Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #1

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IF DM was trying to make it look like WM had been murdered, he may have painstakingly left evidence implicating the "murderer" all over the place- on the sheets, pillowcase- all those places RP was asking about. They didn't lift any prints, let alone any off of the outside doors leading into WM's bedroom- they didn't examine the blood splatter or anything! He goes thru all of this trouble thinking that the scene is going to get the CSI treatment and it just doesn't unfold the way it's suppose to. It would be a double whammy if he was expecting someone else to find WM. MOO

Look at those photos of his "loving son" on the mantle. If he only knew what a monster his son really was. :(

Christie Blatchford: Millard murder ruled a suicide inside two days
In a very sad way, I'm glad he didn't live long enough to discover what a monster his son truly was. I cannot even begin to imagine what it must feel like to a parent to learn their child is a cold blooded murderer. It would have to be a heartbreak that just never ends.
It has been mentioned Dellen left in a cab from Smitch's around the time of Wayne's death . I think he took a cab so that no one would recognize him sneaking back to Maplegate to suicide Wayne.

Along with that , MM (Smich's girlfreind) has mentioned Dellen left Smich's place under "peculiar circumstances" around the time of death

Then I remembered it was mentioned in the other trials that there were times DM's drivers license was suspended so maybe that explains using a taxi .

However ... I just read the testimony of Sgt. Richard Nimmo who said ...... (quote) ... " After the gun was discovered, he tracked down Millard — who at this point was sitting outside in his car with his dog. "

So it sounds like he was able to drive his own car .... which brings me back to my original suspicion that he only used a cab for the covert trip to suicide Wayne.

I think that is the "peculiar circumstance" that MM alluded to (when Dellen left that evening) .... plus the mention of needing a Pakistani translator for court which I presume will be the cab driver.

If the prosecutors can place Dellen sneaking home in a cab around time of death it is beginning to look like a slam-dunk for a guilty verdict... esp if MM testimony , the cab driver , and cell phone trajectory all match

Police never examined blood-soaked pillow, key evidence was moved, Millard trial hears | CBC News
I am not having much success searching this forum for the text. But DM texted his mom with the question, and it was posted during the TB trial. She responded by texting DM that she thought his father's incompetence was due to him poisoning his mind, which I assumed to be the alcohol problem.

I recall it that way too ...... MB used the words "slowly poisoning his mind" and I also presumed it was alcohol she meant.
Christie Blatchford: Millard murder ruled a suicide inside two days

From the article posted above;

"And yet, when the first paramedic to arrive at the scene — the call came in from Wayne’s long-time ex-wife, who had been called to the house by Dellen after his purported discovery of the body — was asked if he observed “any injuries,” his reply was that he had not."

BBM. This makes absolutely no sense with all the blood that's been reported.

I love Christie's frank reporting. Thank you Christie for pointing out what seems to be the obvious, even after viewing the photos which we are not privy to. Human nature is amazing insofaras the power of suggestion upon the human mind, the tendency to follow the sheep, apparent sheer laziness on the job, and possibly even bias toward wealthy privilege. Common sense, where did you go??
It has been mentioned Dellen left in a cab from Smitch's around the time of Wayne's death . I think he took a cab so that no one would recognize him sneaking back to Maplegate to suicide Wayne.

Along with that , MM (Smich's girlfreind) has mentioned Dellen left Smich's place under "peculiar circumstances" around the time of death

rbsbm - just sort of bouncing off your post in hopes someone can clarify something...

I was under the impression that MS was (at the time of WM's death) actually staying with DM at WM's house, down in the basement. I'm not even sure where I read this.
rbsbm - just sort of bouncing off your post in hopes someone can clarify something...

I was under the impression that MS was (at the time of WM's death) actually staying with DM at WM's house, down in the basement. I'm not even sure where I read this.

From what I remember from the first 2 trials - and being too lazy to go back and look - it seems Wayne Millard’s house was also where Dellen lived ( although he says here that he only stays there 3-4 times a week?) He also seemed to turn it into a flop house for his buddies with various people living there. MS, MM, and his other best friend. So many details that scream sketchy.
I've been preoccupied these last few days, but am now caught up. Sadly, my cousin just past away a week after giving birth to twins. OT, but I mention this because the trauma, grief, and loss that my family is experiencing after an unexpected death, seems to be so inherently different than what is being described in this case so far.

