Wayne Millard Murder Trial - Dellen Millard Charged With Murder - #1

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What type of motive for murder do you think the crown will present? Clashes at work and Dellen wanting the money immediately from the family business? (Since he closed Millardair right after his father's death.) His father's romance and Dellen worrying that he would not get his inheritance? Do you think Dellen's mother will be a hostile witness and still believe that Wayne committed suicide? (After all,Dellen is now a convicted two time murderer and his DNA was on the gun.)
Can't wait to hear how they traced that gun to MWJ. I presume he makes sure his guns are free of any MWJ evidence before letting them go? Hard to imagine him handing them over wearing latex gloves tho.
What type of motive for murder do you think the crown will present? Clashes at work and Dellen wanting the money immediately from the family business? (Since he closed Millardair right after his father's death.) His father's romance and Dellen worrying that he would not get his inheritance? Do you think Dellen's mother will be a hostile witness and still believe that Wayne committed suicide? (After all,Dellen is now a convicted two time murderer and his DNA was on the gun.)

My guess is that they won't offer a motive because they don't have to. All they have to do is prove he killed his father.

If I were to venture a guess, DM wanted the money. He had a couple of things complicating his life at that point. I believe that the business advisor (sorry can't remember his name) made some comments about WM clamping down on DM and his spending. WM wanted DM to get serious about the business. Also, the new girlfriend was an issue for DM. She became a person that could influence WM. WM was talking to her about the business. I don't think DM would have been very pleased about that at all.

As we know from his previous trials, DM needed to control everything. He didn't like to be controlled. Things were changing in and around him and he didn't like it much.

I don't think his father knew about Laura. I'm just guessing on that but I think the motive would be greed. DM wanted the money. It's that simple. Just like he wanted a truck and killed for it and just like he wanted CN and killed for it. Nothing new here really. When he wants something he takes it...however taking means.

Can't wait to hear how they traced that gun to MWJ. I presume he makes sure his guns are free of any MWJ evidence before letting them go? Hard to imagine him handing them over wearing latex gloves tho.
Too over-my-head, intertwined, and complicated, BUT.. perhaps things came together as part of some kind of plea/charge bargaining process for MWJ?
On April 8, 2014 MWJ and 2 others (aka the '3 Matthews') were charged in regard to selling weapons to DM.
And then only two days later, on April 10, 2014, DM, already in custody for TB's murder, was additionally charged with murdering WM and LB. (MS also co-charged in TB and LB case, and CN also charged same day and held in custody pending bail with AAF to TB's murder).
The gun used to kill WM was purchased the day before authorities believe LB was killed, so wondering if that gun served a multiple purpose? I wonder if LE had actually very carefully preserved and examined that gun as soon as it was seen, if there may have been a possibility of finding DNA left over from LB's murder, in addition to evidence of its use on WM?
Tim Bosma murder suspect Dellen Millard charged in two more deaths
MB was really into this raging alcoholism thing. I find it hard to believe that a raging alcoholic can be reliable enough to get an MRO off the ground. Even DM showing up at noon was more reliable than a raging alcoholic. Did MB believe everything her son told her or is she in on it?
Here is what I am imagining:

-Seems that WM may have had difficulty with alcohol for a number of years, in fact, perhaps that is what caused the marital breakdown between he and MB? At some point DM went to live with his alcoholic father, instead of his healthy mother. Spoiled rich boy probably got everything he ever wanted and was allowed to do whatever, perhaps with a blind eye from an alcohol-induced dad... perfect.
-At some point WM perhaps was gaining strength and perspective.. perhaps he had it all along, who knows.. and he's thinking to the future for his only son. He must have seen that DM at least had potential, even though it seemed that while he was fast approaching his 30s, he had no ambition or discipline to get himself into a bonafide career of his choice that he loved. So he thought of the MRO idea.. and had this huge plan for creating something that DM could be trained to do, give him something genuine to do with his time, and make lots of money to boot.
-DM hated the idea and perhaps as a teenager might, preferred to hang out with pals, smoke weed, get girls, get into some petty criminal activity (which obviously was accelerating with time), etc. Perhaps DM saw this plan as potentially unattainable, so he kept his mouth shut and played along - meanwhile making use of the space for his own illegal purposes.
-DM likely spread stories to his mom and others about his dad's alcoholism, and wastefulness with money as far as the new business, and poor choices made in hiring consultants to make this plan work... suddenly dad falls in love, brings someone from his past, a relative in fact, into his life, and openly shares business information with her. Same time, the certification arrives from Transport Canada and nothing is holding the MRO back now.... other than DM's own refusal to act on the advice of the paid consultants (to get rid of all of his *advertiser censored* in the hangar so that potential clients could be brought through).
-Life must have started getting 'real', and 'scary', pretty fast! Dad probably started caring more and more about life and living over the months from January 2012 until his death.. renewed love and business interests, a plan to keep his established family name going, as well as the family wealth - kept getting stronger - had even jumped the hurdle to start meeting 'in person' with his new best friend - even slept over at her place.. who knows what he told DM about his plans for himself and JC? Perhaps *that* is where the 'fiance' rumor got started? Perhaps it was by WM telling DM himself that he was going to marry her at some point???
-So a plan was born in DM's criminal mind - to kill a bunch of birds with one stone - do away with the new business which he wanted no part of, get rid of the potential threat to his inheritance before it became an issue, get rid of the meddling ideas his dad had for him to do honest work.... all could be fixed via the sudden death of his dad, which could conveniently be dismissed due to his dad's chronic, debilitating alcoholism. He already had the gun at hand, left over after killing LB.. nobody would be the wiser. And it almost worked!

