Was Joe involved?

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IIRC....the girl that Joe came to Fla. with was visiting friends, elsewhere in Fla. And, IIRC, they were scheduled to return Tn. the day after Haleigh went missing. Which they did. Joe said that LE took her car and all of his belongings to investigate.
I'm beginning to wonder if Joe got out of there so quickly because he was privy to what happened. Not that he necessarily did it...am I making sense?:waitasec:

We were given to understand (God know from whom or why) that JO left in such a hurry (althought not as fast as the next day) because he was on probation and NOT supposed to leave the State of Tennessee.

My opinion only
We were given to understand (God know from whom or why) that JO left in such a hurry (althought not as fast as the next day) because he was on probation and NOT supposed to leave the State of Tennessee.

My opinion only

Ahhh...gotcha!! Thanks for clarifying!!
Why am I not surprised.....Chelsea is the one that said she can't 100% account for Joe that night. Call me crazy but I doubt she can account for her hubby Timmy either.

I don't know if I believe anything she says.

She is actually the 1st one to climb on the "Joe maybe did it" bandwagon. hmmmm....wasn't it said that Misty was closer to Timmy than she was Tommy because Tommy had "messed with her" when she was younger? Also, I didn't realize that she and Timmy lived in such a huge house that while she was up "going over insurance papers", she didn't notice or hear someone leaving with her van! :innocent:

I admit I have not been following this case very closely so please forgive me if this is a dumb question.

Have we heard anything from the female friend? Has she been questioned?

We only know Joe's female friend's first name is Jenny and she drove Joe to and from Satsuma. LE confiscated her vehicle along with her and Joe's personal belongings after they arrived back in TN. LE's main focus has been on Joe who they interviewed twice in TN after HaLeigh disappered but not within the last 6 months. They must have questioned Jenny but not to our knowledge.
Thank you! Nancy Grace seems to think there's something sinister about Misty calling Haleigh, 'that little girl'. I'm from Texas & I say the same thing about my daughter. It's a term of endearment. Haleigh wasn't even Misty's daughter-just the girlfriend/babysitter. Also, I've heard 2 different Florida news reporters use the same phrase when describing Haleigh. I admit that I've never heard the word stole used instead of kidnapped, but maybe that's also local terminology. To me, it smacks of property & ownership, but I try to give Ronald the benefit of the doubt.

I can back that up! People around here use those terms all the time. Sheriff Hardy even used the term "this little girl" in his presser while holding her picture up.
As for Ron using the word "stole" rather than kidnapped or even taken, it could also be just the way he talks. My dog was stolen a few months ago... right out of my driveway. Ron's little girl was stolen, right out of his house. Same thing, IMO.
We only know Joe's female friend's first name is Jenny and she drove Joe to and from Satsuma. LE confiscated her vehicle along with her and Joe's personal belongings after they arrived back in TN. LE's main focus has been on Joe who they interviewed twice in TN after HaLeigh disappered but not within the last 6 months. They must have questioned Jenny but not to our knowledge.

I'm quite sure LE has interviewed her, if nothing else, at least to understand his demeanor on the way back to TN. I wonder if she came from TN to pick Jo up or was she living in Florida?
One has to wonder why LE was so quick to dismiss Joe's involvement in the first place. His name kept coming up over and over again through various family members. Did they not ask about him on any of Misty's lie detector tests? Would that not have given them a direction to go toward in the investigation?

The bigger question for me, is why would Ron so quickly dismiss him?

Also, we are supposed to believe that Joe held a knife to Misty's throat and threatened her and simply waltzed out the door with Haleigh? She didn't then grab a knife or a hammer herself and run after him? She didn't immediately call 911 and say my cousin just stole a child, hurry, before he kills her!

Something just isn't right with all this new (actually old) information. If any of it is true, then I really don't see how LE can say Misty didn't cooperate with them since she's been telling them to look at Joe since day one.

IMO, Joe might have been involved, but if he was, I think it was after Haleigh's death.

Ron dismissed Joe because there wasn't an argument over a gun and it's no surprise that even tho Misty alleges Joe and Tommy came to Ron's to steal his gun Monday while he was at werk, it wasn't there! IMO, Misty wanted to divert attention away from the fact she got into an argument with HaLeigh and by fabricating an argument between Ronald, Tommy, and Jo, she is able to shift the focus of the investigation and defend herself.
Yes, I do recall that. It has been mentioned off and on all through these threads, but I don't have a link. It went something like, 'If I were going to dispose of a body. . .'
My opinion only

And right now, thinking about that statement, I'm not certain she was put in that water... Cinder blocks and rope could be just another RED HERRING..JMO.

Once again, I find myself thinking outside the box....I hear something and something else immediately comes to mind. I have come to the realization it's quite possible I do have a criminal mind...JMO
I would also like to point out that I know a lot of people who use words incorrectly including myself and after doing so it becomes habit. I often talk of things in the past tense just from not thinking before I speak, so it kind of iritates me personally when people say "they are guilty they talked in the past tense." It comes easily for some people especially me. I also have a habit of saying seen rather then saw, I'd seen, I've seen, I have seen, and I had seen. To tell the truth I still don't know if I used it right. Not that any of that matters. Anyway tons of people when implicated on something often say " I didn't do it" when the finger is pointed. I myself don't read into it because I see it as normal reaction used by many, but I am no expert. I don't know if Joe is guilty of murder or not. I do believe he may have been there.

