Was Joe involved?

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MC is sticking to her latest story in both letters and phone calls, and it seems ToC is on the bandwagon. Now it's a matter of sifting through all those items from under the cinderblocks to see if there is any DNA.
Has any other individual in this case had a statement this absolute made by LE in regards to their possible involvement with what happened to Haleigh? If so, I would very much appreciate a link because I've missed it.

Has anyone ever seen a single criminal charge of record for Joe Overstreet? If so, I would appreciate a link because I can't find one.

Has anyone ever read, seen, or heard a single negative word about Joe Overstreet that didn't come DIRECTLY from drug abusing, documented liars with pending felony criminal charges? If so, please tell me who and when.

We each have our own opinions, but until I can find SOMETHING, mine can't change. Right now I'm of the opinion that Joe may be the smartest limb on this particular family tree for getting the hell away from this circus as soon as he did.

Ii spent a lot of time early on in this case discussing Joe. IMO, Misty has tried to throw him under the bus since day one.

Joe does have a criminal record, all there is in Davidson County, Tenn. is this one.

Has any other individual in this case had a statement this absolute made by LE in regards to their possible involvement with what happened to Haleigh? If so, I would very much appreciate a link because I've missed it.

Has anyone ever seen a single criminal charge of record for Joe Overstreet? If so, I would appreciate a link because I can't find one.

Has anyone ever read, seen, or heard a single negative word about Joe Overstreet that didn't come DIRECTLY from drug abusing, documented liars with pending felony criminal charges? If so, please tell me who and when.

We each have our own opinions, but until I can find SOMETHING, mine can't change. Right now I'm of the opinion that Joe may be the smartest limb on this particular family tree for getting the hell away from this circus as soon as he did.

Per Joe's attorney, he has been his lawyer for 3 years and will not discuss the reasons why. Why would this guy be "LAWYERED UP" to begin with?
Ii spent a lot of time early on in this case discussing Joe. IMO, Misty has tried to throw him under the bus since day one.

Joe does have a criminal record, all there is in Davidson County, Tenn. is this one.


I'm kinda lol'ing at the report. So the VICTIM shot JO in the wrist, and then the VICTIM fled the scene and was later found laying in a ditch? hmmmm.....k.
Joe "lawyering up" is a misnomer created by the media. His lawyer clearly stated (and proofed by prior records) that he was already Joe's lawyer. The guy would be a fool not to have representation with these accusations. Would you not have your lawyer represent you? It is no admission of guilt to have a lawyer. It is wise..in these matters.

I apologize, I am just catching up with the thread since last night. But, the media created a misnomer? S Hardy is not a member of the media and he is most assuredly the one who used the term. He seemed to have said Joe has "lawyer-ed up" while trying to hide his frustration with such.

I am not going to make excuses for anyone in this case for their actions until the police and investigators and lets not forget the FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION( where Joe was interviewed for the last time) name the perpetrator and make their arrests, but misnomer is completely incorrect, in my opinion. Joe indeed does have a lawyer does he not?
Sorry - IDK where to post this....

The letter from Misty to Mass that Leonard has. It was shown on NG.
I can't find that letter anywhere. How could it be shown on TV yet no copy available for us to read?

Does anyone know where this letter might be floating around? I'm just confused about it.

There is a copy somewhere on WS I read it yesterday. I do not remember what thread...maybe JVM from yesterday's show.
Ii spent a lot of time early on in this case discussing Joe. IMO, Misty has tried to throw him under the bus since day one.

Joe does have a criminal record, all there is in Davidson County, Tenn. is this one.


We should have got together for coffee and cupcakes while we did our research, To me, Joe was destined to end up in the position he is in now. He currently has family in prison as well, but I am sure you know that. ;)
Misty had already suggested Joe as the suspect in the beginning - 14 months ago. There was no reason to withhold information from LE for 14 months. She could have told LE in the beginning, all she knew about Joe. TC could have told LE about Joe. There's been ample opportunities for both MC and TC to tell LE everything they knew about Joe. There's no reason for either MC or TC to wait until now.

ITA, Leila but with the drug trafficking charges on MC/ToC they may be hoping for some "deal" to shorten their sentences. I agree, MC should have come clean over 14 months ago vs leaving HaLeigh out there in the elements this long. It's been said, she did tell the authorities, so I wonder why didn't they listen in the very early stages of this? I also don't understand, why MC just didn't call 911 the second JO/ToC allegedly took her from the MH? Because her brother is involved. I also wonder if it was MC who may have beaten HaLeigh in a rage and called this duo to help her cover her crime. It's all too convenient for both to point at JO, taking the responsibility of this alleged crime off them! I'm not giving JO a free pass for, IMO he's also being deceptive. Are they all that ignorant to think only one will go down for HaLeigh's demise even if it wasn't JO or ToC who ended HaLeigh's life? Do they not see if they helped dispose of HaLeigh's body, they all go down as if they did the crime themselves???

