weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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I can't believe I started watching this trial in flannel pants, heavy sweatshirts and fluffy slippers. Now, it's shorts and a tank top..... are we being punked? :)

Hi, not in Ohio!! still got the sweaters, flannel pants, and sweat shirts on.:floorlaugh::great::floorlaugh:
WHO DOES THAT? Who gets on the stand, day number whatever, and does not turn of their cell phone first? It's not like it was her first day in the courtroom and she was unfamiliar with the protocol.

FGS Anybody who goes to traffic court knows better. She is touted as an expert witness??
lol. That was the idea. I am sure there are a *few bums* that needed a break from the trial all these weeks, and needed to have a *bottom* stretch. LOL

You could have also stood on your head after digging through the Trash bin, or throw your hair around. < gag > like JA

But now you Feel GREAT, eh? Top half, and bottom half :great:

Here's my confession:

I'd rather run the risk of being somewhat dehydrated than miss a minute of JM! No fluids while JM is on. 'Nuh uh'. :what:

I like JM that much. Please don't judge me. Thank you. :blushing:

I think that is a good plan....so far there have been enough sidebars. I am going with your plan for rebuttal and closing arguments.
Flores interrogation tape! (Jodie said to her dad) that she and Travis were going to get married. Cracked me up she actually, Asked detective flores if she could take a lie detector test! Would it help her.
Delusional lol[/QUOTE]

I have heard that a psychopath like Jodi would be able to pass a lie detector test because when you have no feelings or empathy, there is nothing for the polygraph test to pick up on. (like anxiety)
I have not followed this case all along so not sure about the events surrounding him. But I am surmising that the defense based their case/Jodi's story on the statements of Flores about the gunshot coming first. Thus, Jodi tailored her story to that fact. It was only much later down the line after the facts of HER story were known that the DT found out that the medical examiner had in fact found that the gunshot was last. I read that the DT went so far as to try and claim Flores committed perjury.

On the stand, Flores was frank and calm about his misunderstanding and his own belief that the gunshot was first. He let Nurmi badger him without reacting. He remained the honest appearing ethical person who had always seemed. It's completely opposite of how the DT witnesses responded.

Another thing about the PT expert witnesses - they were not overtly combative during the DT's cross examination. They were totally professional. When your testimony is supported by the facts there's no need to get defensive.

Mike Daniels youtube are hilarious. He has one on the jury questions not asked. I dare not post here for fear of timeout.
He has recent to old videos
I keep asking this as a serious, not snarky question.... does the state of AZ have an requirements for a witness to be seated as an "expert"?

I can't find any for just Arizona. I can find lots of definitions for it though.
Unfortunately, there are no logical answers. All I know is that trying to take AVL's expert testimony seriously required such a degree of cognitive dissonance that I feared ending up in a padded cell. It makes no sense because it makes no sense!

Just like the only evidence of Jodi's "fear" is Jodi saying she was afraid. That's it. Yet AVL had no problem adopting that as gospel truth. But Travis, even though he expressed fear to others was determined by AVL to not be really afraid. And the obvious stalking behavior of Jodi wasn't stalking because she'd already decided Travis was never afraid. And if Travis WAS afraid he would have gone to the police. The fact Jodi never went to the police, on the other hand, was further evidence of her actual fear. Double standard doesn't begin to describe it.

I could almost laugh her off as some irrelevant relic of obsolete thinking but her affirmative acts to help this murderer include the beyond abhorrent determination of pedophilia. That's just a bridge too far. I can even forgive her accepting Jodi's tales of physical violence but the pedophile stuff. I find it just too incredible that any psychological professional would not be able to discern that Travis's behavior was entirely inconsistent with someone who is a pedophile. That's something only someone truly evil could claim about the man she slaughtered.

You are right. ALV's testimony made ME think that I was crazy. I had to come online to see if anyone else was hearing what I was, because maybe MY logic and common sense was defective. It doesn't make sense because it doesn't make sense. That's right.

