weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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From what she says, the DT retained ALV to testify to Jodi being abused. They did not approach ALV with 'Talk to her and see what you think'.

Just like Nurmi AND Dr Samuels directed Jodi to stop with the ninja story.

My point is the DT contrived a defense and found ALV to recite what they wanted.

There is an unwritten professional 'blue wall of silence'. I wonder if Dr Samuels and ALV have worked on the same case in the past. How was ALV retained?

Money and then to help her career. Her friend said she couldn't believe how people were reacting. Which I agree with. Being in the law business I use to see people like her all the time. You just get numb to it all. I haven't lost one moment worrying about what she has to say.
I've said this before, but my 6'2" 220lb SO was abused by his ex partner, she only stabbed him but was trying for his neck, he is lucky to be alive IMO, two of her ex's committed suicide (at her house of course, even though in one case he had to drive over there to do it when she was 'out' ???). She set fire to another ex's entire belongings, everything he ever owned in his life. All the photos, the lot. None of these men reported a thing to the police, not even once. I think the only reason it's open knowledge is because they all came together to support my partner so that he could make the break after the stabbing, as she always accused the men of being abusers and had taken out 5 AVO's on 5 different men in the past, and got many of them charged with assault. If it looked like any of her 'relationships' were ending, she always accused the men of domestic violence and threatened them with 'exposure' some of those cases made it to court, at least one man was convicted.

When I started seeing my SO many of the women around town told me he was a 'woman basher' based on her lies, he has never even yelled at me. I knew it was lies, but he has had to live with the character assassination for a long time and it still hurts him. If he had ever tried to defend himself against her she would have had him up on charges. She told people he stabbed himself, and people took her word over his, until it was pointed out to them that some of the injuries were impossible to self inflict.

That's why women like ALV are so dangerous ... they are so willing to see things only one way, I have no doubt that she has hurt a lot of men during her career who were actually victims themselves, but she couldn't see it. Or simply refused to.

ETA: this was not a single event, and not with any of her other partners either, it was systematic, she ruined their jobs and many of them ended up 'stay at home' husbands, she ruined their reputations, destroyed their self esteem, and reported them and their families to the tax department and other such things. Isolation was only step one.

If that's not husband battery I don't know what is ...

Geez..you'd think that would be battery with NO gender definition required. She has a bias towards women and they will always be the victim, instead of looking at each case on it's own merits. People like her give women a bad name.
I've been thinking about ALV and her testimony yesterday a lot...as so many others apparently.

Trying to understand her complete inability to remain even remotely objective. Some I think was pure power struggle with JM, she had decided before she got on the plane he was going to push her around.

But what really sticks is it appeared to me that JM was going to shove the crime scene or autopsy photos up at the very end. TA's family looked devastated, Sam was literally bawling and they had just come out of chambers.

His last question (if I remember correctly) was something like 'if you learn of new evidence, even years from now, would that change your assessment'. After her ususal no response I was stunned when he just said I have no more. Did he mean no more for Friday? I assumed he's done with her.

Anyway, perhaps the DT really have withheld the majority of facts from her???

I believe most of us here on WS know more of the facts than ALV appeared to. She is not a member of the jury. She is free to get information from whatever sources are available. She should also have researched ALL of the facts, including JA's history, before coming to her determination that JA is a victim of abuse.

What is the goal of the DT with this DV defense? AFAIK Arizona law states force is acceptable only to defend oneself, clearly JA used much more than force - she slaughtered that poor man.

So by law the jury cannot acquit her, is that correct?

ETA: Just for the record, I do NOT believe the DT theory. IMO the slaughter of Travis was deliberate and premeditated by JA

It's for this reason that self-defense has never been the entire defense of this case. Self-defense is only valid when only enough force is applied to stop an attack and only when there is no other means of escape from an attack. The Castle Doctrine gives more leeway in that there is no duty to escape if one is attacked in their own home as it is their right to protect themselves, their loved ones and property in their home as well as the home itself.

The defense of course knows that this is not JUST a self-defense case because it is clear that Jodi did not attempt to escape further attack and went WAY WAY beyond "protecting herself" by all that she did to Travis, so in actuality they are pleading not just self-defense but temporary insanity to explain all the overkill that makes the case not just self-defense. That is the whole point to the "fognesia" story... to make it appear that Jodi was in a state during the time period covering everything else that she did to him that was not just something she couldn't remember but something that occurred because at that time she wasn't in her right mind - temporarily insane. This bit they can't really try to claim outright but have obviously been trying to implant into the minds of the jurors as a plausable and reasonable explaination for the overkill. This is what the fognisia story was for and the reason for Dr. Samuel's testimony.
She was "retained" after everybody else said no effing way...Google it.

That is yet another good point. If we know that, how is it she didn't? Wouldn't that normally raise a red flag with an expert if they found out their peers are skeptical?


I have a question? Why is ALV upset about internet backlash? If you are unaware and don't read it why should it bother you? If you have 30 yrs. experience with DV you should have pretty thick skin.If you are answering truthfully nothing anybody says hurts you ,unless there's no truth to it. I do not bully online. ok once on TMZ against LILO. But I wasn't really mean.more snarky. The only thing we want and expect from a witness is truthfullness, honesty, and if you mess with the jurors and us watching OUR JUSTICE SYTSTEM, not just for Travis, but any other victim of violence, you violate all of us ALV not just victims of DV but all of Americans, so you deserve the backlash.IMO OH I don't like you. I like Alice from the Honeymooners more than you, watch it sometime she might teach you something.
I found this clip, don't know if its been posted. And keep in mind this only happened because the judge sent everyone home early because JA claimed a migraine. This is the local news originator, it was HLN that made it national & edited.