It's dispicable for them to go on with their lives while they knew all along what became of HaLeigh and where she was!

It's incomprehensible to me that they held this in this long. Does anyone have a conscience?? :furious:

Sheriff Hardy has shown more emotions for the loss of this child! I thought at that press conference from yesterday, he had tears in his eyes as he held HaLeigh's photo saying, this is why where here, for this little girl and her family! God Bless him...

MC has no emotional attachment to HaLeigh, she put up a good front but did she really want this respsonibility of being a teen parent to two children who are not hers! No she wanted to party!

Justice for HaLeigh
Did anybody notice this, or did I mishear? On the JVM show, the stress test dude said that Misty "passed" the question on Jo's involvement? I think he said, that she showed truthfullness on that question. Help me out here please....

JVM - Transcript http://archives.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1004/15/ijvm.01.html

T.J. Ward, you administered layered voice analysis to Misty Croslin. Did she reveal anything that`s dovetailing with these new stories that are coming out?

T.J. WARD, CONDUCTED MISTY CROSLIN VOICE ANALYSIS: Well, I will tell you that she did talk about Tommy and Joe. And I asked her directly if she knew if Tommy and Joe were directly involved with the -- with the disappearance of Haleigh, and she said no, and it came back deceptive. So I know that she does know what happened that night. I know directly she knows what transpired.
Joe "lawyering up" is a misnomer created by the media. His lawyer clearly stated (and proofed by prior records) that he was already Joe's lawyer. The guy would be a fool not to have representation with these accusations. Would you not have your lawyer represent you? It is no admission of guilt to have a lawyer. It is wise..in these matters.

Hardy said Jo had "lawyered up" during the press conference. Maybe he didn't know Joe already had a lawyer.
Yes, I believe JO was involved, either in disposing of the body after she died through the gentle ministrations of someone else - or took her alive to get back at RC for the fight RC says never happened. I believe he MAY have taken Haleigh and something accidentally happened to her while in his charge and at that point he disposed of her body.

There's a lot more to what I'm thinking, but I believe it belongs in another thread.

My opinion only
If I were being accused of a crime like this, I'd get a lawyer. A person, whether innocent or guilty, would be a fool not to.
Yesterday at the presser, Hardy said thay had to bring this to a "LOGICAL conclusion", that tells me he knows what we are hearing right now.......ain't it.
It's my belief, when Sheriff Hardy stated, JO lawyered up, to me, that means he's not talking anymore. So, they will have to build their case against all three and until there is a warrant for his arrest, he will be hands off, JMHO...
It's my belief, when Sheriff Hardy stated, JO lawyered up, to me, that means he's not talking anymore. So, they will have to build their case against all three and until there is a warrant for his arrest, he will be hands off, JMHO...

We need to remember, lest we forget, RC "lawyered up" and quit talking early in the game.
Don't get me wrong.. I think Joe was/is not the greatest kid. But could his change of demeanor reflect a positve change since this traumatic event? (as opposed to Granny Hollar's take on his "change"?)

By the sounds of it Joe is staying home and not socializing. I believe HaLeigh died from a blow to the head from Misty, and Joe brought the van over which was parked at Timmy’s and he and Tommy disposed of her body and propped open the back door. I don't know if Joe is working or doing anything productive with his life. He said is upset because he has lost part of his family, so it sounds like he is grieving. I wonder where his father is.

Misty told her dad she was upset that Jo was free to walk the streets etc while her and Tommy were locked up which to me indicates how heartless she is and that she never cared about HaLeigh IMO.
I am not pointing out his English as correct or not; I was referring to the tools of statement analysis, which is a methodology used to test whether statements are truthful. One sign of deception is the use of indefinite pronouns like "it" to refer to a crime, when the speaker has no way of knowing there WAS a crime (an "it") to deny doing. A person who says "I didn't do it" has an mind an "it," something specific. An innocent person would say, "I don't know what happened to Haleigh." "I didn't kidnap Haleigh." "I don't know who took Haleigh."

I have the highest respect for statement analysis but I just realized that I am guilty by this standard. I've must have written a thousand times about someone doing "it" . It's a convenient short way of referring to whatever may have happened when you're fairly certain that a bad thing of some sort has taken place but don't know exactly what, whether it was a murder or an accident or an abduction etc..

He may or may not have done it but I think that even if he's innocent Joe has a specific "it" that he's referring to. He has been accused of raping and killing a child, possibly throwing her to the alligators, and he's trying to say he didn't do what he was accused of, namely "it".

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