I go back and forth in trying to figure out if I feel bad for ALV or if she deserves the backlash. I felt bad to hear she was in the hospital last weekend because of it, but it's also hard to believe that she really doesn't SEE what the rest of us see. Was she that insulated from outside facts?

As I said before, I think she went through the documents and that phone sex tape and pulled stuff to make a domestic violence case without looking at nuances like, you know, context. It didn't matter if it didn't make sense, she felt strongly enough that TA was such a monster, because of a few examples, that he had to ACTUALLY be a pedophile and ACTUALLY be physically abusive.

I also think that she felt as if she could sell ice to an Eskimo. She thought she would be able to get up there and convince the jury of everything she said because she's oh so gosh-darned folksy and likable and smiles a lot. In the end, she seemed kind of annoyed by some of the questions. I'm glad she didn't suggest putting the jury in timeout. I think she wanted to.
Something from Juan's cross of ALV, testimony on April 9th in AM, about 50 minutes in: ALV says she reviewed JA's interrogation with police, but NOT the video, only the transcript. IMO this is just crazy, especially for someone who claims 90% of communication is nonverbal! Plus, she obviously did not view all the bizarre behaviors (headstands, trash snooping, worries about make up etc.) which may have been a clue to her that JA was not a traumatized victim of abuse who had just killed someone in self-defense, but rather a liar and manipulator. She was duped by DT and should have demanded viewing the full interrogation tapes. I wonder if she is watching them this weekend.

ALV doesn't appear to be the sort of person that would look inward and contemplate whether or not she misread JA. So my guess is NO, she isn't going to think about this case again, ever.
will make it clear just how depraved the defendant is with her pedophile claims. I really think the jury is going to want to punish her for that anyway but finally the family can speak out about what this (modsnip) has done to their family. Not just murdering him, but then trying to murder him again the most vile way possible. And ALV has the nerve to talk about Jodi having her character assassinated.

I'm ready for all of that. I'm not ready for the impact statements WHEN they get to make them. I may have to DVR that and watch at a much later date.
Didn't ALV say something to the effect of she had to convince JA she had been abused? That, when they met, she spoke positively of TA? Something like that. The gist was that JA didn't come out and say, "I was abused," and that they had to work their way to that. I think that, because she had this woman sitting there telling her she had been abused, JA thought that it would be a good cover.

Good afternoon!

That in itself speaks volumes as to the false nature of these claims of abuse. First of all, what true victim of abuse is going to allow LE to arrest her and charge her with murder without first trying to explain what happened and why it was self-defense? Of course this was all an afterthought, after sitting in jail for over two years.

BBM ~ Now, wouldn't that be something? :facepalm:

JSS said something about not caring about ALV's personal problems on Friday.

I think once Monday is done, ALV may have to put up with the collateral damaged incurred (from ALL angles) because she chose to represent the DT this high profile case.

Hi, I liked the way the Judge told her on Friday "and you WILL be here on Tuesday".
JSS is really steamed about something! I do not worry about appeals except for the cost.I dont see anyone in their right mind letting JA. out after what she did to Ta..that was a one man massacure.(sp). ALV lives in the 1800's. :seeya:
No disrespect at all, but when did JA come clean with anything? She said she killed him. That's the only truth I've heard her utter so far.

She came clean by admitting to murder and then by taking the stand and admitting to murder. Of course she is still lying about what happened that day.
Did anyone catch ALV's bizarre, offhand remark about Travis being a Republican? Actually, she mentioned it twice during her ramblings on the stand. I can only deduce that, in addition to being a man-hater, she also hates Republicans, lol!