How the 12 News story on Juan Martinez originated

After a 12 news story on prosecutor Juan Martinez and his fan base is entered into evidence on a prosecutorial-misconduct hearing during the Jodi Arias trial, 12 news explains why the story was really done.

The entire post as I found it on a FB page for TA:

With all the “controversy” over Jean Casarez reporting on the video of Juan Martinez signing autographs, etc. outside the court house, I’m posting a link from “12 NEWS” who ORIGINALLY made the video!!!

It is clear, HLN used this video in a misleading way!!!

They showed “parts” of the video to mislead the public into thinking MARTINEZ was outside like a “rock star” to further their NEGATIVITY against Martinez!!

Jean Casarez even spewed comments that her concern was if a juror happened to see Juan outside signing autographs, etc LOL

Grace Wong is a producer for CNN/HLN.

She is the one whom the Judge ordered to be in court Monday morning, April 15th.

The judge told her (Grace Wong) that she could have her attorney present if needed.

I’m sure the cameras will be present and those who watch the trial LIVE STREAM will be able to see what this is all about.

It’s a HEARING where the jury will not be present. And, I’m also sure HLN will NOT be showing it!!


Thanks. I only wish HLN and JC could be court ordered to shut up, at least until this trial is over.
I believe most of us here on WS know more of the facts than ALV appeared to. She is not a member of the jury. She is free to get information from whatever sources are available. She should also have researched ALL of the facts, including JA's history, before coming to her determination that JA is a victim of abuse.


Do you think she knows Jodi/Mom tried to sell forged letters to the National Enquirer? Maybe she does but if THAT didn't give her pause I suppose nothing would.

Also the Motion Jodi filed after the State refused her plea offer, basically threatening to destroy TA's reputation, his family, friends AND church??? Do you think she's seen that?? Only the devil 'ITself would write that piece of garbage. I can only imagine what the Judge thought. No wonder JM *hates* this woman.
She was "retained" after everybody else said no effing way...Google it.

I kept getting a lot of stuff about Peter LaViolette, the hockey player/coach. Can you narrow down the search term for me? TIA!
Only if they are there testifying as an expert, I believe. In most courts you have to qualify as an expert.
Thank you, LambChop. How ever did RS and ALV qualify? I remember seeing other court cases in other states where one side would present credentials (unless opposing side stipulated) in open court.
I've been thinking about ALV and her testimony yesterday a lot...as so many others apparently.

Trying to understand her complete inability to remain even remotely objective. Some I think was pure power struggle with JM, she had decided before she got on the plane he was going to push her around.

But what really sticks is it appeared to me that JM was going to shove the crime scene or autopsy photos up at the very end. TA's family looked devastated, Sam was literally bawling and they had just come out of chambers.

His last question (if I remember correctly) was something like 'if you learn of new evidence, even years from now, would that change your assessment'. After her ususal no response I was stunned when he just said I have no more. Did he mean no more for Friday? I assumed he's done with her.

Anyway, perhaps the DT really have withheld the majority of facts from her???

I know she was not allowed to contact TA's family however, I don't know that anything prevented her from contacting JA's family, friends, former boyfriends, employers, etc. and interviewing them. So why didn't she? Afraid of what they might say or what she might learn? If she could have and didn't, I'd like to know why.
Did anyone else think it was odd that she didn't submit any kind of written report?? Nothing, after months and months? She just had everything (or nothing!) in her head?

I suppose that's one way no one can challenge your findings.

I completely agree.

:hug::heartbeat: for you and your SO.

Wow...just wow. What a horrific and thoroughly believable story. My heart goes out to your SO.

Thanks guys, he's going brilliantly now :)

Geez..you'd think that would be battery with NO gender definition required. She has a bias towards women and they will always be the victim, instead of looking at each case on it's own merits. People like her give women a bad name.

Doesn't it just boil your blood? And all the while the women perpetrators use the stereotype to their own advantage and it WORKS! People are so quick to believe a woman when she says she's been abused, and equally quick to mock a man for the same thing. That's why men don't report, they are embarrassed and think everyone will think they're idiots, and they're lying .. or that they're weak and able to be assaulted by a woman in the first place, when the truth is they don't defend themselves because they don't want to hit a woman, or they know if they do it'll be them on charges no matter what happened leading up to it.

I asked my SO if he was ever afraid for his life, he said no, he always had the firm belief that he would be able to physically dominate her if necessary. I just know Travis would have thought the same thing. It's all so very sad.
I have a question? Why is ALV upset about internet backlash? If you are unaware and don't read it why should it bother you? If you have 30 yrs. experience with DV you should have pretty thick skin.If you are answering truthfully nothing anybody says hurts you ,unless there's no truth to it. I do not bully online. ok once on TMZ against LILO. But I wasn't really mean.more snarky. The only thing we want and expect from a witness is truthfullness, honesty, and if you mess with the jurors and us watching OUR JUSTICE SYTSTEM, not just for Travis, but any other victim of violence, you violate all of us ALV not just victims of DV but all of Americans, so you deserve the backlash.IMO OH I don't like you. I like Alice from the Honeymooners more than you, watch it sometime she might teach you something.

The articles I've read said she got a lot of phone calls at her office, and angry emails, which I presume someone else told her about. In fact, I would assume a lot of what she learned she heard from someone else. That talk that she cancelled on April 6, I think she actually cancelled that herself. So she must have been hearing it from somewhere.

I'm convinced she never thought it would turn out like this. Why she thought that, I have no idea. But I will say this, I'm going to look at my circle of friends pretty carefully and make sure they understand that if I were about to get myself into this situation, they should tell me the truth no matter how much it hurts.
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