We the Jury! Deliberations

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LE didn't prove much of anything, actually. Most of the movement in this case came strictly as a result of the reclassification of the death to a homicide, first by the efforts of Dr. Baden. It was up to the state to prove their assertions. LE gave DP every concession, which is why it took 8 years to bring him to trial.

Worrying won't change anything. If Drew Peterson is acquitted there is nothing anyone can do about it. However, if Stacey's body can be found, he can (and will) be indicted for her murder.

Jeff Ruby is offering a $100K reward for info leading to Stacey's body. Why not put energy spent on worrying about something totally out of one's control towards something proactive to help Jeff Ruby and others find Stacey's body? Collectively, that would be a good positive use of energy.

I truly think he had help getting rid of her body. He did not do it alone and someone knows something. Somehow he received information on where he could put her where she will never be found. It's who he is and he is so confident that no one will turn him in but let's hope whoever has that information talks. Let's hope they send a message that leads investigators right to her. jmo
Sleep well everyone. Tomorrow is another day. I hope the Jurors sleep well and are fresh for their huge task at hand.
Sorry, I was going by something on one of the infamous sites I've journeyed to while investigating this case. After dusting off my mathematical skills I've discovered that Stacy was too young, even for Drew, when her mother disappeared. :what:

Just popping back in for a moment.

DP may not have known Stacy when her mother disappeared, but that certainly doesn't mean he did not come in contact with her mother at some point. It is certainly a possibility that he had. Remember that she just suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The above is just my point of view. Nothing would surprise me about DP. The post I wrote earlier is that there is no way to know just how many victims there have been at the hands of DP. Only he and God know.

I truly think he had help getting rid of her body. He did not do it alone and someone knows something. Somehow he received information on where he could put her where she will never be found. It's who he is and he is so confident that no one will turn him in but let's hope whoever has that information talks. Let's hope they send a message that leads investigators right to her. jmo

Of course he had help. The man he refers to as "his brother" helped him move a large barrel off his property. Whether Drew ever disclosed what (or who) was in the heavy barrel is unknown. That man attempted suicide after being questioned by police a few years ago. That scene was also shown in the Lifetime movie about Drew Peterson. The brother is played by William Mapother (cousin of Tom Cruise).
Just wanted to let you all know I'm stilling reading the Closing Arguments, on page 12 now...
BUT!! I am counting the objections, sidebars, etc for you all!!

I just read the closing ended, so I should be able to post this stuff in a few - had company, so got behind... Sorry! LOL!
Prosecutors Closing - 1 hour 9 minutes

Defense objected 6 times - all overruled


Defense Closing - 2 hours 20 minutes

Prosecutors objected 11 times / 1 - overruled / 5 - sustained / 5 - sidebars

Judge - 1 sidebar

Jurors out - 2 times


Total Sidebars for trial: 211

Defense - 88 / Prosecutors - 74 / Judge - 49

Pop-Tart Jurors out 103 times

Oh - I forgot - there's still rebuttal!! Oh well, I'll keep adding them up!! LOL!
:banghead::banghead::banghead: I have to leave tomorrow 10:30 am ET for a doctor's appointment. How dare this judge dismiss this jury for today!!!! I would not put anything past the defense side to sabbatoge this verdict. Drew has already interferred with a witness on the Stacy Peterson case, what would stop him now? His ex-brother-in-law was in protective custody for awhile. Don't forget that when Stacy's mother complained to LE that Drew was dating her underage daughter, she disappeared. I guess that will never be investigated either. Dang!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:

Stacy was only 14 when her mother disappeared. Her mom disappeared before she was old enough to even get a work permit, let alone get a job.

Is there any proof Drew was involved with Christie Cales disappearance?
I don't believe Stacy had yet met Drew when her mother disappeared. I think Drew being involved in her disappearance is likely rumor. And fwiw, if anyone has followed even a tad bit of how screwed up the Cook County coroners office is, it wouldn't surprise me if Christie was there unidentified or the family hasn't been notified. That occured with another missing woman who was reported missing. She was a jane doe for months and the family not notified.

Christie Cales disappeared from Cook, not Will County.
LE didn't prove much of anything, actually. Most of the movement in this case came strictly as a result of the reclassification of the death to a homicide, first by the efforts of Dr. Baden. It was up to the state to prove their assertions. LE gave DP every concession, which is why it took 8 years to bring him to trial.

Worrying won't change anything. If Drew Peterson is acquitted there is nothing anyone can do about it. However, if Stacey's body can be found, he can (and will) be indicted for her murder.

Jeff Ruby is offering a $100K reward for info leading to Stacey's body. Why not put energy spent on worrying about something totally out of one's control towards something proactive to help Jeff Ruby and others find Stacey's body? Collectively, that would be a good positive use of energy.

I will resume worrying about Stacey and where she is, once this verdict is in. But it would be a great relief to have him locked away now. I fear Stacey might never be found.

The jurors are now back in the courtroom. Judge Burmila: “It is a long day, and I am going to honor your request and allow you to separate for the evening. However, your deliberations for today are at an end . . . it would be unfair to your collective memories to spend any time dwelling upon what it is that you should talk about when you come together again. Deliberations for today are at an end.” He also warns the jurors that if anyone tries to contact them about this case they are immediately contact law enforcement. “You have a responsibility to me to respond in that fashion.” With that, the jurors are released for the day.

:seeya: Thanks for this update ...

JMO but this is a surprise to me as I really thought there would be a verdict by at least the end of today ...