***This was in no way intended to be a political statement. It was just such an off-the-wall nutty comment.

lol. She did throw that in there. I felt like she was criticizing him for a lot of random things. She kept mentioning his lack of money. Didn't go over well with me. It was like she was saying it was part of his deception.
Sorry in advance... I am a latecomer to WS and this trial, and I seem to be in a constant state of overwhelming confusion about what has and hasn't been presented in front of the jury. Has the jury heard the 911 call from the day TA's body was found? JA's name is mentioned as an ex-girlfriend who had been bothering TA... following him, slashing tires, etc., and I hope the jury got to hear this loud and clear!
Here's a copy from wildabouttrial.com: http://wildabouttrial.com/videos/jodi-arias-911-call.html

Also, is there a go-to reference guide that will show me what evidence the jury has seen and heard, and what has been precluded? Thanks in advance for helping this newbie out!!! :tyou:
Wow! Knock me over with a feather. Poor ALV really needs to get out more. I know a number of guys who had or have wives or girlfriends that beat the wonkers or out them. The only reason I ever found out how the injuries happened was because I was the one who knew how to patch folks up. Men just don't talk about it because it's not manly. Violence knows no gender bounds and it's sexist to say it does. IMO :moo:

I've said this before, but my 6'2" 220lb SO was abused by his ex partner, she only stabbed him but was trying for his neck, he is lucky to be alive IMO, two of her ex's committed suicide (at her house of course, even though in one case he had to drive over there to do it when she was 'out' ???). She set fire to another ex's entire belongings, everything he ever owned in his life. All the photos, the lot. None of these men reported a thing to the police, not even once. I think the only reason it's open knowledge is because they all came together to support my partner so that he could make the break after the stabbing, as she always accused the men of being abusers and had taken out 5 AVO's on 5 different men in the past, and got many of them charged with assault. If it looked like any of her 'relationships' were ending, she always accused the men of domestic violence and threatened them with 'exposure' some of those cases made it to court, at least one man was convicted.

When I started seeing my SO many of the women around town told me he was a 'woman basher' based on her lies, he has never even yelled at me. I knew it was lies, but he has had to live with the character assassination for a long time and it still hurts him. If he had ever tried to defend himself against her she would have had him up on charges. She told people he stabbed himself, and people took her word over his, until it was pointed out to them that some of the injuries were impossible to self inflict.

That's why women like ALV are so dangerous ... they are so willing to see things only one way, I have no doubt that she has hurt a lot of men during her career who were actually victims themselves, but she couldn't see it. Or simply refused to.

ETA: this was not a single event, and not with any of her other partners either, it was systematic, she ruined their jobs and many of them ended up 'stay at home' husbands, she ruined their reputations, destroyed their self esteem, and reported them and their families to the tax department and other such things. Isolation was only step one.

If that's not husband battery I don't know what is ...
I agree! I also think she wanted to take the photos so she would forever have a TROPHY. She could look at the pictures for the rest of her life and gloat looking at Travis's last moments on earth.


I've always thought that. I think capturing part of the murder on the camera freaked her out enough to delete everything though.
Flores interrogation tape! (Jodie said to her dad) that she and Travis were going to get married. Cracked me up she actually, Asked detective flores if she could take a lie detector test! Would it help her.
Delusional lol

"I have heard that a psychopath like Jodi would be able to pass a lie detector test because when you have no feelings or empathy, there is nothing for the polygraph test to pick up on. (like anxiety)"[/QUOTE]

i think she MAY have taken one because the DT tried to get the results of a polygraph they had her take into evidence. of course the judge said no. now, they KNEW that wouldn't be admitted, so who knows if she even really took one. i have my doubts.

i think the ONLY reason she made that offer to det. flores was because she knows (as do most people, i believe) that polygraph results are not admissible in court. as soon as she offered, she said 'could that help me?' and flores told her it couldn't be used.

she very quickly said 'oh, well there's no point in doing it then.' she was never going to take an LE administered polygraph.
HLN has become complete tabloid in its coverage. From the foghorn, to on-screen graphics, to the creepy music they play. JVM in a fake interrogation room doing hand stands? They're milking the coverage for all the advertising dollars they can get. I LOL'd yesterday when going to a commercial break within about 5 minutes of the last one they said "we got to pay the bills".
Too bad they didn't pay attention to how CourtTV handled trials and the discussion about them.
I keep asking this as a serious, not snarky question.... does the state of AZ have an requirements for a witness to be seated as an "expert"?

I know from my experience in Fl. that I was called as an expert witness by the judge. I was surprised to get served by subpoena. When the defendants attorney questioned my experience, the judge said I subpoena her and my decision is final.
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