weekend break: discuss the latest here #125

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Definitely written for consumption to show that she had no motive whatsoever to kill Travis. Before or after, like you said. I have come to believe that her plans to kill Travis started earlier then May, most likely in February when Travis told her that he met his future wife, Mimi.
One thing that has baffled me, though. I know we can't believe anything JA says, but she talks about losing her phone in her grandpa's car, I believe. I would have put money on her thrashing it myself but apparently the aunt found the phone in the car when they were cleaning it out to sell it, or something, so the phone really was there and I doubt JA left it there intentionally. If she really did lose the phone how could she blackmail Travis with the sex tape recording? Did she transfer it to something else, like a CD? Or, another possibility is she back dated the journal entry. She really wrote it after June 4 and put an earlier date on it to prove her lies. It would be important that this would be before May 26, when Travis went off on her because it is said that his reason for being so upset is because she hacked into his Facebook or email or something and this way she can say that she didn't have the password after May 22nd because they agreed to change their passwords.
ETA I just noticed her comment about this being in alignment with the email she sent him a few days earlier. Obviously she said that as if saying, look, I have proof I was over him, I even sent him an email about it. Which leads me to feel that this really was written May 22nd with murder on her mind.

i don't believe she 'lost' the phone. i don't believe her aunt 'found' the phone. JA knew where that phone was the entire time.

THEY didn't 'agree' to change their passwords. most likely HE changed his. and she DID write this entry after the fact----as she did with many entries. it's very obvious to me.

bottom line, i believe nothing she says. and trying to pick through what she's said and find little truths in it is simply not worth it. it's easier to assume she's lying about everything, because she IS lying about everything that matters.
Maybe Matt had the "lost/stolen" phone for two years for safe keeping (she told him to hang onto it in case she needed it later) and then slipped it into Grandpa's truck when JA thought she could use it in her self defense fairy tale.

I think SHE had that phone. For a gypsy-like life she lead, the girl had stuff! From the first time she left home, she said she packed boxes of grandma stuff, and then she stored boxes of stuff in TA's garage. Had books (according to her lying testimony, I conced) that belonged to Matt from years ago.

She reminds me of a friend I had years ago, the girl would bring out stuff at the most inopertune moments. Photos, books, trinkets. Things we all thought were long gone. Weird.

I also think JA stole from everyone, either things to blackmail with, or things to sell to others to keep her in some $$.
I know how closely you follow every detail of this case, and you know I respect your opinion, always.

But I do believe Travis said that and also that he was holding the right side of his head, as JA demonstrated by getting down on her hands and knees in the interrogation room, while she was still blaming two Ninjas for his death. She described him as being "on all four of his knees."

The autopsy photos show, and the autopsy report describes, several wounds to the right side of his head, which must have been very painful:
-"Two (2) oblique linear full thickness incised wounds of the right and left posterior scalp, each measuring 2 inches in length.
- "A 1 1/4 inch oblique stab wound of the lower scalp (over the mastoid process), below the earlobe of the right ear, with an apparent blunt 1/32 inch wide end posteriorly, with penetration into scalp and superficial upper right sternocleido-mastoid muscie."

Moreover, the stab wounds to his back, according to the autopsy report, "impact upon...transverse laminae and vertebral bodies..." Those are parts of the spinal cord, each corresponding to a nerve. Problems with transverse laminae and vertebral bodies are associated with numbness.

So her story about him being down on his knees holding the right side of his head appears to me to be truthful. I've caught other parts of her testimony that also appear to be truthful, such as her acknowledging the shower door was open the whole time when JM suggested that it was. And that Travis was getting ready to clean the downstairs tile floor and piled the furniture on the sofa. TA's roommate told Detective Flores that he found the furniture on the sofa and took it down.

While I can't blame anybody who doesn't believe a word she says, I find it worthwhile to listen closely, with appropriate skepticism. :cow:

That's what I thought too, that Arias ties into her lies little smigeons of truth, that's how psychopaths operate isn't it? They observe their surroundings throwing in tidbits of truth so their lies can seem more acceptable?
Just read a post by someone being critical of the DT being put down all the time.

I think the reason there is so much hostility towards the DT is because of the incredulous and unbelievable story they've advanced in defending their client. It defies logic that JW and KN actually believe what they've put forth to the jury.

That is what gets everyone so riled up IMO.

A defense attorney forces the state to prove its case. That's a very important role because without defense attorneys the prisons would be filled with ham sandwiches.

That said, I get extremely annoyed when any defense attorney shovels such a load of bs (as in this case e.g.) that they've gone beyond their role of forcing the state to prove its case and wandered into some fantasy land that no reasonably intelligent person could possibly believe, just to "win" at all costs.

Had the DT in this case gone with a diminished capacity defense I'd have more respect for them (still wouldn't buy it, but it would have been more plausible than the bs put forth so far).

They chose to go a route that is trying to hoodwink the jury, knowing full well that what they've advanced is nothing but bs.

