weekend break: discuss the latest here #124

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I find the smirking by ALV, JW and of course JA, very inappropriate, unprofessional and telling.

This is not a game. There is nothing remotely funny about any of this. Thinking that you may have "zinged" the prosecutor is not a reason to laugh.
that "Mr. Martinez" crap is very inappropriate- and it is meant to be; it is meant to put him in his place; she is smug and condescending. IMO he needs to develop a better plan to deal with her. While I don't think the jury appreciates an uppity witness, I do think she is getting over on him a bit and making him grumpier--

I seemed to notice Ms. Laviolette's demeanor go from "I'm winning", to "Oh my God. What am I up against?"

BTW, here is a version of the Snow White story that JM wouldn't let her expound on. I've clipped the video to only include the Snow White analogy.



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Last night, I was reading on the Justice for Travis FB site ...

OMG ... I was absolutely :furious: when I saw the recent "scoop" about Dr. Phil and Jodi Arias !

This is despicable what he is doing for the murderess Jodi !

- Phil's producer visited Jodi twice in jail per the visitor log.

- Phil paid a "license fee" for photos and videos -- "license fee" ? riiiiiiiiiiiight !

- Phil is paying for Jodi's family expenses while in Airzona -- what about the VICTIM TRAVIS and HIS FAMILY ?

- Phil is paying for "daily notes" taken by Jodi's mother during the trial -- OFGS -- she sits there laughing and smirking -- who in the hello would be interested in her notes !

This is an absolute insult to Travis and his Family !

Was Flores gone when Juan started questioning ALV? I didn't see him in his chair. Another thing, shortly before JW finished with ALV, I think they were talking about stalking, Flores-usually sits there and listens, but he was leaning forward in his chair and really listening to ALV. I hope they heard something in her testiphony...yes, I know Jodi stalked and stalked Travis. As Jodi and Alyce calls it, Travis pursuing Jodi. :eyeroll:
Last night, I was reading on the Justice for Travis FB site ...

OMG ... I was absolutely :furious: when I saw the recent "scoop" about Dr. Phil and Jodi Arias !

This is despicable what he is doing for the murderess Jodi !

- Phil's producer visited Jodi twice in jail per the visitor log.

- Phil paid a "license fee" for photos and videos -- "license fee" ? riiiiiiiiiiiight !

- Phil is paying for Jodi's family expenses while in Airzona -- what about the VICTIM TRAVIS and HIS FAMILY ?

- Phil is paying for "daily notes" taken by Jodi's mother during the trial -- OFGS -- she sits there laughing and smirking -- who in the hello would be interested in her notes !

This is an absolute insult to Travis and his Family !


Dr. Phil reminds me of a buzzard that waits for the body to die (metaphorically) and then swoops in gets the meat left on the bones. He's shameless IMO. IIRC, he was at the clinic Brittany Spears had checked into the next day. IIRC, he was kicked out.
Seems like I recall photos of the dryer and the bedlinen was found there. The items in the washing machine were the towels and his clothing. I wonder who and when washed the bed linens. Was it Travis? He may have thought she had already left, stripped the bed, threw them in the washing machine and then went to take a shower. Perhaps it was Jodi who threw them in the dryer when she threw the towels and his clothes in the washing machine.

do we KNOW the sheets in the dryer are the same ones on the bed june 4? cuz i do this all the time----put sheets in the washer and forget about them. his bed's made in the pictures from that day----doesn't mean he didn't strip them later but once the bed's made, i consider the job done. otherwise, why make it?
For some reason it bugs me when ALV says "Mr. Martinez" .. in all her answers..with that smug look on her face..

Grrr.. My Grandfathers name was Mr. Martinez..but still.. It just sounds offensive...or is it just me?
ALV was so condescending - not just what she was saying but how she was saying it. Her body language speaks volumes.

ETA - ALV was getting bored with ALV though - each time JW asked her to confirm what was written on the screen I really think she wondered why JW was doing that

I wonder how many jurors ALV lost when she said to the jurors, sorry to the men IF this is not you but most men use love to get sex and women use sex to get love. Stereotyping much!
Wondering if someone can answer this for me.

In the few pages of Jodi's journals that I saw covering the end of May to the middle of June...was there ANY mention of Ryan Burns? Or was it "not noteworthy" that she was going to visit him?

Also, I can't remember who said it, Jodi perhaps, that "it" had started the weekend before, Friday....and that's the weekend Travis was supposed to go there for them to go to Crater Lake and he cancelled. Wonder if that was the event that pulled the trigger for her.
He seems disgusted by it actually. He won't even look at Miss Arias. I think he sits there daydreaming about how he is going to spend his $ once this is over. The only conflict he has is wanting it to end (due to his extreme dislike for his client), yet every day he is there adds to his slush fund.
ITA. Nurmi, who defends sexual predators is disgusted by JA. Says a lot!!
I seemed to notice Ms. Laviolette's demeanor go from "I'm winning", to "Oh my God. What am I up against?"

BTW, here is a version of the Snow White story that JM wouldn't let her expound on. I've clipped the video to only include the Snow White analogy.



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Somebody PM'd me yesterday asking what ALV was talking about in this video. I told them I hadn't really figured it out. So I just watched it again and this is what I think she's saying about Jodi. I think JM's analogy is quite good on this.

IMO, ALV sees Jodi as a young woman who came from an abused background. She was trying to escape her troubled family life by trying to establish a safe normal family life for future children. (watch the last two minutes of the second video.)