:please: Maybe tomorrow there will be a verdict :please:
Trying to get up to speed with this trial. Do I have this right that the children were not at home with Kathleen when she died? Were they with Stacey when Drew came home and "did his dirty laundry"?
Man, I know this is Kathleen's trial and her thread but holy smokes, Stacy was only 23 when she disappeared and had already had two children by a man who is two years older than I am! When I think of it with this perspective, it's sick, S I C K! There should be a law - really!

For the record, Stacy was born in January 1984.
She disappeared on October 28, 2007 at the age of 23.

He thought nothing of taking a 'child's' life. Legally Stacy was not a child but compared to him (and me) she was imo. What a piece of work.
Is DP's mother still alive?

I had that same question! I am so glad someone else asked it. I wasn't sure if it was answered somewhere here or ???

Has anyone from his bio family spoken up or said a word since his arrest?
I will resume worrying about Stacey and where she is, once this verdict is in. But it would be a great relief to have him locked away now. I fear Stacey might never be found.

Stacey's body might never be found, but without people resuming a search for her she will definitely never be found. Alas worrying doesn't accomplish anything (if only it did).
I remember well the fallout after the CA verdict (debacle). The teeth gnashing and hysteria and venting and ranting. I think so many people felt completely helpless because the outcome was not in their control and they didn't know what to do with all their emotion and energy. They wanted revenge as well as justice. Totally understandable. Look, we all hope for a just outcome in this (and every) case, but what a jury decides is completely out of our control.

So what can everyone control? There *is* a way to channel energy in a way that actually helps. Whether your personal cause is missing children or abused & missing spouses or whatever... there are really fine organizations that are devoted to helping. They always needs assistance, resources, fund raising, volunteering, whatever. Not to single any one organization out, but just to name a few who are highly regarded:

- Klaas Kids
- TES (Texas Equisearch)
- Local/Regional K9 and SAR programs
- Regional domestic violence prevention programs & shelters

It doesn't necessarily mean writing a check either. There are ways to help and it is something positive and proactive that can make a difference.

Nothing will bring back Caylee or Kathleen or Stacey or others who have lost their lives to the selfish actions of someone else, but taking anger and frustration and putting it towards something that can help is empowering. Everyone has the power to make a difference in some way. Please keep that in mind.
to channel our energy. I will add gun control to that list too.

I don't think that our sharing of our frustration, worry, anger, etc is counterproductive though. I think having a community to rant and vent is in itself empowering. Each of us are collectively thinking about important issues and finding our own ideas about them makes us more informed citizens, friends, spouses, neighbors etc.

Finding ones own voice and inner strength through self expression is powerful.
This forum is powerful.

QUOTE=Madeleine74;8335369]I remember well the fallout after the CA verdict (debacle). The teeth gnashing and hysteria and venting and ranting. I think so many people felt completely helpless because the outcome was not in their control and they didn't know what to do with all their emotion and energy. They wanted revenge as well as justice. Totally understandable. Look, we all hope for a just outcome in this (and every) case, but what a jury decides is completely out of our control.

So what can everyone control? There *is* a way to channel energy in a way that actually helps. Whether your personal cause is missing children or abused & missing spouses or whatever... there are really fine organizations that are devoted to helping. They always needs assistance, resources, fund raising, volunteering, whatever. Not to single any one organization out, but just to name a few who are highly regarded:

- Klaas Kids
- TES (Texas Equisearch)
- Local/Regional K9 and SAR programs
- Regional domestic violence prevention programs & shelters

It doesn't necessarily mean writing a check either. There are ways to help and it is something positive and proactive that can make a difference.

Nothing will bring back Caylee or Kathleen or Stacey or others who have lost their lives to the selfish actions of someone else, but taking anger and frustration and putting it towards something that can help is empowering. Everyone has the power to make a difference in some way. Please keep that in mind.[/QUOTE]
for the press upon leaving court today.......their silence is golden.
Very, very interesting........I think that they are scared.:moo:

(though they really don't have a vested interest in this case aside from hoping that their phones will be ringing off the hook if they can get the likes of Drew Peterson to walk freely again)
Trying to get up to speed with this trial. Do I have this right that the children were not at home with Kathleen when she died? Were they with Stacey when Drew came home and "did his dirty laundry"?

Yes, and yes. The boys had visitation with Drew (and Stacy) that weekend.
I truly think he had help getting rid of her body. He did not do it alone and someone knows something. Somehow he received information on where he could put her where she will never be found. It's who he is and he is so confident that no one will turn him in but let's hope whoever has that information talks. Let's hope they send a message that leads investigators right to her. jmo

Personally, I believe everyone that has ever had any info, whatsoever, needed to use this opportunity to spill their guts! Like many of our sleuthers, I wholeheartedly believe KS & SP are only 2 of who knows how many?! Obviously, people who have direct knowledge of his crimes, whatever they may be, will never be safe if this trial fails to lock him away!! Of course the DT whined about this 'conspiracy campaign' of all these people who just don't like poor Drew! :boohoo:Cry me a river! I say they finally overcame their fear, enough, through anger & bravery to tell anyone willing to listen to them after SP disappeared. He has to be stopped! He is an extremely dangerous man, especially to those who have any inkling of his crimes. Switching gears here, concerning his mother, it was on IS the topic of his mother came up recently. Someone had asked about visitors, & any of his family being in the court room, (there have been none,) & they implied she has some sort of mental, or perhaps, a form of alzheimer's or dementia maybe? I can't quite remember, but she is still living. Maybe someone with a whole bunch better memory than me, :waitasec: will clarify that tomorrow! Once again, thanks to all of you for the updates, shared thoughts, feelings & wonderful comic relief! Sure learned alot about snakes, opossums, racoons & rabid fox today!! :bedtime:
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