Was it Appropriate to mention Casey?

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Was it appropriate to mention Casey?

  • Yes, it was completely appropriate.

    Votes: 102 20.0%
  • No, it was highly distasteful.

    Votes: 261 51.2%
  • Maybe a little, but not as much as they did.

    Votes: 147 28.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Agreed, nothing in my lit repertoire approaches this. Greek? Yes.

All they have to do is tell LE what they know, it could end as easily as that.

Oh, except for the prisoner.

*flips pencil*
Originally posted by Mrs. Peel:
People will not go into the same world with him, they lie to him, they make him do crazy stuff for which he does not know the real cause, let alone strategy. All for love. ?

This is beyond my comprehension.

Originally posted by Mrs. Peel:
All they have to do is tell LE what they know, it could end as easily as that.

Oh, except for the prisoner.

*flips pencil*

Flip? I think so.
Originally posted by gitana1
This is a bizarre situation. Actually, it's a Greek tragedy. I'm surprised at how we are all so quick to judge these people who are in one of the worst circumstances imaginable. And, I am included in that because I have judged as well.
Bottom line, this was their child, not ours. So, it was their memorial for her and they had a right to do what they wanted to at it. I think the only way they can stay sane is by holding on to their love for casey. I'll admit, it made me cringe to hear her mentioned, especially as compassionate, but I think it's how they survive. They love their grandbaby and they love their kid.

Lovely post with beautiful empathy.
I think he was unable to say her name without falling apart.

You just might be right. I hadn't thought of that. I know he was having a hard time talking and was very emotional. The things that he said could fit for either Casey or Caylee. I chose to believe this message was for Caylee.
I wonder if his promise to her was to find the person who murdered her if he doesn't believe it was his sister?
I thought it was wrong to ask people to write letters to Casey, why did they have to do that at Caylees memorial, other than that from what I saw it was a beautiful service

I thought it was wholly appropriate for GA to suggest people write to KC. She is his daughter, he loves her. Deep down inside all of the A's know Caylee died at KC's hands. But he still loves her. GA and CA probably have more love in them than they ever realized.
I thought it was wrong to ask people to write letters to Casey, why did they have to do that at Caylees memorial, other than that from what I saw it was a beautiful service

Yes, and I bet we might be absolutely amazed at how many letters KC will receive from the public in the next wk. :doh:

I think the mention of KC's name was probably unavoidable. The A's took advantage of the situation though. GA took full advantage of his time in the spotlight to solicit support for his daughter. IMO
I thought it was wholly appropriate for GA to suggest people write to KC. She is his daughter, he loves her. Deep down inside all of the A's know Caylee died at KC's hands. But he still loves her. GA and CA probably have more love in them than they ever realized.

I know they love KC, she is thier daughter, I thought it was wrong making that request to write letters at Caylees memorial, who is charged with murdering her, no way I could have ever done that, yes G and C do have alot of love, Its so obvious how much Caylee was loved by them, I understand that being a mother and grandmother myself
Yes, and I bet we might be absolutely amazed at how many letters KC will receive from the public in the next wk. :doh:

Im sure alot of them are not going to be nice ones!!!
Don't post very often and try real hard to stay out of contraversy but, while I do believe Casey is EXACTLY where she should be. Let me say.I am amazed at all of the opinions (?) people on this board have said about this Memorial and what was or wasn't right. Who are we to judge what was or wasn't right? This was Caylee's day!!! I thought that while "I" didn't necessarily want KC mentioned.it WAS their right! She is after all still their daughter and they have the right to say they miss and love her.I bet they do! I bet they wish everything was back to normal and none of this ever happened. They never once said She didn't do this, she isn't guilty, ect ect. They asked for prayers, why shouldn't they? IF this were your daughter, wouldn't you feel like she could use all the prayers she could get? I sure would! Lee mentioned CMA.....he kissed his braclet ( or whatever it was) just prior to saying that, maybe just maybe he called that baby CMA.....who knows? Does that make him awful? no, I don't think so. If on the other hand What IF he was talking in code to KC? WHO CARES! We don't know that! And, with all of the emotion he showed, I just can't find it in my heart to think that was the case. And while I am not a Cindy fan at all, I thought she showed grace and was far from grand standing. I will simply end this with saying......praise God, I am not walking in their shoes.
I think they had every right to mention Casey. It's their family not ours. They are damned if the do and damned if they don't.
Exactly! KC brought on the reason for the memorial, why should she be mentioned. I bet that over 75% of the people who attended the memorial, believes that KC is guilty. They did not go to this memorial to hear about what they should do for KC but to honor the little girl that she killed....Caylee.

