Was it Appropriate to mention Casey?

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Was it appropriate to mention Casey?

  • Yes, it was completely appropriate.

    Votes: 102 20.0%
  • No, it was highly distasteful.

    Votes: 261 51.2%
  • Maybe a little, but not as much as they did.

    Votes: 147 28.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
i agree, they know what casey did but trying to say they forgive her and trying to save her now that caylee is gone
they need to remember caylee is gone due to casey
I think they had ever right to mention their daughter. I may not have liked hearing her name while I was mourning Caylee...but it was their right to do it.
I think they all handled the mention of Casey appropriately... mentioning the operators of kid finders on the other hand was a let down.
I think it was appropriate and if KC wasn't mentioned we'd be on about that.

My opinion - If JB had never stepped into this mix I think we'd be looking at this with different eyes and feelings right now. I really feel he hinders rather than helps and the Anthonys could only reach out in this way to their daughter today. Maybe KC will see this and do what's right for all concerned.
Can we look past our own judgment for one minute? Realize it was George who said this. He is hurting. He is in pain. I am not surprised that he would ask something like this. I'm certainly not going to write Casey in jail but I understand George trying to hold on to her-even comfort her. He is her father. This is unimaginable. It's not about US. It's about this family. They are the ones living this, we are just onlookers.

Beautifully said. I thought, what nerve, but this is a good point.
I just cannot judge them for their choices in the memorial today. I don't judge them for what they wore, what they said, how they acted, or for turning anyone away.

I will analyze, speculate and pick apart their statements about the case, but I can't judge how they grieve.
I say yes. She is part of their lives. They're her daughter/sister. They still have a place in their heart for her. I expected to hear them speak about KC, and I think they did it in the right way.
No it was not appropriate to mention KC in my opinion, but then again, it is not my family or service. What I find more inappropriate was the Michael Jackson voice over. A pedophile's voice streaming in to Caylee's memorial service is totally wrong.
I am not talking about judging casey.. Casey was not on trial today. I am talking about us judging the family for the way that they greive.

Like I said, I think George, Cindy, and Lee loved Caylee... I'm NOT denying that they didn't, I just don't think it is right to insert the murderer into the memorial for Caylee.

Also, this really isn't about the family, it is about CAYLEE.
IMO it would not have been inappropriate to have mentioned KC's name when referring to KC's pregnancy with Caylee, such as, "while KC was still carrying Caylee we were so excited for the day when she would finally be here...", or a recollection of being with KC when she went into labor and the moment that she (they) first laid eyes upon her...but no mention should have been made regarding the extenuating circumstances surrounding Caylee's death, such as KC's possible involvement and/or public opinion on the matter. The service should have been filled with "Caylee Stories" and words of how much she will be missed - JMO
No it was not appropriate to mention KC in my opinion, but then again, it is not my family or service. What I find more inappropriate was the Michael Jackson voice over. A pedophile's voice streaming in to Caylee's memorial service is totally wrong.
Oh god, I'm glad I missed that part.
IMO it would not have been inappropriate to have mentioned KC's name when referring to KC's pregnancy with Caylee, such as, "while KC was still carrying Caylee we were so excited for the day when she would finally be here...", or a recollection of being with KC when she went into labor and the moment that she (they) first laid eyes upon her...but no mention should have been made regarding the extenuating circumstances surrounding Caylee's death, such as KC's possible involvement and/or public opinion on the matter. The service should have been filled with "Caylee Stories" and words of how much she will be missed - JMO

very well said
Can we look past our own judgment for one minute? Realize it was George who said this. He is hurting. He is in pain. I am not surprised that he would ask something like this. I'm certainly not going to write Casey in jail but I understand George trying to hold on to her-even comfort her. He is her father. This is unimaginable. It's not about US. It's about this family. They are the ones living this, we are just onlookers.

I am a mother. And I can tell you I could NOT stand by my child who became a murderer.
I didn't mind what George said. Just asking for forgiveness or even a letter but Cindy was over the top of course. I also think Lee was talking to KC via code today and not talking about littlel Caylee.
They could have mentioned her without making it out like she was the light of Caylee's life and how she and Caylee loved one another so much. I have no doubt that 2 year old Caylee loved her mother, but the reverse is open to much heated debate. I watched a video "Breakfast with Caylee" on You Tube and THAT is what Casey was to Caylee-in silence and with holding and God in heaven only knows what else. It was completely wrong to bring HER love of Caylee there, although Caylee's love of her would have been fine-even a crack addict who abuses their child is loved if the child is only 2, so of course poor little Caylee had love for Casey. The reverse is doubtful. She had envy certainly, and jealousy beyond a doubt. And I am certain she had some other distasteful emotions for her daughter, most especially that one day when she killed her!
The service was a beatiful goodbye to Caylee. I thought cindy became very emotional when speaking of casey.
I think had KC's name not been mentioned we would all be theorizing as to why she was never mentioned........."Do they think she's guilty?......Was it a last dig at her?" etc................ I don't feel they mentioned her for any reason other that she is their daughter and Caylee's mother.

I agree with you as far as mentioning her name because she is her mother. However, I did find it appalling to ask us to write her or to pray for her. I do pray for the Anthony's but not for Casey. I haven't reached that point yet. I was almost insulted that Cindy spent her time trying to sell us on what a great mother she was and to advise us that God loves all Children. The to ask that we not pass judgement, I felt that it was more about asking us to forgive KC and to be open to her innocence rather than as a memorial to Caylee.

I can understand their grief and would never want to be in their position. But I thought that was a bit inappropriate. I am sorry that many of you disagree but through the tears of watching this, I didn't want to be reminded of why it was taking place.
The service was a beatiful goodbye to Caylee. I thought cindy became very emotional when speaking of casey.

I too think it was a beautiful Memorial.
I got emotional when all the Anthony's spoke.
My heart broke for each one of them. :beats:
Funerals, like weddings, are up to the family. Personally, I don't like hearing KC mentioned, but her family loves her and they wanted to feel like she was there. It's totally their perogative.

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