weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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LMAO Trudeau Jr. will say anything at this juncture. ANYTHING. (read: so will a snake oil salesman)

That said, if JW was busted for marijuana, she was busted for doing something illegal. It doesn't matter what it was, just that she broke the existing law at the time. As a lawyer she should know better than to break any law, she's governed by a code of ethics and professional conduct.

Not only will he say anything, he'll unsay it and say something totally opposite in another language if needed. C'est vrai mon ami! :seeya:
Kind of O/T but I was reading this book The Anatomy of Motive: The FBI's Legendary Mindhunter Explores the Key to Understanding and Catching Violent Criminals by John E. Douglas, Mark Olshaker and the two ex-profilers were discussing stalkers and mass murderers, serial killers and the danger signs, etc, explaining the difference between MM and SK.

The authors described how a serial killer works and it's alarmingly like stalkers in that they fixate on their target and find out everything there is to know about the target. They get the target's schedule down within the first few days because we're all creatures of habit. They know everything there is to know about you.

The stalker is relentless unless s/he becomes fixated with someone else (Jodi ...) and that's about the only way you're going to get rid of a stalker.

Just about the time I got the chills and was feeling freaked, the next paragraph was something like, "Your chances of being targeted by a serial killer are almost infinitesimal. You shouldn't worry about it or spend a lot of time obsessing about it. The chances of you being targeted are just so small."

Relieved, I turned the page. Then this: "But if by some chance you are targeted by a serial killer, you're dead. They've followed you, they've been in your house, they've touched your things, they've spent countless hours watching you. Once you're targeted, there isn't much that can be done to stop him."

The book went flying across the room and sat in a corner for days. DAYS. I finally creeped over to it, picked it up with my fingertips and dumped the book into the trash bin. Outside.

Totally irrational response but that was the closest I hope I'll ever get to even sort of understanding how a stalking victim feels.

I know how you feel! I haven't read that book, but I remember being completely freaked out the first time I read about how Ted Bundy would put a phony cast on his arm or ankle, drive onto a college campus and then ask for "help" getting his books to his car. I think I would totally have fallen for that.
That is exactly why she would need a storage unit, as she didn't have a permanent address. Obviously from the photos of her room at her grandparents' house it was very overcrowded already. I did understand she had a lot of books, artwork, etc.


I don't know how much storage units are there, but I bet they're more expensive to rent than here, and they're not cheap here at all!

As someone else was saying, who all was bankrolling this chick? Grandma and grandpa? Mom and dad? Darryl? Matt? Gus? Travis?
YIKES. My DD is there for three days with her friends, celebrating her 21st Birthday. I am afraid to even click that link. I don't want to know...anything...:blindfold:

Go ahead and click it. You'll see your lovely DD having a wonderful time out there in the desert. There's three music stages you can click on. Your DD is so lucky to be there!


Bat for Lashes on Stage Two now
"Juror question #113 to JA:
JQ: Were you MAD at Travis when you were stabbing him?

JA: I don't recall FEAR being a prominent, I mean sorry, I don't recall ANGRY being a prominent...."

The above juror question is at the bottom of PPKik's postings and it made me remember something I've been meaning to ask...does anyone else think that maybe the juror who asked this question asked it as sort of a trick question? What I mean by this is that JA has said she does not remember the stabbings at alll, you know. the fog. But, if she doesn't remember the stabbings, how could she remember how she felt while doing the stabbing??
So whatever happened with the camera in her storage locker? She talked about it during interrogation, haven't heard anything since then.

I don't know. They must have searched it because there could have been evidence hidden in there so maybe they found the camera but there wasn't anything useful on it?
ITA. What is the point of threatening her? It's one thing to write nasty reviews of her books, and another to threaten physical harm. I don't wish her ill either. For one thing, I think she's lost her storied reputation, which was really the only thing she DID have. And she's 65. It's going to be tough to recover at that age. In your twenties or thirties, you can start over. But not now.

Makes you wonder how deserved that reputation was to begin with.
I don't know how much storage units are there, but I bet they're more expensive to rent than here, and they're not cheap here at all!

As someone else was saying, who all was bankrolling this chick? Grandma and grandpa? Mom and dad? Darryl? Matt? Gus? Travis?

This may be out in left field, but has anyone thought that maybe Arias was stealing from Travis bank account, and that was what he was calling her out on in that one note of his?
She had all his passwords and codes for everything.
"Juror question #113 to JA:
JQ: Were you MAD at Travis when you were stabbing him?

JA: I don't recall FEAR being a prominent, I mean sorry, I don't recall ANGRY being a prominent...."

The above juror question is at the bottom of PPKik's postings and it made me remember something I've been meaning to ask...does anyone else think that maybe the juror who asked this question asked it as sort of a trick question? What I mean by this is that JA has said she does not remember the stabbings at alll, you know. the fog. But, if she doesn't remember the stabbings, how could she remember how she felt while doing the stabbing??