I have to say, I'm blown away (although not surprised) by the testimony so far, the series of events, and the descriptions of the crime scene. I keep reading that no opinion had been formed on a likely cause of death. How is that even possible? The man had a gun shot wound to the eye. Such tunnel vision and incompetence, imo. Yes, he was a drinker. We get it. But he was very evidently shot? I could *maybe* understand the manner of death not having an opinion formed (was it suicide or not?), but to honestly say that you had no assumption on COD is just bizarre to me.

Then to hear his positioning described, I find it difficult to reconcile that this wasn't immediately deemed a suspicious death. To echo the sentiment of others, once I read that description, I thought "there's no way he pulled that trigger himself" (not that I ever thought he did).

And finally, yes. WM had a gun license. With 4 guns registers to his home. I still can't believe that they wouldn't check to see if *this* gun was registered to his home.

I feel that I always sounds so critical of TPS on these threads. I promise, it's not that I mean to be. I have no bias against them. They truly just keep giving me reasons to be so critical.
Sorry for your loss, and a new mother at that. If the rest of the family has as big a heart as you do (I remember the work you do from your posts during Laura’s trial) I’m sure they are rallying around the children and father.
RSBM So, DM gets the crime scene all prepared- dad in bed sleeping, gun, hand all covered in blood- IMHO, DM is way too much of a "stager" not to get the whole scene looking as "suicidal" or "murderous" as possible. Get's hysterical mom there and gets her to call 911. He had everything ready to go. But now I'm starting to chuckle, because DM probably didn't realize that because of what MB said on the 911 call, the first people on the scene would be the paramedics.

Mistake # 1- they didn't say it looks like someone shot themselves and there's a gun laying beside the body. THEN, things get more out of control for DM because both him and MB play up the "WM was an alcoholic" story, so much so that the Paramedics called the cause of death as a throat hemorrhage due to alcoholism! DM would never had seen that coming. He had the sliding door to WM's room unlocked- a gun, bloodied hand, shot in the eye and some crazy Paramedic throws a wrench into the whole thing and then when LE gets there, they just take the Coles Notes version of throat bleed from the Paramedics! IMHO, DM was looking for either it to be a suicide or a hit/murder. Certainly not natural causes. No wonder he was out in his car talking to Pedo. MOO
Seriously, no *wonder* he felt confident in going on to commit more murders. He already thought he was highly intelligent and above the intelligence levels of police, but then to witness the seeming incompetence from LE on not one, but TWO murders he committed? Just wow. jmo
I'm thinking the report of dried vomit indicates that likely didn't happen. Just guessing, I really don't know if it's possible to die and vomit at the same time. Wow that was super disgusting to type out. :eek:
Considering that the poor paramedic didn't even know enough to see any injuries on the body, I don't have any confidence whatsoever in his ability to distinguish vomit from perhaps bloody tissue. jmo
From what I remember from the first 2 trials - and being too lazy to go back and look - it seems Wayne Millard’s house was also where Dellen lived ( although he says here that he only stays there 3-4 times a week?) He also seemed to turn it into a flop house for his buddies with various people living there. MS, MM, and his other best friend. So many details that scream sketchy.
In ABro's notes on her blog, she notes that MS had been living there. From what I can remember, it was widely believed up until now, that MS had been living with MM at DM's house that he shared with his father. It certainly wouldn't surprise me for DM to have lied about his living arrangements to LE, coroner, paramedics, etc., at the time of WM's murder, to try to cover his tracks even more. jmo

"Mark Smich had been living in the basement of the Etobicoke house Wayne and Dellen shared before Wayne’s death. It’s not clear whether police were aware of this or talked to Smich."
In ABro's notes on her blog, she notes that MS had been living there. From what I can remember, it was widely believed up until now, that MS had been living with MM at DM's house that he shared with his father. It certainly wouldn't surprise me for DM to have lied about his living arrangements to LE, coroner, paramedics, etc., at the time of WM's murder, to try to cover his tracks even more. jmo

"Mark Smich had been living in the basement of the Etobicoke house Wayne and Dellen shared before Wayne’s death. It’s not clear whether police were aware of this or talked to Smich."

