weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #140

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Don't dress your defendant like a 8 yr old girl and put glasses on her/him to make them look like a old schoolmarm or nerd.

Don't assume your jury is stoopiddddddddd.

Don't think the public is either.:rocker:

Don't let your client peddle amateur artwork on eBay.
With all due respect, I think that some of you are getting a little catty about JA's hands. I know that you are just venting, but still...

I have larger than average hands -- I can't help it. I keep them as nice as I can, but what's a person to do? I'm just glad that they work.

(Casey A. has really tiny hands, IIRC)

:( Sorry.
Court date: 4/15/2013 @ 9:30 Case #: CR2008-031021
Case event: Trial Continues Camera ruling: In Session -Pool Camera/Still Cam Approved
Judge: Sherry Stephens Prosecutor: Juan Martinez
Defendant: Jodi Ann Arias Defense attorney: Kirk Nurmi/Jennifer Willmott
Case notes: Ex-girlfriend charged with the murder of former boyfriend Travis Alexander in Mesa.

Defense tried to shut down the pool camera!? Wow! Guess they don't want the world watching as they go down in flames...including a few witnesses credibility and careers IMO

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I found the article ALV wrote for the Women's Studies Encyclopedia, it's titled "Battered Husband Syndrome (and Other Tall Tales)".

In it she says "a woman's violence does not create a battered husband syndrome."


I am disgusted with ALV. Absolutely disgusted.

This is so telling. I'm really wondering if the meeting with the judge next week has to do with ALV's veracity on the stand.

On Friday, during juror question cross, JM asked to approach after ALV answered that she thought Travis was the perpetrator. Then he asked her to verify she was being paid for her assessment and the amounts.

Could it be he has some evidence to her bias?
With all due respect, I think that some of you are getting a little catty about JA's hands. I know that you are just venting, but still...

I have larger than average hands -- I can't help it. I keep them as nice as I can, but what's a person to do? I'm just glad that they work.

(Casey A. has really tiny hands, IIRC)

As long as you don't slaughter anyone with them .... they're beautiful! It's just easy to imagine her doing it.,, we seen the crime scene and close ups of hers due to her boo finger. And... Most of us here hate her!

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Has this been discussed here ?
New find to me ... Very interesting.

See link below, but this California Board of Psychology link says AVL is (was?) a "psychological assistant" who was only allowed to practice under the direct supervision of Dr Charles Thomas Stockton.
Further says ... Dr Stocktons license Is "revoked"
And that ALV License status says "cancelled".

Maybe this is what the judge was referring to when judge reminded ALV that she is still under subpoena and will be back Monday or Tuesday ?


Sorry, can't get the link to embed ...for easy click to.

I hadn't thought about it before, but maybe this is another reason why she, uh, doesn't have a high opinion of men. Didn't Dr. Stockton get in trouble with having an affair with a patient? Or doing something unethical to greatly anger a patient's husband? I can't remember the details. But for somebody like ALV who was struggling to get her career of the ground, working, and raising two children alone, this had to be a big blow.

I thought she called Gus after she was "notified" that Travis was dead? IOW on June 9. Do you have a link for this alleged call on the 5th? TIA

She called Gus and Matt while 'coming out of her fog and finding her cell charger' underneath her passenger seat.

Jodi Arias' former mentor and the defense witness, Gus Searcy, says Arias called him the night Travis Alexander died.

I'm sceptical about the laundry issue because I tend to think that the bedding may have been put in the washer after the sex but prior to the killing. Either JA in her "helpful cleaning lady way" or TA because he was a bit OCD about cleanliness apparently. So if that's the case, all she had to do in the clean up was transfer the bed linens from washer to dryer (where they were found) and drop in the new washer load and turn it on before leaving.


Yes, this is my thought exactly. But the more I think of it, it just makes more sense to me anyway ~ that they had already been washed and put in the dryer. I think JA had too much blood on her to put them in the dryer herself. There would be traces (at the very least) of blood on the sheets and comforter if she put them in the dryer . MOO
With all due respect, I think that some of you are getting a little catty about JA's hands. I know that you are just venting, but still...

I have larger than average hands -- I can't help it. I keep them as nice as I can, but what's a person to do? I'm just glad that they work.

(Casey A. has really tiny hands, IIRC)

I think it has to do with what she did with her hands more than the size. It's just spooky that a female could kill in the manner she did, and it's then noted the size of her hands. I doubt any of us would have noticed it if we weren't fixated on what her hands did. There's a lot of big things about me, LOL!

I thought she called Gus after she was "notified" that Travis was dead? IOW on June 9. Do you have a link for this alleged call on the 5th? TIA

i thought gus was the only one saying that and it was on a TV show.
JA's long skinny creature-like fingers are so repulsive to me I seriously can't stand looking at them. Same with her eyes - black like her soul.

The eyes are what capture my attention. One is more evil than the other and it fluctuates as to which one is dominant, which makes it all the more difficult to read given the brief time the camera is on her. Aggrevating...........
Were cell phone records examined thoroughly by forensics... I am just wondering if jodi perhaps sent messages from the computer to her phone and placing travis' number from the recipient. It is easy to do from the verizon site. It would look like he sent it but it def. Would not be on his cell record....and jodi could tp0ype away...would never put it past her.
She called Gus and Matt while 'coming out of her fog and finding her cell charger' underneath her passenger seat.

Jodi Arias' former mentor and the defense witness, Gus Searcy, says Arias called him the night Travis Alexander died.


So where the phone records? If there was anything to his tale... We would have heard about it! He wanted , in the worst way, to get his mug on TV. That's the tale he told. IMO not one interviewer asked him to produce phone records.

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i think DB is kind of a schlub. she left him in a really bad position with that house. he said at one point he was hoping she would help him by staying in the palm desert house (i THINK i have that right but would have to go listen again) but she had other fish (TA) to fry, apparently, and couldn't even do that for the man she spent 4 years with.
she quit her jobs and stopped helping pay any of the bills or the mortgage. she really did a number on ol' darryl financially.

he also said she never really said it was over. there wasn't an official break up. i think that's what JA did with ALL her men and it's one reason they were never really done with her.

i just think like most of her old BF's, darryl's not very bright. i DO give him credit for not marrying her though, even after 4 years with her.

I asked this about a month ago but I want to see if anyone might venture a guess... How did JA manage to spend 6 YEARS with DB and her psycho side didn't come out? Either DB had blinders on or JA was an excellent actress. (i almost vomited using the word Excellent in a sentence with Stabby Arias!):yuck:
Yes, this is my thought exactly. But the more I think of it, it just makes more sense to me anyway ~ that they had already been washed and put in the dryer. I think JA had too much blood on her to put them in the dryer herself. There would be traces (at the very least) of blood on the sheets and comforter if she put them in the dryer . MOO

Not if she showered off first. There isn't any blood outside his bedroom suite. That tells me she showered.

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so this is about Wong, correct?
If you are referencing this line:
Case event: Trial Continues Camera ruling: In Session -Pool Camera/Still Cam Approved

I think they just shows approval for cameras from InSession allowed in the court room, MOO
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