weekend break: discuss the latest here #125

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I hope Juan puts a forensic expert on the stand to talk about real pedophilia. I want to know if other pedophiles masturbate to pictures of young boys while having a strong sexual attraction to ADULT FEMALES.

The DT has tried to show that Travis was a cad because he was a flirt with women & had a strong sexual attraction to women.

They point out that Travis wanted Jodi to wear sexually oriented costumes (French Maid & Schoolgirl), participated in graphic phone sex & enjoyed sex with Jodi even when not in a relationship with her.

So we can conclude that Travis was sexually attracted to women. The DT relentlessly pointed this out.

I'd like to know how many same-sex pedophiles also spend the majority of their time pursuing women, having sex with women and having relationships with women.

ITA. Not consistent with pedophilia at all. Another example of her deluded thinking. She's just smart enough to get herself into trouble, but not smart enough to work the angles before she tosses out something like that.

I first heard of this murder when 48 hours aired the original story. I remember at the time I thought WHAT, she so do it. Who leaves a friend behind when they are being murdered and doesn't call for help!! Normal people would never do that to ANYONE, even an enemy.

I remember the original airing too... I specifically remember thinking..there is definitely something wrong here...Ninjas killed her boyfriend and she left and didnt report it? Kinda like, my daughter has been missing for 31 days but I have been conducting my own investigation....Pffffffttttt !
If my Ex was murdered and I really did not have a thing to do with it, then i'd be in the background like everyone else. I don't consider them as having a long term relationship, it was "months" she barely met the grandma. They sort of approached "being an item" and then it was already over.

first of all, all of his friends would not be saying "Stephanie did it!" LOL because I would never have crawled through a doggie door! (not unless someone hired me to do it lol, that is trespassing though, so not even then)

In the event a Detective called ME (because although I might call or email a mutual friend to say WHAT the heck happened to him!!) I would NEVER call the lead Detective?

I would not be trying to "not" call, and I am sure i'd be terribly curious about the details of who the heck murdered my friend and ex! But curious because I would be shocked anyone would do that unless it was a robbery gone bad.

But if a Detective called me and said that all his friends said that I did it, you bet I would flip out. I can picture myself screaming at him LOL "GIVE ME THEIR NAMES RIGHT NOW, YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!"

I would be furious that anyone could possibly accuse me.. And Yes, I would Lawyer up! I would not go down quietly that's for sure. I'd probably call all my sisters, pull out all the stops, every connection we have on earth and hire my own investigative team and it would be an all out emergency! My own life would be on the line.

You would not be finding me in my dilapidated bedroom in Yreka drawing Snow White with a black eye, scribbling in my Holly Hobby journal back to May even though it's July.

And I would be here on the forum LOL Asking for my own thread.. HELP STEPHANIE FIGHT FALSE CHARGES.

Hey, but that's just me.. I don't even have a traffic ticket lol

BBM....that was indeed such a strange and telling thing to do.
Her journal might be more believable if she had the brains to make it somewhat consistent with reality.
I bet the closest thing to a "friend" Jodi had in Mesa was Dan Freeman, who strikes me as an odd duck. She had no friends there, including Rachel imo.

I was listening again to Dan Freeman testimony last night... I kinda got left with the feeling that he seemed a little odd..nerdy if you will and wondered if he might just be a little enamored with Jodi?
BBM. But that's exactly why she was so foolishly (in retrospect) up front with the police and everyone else. She was determined to prove to everyone who would listen that she was the most important person in his life, she cared the most for him, and she felt his loss most grievously. In my view it speaks to the NPD element of her endless assortment of personality disorders -- she was so obsessed with TA that even after his death she couldn't stand the thought of not controlling every bit of the dialog involving the events.

The twelve page letter to his grandmother is Exhibit 'A'. "Hey, don't forget me! I know we weren't married, but believe me, I was certainly the most important person in his life! I'll be nice to all of you and all, but none of you were even remotely as important to him."


That is actually very common in murder cases. The perpetrator often 'inserts' themselves into the investigation because they are desperate to learn what the police know.