So I did remember correctly. DM is such a pathological liar, if he told me my real name I'd call my mom to verify.
It has been mentioned Dellen left in a cab from Smitch's around the time of Wayne's death . I think he took a cab so that no one would recognize him sneaking back to Maplegate to suicide Wayne.

Along with that , MM (Smich's girlfreind) has mentioned Dellen left Smich's place under "peculiar circumstances" around the time of death

Then I remembered it was mentioned in the other trials that there were times DM's drivers license was suspended so maybe that explains using a taxi .

However ... I just read the testimony of Sgt. Richard Nimmo who said ...... (quote) ... " After the gun was discovered, he tracked down Millard — who at this point was sitting outside in his car with his dog. "

So it sounds like he was able to drive his own car .... which brings me back to my original suspicion that he only used a cab for the covert trip to suicide Wayne.

I think that is the "peculiar circumstance" that MM alluded to (when Dellen left that evening) .... plus the mention of needing a Pakistani translator for court which I presume will be the cab driver.

If the prosecutors can place Dellen sneaking home in a cab around time of death it is beginning to look like a slam-dunk for a guilty verdict... esp if MM testimony , the cab driver , and cell phone trajectory all match

Police never examined blood-soaked pillow, key evidence was moved, Millard trial hears | CBC News
Can only hope the crown wins another one and he loses the inheritance and any money that is his or assets go to the lawsuit of the Bosma s and Babcock family.
I love Christie's frank reporting. Thank you Christie for pointing out what seems to be the obvious, even after viewing the photos which we are not privy to. Human nature is amazing insofaras the power of suggestion upon the human mind, the tendency to follow the sheep, apparent sheer laziness on the job, and possibly even bias toward wealthy privilege. Common sense, where did you go??
I would say bias to wealthy privilege was a big part of the terrible job the TPS did and I am sure it happens a lot. They allowed this man to go on and keep murdering.
I know that in the past, you could inherit your fathers guns without getting a new license.
I wonder, when JC said WM didn't trust his son; did he mean with the business or his guns, or maybe both? Why else get rid of the guns? That must have been frustrating for a budding serial killer!
Something I find curious in this case, DM seems to like having a fall guy around for his crimes. He couldn't have been so sure this would be declaired a suicide so easily. I wonder if the shot to the eye was a deliberate attempt to replicate the MWJ meme he is so fond of he prints it all over his skin.
Someone said the caliber of gun used and shot in the eye is what the mob hit men do to kill someone.
What type of motive for murder do you think the crown will present? Clashes at work and Dellen wanting the money immediately from the family business? (Since he closed Millardair right after his father's death.) His father's romance and Dellen worrying that he would not get his inheritance? Do you think Dellen's mother will be a hostile witness and still believe that Wayne committed suicide? (After all,Dellen is now a convicted two time murderer and his DNA was on the gun.)
What type of motive for murder do you think the crown will present? Clashes at work and Dellen wanting the money immediately from the family business? (Since he closed Millardair right after his father's death.) His father's romance and Dellen worrying that he would not get his inheritance? Do you think Dellen's mother will be a hostile witness and still believe that Wayne committed suicide? (After all,Dellen is now a convicted two time murderer and his DNA was on the gun.)
The father might have known that Laura was murdered in the house. DM was afraid he would say something and so he had to kill him. that is one motive . The father may have found out that a lot of money was going from the business to buy things like the incinerator and he began questioning DM about it. The father might have told DM he was going to disinherit him. There are many motives DM had to kill his father.
Here's the RCMP link for inherited firearms. So it appears that DM, as the likely executor with no criminal record :rolleyes: , would have been able to possess those guns while the estate was being settled. Thanks for prompting me to look that up because I wasn't sure whether LE should have tried to confiscate any guns that may have been in the home.


As for a "fall guy" I considered he decided to drag his mother into this for protection, legitimacy and to be the voice on the 911 call.

I recall it that way too ...... MB used the words "slowly poisoning his mind" and I also presumed it was alcohol she meant.
MB was really into this raging alcoholism thing. I find it hard to believe that a raging alcoholic can be reliable enough to get an MRO off the ground. Even DM showing up at noon was more reliable than a raging alcoholic. Did MB believe everything her son told her or is she in on it?
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