the mothers who have suffered this loss. Those mothers like Darlie that chose this awful path, may God have mercy on their souls. The thing that I can respect about Andrea Yates is that she was mentally ill and that she told the police she did it.

I am here: [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=32.923454,-96.644789"]Google Maps[/ame]
I think Devon was killed first. Even if sleeping, he would have awoken. I don't think she was skilled enough to kill him with one blow, especially if she had never stabbed a person before. I have never stabbed anyone (whew!) but I am a nurse, and the first time I ever had to draw blood or start an IV, I was surprised at how hard you have to jab to insert the needle. I imagine inflicting life threatening injuries would take a bit more force. I think Damon did wake up, either when his brother was being stabbed, or when the attack on him began. I think when he woke up, Darlie realized she had to go all the way, otherwise, Damon would have been able to identify her. She couldn't have allowed that; that's what got Diane Downs convicted! I don't know if Damon was headed for the door or the stairs to get dad. Either way, it haunts the crap out of me, to think of the fear that the poor boy felt in his last moments. Darren sets my hinky meter off big time. I don't know what to make of his role in it. I suspect I never will, unless the Darlie camp comes out swinging real hard, calling him the murderer. Then I suspect he may suddenly have a different story. As for Dana, she is on FB and has a public wall. One can paint an interesting portrait of her based on what she posts/does etc. I have my own theories about what she knows and what went on. I can understand why the defense didn't call her. I don't understand why the state didn't, though. Because I am too lazy to look and haven't kept up with things, what is the status of Darlie's appeals? Did she ever get the new DNA testing done?

The depth of the wounds is interesting to me.

Devon had two stab wounds; 5in and 2 1/2in
Damon had four stab wounds; 1 3/4in, 4 3/8in, 1 7/8in and 3in

Interesting, isn't it, that each boy had a similarly deep stab wound (4 3/8 and 5) as well as a slightly less deep wound (3 and 2 1/2)?
To me it implies she stabbed each boy once, Devon first, then went back and stabbed each of them one more time. I think it's unlikely she got such similar depths in two stab wounds with two different attacks. It's not my theory but it is noteworthy.

Darin sets off my hinky meter too! I don't know what to make of it since intellectually I don't think he could have murdered either of the kids...but dang that guy's demeanor makes the hair on my neck tingle.
The depth of the wounds is interesting to me.

Devon had two stab wounds; 5in and 2 1/2in
Damon had four stab wounds; 1 3/4in, 4 3/8in, 1 7/8in and 3in

Interesting, isn't it, that each boy had a similarly deep stab wound (4 3/8 and 5) as well as a slightly less deep wound (3 and 2 1/2)?
To me it implies she stabbed each boy once, Devon first, then went back and stabbed each of them one more time. I think it's unlikely she got such similar depths in two stab wounds with two different attacks. It's not my theory but it is noteworthy.

Darin sets off my hinky meter too! I don't know what to make of it since intellectually I don't think he could have murdered either of the kids...but dang that guy's demeanor makes the hair on my neck tingle.

Yes, it is noteworthy and might explain the second attack on Damon. I actually think she stabbed Damon first and then Devon and she stabbed them twice each...then when she discovered Damon had moved she attacked him again, more forcefully.

Darin sets everyone's hinky off I think, he's just a creep.
Yes, it is noteworthy and might explain the second attack on Damon. I actually think she stabbed Damon first and then Devon and she stabbed them twice each...then when she discovered Damon had moved she attacked him again, more forcefully.

Darin sets everyone's hinky off I think, he's just a creep.

I'm not sure what interview I was watching with Darin and he was protecting Darlie so much by saying that during the entire time that the police and EMS workers were at their house that not once did Darlie complain about her own injuries. I was all about the boys. Darin was completley taken by Darlie and would do anything to protect her....even having two of his boys murdered he still defended Darlie. Also the pictures I've seen of Darin holding the picture of Drake outside the prison for Darlie to see is just weird if you ask me.

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