We the Jury! Deliberations

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It is after 5pm. Why would the juror's be eating dinner and the judge even be deciding what to do?

I read on twitter earlier that juries in Illinois could not deliberate into the night. That was also on StClair's twitter.

Probably a budgetary thing -- safety concerns for those who are in the building, keeping guards there, keeping a bailiff, and whatever else it takes to protect a gov't building...

We had the same situation in a trial in Raleigh, and the jury was not allowed to stay late for the reasons I listed above.

Maybe by Chi-town lunchtime tomorrow? Or just after they return from lunch?
I decided to take a short break at 2:45 to watch the summary on IS. Woke up at 6 and have been reading all that happened!

I also learned a lot of skeery stuff about nasty possems, snakes, and rabid foxes.

I am so surprised the judge didn't make plans to sequester the jury. These deliberations have to be intense and they really need a quiet place to go to and think about the discussions they've had during the day and get a good night's sleep.

There's been a little discussion on NG tonight intermixed with her main story. Beth Karas reminded Nancy that the defense never voir dired the jury about their knowledge of Stacy Peterson's disappearance. So, nobody really knows what the jury knows about her.

I'm still trying hard not to expect a guilty or not guilty. I know what I want, and it isn't working!

Good night all and see you tomorrow!

LOL, oh yeah, you have to get those snakes, oppossums and foxes in during all deliberations, didn't you know that?
Oh no! That's a terrible scene/situation. What do oppossums usually eat and why couldn't they find any of that I wonder. :waitasec:

You must have been shocked to see your house like that - what were the dogs doing when you came home?


Anything & everything.
Man, I know this is Kathleen's trial and her thread but holy smokes, Stacy was only 23 when she disappeared and had already had two children by a man who is two years older than I am! When I think of it with this perspective, it's sick, S I C K! There should be a law - really!

For the record, Stacy was born in January 1984.
She disappeared on October 28, 2007 at the age of 23.

He thought nothing of taking a 'child's' life. Legally Stacy was not a child but compared to him (and me) she was imo. What a piece of work.
Is DP's mother still alive?
Read Stacy St.Clairs tweets. She did say what I posted before her last tweet of the judge sending in a note to the juror's about dinner.

I think it is a good sign that these juror's are not clock watchers and wanted to go home at 5pm. They went right past that.

I am going to be very hopeful for a verdict tonight if the jury wants dinner and keep deliberating. Maybe they can reach a verdict tonight, sleep on it, and then finish up in the morning.


Same thoughts here, LaLaw.
Man, I know this is Kathleen's trial and her thread but holy smokes, Stacy was only 23 when she disappeared and had already had two children by a man who is two years older than I am! When I think of it with this perspective, it's sick, S I C K! There should be a law - really!

For the record, Stacy was born in January 1984.
She disappeared on October 28, 2007 at the age of 23.

He thought nothing of taking a 'child's' life. Legally Stacy was not a child but compared to him (and me) she was imo. What a piece of work.
Is DP's mother still alive?

Yes last I read his mother is still living
I thought I read somewhere years back that SP mom was an alcoholic and DP did know her from his bar (SUDS). Did he have his eyes on her also???
Then she got sober and disappeared on her way to church (of all places.)
I could be so wrong.
It is very sad and DP always spit that in SP face every time he could about her mom abandoning the family.

It's possible and it does make one wonder. :waitasec:
Would be interesting to know if any of his old cronies have any knowledge on whether that's true or not. Someone would know if they were acquainted or not.
If you can't trust jurors to follow the judge's instructions and not discuss the case and not allow themselves to be influenced or allow anyone to talk to them about the case, then I guess there's no trust in the system put in place by the constitution either. This is the U.S. system. Sequestering a jury is less and less common because it's expensive and, if juries abide by judge's rules, unnecessary. Sequestered juries often become resentful and (I've noticed) tend to side with the defense because they feel imprisoned, taken away from their loved ones, and babysat as if they are guilty of something. Look at the OJ jury. Sequestered for 9 months. Look at the CA jury. Did you like the outcome of those trials?