Great freudian slip too ..
I don't know how much storage units are there, but I bet they're more expensive to rent than here, and they're not cheap here at all!

As someone else was saying, who all was bankrolling this chick? Grandma and grandpa? Mom and dad? Darryl? Matt? Gus? Travis?

I agree. I'm constantly wondering where the money came from.

Her expenses were definitely low: no car payment (it had been repossessed), no health or other insurance, no rent, no utilities, I doubt if she paid taxes. But she also didn't work much, from what I can tell. Isn't there some story of her getting money from some guy she met in a bar in southern California? She had some sob story she fed him? I don't remember where I heard that or if it's true.

I bet she got some money from all of the people you mentioned.
When Samuels came out with that "I BEG your pardon, Sir!" I had the same reaction as ALV's time out thing -- both were rehearsed.

I know her dad was there one day. She had friends there every day, I think. Yeah, I think she was showing off for them.

Personally I found both Samuels and ALV to be disrespectful and extremely ill-mannered. A veritable embarassment to themselves and their respective professions IMO.

What IS the deal with her camera? Where is it? Is it another thing the DT successfully kept out? I have this nagging feeling there was a brief exchange about it between nurmi and JM at the very beginning of the trial. Anyone else remember? It's been so long ago, I could be wrong.

Even if I am, it is VERY strange we don't have the professional photographer's camera.

Im 90% sure JAs camera is in evidence. Didn't one side request the camera for examination at the very beginning of the trial (the other side had been in possession of it)? This is going back to the first week of trial. Maybe JAs camera is even the one JM dropped. Someone else please tell me they remember JAs camera in evidence or am I losing it?!
Look what I found lurking in my bathroom! Juan sure could have used this a good month ago.

Not only will he say anything, he'll unsay it and say something totally opposite in another language if needed. C'est vrai mon ami! :seeya:

Makes you wonder how deserved that reputation was to begin with.

A couple of weeks ago, I would have said she had a deserved reputation as a champion of women. Not any more, though. The more you get to know her, read what she's written and hear what she says, the more you realize she DIDN'T deserve her reputation.
Im 90% sure JAs camera is in evidence. Didn't one side request the camera for examination at the very beginning of the trial (the other side had been in possession of it)? This is going back to the first week of trial. Maybe JAs camera is even the one JM dropped. Someone else please tell me they remember JAs camera in evidence or am I losing it?!

Defense witness Lonny Dworkin testified to photos recovered from the defendant's camera.

The photos that were presented were the photos of the defendant with blonde & brown hair with her sister, friend, dog.

ETA: The camera that Juan demonstrated the fall with, was Travis' camera that was entered into evidence.
The latest Jodi photos show her in braided pigtails and a Superman shirt with Bobby. I think the braids and Superman were all her idea (not Travis).

I apologize if this has already been covered. It's hard to keep up.

Yes and thanks to ALV we now know she also had anal sex with Bobby too.
Based on my wild days living in Las Vegas and working as a cocktail waitress, dateing alot of guys (alot), I have only had two ask for that. So that had to be her idea too.
"Juror question #113 to JA:
JQ: Were you MAD at Travis when you were stabbing him?

JA: I don't recall FEAR being a prominent, I mean sorry, I don't recall ANGRY being a prominent...."

The above juror question is at the bottom of PPKik's postings and it made me remember something I've been meaning to ask...does anyone else think that maybe the juror who asked this question asked it as sort of a trick question? What I mean by this is that JA has said she does not remember the stabbings at alll, you know. the fog. But, if she doesn't remember the stabbings, how could she remember how she felt while doing the stabbing??

Because she stated to the jury that she can remember emotions (*cough*) but not anything else substantial while under the great fog.

In Jodie speak that means - I'm lying through my teeth :)

My question is: if it was all a fog, how would she remember the sound of the knife hitting the tile floor if she only remembers emotions?
This may be out in left field, but has anyone thought that maybe Arias was stealing from Travis bank account, and that was what he was calling her out on in that one note of his?
She had all his passwords and codes for everything.

I've wondered that, too, but I think Det. Flores must have looked for it and couldn't find anything.
Isn't it Juanderful that both defence witnesses have done nothing more than solidify Jodi's ability to manipulate and lie in order to concoct a defence, any defence, that will get her out of facing the full consequences for what she has done. Neither one has been believed, even IF believed neither one presented an argument which qualified for anything near self defence.

They've both done more harm than good, remember even here there were posters who were open to hearing arguments from both sides, were less sympathetic towards Travis than people are now, etc. The longer they've talked, and the more obvious it becomes that the defence has been built on the lies of the accused and nothing more, the more people have realised that the argument is built on nothing. Absolutely NOTHING. No matter what each witness has said it's all come back to the stalking and abuse AT Travis. God only knows how they carry on each day knowing the attempt has completely failed, the only thing protecting Jodi from reality is her own narcissism .. if it wasn't for that she'd be a complete wreck.

It'll be interesting to see her reaction at verdict and how she acts out during penalty phase, it really will...
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