I had the impression that most of the people that attended the memorial were members of the church and were there to extend Christian love to the A's despite Casey's guilt. Forgiving sin is a foundation of the Christian faith and by Cindy's words yesterday it struck me that she was being mininstered to by the pastor/members of this church.
I thought it was wholly appropriate for GA to suggest people write to KC. She is his daughter, he loves her. Deep down inside all of the A's know Caylee died at KC's hands. But he still loves her. GA and CA probably have more love in them than they ever realized.

They may love her but they know most of the public does not so what did he really think the reaction would be? He had to know many were :laugh:

Saying she "deserves" our prayers (and?) went way too far..My guess is many wanted to bang their heads against a wall. :doh:
They may love her but they know most of the public does not so what did he really think the reaction would be? He had to know many were :laugh:

Saying she "deserves" our prayers (and?) went way too far..My guess is many wanted to bang their heads against a wall. :doh:

bold by me

You don't think KC deserves our prayers? Because she's a horrible person? Then who deserves our prayers... only the best of people? Pray that her soul is changed, perhaps.
I had the impression that most of the people that attended the memorial were members of the church and were there to extend Christian love to the A's despite Casey's guilt. Forgiving sin is a foundation of the Christian faith and by Cindy's words yesterday it struck me that she was being mininstered to by the pastor/members of this church.

You are so right- however- CA doesn't quite get it though- she stood in God's house and asked for people to love and not to judge KC- what CA didn't get is- she herself judged the people on the banned list- convicted them and demanded they stay out of God's house-she placed herself above

I am shocked at the pastor's- that they did not make her understand that is not done in God's house- nor is it God's way-

CA only showed on national tv- she can talk the talk- but cannot walk the walk- Christianity is not all words- it's the actions

As for her comment about bringing people of all faiths together in one church-this is certainly not new- she didn't create this scenario= this has been going on for years- if she had been actually going to church she would have known this-
CA used God's house to get a point across the media for her own selfish purposes- this was dispicable- she should have done this in a park

A memorial is to talk about the deceased only-
They may love her but they know most of the public does not so what did he really think the reaction would be? He had to know many were :laugh:

Saying she "deserves" our prayers (and?) went way too far..My guess is many wanted to bang their heads against a wall. :doh:

Amysmom, in all fairness, it must be said that those who are perfect do not need our prayers as desperately as those who have sinned. (About 100% of the population, at least according to a good book I read often.) Those who are the most heinous of sinners are still loved by God, and we are told to pray for them. Given the context of George's request, a church, and his audience, presumably Christians, I don't think any of those in attendance would begrudge him.

While I am sure that many were tempted to bang their heads against the wall, I would have to question myself if I were in that number. To have a reaction of horror and disgust as response to a father's plea must surely indicate something.
But do they really believe she has been falsely accused or are they simply trying to sway public opinion for a 'not guilty' verdict. I guess the A's are the only ones who can answer that truthfully.

I can't judge whether they truly believe in her innocence or not because, like you, I believe they are the only ones who truly know. I don't think they are trying to sway public opinion, however, because they know nothing they say can change the mind of someone who has already decided, without benefit of a trial, that Casey is a murderer. They can, however, urge people to keep an open mind until they've heard all the evidence.

They are giving her the benefit of the doubt. And at this stage of the legal proceedings, I would do exactly the same thing as them. No accusation on earth would be enough to turn me against my children.

yes i would!

Linas, I wish I could understand what you mean. You would really turn against your own child? Your love for your children is conditional?

No they should not have mentioned her.

When they smelled her car, her presumption of innocence went out the door.

In YOUR mind, the presumption of innocence went out the door. Not in George and Cindy's. Aren't they allowed to have their own feelings? Their own beliefs? Must all believe exactly as some do?

I disagree. They want US to believe they believe in her "innocence". Remember BC saying last week "They don't know." when asked if they believe if Casey killed Caylee or not. That's as close as they'll come to admitting their daughter is indeed a murderer.

They DON'T know. Not knowing doesn't equate not believing! Two differant ball games.

