weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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I'm sorry. :(

I have one of those too. Just last Fall. No priors, just jealousy. She was leaving him. He shot her, then himself. Just heartbreaking. :(

Hearts and hugs. People often tell me that there should be a movie about my life and I tell them that the saddest part of all of this is that it's TOO COMMON.

My prayers for you as well my websleuth friend. :seeya:
Good night folks!

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There is NOTHING in any of Travis's blogs or his journals, that corroborate or describe or discuss ANY domestic violence against anyone in his life.

There is NOTHING that was said by any of Travis's friends or family or ex's, that describe him EVER being physically abusive to anyone.

I don't understand what you mean when you say:

"Like she kept saying, she did not need one word from Jodi Arias herself to arrive at her conclusions."

WHEN did ALV say that?

Just because she read the texts and IM's between Jodi and Travis, it does not mean she KNOWS there wAs ever any DV. Neither of them ever discussed any.

I heard the jury ask her if she could still come to the conclusion without Jodi's journals or talking to Jodi in the interviews, and she said yes. That proves what JM was saying all along--that she can make a determination without speaking to anyone involved.
Without question, she has OCD thrown on top of everything else. She lines chit up. She positions things "just so". She thinks she can control what happens if she does things a particular way. She's exhibited these traits throughout trial.


That's psychopathy IMO Its her mimicking her lawyer or trying to look intelligent.

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Why do you think she was shaking it?

I think it was almost empty. KCL - I have spent hours watching her and my hinky meter went up with that whole gesture but I really don't think there was anything underhanded happening. I DO think she knows, we (and the cameras) watch everything and she loves it. She has no restraints on trying to get attention. Today LAV got a lot of attention. She will be acting up again soon...

Hearts and hugs. People often tell me that there should be a movie about my life and I tell them that the saddest part of all of this is that it's TOO COMMON.

My prayers for you as well my websleuth friend. :seeya:

:heart: :seeya:
I think it was almost empty. KCL - I have spent hours watching her and my hinky meter went up with that whole gesture but I really don't think there was anything underhanded happening. I DO think she knows, we (and the cameras) watch everything and she loves it. She has no restraints on trying to get attention. Today LAV got a lot of attention. She will be acting up again soon...


Good point. Glad you are keeping that hawk eye on her. Awesome. :great:
Without question, she has OCD thrown on top of everything else. She lines chit up. She positions things "just so". She thinks she can control what happens if she does things a particular way. She's exhibited these traits throughout trial.


Every day the same routine on the stand with the water. And don't forget the Vontrapping!
Casey was a way better liar and actress. Casey could act for the jury!

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Ahh. She didn't get up on the stand. Not necessarily a better liar. Maybe her IQ was a tad higher than JA's?
I think it was covered in the line-in-the-sand moment when ALV said she considers Jodi the greater victim of DV.

Even Jodi had enough sense to tell the jury, in answer to one of their questions, that yes, it appeared she came out unscathed compared to Travis.:facepalm:
When she said that Travis was NOT a victim of domestic violence I completely lost all respect for her.

Do you know that awful tummy dropping moment you get when you hear something terrible about someone you don't know but it is shocking all the same? A plane crash, a famous person dies?

That is how I felt when she answered, very deliberately, "No."

My tummy dropped and I think I even gasped.

Her fork in the road moment ... epic fail
Every day the same routine on the stand with the water. And don't forget the Vontrapping!

It has been speculated that Flores makes sure that Juan's water cup s full at all times, true?
I read the article and I agree that Ms. LaViolette shouldn't be "destroyed". But even a tsunami of negative social media attention will not destroy her. She is not entitled to positive reviews on Amazon and her first amendment rights do not extend to the right to be paid to voice her opinions in a professional setting.

She has chosen to put herself out there professionally and personally. She chooses not only to advocate for a vicious self-confessed killer but to stretch her advocacy to making an implausible case that the killer's victim was a pedophile on the flimsiest of evidence. When confronted with a relentlessly aggressive prosecutor she exacerbates a bad situation by refusing to answer questions directly, disregarding the Court's admonitions, escalating the conflict by getting personal with Martinez, and finally misrepresenting (some would say lying about) her professional experience.

She contributes to blurring the line between her personal and professional personae by refusing to commit to an objective standard by which to judge her conclusions. She bristles when Martinez characterizes her as a human lie-detector, but her evasiveness about particulars, her numbing mantra of "context" and her holistic approach to decision-making leave her open to this kind of reductive labeling. She gives anecdotal answers to hard questions. Her thinking is too often soft and fuzzy. She insists that she lives in a perpetual gray zone, but her final opinion on Travis Alexander as an abuser is unshakably black-and-white.

She offers all this as the cornerstone in defense of an essentially indefensible client. She may very well believe in her cause, but she professes her faith in the face of Travis Alexander's grieving family and a grim and mounting cost to the state of Arizona. She provokes the anger of real victims of domestic abuse who feel insulted by her presentation. And then she complains about the outrage that her professional opinions and her personal conduct have drawn.

I disagree with the article that "nearly anyone would fall apart at such collective aggression aimed at them". Many people would have gone into the trial prepared for what might be coming. They would delete their Twitter and Facebook accounts. They would go dine with good friends in places far away from the courtroom. An escape from on-line bullying is one tiny power button away; a single mouse-click can silence all those clamorous voices.

Of course, Ms. LaViolette should not be menaced or attacked physically. But an on-line expression of genuine rage may in fact be cathartic and healthful, and, in the end, be a valuable contribution to the context on which LaViolette draws to form and express her opinions.

My web-moniker notwithstanding, I'm far too lazy to pick up any pitchfork, virtual or otherwise, and, misguided as she is, I can see that Ms. LaViolette's hands are empty. But if she is scared by the on-line mob rushing at her with their virtual pitchforks, she should glance back over her shoulder. Squinting hard into the shades of gray that surround her, she might finally make out the flesh-and-blood devil that looms right behind her. And Jodi's holding the biggest pitchfork of all.

Do you know that awful tummy dropping moment you get when you hear something terrible about someone you don't know but it is shocking all the same? A plane crash, a famous person dies?

That is how I felt when she answered, very deliberately, "No."

My tummy dropped and I think I even gasped.

Her fork in the road moment ... epic fail

I agree. She looked so sad and defeated in that moment and she was purveying something so grotesque.
Was she a keynote breakout speaker? ;)

I fancy myself a keynote breakout poster now. Sometimes I exchange breakout for breakdown. :D

Bwahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!! Keynote Breakout Poster !!!!!

(It appears someone else is having the dam breakdown, sistah!)
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