Look at those photos of his "loving son" on the mantle. If he only knew what a monster his son really was. :(

Christie Blatchford: Millard murder ruled a suicide inside two days

I fear in his final moments, WM became aware of the real DM. Poor man.

On another note, I'm surprised DM allowed photos from his "Dellen the Melon" phase to be displayed. The walls of his cell should be covered in those photos.
Christie Blatchford: Millard murder ruled a suicide inside two days

From the article posted above;

"And yet, when the first paramedic to arrive at the scene — the call came in from Wayne’s long-time ex-wife, who had been called to the house by Dellen after his purported discovery of the body — was asked if he observed “any injuries,” his reply was that he had not."

BBM. This makes absolutely no sense with all the blood that's been reported.

Well, those alcoholics, you know? They can just burst in a ball of blood! No need to look at anything else when that alcohol factor is pointed out! :eek:
I fear in his final moments, WM became aware of the real DM. Poor man.

On another note, I'm surprised DM allowed photos from his "Dellen the Melon" phase to be displayed. The walls of his cell should be covered in those photos.
Nah, I think you can rest assured that the man was sleeping soundly when his son lived out his bullet-in-the-eye fetish. Sooo too bad that LE did not test the hands of all those present that night, for GSR. I'm sure the ME would have checked MW's hand for GSR, but I suppose we will soon find out!
It has been mentioned Dellen left in a cab from Smitch's around the time of Wayne's death . I think he took a cab so that no one would recognize him sneaking back to Maplegate to suicide Wayne.

Along with that , MM (Smich's girlfreind) has mentioned Dellen left Smich's place under "peculiar circumstances" around the time of death

Then I remembered it was mentioned in the other trials that there were times DM's drivers license was suspended so maybe that explains using a taxi .

However ... I just read the testimony of Sgt. Richard Nimmo who said ...... (quote) ... " After the gun was discovered, he tracked down Millard — who at this point was sitting outside in his car with his dog. "

So it sounds like he was able to drive his own car .... which brings me back to my original suspicion that he only used a cab for the covert trip to suicide Wayne.

I think that is the "peculiar circumstance" that MM alluded to (when Dellen left that evening) .... plus the mention of needing a Pakistani translator for court which I presume will be the cab driver.

If the prosecutors can place Dellen sneaking home in a cab around time of death it is beginning to look like a slam-dunk for a guilty verdict... esp if MM testimony , the cab driver , and cell phone trajectory all match

Police never examined blood-soaked pillow, key evidence was moved, Millard trial hears | CBC News

If it is true that they have proof that DM traveled via taxi-cab from MS's place to Maplegate (and back again too?), then surely that is all that is needed for a conviction? Like you mentioned, if he is later there with his own vehicle, and saying he couldn't get a hold of his dad for a few days... looks like a smoking gun to me too! jmo

PS Where did you see mention of needing a Pakistani translator?
.... I wonder, when JC said WM didn't trust his son; did he mean with the business or his guns, or maybe both? Why else get rid of the guns? That must have been frustrating for a budding serial killer! ....
Where did we see JC say that WM didn't trust his son? I recall her mentioning that WM didn't trust John Barnes (thanks to his son DM), but didn't see it said that WM did not trust his son?

from Adam Carter's Live Blog:
"May 31 2018 10:57 AM
The Crown now asking about a John Barnes that Wayne Millard knew. She says she knew of him, but didn't know him. She says in the last months of Millard's life he was taking on a "negative view of him," and said Dellen Millard "didn't trust him." Barnes was an employee of MillardAir."
Opinion | Dellen Millard: Once, twice, three times a murder defendant

They spoke by phone for the last time late on Nov. 28, a lengthy conversation that stretched into the wee hours of Nov. 29. Millard, she said, was delighted about finally obtaining the required licence for his MRO facility, was a bit concerned about the expanding costs but sounded in otherwise good spirits. Yes, she knew that he had a drinking problem, but believed his consumption of alcohol had lessened over the previous year, although he apparently had been drinking before or during that last phone call. "But he wasn't slurring his words or anything."

Has it been the very last time for DM to "steer the destiny" of the aviation company in his own mind, because of the licence for the MRO?
DM went to live with his alcoholic father, instead of his healthy mother.