I personally would do exactly what the judge instructed. The jury is only to consider what was presented to them in testimony and exhibits.
Yes last I read his mother is still living

I'm curious what her take is on all this - is she the type that's positive that her darling son could do no wrong or is she a grieving mother.

I read where DP said no one (that is, none of his wives) lived up to his mother's perfect standards in the area of housekeeping.

News flash - when you jump down four generations, things change sometimes.

When I read that, I told my husband I'm glad his mother was a lousy housekeeper! He actually laughed.
She was a good cook though - give props where props are due.
Thank you to everyone for keeping us updated! I love reading everyone's posts! Reading the judge's instruction to not consider opening and closing statements as evidence, I had a pang in my heart for Caylee, remembering the jury did take Jose's opening into account. That should have been called a mistrial.
I'm worried that if they go home there's going to be some jury tampering...if that hasn't already occurred.

Good grief, Mrs. PC, that had not yet occurred to me -- but it surely wouldn't be a surprise. Oh my. That's just plain scary. Not calling any names or anything, but....

Heyell, another worry. <smh> But your point is very well taken, IMO. Mmmmmppppfffffff. :banghead:
I am so worried, I can't stop thinking about it. I personally find it very obvious that he killed Kathleen, but not sure LE actually proved it fully. It is going to take some connecting of dots, etc. for some jurors, I fear, and they may not get there.

As far as Stacey, it disgusts me so much that he sticks to that crap about her running off with a man. I watched a Dateline last night about a missing man in ABQ (where I live) from a few years back, his wife not only told everyone that he abandoned her and his little daughter, but that he was gay as well. And meanwhile she had shot him and buried him under the house...where he was finally found several years later. Not enough to kill him, but to slander him to his child...ugh. (Not saying it is slander to say he was gay, if he was, but there was no sign that he was.) Anyway...just worried. And she ended up with a plea deal for about 9 years as she claimed abuse and they could not prove otherwise so many years later...
to Woe.Be.Gone
IIRC, his father was the strict military type.
Mother was the good little housewife.
I cannot remember any news on her.
I think she has kept out of all this.
I do not even think she was at the trial.
The last I heard of her in any way is when the brother
(moved Stacy blue barrel and tried suicide)
I believe she was there with the son.
I often wondered if he tried suicide or did DP help him out KWIM???
A bit surprising that Nancy Grace is actually giving this trial a bit of coverage. She has been totally silent during this trial. What gives?

I had that channel on only because I was thinking surely it would scroll on the bottom if the was any jury news. At the end when she had Beth live for the jury going home, I thought "wow she's live live tonight" haha
Oh my. I knew Stacy's mom disappeared but I had no idea it was after she met DP. Are you certain of the timing?
That's unbelievable - well, not really.

Hope all goes well at the Docs for you.

No no, Stacy's mom left way before Drew was in the picture.
I am so worried, I can't stop thinking about it. I personally find it very obvious that he killed Kathleen, but not sure LE actually proved it fully.

LE didn't prove much of anything, actually. Most of the movement in this case came strictly as a result of the reclassification of the death to a homicide, first by the efforts of Dr. Baden. It was up to the state to prove their assertions. LE gave DP every concession, which is why it took 8 years to bring him to trial.

Worrying won't change anything. If Drew Peterson is acquitted there is nothing anyone can do about it. However, if Stacey's body can be found, he can (and will) be indicted for her murder.

Jeff Ruby is offering a $100K reward for info leading to Stacey's body. Why not put energy spent on worrying about something totally out of one's control towards something proactive to help Jeff Ruby and others find Stacey's body? Collectively, that would be a good positive use of energy.


I have worried about that since I heard about it. Only God and DP only know just how many victims there really has been. I am very serious, too.


And it sounds like it may have started when he was in military service, if not before.... <smh>
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