weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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ITA and for awhile there, Travis' garage was her storage unit until he made her leave and she rented a U-Haul.

Wait, where did JA get the money for the U-Haul? Or for that matter, her own storage unit? Everything JA did, I always wonder where the money came from since she was only a part time worker or unemployed.

I was going to take this entire day to watch all the interrogation tapes. I've only seen what's been shown on TV. Once I found the transcripts, I was in hog heaven. It goes so much faster. Thank you TxJan1971! That was a lot of work, and it makes it soooooooo nice!
If you haven't spent time reviewing these interviews, you gotta do it! Some things just jump off the page at you. This about the storage unit was one of those things, so imagine my surprise to see it being discussed here. I couldn't help but wonder if there was another secret storage unit, or lock box somewhere. In one of the tapes she says she had a PO Box, so why not a lock box there, or at her bank? ( We get a free lock box with our checking and savings account). She could have stashed things that she didn't want found.
When she said this:
JA: You asked me what I have been up to in the week since I got back…

DF: Mmm hmm.

JA: What did you mean by that?

I was wishing DF had asked her why she was asking. To me, it's like she was afraid he had followed her, and she had done something incriminating. I wouldn't be surprised if evidence wasn't carried back to California.

Too bad she didn't go ahead and confess.

. 16:49
JA: What would happen to me today, and from here on out, if I just told you every single detail right now and I gave you a confession?”
DF: Nothing else changes. It just speeds up the process.

JA: In what way? Do I go to Arizona faster?

DF: Yeah. The process in Arizona speeds up.

JA: So if I maintain my innocence, then I stay here longer?

DF: No, no you don’t really stay here longer. It speeds up the process in Arizona.

JA: Like the trial and all that jazz?

DF: Do you want to put your family through a trial? That’s another question you have to ask yourself.

JA: No. Can I do it all without a trial or does there have to be a trial?

DF: That’s something you can discuss with the prosecutor. I’m on the phone with him pretty much every day giving him updates.

JA: What’s his name?

DF: His name is Juan Martinez. He’s the #1 Prosecutor in Phoenix, well, at least in my book he is.

IN my book too!
Defense witness Lonny Dworkin testified to photos recovered from the defendant's camera.

The photos that were presented were the photos of the defendant with blonde & brown hair with her sister, friend, dog.

ETA: The camera that Juan demonstrated the fall with, was Travis' camera that was entered into evidence.

Is that the camera JA told Det. Flores was in storage during her interrogation?
No proof that I know of. I'm on the "he didn't know she was coming" team.


I really, honestly and truly believe TA had no clue she was coming .... moo.
I don't know. They must have searched it because there could have been evidence hidden in there so maybe they found the camera but there wasn't anything useful on it?

I don't know which camera ( JA supposedly had 2) but one was asked for by the defense in court and Detective Flores said he would bring it the next day. I don't know which day this was but I am sure it was many weeks ago .
OT The whole money/lifestyle thing gets me too. It kills me that she was driving an Infinity! (It had to be new bc she talked about it being on warranty). Even in 2006 when she met Travis - she was only a waitress! Are tips that good? Isn't California an expensive place to live? Unrealistic expectations.


Well...waitress jobs can pay good money with tips but only if you're working and not off gallivanting across the country or leaving your job constantly to stalk boyfriends or leaving work constantly to confront your ex-boyfriends girlfriends.

We need a poll - did Travis know JA was going to his house the day she murdered him?

I vote no.
I have lost all sympathy for ALV .. any that was left has been eroded by watching and re-watching her answer juror questions that contradict her answers from mere seconds before, and ignore rational thinking for the sake of attempting to prop up a failing defence case that never had a chance to work in the first place because it was based on a ton of bald faced lies by the accused.

This may have been posted already, but it's the best article I've seen yet: http://eggtreenews.wordpress.com/2013/04/12/alyces-mad-hatter-kool-aid-party/

And you know what, there really was a case here for the defence team if they had managed to get jodi in front of a truly insightful psychologist / expert witness .. someone who could have discussed the REAL issues of this case. How a girl with a shaky past, who ceased being parented at a very young age developed a personality disorder which was never addressed and lurched from one failed relationship to the next then met a man she thought she loved who just wanted to have sex with her and discard her if someone he thought 'worthy' came along, only to pick up with her and discard her again for the next 'worthy' candidate. How that would effect someone with a severe personality disorder and perhaps why things ended up the way they did. I mean at least we'd be hearing an argument based on the truth of things, as opposed to the insulting and ridiculous defence put on.