Then she met the evil dark lord Travis Vader. He took Jodi's dream and played with it to his advantage. Using her as a :censored: toy. He led her to thinking that she would attain that perfect life and that by satisfying Travis' sexual peccadillos she would gain ground on the competition.

When she learned on that fateful day that TA was so abusive that he'd kill her she snapped and all of the pent up aggression came flooding out while the fog settled in. I think she believes this is normal in over 95% of the cases in DV.

I just want to reemphasize that's ALV's theory, IMO, and not mine.

Alyce seems to be myopic in her understanding of what DV is. She didn't, as far as I know, interview any of TA's family or friends. That might have cast Jodi in a bad light and make her confused and start thinking JA wasn't the sweet little abused kid she claimed to be. JMO
We've got at least another week of ALV, then at least a week for rebuttal. To be on the safe side I'd say three weeks.

On a related note, whenever my boyfriend gets home from work, he asks me when this &$@%#ing trial will be over. I've been saying, "a couple weeks," for the last two months!

Three weeks sounds a safe bet to me as well..
BTW...mine says the same thing ...had him dvr HLN replaying opening statements yesterday...poor dear was all excited that it was almost over and was very bummed to hear it was a recording from the beginning of the trial..
Haha...he txt me and told me that Pebbles was addressing the jury at one point tho...so he does pay attention!And yes, he called her Pebbles hehe

As far as being a juror, I definitely would have to eat my lunch alone with a book or my ipod, I am a chatty ,opinionated kind of girl and would most definitely slip and say something!!
do we KNOW the sheets in the dryer are the same ones on the bed june 4? cuz i do this all the time----put sheets in the washer and forget about them. his bed's made in the pictures from that day----doesn't mean he didn't strip them later but once the bed's made, i consider the job done. otherwise, why make it?

To get rid of Jodis' scent?:facepalm: IIRC, the crime scene photos show the bed stripped. The only thing on the bed was the mattress cover and I believe the comforter was in a pile on the floor next to the bed. I wonder if Travis had planned on putting the sheets in the dryer after he got out of the shower but instead were put in there by Jodi who discovered they were in there when she went to put the towels and clothes of Travis' in after the murder.
I find the smirking by ALV, JW and of course JA, very inappropriate, unprofessional and telling.

This is not a game. There is nothing remotely funny about any of this. Thinking that you may have "zinged" the prosecutor is not a reason to laugh.
there's no reason to address him as Mr. Martinez either :facepalm:
Alyce seems to be myopic in her understanding of what DV is. She didn't, as far as I know, interview any of TA's family or friends. That might have cast Jodi in a bad light and make her confused and start thinking JA wasn't the sweet little abused kid she claimed to be. JMO

In his 30 minutes of cross on Thursday, Juan specifically asked her if she had interviewed anyone, and she said no.
I haven't decided on J5 yet but if we can find video of her laughing when ALV asked if JM was mad at her - that would answer my question. I just know that she doesn't belong in that court room although there is probably nothing the Judge can do about it in the State of Arizona.

At home I laughed at the absurdity of her saying it! I laugh a lot as a matter of fact that she looks so stupid when she said that. I laughed at a couple of things that she said, because I thought she was discrediting herself and I loved every minute of it. moo.

And yes, I do understand if I was in court I probably would not have laughed. But I know like kt cool lady, she said she was cracking up at some things too and having to hold it in the last 15 minutes.

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there's no reason to address him as Mr. Martinez either :facepalm:

She and JW were quite formal about that, greeting each other on the stand every day, "Ms. LaViolette" "Ms. Wilmott". I thought that was odd, but seems to be standard for her.
I think Jodi had two diaries, she always has things in twos or threes. Especially when she asked the police if they got the rest of her diaries...still trying to direct the show and fishing for info at the same time.

It takes a lot to unlearn how NOT to control other human beings. Imagine someone like Jodi from Day 1 with Travis, when she had to work on him for months just to "officially" date her, if he even did that. More like friends with benefits. If other people seen something was off with Jodi immediately, then Travis knew it. ....he knew, no plans to marry that. Imo, Jodi put the words 'something off about that boy' in her diary, because she had over-heard (eavesdropping) from his friends too many times about herself.
For someone like Jodi, the frustration of not being able to control Travis....she probably "thought" about killing him for a long, long time prior to planning with the gas cans, dying the hair, alibis. She's most likely a sociopath remember.
Are we sure Travis went off Jodi about a left behind picture? That doesn't seem right, I thought it was her hacking, going on about Mimi and him doing something seen by this unknown person...Jodi's lies. Steve Carroll? friend cough of Jodi's veiled blackmail threat...'40 Year Old Virgin'..."I'll out the 30 year old virgin, Travis." by exposing this little sex phone tape he didn't know she made.
I seemed to notice Ms. Laviolette's demeanor go from "I'm winning", to "Oh my God. What am I up against?"

BTW, here is a version of the Snow White story that JM wouldn't let her expound on. I've clipped the video to only include the Snow White analogy.



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Thanks for those. I found ALV is be engaging, unoffensive, and very likable. I didn't hear anything I disagreed with apart from her claim the Disney Snow White's dad was "emotionally impotent" and failed "to protect his children", because in the Disney version the king had died within the first 5 minutes and never uttered a word, so there's no knowing what he did or didn't do.
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