I've no respect for the DT in this case, none whatsoever.

And that's MO. :seeya:

This seems kind of shallow. but we're talking about people on a public message board, not in a jury room -

I agree with everything you said but I would not find myself so scream & throw things frustrated and angry at the DT if it wasn't for their horrible communication skills and physical bearing. How did these people become trial lawyers? One talks so slow it's maddening, a stutterer would be easier for me to tolerate, his lack of appropriate posture and decorum is unbelievable in a courtroom, and there isn't one aspect of his demeanor and presentation that says "professional." The other one acts like she's playing some sorority game, will NOT shut up, has no questioning skills whatsoever other than " _______________ (fill in statement you want to hear) then say "right?" and wears shoes that 25 year-olds wear to Vegas bachelorette parties.

rant over, and if I was a juror I would never let that influence the actual evidence, I sure would have felt better about doing my civic duty if both sides were actual professional lawyers.

And it tends to make me sometimes say negative things about them, rather than their case, on a message board
I don't think there's anyway to prove it but I agree with Stephanie. It seems way too contrived to be legit. She has a history of stalking him, being crazy, etc., but she is giving him advice about waiting patiently for the love of his life? All the while she is living in her small, messy, disheveled little bedroom with her grandparents. Ya right.

AND because everyone was calling her and telling her that the BUZZ was she was so mad that Travis was taking Mimi to Cancun and wanted to marry her, that she killed him!

OK so she wrote about how she told Travis to stick with it, Mimi will come around.. he is upset Mimi doesn't like him and she pretends she was telling him to give Mimi time.


that is a fake story because she was molding this journal based on what her friends were telling her they all thought!
While I do agree "something" here involves Matt, I'm not so sure I'd peg him as an accomplice. The only reason? Because I believe JA would have quickly thrown him under the bus. Why in the heck would she let him go with no repercussions at all while she most likely awaits death row?

Personally, I wonder if Jodi was going to Monterrey (sp?) to protect herself from DB and possibly from MM, leaving no witnesses behind to connect you to a crime, with that shiny new 9mm and knives.
What was she going to do with these new weapons, take on the cops?
Even sociopaths mix in pieces of the truth into their stories according to criminal profilers. I believe Travis most likely was crying out, and based on the injuries he sustained, he did say something similar to "I can't feel my legs". When the vena cava ruptures(dissecting aneurysms) patients have described it as the worst pain they've ever felt and not being able to feel their legs.

He must have been at the sink when he said that because he wouldn't have been able to stand up. For him to go to the sink after lunging at Jodi, she would have to have stopped attacking him. It wouldn't make sense for him to be coughing over the sink if she were still stabbing him.

She must have left the room. Why?

When she came back, that's when he would say, "I can't feel my legs." I feel that was truthful because how would JA know that loss of feeling in legs is a symptom of injury to the vena cava?

Since JA planned a murder over a drain, there had to be a strong reason for her to slit his throat outside of the shower.

These are my main reasons for believing her when she said he screamed and screamed "not like a girl" - he was groaning and crying out in excruciating pain-- and he would have been dragging his legs, pulling himself along with his elbows in a military-style crawl.

Which I am certain made her smile.
I don't mean to sound crass, but I am curious to your thoughts.

Do you think if Jodi had actually completely decapitated Travis that the jurors would view the murder differently? Even though she didn't manage to completely detach his head, he is almost decapitated. The fact that his body is still in "one piece" per se in the photos is no less devastating than if she had actually decapitated him. But I think the murder would be viewed quite differently from everyone's perspective.

Just something that came to my mind while thinking about the DT and their supposed "professionals" testimonies.

The crime scene photos have not been shown enough.

The autopsy photos of Travis's mutilated body have absolutely not been shown enough. But that needs to happen again just before deliberations.

Those pics need to be on the top of the jury's evidence stack when they begin deliberations.
Kirk Nurmi ‏@KirkNurmi

I don't know about you guys, but I'm still thinking about that pizza in the back of Casey Anthony's car #nurmi #JodiArias


OK--this is from a parody Twitter account & it made me laugh this morning. It's good to have a sense of humor in the midst of all the sadness.
I think SHE had that phone. For a gypsy-like life she lead, the girl had stuff! From the first time she left home, she said she packed boxes of grandma stuff, and then she stored boxes of stuff in TA's garage. Had books (according to her lying testimony, I conced) that belonged to Matt from years ago.

She reminds me of a friend I had years ago, the girl would bring out stuff at the most inopertune moments. Photos, books, trinkets. Things we all thought were long gone. Weird.

I also think JA stole from everyone, either things to blackmail with, or things to sell to others to keep her in some $$.

You mean like the engagement ring?
Personally, I wonder if Jodi was going to Monterrey (sp?) to protect herself from DB and possibly from MM, leaving no witnesses behind to connect you to a crime, with that shiny new 9mm and knives.
What was she going to do with these new weapons, take on the cops?