No wonder the juror questions are harsh, they may as well have asked ALV if she thinks they are idiots, as that was pretty much the underlying message in all of them. No wonder Nurmi's gunning for a mistrial, the whole things a disaster, and you have to wonder at a defence team that didn't see this coming a mile off.

Note for next time Nurmi: Once you get your strategy together shell out for a focus group so you can get a little feedback on how things are going to go down, since clearly you have a hard time reading the writing on the wall yourself. Because you may not be able to get yourself out of this now, and it's not your head on the chopping block, it's your clients, and every future client is going to know about it.

Scathingly Brilliant as usual, Mrs. G! :seeya:
me too and I don't think she got there when she said she did...I think she got there after the roomie went to work...she knew their schedules. I think she sneaked in on Travis while he was sleeping....easy to get a man to have sex with you when you wake him up in a aahhheeemmmmmm certain way!!

I agree...she would not risk the roomie seeing her there...and, there's always that doggie door. I totally think she ambushed poor Travis..:twocents:
I keep asking this as a serious, not snarky question.... does the state of AZ have an requirements for a witness to be seated as an "expert"?

I think you need to be able to ride a horse, fire a six-shooter, and rope cattle. Also, I'm pretty sure you can't speak French and you need to know how to make a fire with sticks.
"Juror question #113 to JA:
JQ: Were you MAD at Travis when you were stabbing him?

JA: I don't recall FEAR being a prominent, I mean sorry, I don't recall ANGRY being a prominent...."

The above juror question is at the bottom of PPKik's postings and it made me remember something I've been meaning to ask...does anyone else think that maybe the juror who asked this question asked it as sort of a trick question? What I mean by this is that JA has said she does not remember the stabbings at alll, you know. the fog. But, if she doesn't remember the stabbings, how could she remember how she felt while doing the stabbing??

Good observation! These jurors (at least the ones asking questions) are paying attention to every detail and picking up on the slightest irregularity. It is possible the question was worded to trip her up and it did.

For one thing, I think she's lost her storied reputation, which was really the only thing she DID have. And she's 65. It's going to be tough to recover at that age. In your twenties or thirties, you can start over. But not now.

Makes you wonder how deserved that reputation was to begin with.

These two points are interesting. Seems as if everyone Ms. LaViolette has contact with in her work needs something from her and they're kind of held hostage until they get it. Even if it involves feigning interest in her twelve hour folksy anecdotal stories. Those who need her won't fight back, criticize or question. They'll be happy she "saved" them and the many groups are thrilled a legend in DV can speak at their events.

The only people at Maricopa Superior Court who needed her were the DT and they had no juice to roll out a red carpet. And she wasn't the star. So she decided to withhold information because Juanderful had no interest in listening to anything but "yes" or "no."

And she still doesn't see the part she played in her own implosion.
It appears that JM got both of the defense experts to admit that Jodi said or might have said to them that they gun was fired in the closet.

ALV says it was her error, but Dr. Sam said on tape that Travis grabbed Jodi's sweater, she remembered the gun, and grabbed it and fired it.
BBM. Yes, funny how having your throat cut can cause you to "pass away."

They'd probably have called a veterinarian and a sex therapist. I suppose we should thank our lucky stars, really.

I mentioned this awhile back. One of the defense attorneys in the Manson trial spoke of a victim "running to his place of repose" when he was fleeing from one of the knife-wielding Family members.
Here's my confession:

I'd rather run the risk of being somewhat dehydrated than miss a minute of JM! No fluids while JM is on. 'Nuh uh'. :what:

I like JM that much. Please don't judge me. Thank you. :blushing:

:floorlaugh: You're among friends. I just go in my space suit.
Of those choices I would exclude the grandparents as they seem to be of a low-fixed-income. Mom, perhaps, however Dad, no. Travis most likely not beyond what we already know he did for her. The other three, definitely good possibilities.



Can't forget Gus, he helped her out a time or two.
And how she references woman can only be the aggressor/batterer if they have an equalizer, such as a gun or knife. (paraphrasing) Chilling...

It's such a strange mix. On one hand she seems to be an empowered feminist, a pioneer in her field. And on the other hand she places all women in this denigrated victim's role.


No, no. You have not been paying attention! Survivor's role. :banghead: (I believe the term "victim" is no longer allowed. Especially for men who are chopped up by their jealous ex girlfriends.)
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