MB had issues herself and we weren't allowed to learn more to that, unfortunately. (ABro said it one time.) There is an important reason, it seems, why DM got raised by his father. I finally would like to know this reason! Has to be more unsuitable for up-bringing than alcoholism?
Sorry for your loss, and a new mother at that. If the rest of the family has as big a heart as you do (I remember the work you do from your posts during Laura’s trial) I’m sure they are rallying around the children and father.
So very kind of you, chaines. I appreciate this.
If it is true that they have proof that DM traveled via taxi-cab from MS's place to Maplegate (and back again too?), then surely that is all that is needed for a conviction? Like you mentioned, if he is later there with his own vehicle, and saying he couldn't get a hold of his dad for a few days... looks like a smoking gun to me too! jmo

PS Where did you see mention of needing a Pakistani translator?

Lisa Hepfner‏ @LisaHepfnerCHCH 3m3 minutes ago
Crown Ken Lockhart is up, introducing a Mr. Singh who has been subpoena'd but won't be reached today. He needs a Punjabi interpreter. He'll come back for another day in June. #Millard

This clip is from tweets of the opening discussions on May 31st.
MB was really into this raging alcoholism thing. I find it hard to believe that a raging alcoholic can be reliable enough to get an MRO off the ground. Even DM showing up at noon was more reliable than a raging alcoholic. Did MB believe everything her son told her or is she in on it?
In on it.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @LisaHepfnerCHCH 3m3 minutes ago
Crown Ken Lockhart is up, introducing a Mr. Singh who has been subpoena'd but won't be reached today. He needs a Punjabi interpreter. He'll come back for another day in June. #Millard

This clip is from tweets of the opening discussions on May 31st.
Thank you so much LN33! I *did* see that, now that you bring it forward... good deduction on Arnie M's part for surmising that he may be the taxi driver!
Does anyone know why DM's lawyer was questioning JC's beliefs concerning WM's birthdate? It seems that she is not the only one to believe that he was born on October 30th? Not sure from where this information is derived. WM's dob is missing from the obit posted by his son. Is it possible that WM's relatives somehow provided this info?

From the Ward Funeral Homes site:

Wayne Carl Millard
October 30, 1941 - November 30, 2012

Brought to you by

Ward Funeral Homes
4671 Highway # 7
Woodbridge, ON
L4L 1S6
Phone: 905-851-9100 or 1-888-836-6757

Wayne Carl Millard Obituary - Woodbridge, ON | ObitTree™
Does anyone know why DM's lawyer was questioning JC's beliefs concerning WM's birthdate? It seems that she is not the only one to believe that he was born on October 30th? Not sure from where this information is derived. WM's dob is missing from the obit posted by his son. Is it possible that WM's relatives somehow provided this info?

From the Ward Funeral Homes site:

Wayne Carl Millard
October 30, 1941 - November 30, 2012

Brought to you by

Ward Funeral Homes
4671 Highway # 7
Woodbridge, ON
L4L 1S6
Phone: 905-851-9100 or 1-888-836-6757

Wayne Carl Millard Obituary - Woodbridge, ON | ObitTree™

Not sure why RP was asking JC about WM's birthdate other than to perhaps see if she knew him well enough to even know his birthdate since she had not seen him in person in decades and didn't know much about him or his friends. Perhaps trying to discredit her as someone who had any authority to comment on his state of mind.

Might also be a start to the possibility that RP will be bringing up the fact that this death occurred within a month of his own birthdate (Oct 30), his father CM's birthdate (Nov 21) and actually pretty much on the 6th anniversary of his father's death (Nov 28). Perhaps he'll try to make a case that all of these milestones were contributing to his possible depression at that time?

Does anyone know why DM's lawyer was questioning JC's beliefs concerning WM's birthdate? It seems that she is not the only one to believe that he was born on October 30th? Not sure from where this information is derived. WM's dob is missing from the obit posted by his son. Is it possible that WM's relatives somehow provided this info?

From the Ward Funeral Homes site:

Wayne Carl Millard
October 30, 1941 - November 30, 2012

Brought to you by

Ward Funeral Homes
4671 Highway # 7
Woodbridge, ON
L4L 1S6
Phone: 905-851-9100 or 1-888-836-6757

Wayne Carl Millard Obituary - Woodbridge, ON | ObitTree™

Is there some question about what his actual birthday was? Is it October 30?

Also, the Ward Funeral Homes site says his date of death was November 30. But shouldn't that be November 29th?

Not sure why RP was asking JC about WM's birthdate other than to perhaps see if she knew him well enough to even know his birthdate since she had not seen him in person in decades and didn't know much about him or his friends. Perhaps trying to discredit her as someone who had any authority to comment on his state of mind.

Might also be a start to the possibility that RP will be bringing up the fact that this death occurred within a month of his own birthdate (Oct 30), his father CM's birthdate (Nov 21) and actually pretty much on the 6th anniversary of his father's death (Nov 28). Perhaps he'll try to make a case that all of these milestones were contributing to his possible depression at that time?

Rbbm. That is exactly where my mind was going with it. This might be RP's strategy.
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