weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #139

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If I just did the dishes after my SO said 'are you going to do something or what' am I abused after sitting on the couch for 4 hours straight or does he have a point?

ALV: Abused.

GENPOP: Get off your lazy *advertiser censored***!!

You were on a couch~~~some of us (ME:blushing:) have a horrid computer chair from the 90's :furious:

My sister called during part of testimony and asked a question but didnt say please. I was over her and complained of the abuse
Mahalo nui loa!
I was born and raised on that rock...well one of them :D

Bubbai ALV ty for coming! BTW, someone let this expert know that there is $$$ to be made in being a text msg interpreter .... SURE! .... at least $300/HR!

Maybe Ive lived on this rock out in the middle of a huge pond too long, but I have never heard of AVL. What did I learn from her .... she makes herself out to be more important than she actually is, she certainly has a very high opinion of herself.

ALV was clearly biased in her effort to defend the murderer actions, before, during and after the murder. Her attack on Mr. Travis Alexander was disgusting and truly just wrong .... I think she was sucked in by this murderer and was just plain greedy. Her arrogance in asking Mr. Martinez if he wanted yes or no or the truth? JMHO, ALV would not know the truth if it was tatooed on her forehead.

Im glad Mr. Martinez exposed this so-called expert for what she really is .... a fraud! All JMHO!

Mahalo to David Lohr for posting the interrogation tapes...

Mahalo Tigerbalm for posting the links to the daily trials...
In our last Thread Valee contributed a stalker profile that included Imprisonment. I believe the premeditation of Travis's murder included locating him in the shower wet. The Calvin Klein "look" is a fantasy Arias was selling as adjunct to the plotting. This was a constructive imprisonment of her victim because he was virtually confined & incapacitated, unable to effectively defend himself or take flight. That this idea is typical of a stalker's mentality, i.e., imprisoning the target, is extremely interesting.
Part and parcel why I refuse to watch it. After the jury questions left NO doubt what side they are on, the TH will STILL throw the State under the bus. It's like a Benny Hill sketch.

I wonder who has been the bigger liability for the DT- Samuels or ALV?

Ja was and is the biggest liability
That's exactly what I think...the Dave Hall Video....

But the first time we heard Ms Wong's name, and said by the judge, was on the day they had Jean C. up on the stand. So I think it was connected to that.
I just saved myself thousands and thousands of dollars by not hiring an 'expert' witness and simply going to Wikipedia.

The right of self-defense (according to U.S. law) (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for civilians acting on their own behalf to engage in a level of violence, called reasonable force or defensive force, for the sake of defending one's own life or the lives of others, including, in certain circumstances, the use of deadly force

My understanding is that in testimony today, ALV said that Travis was NOT a victim of domestic violence.

Doesn't look like he was a victim of self-defense either.

What's missing here then?

The truth!
I don't usually watch JVM but I was a captive audience tonight.
Best quote from TH to a defense atty trying to put a positive spin on ALV's testimony.
"That's like saying the Titanic was just a moonlight cruise followed by an invigorating swim". :floorlaugh:
True. It says a lot about how extreme ALV's testimony has been that Samuels is now the benchmark of unbiased testimony in this case.

Also he didn't seem as combative on the stand and he didn't seem to have a personal beef with Juan.

Yeah we've already forgotten about RS and there are prolly DA's lined up to hire him knowing he will say WHATEVER they want.
These two female defense attorneys on JVM are ridiculous. One of them is ranting ' WHO leaked the story that ALV went to the hospital??? !!'

Ummm...actually, it was ALV's good friend who told a reporter that.

Honestly, is there any reason why we can't replace them all? We really know the case so much better and we're not bitter the way they seem to be. :p
ALV looked over at the jury then said what appears to be the word "jerk".

If indeed that is what she said while looking at the jury, that is highly improper and there should be some sort of repercussion.

I am not sure anything can be done about it.She was very unprofessional in that moment.Hope a juror saw..
Did JW seem upset, though?

JW almost had a complete collapse after jury questions. She got up to do direct and sounded like she had been free basing Red Bull, talking in a hurried, panicked tone, almost gulping breaths down. This went on for about 10 very bizarre minutes until she started fumbling her papers, said she forgot the question she was about to ask and released a frantic cackle, forcing the judge to take a 10 minute recess while JW went to the bathroom to breath into a paper lunch sack. It was crazy!
This is kind of OT but it's from AZLawyers post. #2 about people lying on the stand.

I could NEVER lie on the stand. I can't even break a promise let alone lie under oath! I just don't understand some people.

You have a conscience and I assume ethics...ALV has neither. Another casualty of Jodi, and she never saw it coming.
JW was completely rattled after that little in chambers thing. Her pace was all off and she was rushing and kept losing her train of thought mid question to the point where she had to ask for a ten minute recess.

Not sure if it was simply that the redirect was not going well and she was still perturbed about the tone of the jury questions but her composure was visibly affected after that little caucus.
Hard to tell as she watched her case go down the tubes today.

Judge Stephens did call a ten minute recess, quite obviously because JW lost focus on her line of questioning. She was either angry or tense while on redirect this afternoon.

She definitely had a moment right before the break. I almost expected her to break out in a song and dance or something. She seemed a bit unhinged.
If she said it out loud, then yes. And it would have come through the court reporter's headphones. Those mikes are really, really good.

It'll be in the transcripts one day then? I've noticed in other trials once it gets to appeal stage you can read all the transcripts including sidebars etc .. is this the same in Arizona?
Well the video speaks for itself. It looks like she said "jerk". If this were brought to the court's attention, what, if any, repercussion would she face by the court?

If I may ask, when did she supposedly say this? I would like to look it up
I don't know why anyone has her on any show ever, I used to listen to her on Levi Page and just laugh, names wrong, dates wrong, injuries wrong .. I can't remember the details now, but it was a JOKE. I can't believe HLN are paying her to appear!!

Are you speaking of the blonde defense lawyer on HLN? cuz if so, she continuously states that in the picture of TA (crouched in the shower) he is dead and bloody. Then states that the picture of the ceiling and the picture i just referred to is what makes the 62 second theory plausible cuz he is dead in that pic...I was like wait a hot sec here...the time stamps couldnt be if that were true! (she has been on After Dark stating this twice that I have seen) I think I'm gonna stop watching HLN all together lol.
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