weekend discussion: discuss the trial here #154

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I think I can speak for all victim's families by sharing the words of a random travel agent who saw me struggle while making travel arrangements for my son's memorial.

He told me his daughter had also been murdered and he showed me her photo, which was right there on his desk. I have never forgotten his kind words. "I lost my daughter five years ago and I can tell you this. Your life will never be the same--you will never "get over" losing your child. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her and miss her. The difference is that now when I think of her sometimes I smile, remembering something she said or how funny she was. Time does heal but it does not take away the loss."

The families have to go on, we have to find humor and joy in life in spite of the tragedies that ended our loved ones' lives. We are never quite the same but in some ways, we are better--making each day count, making sure our remaining loved ones know we care, etc.

It is all right to laugh and enjoy your own life even though someone you loved with all your heart was taken from you. It is a way to honor them because it is what they would want for us.

Now I'm signing in again to say thank you to this People magazine on my lap as I'm goin to use it in 3 seconds from now to cover the tears filling my eyes and steaming on to my face. I love you too xoxo

AZ watcher I would love to meet you for a pitcher - gotta meet my bro after this - raincheck?
Exactly and...IMO...neither Samuels or ALV evaluated anything. They were too interested in feeling sorry for her and being her friend.

I agree. Dr. D's evaluation was the only PROFESSIONAL, non-biased evaluation we heard. ALV and Dr. S' s testimony was more life a fairy tale she told them and they repeated. Both should be very ashamed of their testimony and the face slap to real victims of PTSD and Battered Women Syndrome. Thank goodness for Dr. D! I really enjoyed her testimony and only wished she could have told more about the IT that is JA. She didn't have a horse running in the race so there was no reason for her to 'stretch the truth or the lies.'
Well, somebody contacted Jodi's mom and said she needed help and was bi polar. During Flores interview with her mom, she said that is why the family talked Jodi into moving back to Yreka so she could get help and be near family.

Jodi was a grown woman who would not allow her family into her life. She would be very resistant for her family to help her. After all, she probably did not think anything was wrong with her.

JA testified, when she was asked by a juror if she had ever received help for her mental condition and she stated no. I don't believe I have a mental condition.
Signing in from my pedicure whirlpool chair to tell you I love you for this post xo

Me too. Everyone here helped me grieve and ramble on about my mom dying last week. I have NO ONE else to talk about it to. And I believe the ONLY reason I was able to even get out of bed in the morning was because of all the love, support and kindness I was shown by everyone here..((((((THANK YOU)))))) so everyone....keep on being nosy...I :heart: you for it!
So if a woman is willing to behave like a sex slave then by all means take advantage of it? No thanks. I have a daughter and I would love to meet the 'boyfriend' that knicknamed her the three hole wonder.

Can you agree that this was said in the heat of the moment and that there is no proof that he actually called JA a "three-holed wonder" as a nickname? That's a stretch.

Have you never said anything to someone, while angry, that you hoped to never hear played back, or read, for the rest of your life?

As far as the sex-slave thing, there are some women who actually have those fantasies. That's why it's always important to tell the person you are with when you don't enjoy or like something. You can't accuse them of abusing you if you appear to like what they are doing. That would require them having the ability to read minds, and that can't be reasonable, can it?
So if a woman is willing to behave like a sex slave then by all means take advantage of it? No thanks. I have a daughter and I would love to meet the 'boyfriend' that knicknamed her the three hole wonder.

If she offers it, there's nothing wrong with it. It's her right to behave how she wants. They were consenting adults. She must not have been too offended by any names he called her (that wasn't a nickname, he only called her that once) because she sure wouldn't stay away.
Does anyone remember the date of the robbery at Jodi's grandparents home? I think it was May 28. Anyway, the date of her check to Travis for her car payment was May 28. If it was the same day, that girl was busy in her planning stage wasn't she!

She dated the check the 25th, the day before the texting blowup with Travis. I think she did that to "prove" to Travis that she was intending to pay him for April and May (and here it was almost June. Where was the June payment, then, right? Anyways....) I think she could have mailed this check on the 27-29th so he'd get it and be less upset with her when she showed up at his house. I also think she talked to him the morning of June 2nd about whether he'd cashed it yet, and could possibly be part of the reason she was trying to beef up her account o the way down there. He probably had intended to do it Tuesday or Wed. All conjecture, of course.

I would bet that going without sleep the first month your in an actual prison with a large population that are lifers.
Jodi will be scared stiff knowing there are some mean inmates in there and some are just a crazy as her and maybe more nuts.
I would really like to see her face when reality kicks in and she realizes where she is and it's either the death penalty or lwop . It's going to drive her (more nuts )having all day and everyday to do nothing but think about it.
If Jodi thinks the local jail she is in now is bad there's a big surprise when she walks into the big house and knows either way she won't be leaving except in a pine box.
I think that knowing by her admission she murdered Travis was bad enough.
But to show no remorse what so ever even years after the murder shows a coldness in her that goes right to the core of her soul.
If people are in any doubt as to her total guilt, everything and I mean everything from Jodi that has come from her mouth since day one has been a fabricated lie.
Everything she said was a lie so you can not believe anything she has or will say about her life period.
She has fooled the hired gun shrinks the defense had on but the house of lies has begun to crumble and the defense has used up all their damage control.
Soon this house Jodi built up is going to cave in and the jury will come in with the right verdict and Jodi can go have a look at her new digs.