ITA... I don't know of very many people who use perfect grammar, unless they are highly educated. Considering that everyone who is close to this case seems not to be college graduates, I certainly think it would be a mistake to read more into what they say or don't say, or how they say it.
As far as Joe saying "I didn't do it"... wasn't he asked a direct question by the reporter regarding Haleigh's disappearance? IMO, that would be a common answer, doesn't imply that he knew what IT was. I would be more concerned if he had said, "I didn't kill her" because that would seem to indicate he knew she was murdered. And that interview was done BEFORE the sheriff announced that in all probability she was dead. JMO
Ron dismissed Joe because there wasn't an argument over a gun and it's no surprise that even tho Misty alleges Joe and Tommy came to Ron's to steal his gun Monday while he was at werk, it wasn't there! IMO, Misty wanted to divert attention away from the fact she got into an argument with HaLeigh and by fabricating an argument between Ronald, Tommy, and Jo, she is able to shift the focus of the investigation and defend herself.

I respectfully disagree.. Jo O and his attorney are not denying an altercation occurred...JMO
IIRC, he told Misty several times that a certain bridge would be a good place to dump a body, not this boat ramp area. Much earlier in this case, when discussing Joe, he said that there was a favorite spot of Joe's where he would toss in small animals (nasty), and I think this boat dock area was that place. If Joe had visited Satsuma for a month, as has been stated, then he would have had some time on hos hands to do some fishing and get to know certain parts of the area.

Both places are on the St John's river, I believe, but in different sections of the river.

A few things bother me about this:

The people who live in the area of this dock, Brown - he talks about kids and residents swiming in the area of the boat dock

Several locals, including those that had been on searches have made it quite clear that the alligators would have been in basic hibernation mode in February.

So was Joe feeding hibernating alligators while kids and residents were swiming around at the Shell Harbour boat dock ?

JMO - Ron or whoever relayed his story are full of it. Maybe that is really what Ron liked to do. He seems to like decapitating rats...
Chelsea is claiming that she told LE right away to search where they searching now.....



Thanks Amster,


Thursday, Chelsea Croslin said she did not want to provide a copy of the letter for fear of retaliation. Chelsea said her sister-in-law was terrified of Overstreet so didn't tell authorities what happened that night.

She said she has been urging the Sheriff's Office to search the area off Shell Harbour Road since shortly after HaLeigh disappeared. She said that was one of the few areas Overstreet was familiar with when he visited.

Bowling said it was the first time he heard about the location tip, although investigators have seen those letters.

In the phone calls the grandmother said she received, both Misty and Tommy Croslin said Tommy and Overstreet came to the mobile home on Green Lane where Misty was with the children. The two were looking to steal a machine gun, but it was not there.

Overstreet came back and snatched HaLeigh after putting a knife to Misty's throat, threatening to kill her and her family if they said anything, they told Hollars.

In her 911 call to authorities that night, Misty never mentioned Overstreet.
And right now, thinking about that statement, I'm not certain she was put in that water... Cinder blocks and rope could be just another RED HERRING..JMO.

Once again, I find myself thinking outside the box....I hear something and something else immediately comes to mind. I have come to the realization it's quite possible I do have a criminal mind...JMO

LOL...it has been said to solve a crime one needs to think like a criminal, which is why I can't..LOL

I have no larceny in my heart so I have a hard time thinking outside that box.

If it's true they found those cinderblocks and it had that yellow rope wrapped around it, could be why the Sheriff keeps going back to the river. He's trying desperately to bring HaLeigh home for it's what she deserves. I dont' know how anyone could be so cruel as to weight an innocent child down and throw her in that river. They know it has alligators in it, was that the purpose, not to have any evidence left???

I am so angry at MC right now, I could spit nails. She knew the entire 14 months where HaLeigh was...:furious:

All I know, she better pray to be kept in PC. Once the other prisoners find out what she's done or the part she played, she may not get arrested for HaLeigh's demise for her life could come to an end, same for ToC!
Ron dismissed Joe because there wasn't an argument over a gun and it's no surprise that even tho Misty alleges Joe and Tommy came to Ron's to steal his gun Monday while he was at werk, it wasn't there! IMO, Misty wanted to divert attention away from the fact she got into an argument with HaLeigh and by fabricating an argument between Ronald, Tommy, and Jo, she is able to shift the focus of the investigation and defend herself.

Problem is, TN, aka "mom" said he was there also. RC is the only one denying it.

My opinion only
I think Jo might be involved but after the fact. Could their be some truth to what MC has said? That Jo and Tommy were there but after the fact, and one of them was promised the gun, if they helped dump the body-but MC didn't know the gun wasn't there? And maybe that the knife to MC throat did happen but not the way she told us--with a don't you ever tell anyone comment. Just thinking outside the box.
And right now, thinking about that statement, I'm not certain she was put in that water... Cinder blocks and rope could be just another RED HERRING..JMO.

Once again, I find myself thinking outside the box....I hear something and something else immediately comes to mind. I have come to the realization it's quite possible I do have a criminal mind...JMO

I think it's quite possible that at the end of this, and several other cases, we could all become master criminals.
When JO broke down crying and hung his head down that sealed the deal with me. He sure does not strike me as one to just cry about his family or simply because of accusations. No way am I buying that bill of goods.


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