I also speculate that Thomas Brown and Marie Hall may have been on her kill list, as well as law enforcement if it came to a shootout, with the latter much less likely. Without the element of surprise, she'd have been no match for trained professionals.
i don't believe she 'lost' the phone. i don't believe her aunt 'found' the phone. JA knew where that phone was the entire time.

THEY didn't 'agree' to change their passwords. most likely HE changed his. and she DID write this entry after the fact----as she did with many entries. it's very obvious to me.

bottom line, i believe nothing she says. and trying to pick through what she's said and find little truths in it is simply not worth it. it's easier to assume she's lying about everything, because she IS lying about everything that matters.

So in the journal she says they each agreed to change two passwords.

Who would do that? "Okay you crazy sociopath, we're broken up but you can still have access to two of my social media profiles"..........and pigs shall fly.

But the better question, since this is all a lie, what's Jodi's benefit for that particular lie? Why wouldn't she just say "we agreed to change our passwords" (note, normal people would just change them w/ no discussion or agreement, it's simply just what you do)

Makes me think at the time she fabricated the journal entries she was still planning on hacking something of his and wanted to make sure it looked "legit."
Does this scenario jive with the blood spatter testimony and photos? IIRC, there most of the cast off blood and spatter in the bathroom was on the low levels of surfaces.

Trying to conceptualize what happened is very difficult for me because my mind really does not want to go there. You may find if you pull together all of the forensic testimony, there is an added level of depravity in this slaughter.

I'm to the point where I can barely look at pictures of JA anymore, especially when she is smiling. I wish that the media would stop showing pictures of JA and TA together.

Low level cast off blood and spatter, to me, seems to indicate most of the attack occurred when TA was down on the floor, either on his hands and knees, or prone. Heinous, and again, not self-defense.
Yes! She got arrested and did not have that story concocted yet. She did have the undies and t-shirt photographed, and that was more to show "he liked me, i was close to him, he loved me"

Oh bull crap...you were like gum under his shoe, he couldn't get rid of you

That battered story came years later i think...a hail mary pass.

And also while in jail, she found out that even prisoners have no use for men who are pedophile's. She used the worst of the worst in her story/lie self defense bullchit. I have never hated anyone as much as I do this sociopath/psychopath. Just plain EVIL :furious:
While I do agree "something" here involves Matt, I'm not so sure I'd peg him as an accomplice. The only reason? Because I believe JA would have quickly thrown him under the bus. Why in the heck would she let him go with no repercussions at all while she most likely awaits death row?

There's been endless discussion about the "accomplice" theory, and I'm sure we'll have more. I can't see it myself, for the reason you point out here. I cannot imagine that she wouldn't simply have tossed him right under the bus as soon as she realized she was going to be charged with capital murder. Some argue that she can't do it now, because she's claimed self-defense. That's true -- but doesn't explain why she'd sit in jail all this time awaiting trial when her ticket out was simply tagging the other person and making deal for immunity for testimony. I'm not saying it would have been easy or that the "accomplice" or "accomplices" wouldn't have had good evidence preventing her from skating. It just defies logic to me that she would take a chance on a death sentence given that she has established she has no higher priority than herself and her needs.

This seems kind of shallow. but we're talking about people on a public message board, not in a jury room -

I agree with everything you said but I would not find myself so scream & throw things frustrated and angry at the DT if it wasn't for their horrible communication skills and physical bearing. How did these people become trial lawyers? One talks so slow it's maddening, a stutterer would be easier for me to tolerate, his lack of appropriate posture and decorum is unbelievable in a courtroom, and there isn't one aspect of his demeanor and presentation that says "professional." The other one acts like she's playing some sorority game, will NOT shut up, has no questioning skills whatsoever other than " _______________ (fill in statement you want to hear) then say "right?" and wears shoes that 25 year-olds wear to Vegas bachelorette parties.

rant over, and if I was a juror I would never let that influence the actual evidence, I sure would have felt better about doing my civic duty if both sides were actual professional lawyers.

And it tends to make me sometimes say negative things about them, rather than their case, on a message board

Court decorum is controlled by the judge - or not, depending on the judge.

I think it's human nature to focus on decorum, physical attributes, etc. when the individual we complain about has literally been attempting to insult our intelligence.

I couldn't care less what any of them look like, act like, etc. It has no bearing on the case, but I totally understand where you're coming from.

The DT has assumed everyone watching this trial is stupid, lacks any semblence of logic, and is so mentally deficient that everything they shovel will be believed because they're just so much smarter than the rest of us.

We can't tell them off in person, we can't communicate with them directly and say HEY stop it! We aren't idiots as you suggest!, so we zero in on their appearance, voice, etc.

If the DT was actually the PT I doubt anyone would care what they looked like, sounded like or acted like. Just MO, but again, I totally get what you're saying. :seeya:
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