It's so common police often look at who is 'inserting' themselves into the case for leads to their first suspects.
She lied in her June 1st entry for sure. ALV testified that the June 1st entry stated that Jodi had a conversation that day regarding her upcoming trip to Utah and that Travis was guilting her into visiting him instead. The phone records that were entered into evidence start on May 31st and there were no phone calls between Travis and Jodi on May 31st or June 1st.

aha.can't wait for JM to ask ALV about it and show her the phone records.
Definitely written for consumption to show that she had no motive whatsoever to kill Travis. Before or after, like you said. I have come to believe that her plans to kill Travis started earlier then May, most likely in February when Travis told her that he met his future wife, Mimi.
One thing that has baffled me, though. I know we can't believe anything JA says, but she talks about losing her phone in her grandpa's car, I believe. I would have put money on her thrashing it myself but apparently the aunt found the phone in the car when they were cleaning it out to sell it, or something, so the phone really was there and I doubt JA left it there intentionally. If she really did lose the phone how could she blackmail Travis with the sex tape recording? Did she transfer it to something else, like a CD? Or, another possibility is she back dated the journal entry. She really wrote it after June 4 and put an earlier date on it to prove her lies. It would be important that this would be before May 26, when Travis went off on her because it is said that his reason for being so upset is because she hacked into his Facebook or email or something and this way she can say that she didn't have the password after May 22nd because they agreed to change their passwords.
ETA I just noticed her comment about this being in alignment with the email she sent him a few days earlier. Obviously she said that as if saying, look, I have proof I was over him, I even sent him an email about it. Which leads me to feel that this really was written May 22nd with murder on her mind.

I actually think she started thinking"murder" when she moved from AZ to CA:what:
I first heard of this murder when 48 hours aired the original story. I remember at the time I thought WHAT, she so do it. Who leaves a friend behind when they are being murdered and doesn't call for help!! Normal people would never do that to ANYONE, even an enemy.

If she was able to run out, she would go STRAIGHT to the neighbors house, nothing else, the first safe place, neighbor.

Can you imagine the horror of two people suddenly appearing in the bathroom!!! That alone sends a chill down my spine!

As prepared as we think we might be if an intruder suddenly showed up in our homes, I seriously think I could faint at the sight of a big masked intruder just taking that last step into my bedroom where i'm watching Tv or something.

AND if I got out of the house? (how did she have car keys handy for one?) My keys would not be where I could grab them.

I would run like heck across the street, up the street, wherever just screaming.. blood curdling screaming to get someone to come out.

The car? are you kidding? that would be like a horror movie where you barely get the car door open and he grabs the door and just pulls me out and shoots me.

Not even in a panic would I think I could get to the car, unlock it, get in and then make the key get into the keyhole LOL I struggle with that when I'm not being chased?
For those that might have missed it, I posted at the end of the last thread a video from HLN where they had one of their producers, who is the defendant's size, drag the dummy (around 180 lbs) back to the shower.


Thanks for that, I hadn't seen it.

I wonder if there's a forensic way to tell if someone has been dragged by the hands/arms. This woman said that was the only way she could get him across the floor, because grabbing him by the shoulders was too heavy, although she did then move him around in the shower by the shoulders.
While I do agree "something" here involves Matt, I'm not so sure I'd peg him as an accomplice. The only reason? Because I believe JA would have quickly thrown him under the bus. Why in the heck would she let him go with no repercussions at all while she most likely awaits death row?

Her claim is self-defense. To bring Matt into the picture makes it premeditated. She just simply cannot do it while claiming self-defense.
If you haven't seen this....


It's a breakdown of what ALV has gained financially from her involvement with this case. Incredible and disgusting.

So far, ALV has cost the AZ taxpayers $11K for her 40 some hours spent in the jail and $9K for regurgitating JA's entire testimony on the witness stand. And she's not finished! But what about the 82,00 text messages and emails she supposedly studied, plus 'research' on JA's family, friends, etc. Not to mention 'research' on Travis's journal and his friends. If she spent just one hour per day for the last year on 'research', it would be $91K...at her rate of $250/hour! That's well over $100K!

This woman is nothing more than a professional 'gossip-monger'! She relies entirely on hearsay from JA - and the written word of a pathological liar. When it came time for her to get to the nitty-gritty of this murder trial - the day of June 4, she uttered all of four sentences describing JA's activities that day! It was every bit as anti-climactic as JA's testimony before the 'fog' settled in. Where's the beef???