They can certainly support their daughter. But don't gather everyone using a memorial as a guise only to offer KC support. People were not there to support KC or to hear about how they should support KC. They were there to pay tribute to Caylee.

I honestly don't think the memorial was just a guise to offer KC support. The memorial was firmly rooted on paying respects to Caylee, but Casey is their family, too. No matter what she's done.

Gotta love the shamrock / cloverleaf pins. I bet most thought it was for good luck or to save for St. Patrick's Day.

Although some people, maybe even most people, would think "St. Patrick's Day" when seeing the shamrocks, many of us would know that the shamrock symbol has been seen before in this family. It may well have a very special conotation to the family and very probably was special to Caylee.
I was home sick yesterday so I watched as much of the memorial as I could....just a couple random thoughts.

Leonard Padilla confirmed that Lee referred to Casey as CMA, that Leonard asked him who he was referring to (when Leonard was still involved with the family) and Lee said CMA is Casey. I thought it was weird and very inappropriate to confuse the people who were in attendance that way and still be talking in code to his sister. Why doesn't he just go and visit her? I'm sure the DA was probably very interested in what he did and said.

I did notice one shot at the end where the teddy bear was, that there was a photo of Casey and Caylee together but I think you could only see it if you were on stage because of the way it was turned.

I was surprised that the crowd was not that big...not that 1000-1200 people is small by any means, but they made such a big deal out of having 5,000 seats and an "overflow" room, which obviously they didn't need. I think alot of people probably felt very uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Honestly, I have to kind of go with KC on this and I think they should have just had a private, family and friends memorial, I think it would have been more appropriate under these circumstances.I just think it's kind of screwed up to have a public service for your grandchild, who's mother is under arrest for her murder. But, then that's just my feelings.

The last video they showed of Caylee, the one where she pushed the curtains to get to look out the window, really bothered me. You'd think she would be laughing and smiling and that somebody was taking her picture....but she honestly looked very sad and scared. I've always thought in alot of her photos that she looked scared to me. It was the parting shot of her that I would have picked...I would have picked a happy one.

In spite of all this, I hope the service helped the family. I think it did help George, but I'm not sure about Cindy and I doubt it did anything for Lee. He looked angry throughout the whole service.
bold by me

You don't think KC deserves our prayers? Because she's a horrible person? Then who deserves our prayers... only the best of people? Pray that her soul is changed, perhaps.
Casey may well need their prayers, but it was completely the wrong time and place to mention it! The day should have been devoted completely to the victim Caylee- there is no other chances for her. They really disrespected her by mentioning her murderer during the same service!:furious:
I can't judge whether they truly believe in her innocence or not because, like you, I believe they are the only ones who truly know. I don't think they are trying to sway public opinion, however, because they know nothing they say can change the mind of someone who has already decided, without benefit of a trial, that Casey is a murderer. They can, however, urge people to keep an open mind until they've heard all the evidence.

They are giving her the benefit of the doubt. And at this stage of the legal proceedings, I would do exactly the same thing as them. No accusation on earth would be enough to turn me against my children.

Linas, I wish I could understand what you mean. You would really turn against your own child? Your love for your children is conditional?

In YOUR mind, the presumption of innocence went out the door. Not in George and Cindy's. Aren't they allowed to have their own feelings? Their own beliefs? Must all believe exactly as some do?

They DON'T know. Not knowing doesn't equate not believing! Two differant ball games.

I honestly don't think the memorial was just a guise to offer KC support. The memorial was firmly rooted on paying respects to Caylee, but Casey is their family, too. No matter what she's done.

Although some people, maybe even most people, would think "St. Patrick's Day" when seeing the shamrocks, many of us would know that the shamrock symbol has been seen before in this family. It may well have a very special conotation to the family and very probably was special to Caylee.
I see thing very differently as you in this case, as well as Natalie Holloway's. My child is being brought up to be held accountable for personal responsibility. And yes, were she a suspect in a murder trial, my love would be lost! I do believe the Anthony's know Casey did it and were soliciting public support for her during the memorial service.
I see thing very differently as you in this case, as well as Natalie Holloway's. My child is being brought up to be held accountable for personal responsibility. And yes, were she a suspect in a murder trial, my love would be lost! I do believe the Anthony's know Casey did it and were soliciting public support for her during the memorial service.

And if your daughter, the suspect, was later proven innocent, would you love her again?

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