We the Jury! Deliberations

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Are you talking about those who are taking notes as being on the fence or those sitting motionless? For some reason I'm thinking that those taking the notes are doing so in order to argue their points once they are behind doors again.

Or maybe they just want to solidify their decision. That is, they are undecided and are trying to back up and be sure they know why they chose the verdict that they do.

This early, I'm not sure why they are doing what they're doing but it's a good thing they examine the evidence so they can live with themselves after they turn their guilty verdict in. :what:
Dang, it's getting late and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. I'm really hoping for a "Guilty" verdict today.
In Session “She withdrew physically and kind of into herself . . . she had tears streaming down her cheeks . . . she told me that one night she and Drew went to bed at the same time, and they both went to sleep. She woke up in the middle of the night, and she noticed Drew was not in bed with her . . . she did not find him in the house. She attempted to contact him by phone, and was unsuccessful . .. sometime later, in the early morning hours, she saw him standing near the washer and dryer, dressed in all black, carrying a bag . . . she said he removed his clothing, and took the contents of the bag and put all of that tin the washing machine . . . she walked over to the washing machine, and looked to see what was inside. And she saw some women’s clothing that she identified as not hers . . . he told her that soon the police would be wanting to sit down to interview her, and he told her what to say to the police . . . it took hours . . . she said that she lied [to the police] . . . she said that she lied on Drew’s behalf to the police . . . she continued to cry; she was very scared.”

Still behind. I apologize if this was mentioned. Maybe the jury is looking to match DP's phone records to Stacy's statement to Neil Shori that she attempted to call DP that evening.
HLN saying they're on jury watch and recap case briefly - will bring us verdict as soon as it comes in.
Still behind. I apologize if this was mentioned. Maybe the jury is looking to match DP's phone records to Stacy's statement to Neil Shori that she attempted to call DP that evening.

can't they used a walkie talkie cell. The calls can't be traced.
Stacy St. Clair ‏@StacyStClair
This time a prosecution objection. #drewpeterson jury leaving courtroom. Slight misreading. The jury coming back in.

In Session The court reporter now begins to read the cross-examination “Did she tell you that Drew was pissed at her because he thought she told Tom that Drew killed Kathy?” “Yes . . .she said that she had too much **** on him for him to do anything to her.”

In Session The prosecution asks for a sidebar. Once it ends, the jurors are excused from the courtroom. Once a clarification is made of exactly what the transcript says (the court reporter read it correctly), the judge asks the jurors to return.
Hey guys...haven't commented in a while, but tuned in to wait for the verdict. I am worried, as it seems the sentiment here in the area is not looking great for the prosecution. Lots seem to think he's guilty, but that the state didn't put on a strong enough case-can't put him at the scene, botched investigation, etc... Sentiment seems to be it's going down the road of OJ, CA, Robert Blake, etc... I hope they are wrong.

Some of the questions the jury has been asking are more encouraging however.

That said, I still have real doubts on a guilty conviction being upheld on appeal, simply because of the hearsay evidence. But perhaps he'll be in jail as it makes its way up to the USSC. I guess we'll see.

I just hope the Savio family can get some peace and that Stacy's family can get on with the task of locating Stacy.

BBM. See, that is kind of what I am hearing too. Thing is, this is new ground regarding the hearsay evidence. If a perp is not rewarding by not filing murder charges when no body is found, why should a perp be rewarded when the witness is likely murdered and not found?

I haven't studied the new law too much to comment further.
Still behind. I apologize if this was mentioned. Maybe the jury is looking to match DP's phone records to Stacy's statement to Neil Shori that she attempted to call DP that evening.

I'm still confused about the whole phone call thingy in regard to the type of phones they used - more like walkie talkies.

Is the belief that there was a phone call from a regular phone made as well?

If only walkie talkie types were used, DP had that set up on purpose too imo.
He knew the calls couldn't be traced and exact time per call isn't listed, etc. I've never even heard of that system between adults.
In Session The jurors return to the courtroom, and the court reporter continues to read the cross-examination of Harry Smith’s testimony. “She said, ‘Could we get more money out of Drew if we threatened to tell the police how he killed Kathy?’” “Yes.” “She specifically used the word ‘how,’ not just that he killed Kathy, but how he killed Kathy?” “Yes.” Smith then describes what he heard in the background during his telephone conversation with Stacy. “He [Drew] called her, and asked her what she was doing, and who she was talking to . . . not standing right next to the person.” “Did you hear her respond to him?” “I did.” “When he called a second time, did she end the call?” “She did . . . she yelled to Drew that she would be in in a minute.” Smith also testifies that Stacy told him that she believed Drew was tracking her via the GPS on her cell phone (“but now I have a new one he doesn’t know about”).

In Session The redirect portion of Smith’s testimony is now read. He says that he warned Stacy to be careful, but not about extortion but for concealment of a crime. “She was threatening to tell a falsehood to get money?” “No.”

Testimony done being read; jury returns to deliberations.
DrewPeterson jury finishes hearing 1-hour, 25-minute reading of Smith and Schori transcripts. Jurors back deliberating.
I'm still confused about the whole phone call thingy in regard to the type of phones they used - more like walkie talkies.

Is the belief that there was a phone call from a regular phone made as well?

If only walkie talkie types were used, DP had that set up on purpose too imo.
He knew the calls couldn't be traced and exact time per call isn't listed, etc. I've never even heard of that system between adults.

it's been out for years.
It's called 'chirping'
:slap: Ewww, Livingthedream! Shame on you! That was just mean... :notgood: You're gonna scare her to death! :pillowfight2: God forbid he walks! (I'll be prayin for your safety regardless Stillblv! :please: Sounds like you live in a rather scarey place!!) Back to trying to catch up!

If he were to walk, he'd be hard pressed to continue residing in the NE IL area or anywhere in the great lakes area imo. If he wants to keep the attention off himself, which I think he will, he'd have to relocate.
Nextel phones have a walkie talkie type feature in which one Nextel user can push a button to signal another Nextel user they want to talk. Instead of a standard ringing phone, it's a beep that comes in. It's a way to have direct conversation with another Nextel user without using cell phone minutes. Been a feature for many years (well over a decade).
My daughter and sil have verizon and they pay $5.00 more a month to have PUSH & TALK. They live on a farm and it makes commication between them easier,cheaper & quicker.Could that be what Drew & Stacy had with nextel?
Or maybe they just want to solidify their decision. That is, they are undecided and are trying to back up and be sure they know why they chose the verdict that they do.

This early, I'm not sure why they are doing what they're doing but it's a good thing they examine the evidence so they can live with themselves after they turn their guilty verdict in. :what:

If I were on the jury, I would have had to take notes. A trial of 5 weeks is a long time to remember everything.

I agree with whoever said you can't predict which way the jury is going to go. Some lawyers say the longer they deliberate, the better the chances of guilty. If they come back with a verdict after only a few hours.... it does not look too promising. But you just never know!!
can't they used a walkie talkie cell. The calls can't be traced.
:blushing::blushing::blushing: That's why I come here and sometimes afraid to comment. Oops. I knew that too. My nerves are shot today. I have been following this case since the day Stacy went missing. I want justice SO bad. I don't want DP ever walking the streets again. He is a murderer. IMO.

ETA: I had never followed a case until this one. It touched me for some reason. Praying and praying for justice.
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