Unfotunately, the Judge has never tried a capital one DP murder case before and the AZ taxpayers are paying the price.
Just so nobody feels singled out, every now and then I go back to re-read a post of mine (and the operative word is "go back" usually when i go back, it's because I think I may have crossed the line :)

sometimes, I don't find the post LOL. Get it? It's gone! But that's ok, I hope if i'm off color or cross the line, they get rid of it. Everyone is just trying to be able to express themselves and yet not get sued :fence:

It's hard to manage a list, I moderate a few lists and sometimes I'll be out working and get a barrage of e-mail that someone has gone crazy on the list and a virtual fight has started :)

Stay on the list and keep posting. Many of us have probably been put in time out and don't realize it as we go do things for a day or 2 during our quiet time, as I call it :) (ps. I called someone a name early on and that one went poof real fast)

<modsnip> I knew I had information that would be helpful in understanding some of the perplexing behavior of 30 year old virgins dating in a fundamental religious environment. I also could write a book "I am Adam Lanza's Mother" having had a sociopathic child whose early death caused his brother to have a mental break and become a paranoid schizophrenic.

I considered leaving WS since I was new anyway, but my father was killed and his murderer is now a real estate investor in Rancho Mirage. I need to be here. I need to be here with other people who have also not experienced justice and who are trying to get it vicariously through other people's trials. The next post I wrote I added that I was sharing information about Mormonism ONLY as it applies to this trial and contributes to our understanding, NOT to disparage anyone's faith.


Honestly, it helps me when someone calls an ineffective lawyer out for doing a terrible job, smirking, twisting facts, distorting reality. Have you ever gone to court to get justice and have the other side try to make you into the bad guy? I have! It was so unexpected that all I could do was cry--I was completely blindsided and stunned. I don't feel so alone with these feelings of suffering a distortion of justice when I know there is a group that feel just like I do. Evil, guilty people get away and innocent people are punished.

This forum tries to make things a little more even. The legal system is blind, so there has to be someone out here who sees, someone who understands the pain and frustration.

WS is a victim's group helping bring perpetrators to justice. Victims have been hurt and are angry. Fact of life, you would be too.

Melmc, I totally understand you being shocked by the strength of the emotions you see being shared here. You will remember us if --God forbids-- your loved one vanishes or is murdered and you need help and support to find them and bring them to justice. Let's see how impartial and balanced emotionally you will be then.

Meanwhile, I don't blame you for wanting to not walk in my moccasins. If I could, I wouldn't walk in them either.
I just wanted to thank the many of you who helped me to understand the nature of the injuries, the dragging and other matters, these last few hours.

Thank you!!!
Hi, my name is ATL and I am an addict .

caught up after skipping about 50 pages!

With that, I am out to mow my lawn and trim my bushes and doing some major spring landscaping. the weeds are very long so I will need to get out my weed wacker so I do not get a letter from my neighborhood homeowners association citing an un attractive lawn with weeds.


and if you take that above in a dirty way, or are thinking Brazilian .. you are an addict too I need to get outside and pay attention to your own lawn.


ETA this post refers to the last read last night when everybody was talking about how is addicted they were to the site and trial.

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There's been endless discussion about the "accomplice" theory, and I'm sure we'll have more. I can't see it myself, for the reason you point out here. I cannot imagine that she wouldn't simply have tossed him right under the bus as soon as she realized she was going to be charged with capital murder. Some argue that she can't do it now, because she's claimed self-defense. That's true -- but doesn't explain why she'd sit in jail all this time awaiting trial when her ticket out was simply tagging the other person and making deal for immunity for testimony. I'm not saying it would have been easy or that the "accomplice" or "accomplices" wouldn't have had good evidence preventing her from skating. It just defies logic to me that she would take a chance on a death sentence given that she has established she has no higher priority than herself and her needs.


I don't think there would be a deal and she knows that. No matter how much Matt *may* have helped her, she was the one who actually murdered Travis. It's a huge leap from providing whatever he may have provided to her and actually cutting Travis' throat, 29 stab wounds and a bullet to the head.
This has probably been asked and answered,so please forgive if its a repeat.

Does anyone know if someone recorded on HLN yesterday Juans opening statement and posted it?TIA

I sincerely hope so...my boyfriend recorded it for me, but started a bit late so I STILL missed the beginning of Juans opening statement :banghead:
I get what you're saying. I think MM was offered some sort of "plea deal" with both DT and the state.

This is why he dropped off the face of the planet.

Maybe they realized there is no point in bringing him on the stand because there is already plenty of evidence Jodi premeditated this crime.

Also, MM may not be a credible witness since it is alleged he forged the "pedo letters".

While I do agree "something" here involves Matt, I'm not so sure I'd peg him as an accomplice. The only reason? Because I believe JA would have quickly thrown him under the bus. Why in the heck would she let him go with no repercussions at all while she most likely awaits death row?
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