We the Jury! Deliberations

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FWIW.....I'm surprised the jury is not sequestered. This is a high profile case and the risks are too high.

Nothing is cut and dry with this case, eh? Everything seems to be such a big deal including whether or not the jury can have dinner and deliberate until a certain time. Good grief. :banghead:
Prosecutors Closing - 1 hour 9 minutes

Defense objected 6 times - all overruled


Defense Closing - 2 hours 20 minutes

Prosecutors objected 11 times / 1 - overruled / 5 - sustained / 5 - sidebars

Judge - 1 sidebar

Jurors out - 2 times


Prosecutors Rebuttal

Defense - objected 14 times: 1 - overruled / 7 - sustained / 5 - sidebars

Jurors out: 4 times

Grand Total Sidebars for Trial: 216

Defense - 93 / Prosecutors - 74 / Judge - 49

Pop-Tart Jurors out 107 times


Niner, you are a person after my own heart! Back in the day, I would have been combing through posts doing the counting. I can't thank you enough!

I have been pleasantly surprised with the judge post-closings. He actually yelled at Brodsky for his off-the-wall objections!

My favorite example comes from back in my teaching days. I was correcting papers and noticed a "pattern" that looked like some cheating was going on. I found the "original" version done by my best student. From there, I was able to trace, by the contents of the paper and the seating chart and "telephone" like errors who copied from "A" student on down the line. My "A" student got a 90. All the rest got a part of that. I divided the number of cheaters into the 90 and gave them each a portion. THEN, I typed out the exact reasons I knew, including spelling errors and attached one to each paper. They all looked at me when I returned the papers, and nobody made a peep! and not one parent called to complain. :floorlaugh: Things got pretty honest after that.

Madeline, I totally agree with you concerning the outcome of these cases. There are better ways to spend all that energy an adverse verdict causes. Even so, there is always that pain in the gut and soul that many people can't overcome. I hope we don't have that issue after this case.

As for when the jury will come in with a verdict, I'm hoping it will be before the weekend. Fridays, just after lunch is a popular time for many juries.
According to what Jeff Ruby said on the latest episode of Tricia's True Crime Radio show last Sunday, Steve Greenberg (defense attorney) allegedly went over to the State's attorney Glasgow and congratulated him on "winning the case." This was right after Harry Smith testified about how Stacey told him that Drew Peterson killed his wife, Kathleen. If true, that tells us how at least one of the attorneys is feeling about their case at this point and that was the moment he (Greenberg) felt the state won the case.

Jeff Ruby also said he was planning to be in Jolliet to take the prosecution team, KS's family and (not sure who else) out for a celebratory dinner because he is expecting a guilty verdict. He also arranged a couple hotel rooms for Savio family members (at his expense) so they could be there.

He may well be doing this to garner publicity for his various restaurants, but his heart's in the right place.

Using the above post as a spring board.

He offered a 100,000 reward for Stacy's remains. He also sits on the board of TES (Texas Equusearch). We WS's love TES! love love love, them! They are spoken of very highly here at WS.


For those new or newer to WS, who might not be familiar with TES:


Mr. Ruby's sitting on the board of TES, an organization which searches for missing persons, tells me this is clearly more than a "publicity stunt" for his restaurants.

Oh and Good morning everyone! :coffee:
Good morning all. I know i sure feel calmer today. Prolly just ran out of adrenaline. Wonder if today will be the day:please:
In Session ‏@InSession
The #DrewPeterson jury has been deliberating for approximately 8 hours and 30 minutes. They will resume deliberations at 10 a.m. ET.
Good Afternoon from Lancashire England!

You have our undivided attention, dear Jury. Please "make it so". :seeya:


A picture of my nearby friends. :moo:
Guess Judge White was wrong on his 6 hour 38 minute prediction. Wish he had been right LOL
Good morning all! Hoping today is Drew's day of reckoning!
Mandy McGlothlin ‏@MandyMcGlothlin
I took flowers to Kathleen's site. Too bad she can't be here to tell her story #twosides #50sticks #drewpeterson http://pic.twitter.com/mDctct08


What a nice gesture!! The flowers are so beautiful!
Good Afternoon from Lancashire England!

You have our undivided attention, dear Jury. Please "make it so". :seeya:


A picture of my nearby friends. :moo:

Ahhhhh. Look at all my relatives from across the pond. Love it.
Praying for wisdom and common sense from the jury. I am going to be 62 yrs old and have ra. I did a tub fall recently--but fell forward. I told myself to just roll. Did a sumersault---no head injury at all...no bruises.. Kathleen was alot younger than i am and was in much better shape. No way this was an accident..also fell backward off a ladder 12-15 ft up in the air---was painting a vaulted family room---hit the back of the couch--did a back flip over it. Landed on my feet on the other side of the couch. It was actually kind of fun. Not a scratch on me. And, i am no gymnast. I do avoid ladders now.
Praying for justice for kathleen and her family.
Praying for wisdom and common sense from the jury. I am going to be 62 yrs old and have ra. I did a tub fall recently--but fell forward. I told myself to just roll. Did a sumersault---no head injury at all...no bruises.. Kathleen was alot younger than i am and was in much better shape. No way this was an accident..also fell backward off a ladder 12-15 ft up in the air---was painting a vaulted family room---hit the back of the couch--did a back flip over it. Landed on my feet on the other side of the couch. It was actually kind of fun. Not a scratch on me. And, i am no gymnast. I do avoid ladders now.
Praying for justice for kathleen and her family.

Sorry but i couldn't help but laugh. Knowing you were not injured and thankfully so. I think you are a gymnast and dont know it!!! Glad your okay.
WOW, couldn't get on at all last evening. WS was that busy! I must go back ??? pages to get caught up.
Justice for Kathleen and all DP victims!
We are back to the Neuman Trial on IS:banghead:
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