The way I look at it is if Jodi at lest gets LOWP and has to spend the rest of her life in prison that everyday for her would be a living hell which she deserves.
I think there has been so much evidence and testimony given that shows her premeditated quilt that it would be hard for a juror to not convict.

These jurors are all qualified to be able to render a verdict of death and I feel they will deliberate well and come in with the right verdict.

We still have more to come from states witnesses and closing argument that will tie everything beyond a reasonable doubt so we and the jury will understand every bit of how this murder was premeditated. It will be summed up by Juan who will be putting it all into prospective and tied up nicely.

I think The defense team and possibly Jodi herself knows it's likely not going to go in their favor at all and that has been why they have been filing for a miss trial every few days.
It is all done in desperation as they know the story as told by her and the facts do not make her story plausible. The defense team has done the best they could considering what they had to work with.
I'll bet they will be just as glad as the jury when this trial is over and they walk away from physco Jodi.

Most markedly, they do not experience empathy or remorse. However, they can and do experience other emotions---as they relate to themselves. For example, my (diagnosed) antisocial husband showed a pretty flat affect during most of the demise of our marriage--a period of many months when it became clear, to me, that I was married to a complete stranger (even though I'd known him for over 30 years). I completely fell apart when assimilating the notion that my entire adult life was founded on fraud.

What he did was manipulate our lives so that I experienced the feelings for both of us; then, he responded with disgust and anger. And really demented pride that he was so strong while I was so weak. (After all, I was emoting all over the place.)

But most of the time, he was utterly impassive. I could quite literally be a puddle of snot and tears on the floor (25 years' worth of pain came out when I realized my life was ... a complete and utter fraud), and he'd simply step over me and carry on as though nothing was awry. When I begged him to talk, and he actually indulged me, he was either sneering and derisive (angry) or had a totally flat affect, with no emotion at all. His emotions ranged from blank, emotionless affect to scorn and seething anger. There was nothing else. No empathy, no remorse, no sadness, no anything. Except for anger. That was never very far below the flat surface.


I hate to say this, but I just divorced someone exactly like this a year ago this week.

THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO HELP SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT WANT TO BE HELPED. You can call their family (btw, usually already know and have tried to help them in the past), you can ask their friends for help, or you can waste years of your life trying to help them yourself. All you end up left with, is alot of wasted time on someone who has NO REMORSE for you or ANYONE else that doesn't serve them in the way they believe you should.

I also want to say that I don't believe anyone on this forum knows "anyone" or is "friends" with anyone they think could commit a crime as heinous as the one Jodi has committed. I think, if we did, we would run as far away from them as we could, because as mature adults we KNOW that 99% of people with this type of personality DO NOT WANT OR REFUSE TO GET HELP.

I'm not looking for a fight, believe me. I don't have an ounce of hatred in my body. I am just a victim and sad that I was fooled and wasted the best years of my life believing I was married to someone who loved me, only to find he was nothing but a lying deviant who only wanted what he could get from me and then just walked out on me without warning. I won't get into the gory details how devastating this was/is because I know that most of you are also Survivors, which is why I feel so safe here.

Thank you for letting me ramble. I think I may be too entrenched in the horror of this case and I probably should "walk away", but for some reason. I just can't.

Forgive me for the long post. I just HAD to get this off my chest. xo to all of you.
If there is anything on the docket for JA on Monday, it won't include the jury. The judge specifically told the jury no court on Friday or Monday, and to return to court at 9:30 on Tuesday...

Right, I was responding to a post is all.
You can't use the willing. JA is responsible for her behavior and whether or not she chose to get help for whatever issues she had. She was an adult. Travis was not obligated to meet Jodi's parents for any reason. Implying that she had no control and simply "erupted" is silly given the amount of premeditation we know about.

There is a lot of presuming going on the Travis and Jodi were more involved than they actually may have been. She never lived with him. He was constantly correcting people that Jodi was not his girlfriend. While they seemed to have gotten along really well I do believe Travis was trying to encourage Jodi that she was not what he was looking for and they needed to go their own way. Jodi describes it as their "breaking up". I think the attraction for Jodi to become a Mormon was the excitement of breaking the rules and being able to get away with it.

I do think Travis tried to correct Jodi's behavior by threatening to tell everyone what she was doing unless she told him the truth of what she had done. Must have been pretty bad considering the language. Jodi responded by way of what she felt was appropriate. By the time you learn that someone is capable of doing something so drastic as this it is usually too late. Only Jodi knew she was capable of such rage.
JA testified, when she was asked by a juror if she had ever received help for her mental condition and she stated no. I don't believe I have a mental condition.

And she seemed indignant about the question.. She is aware of everything she did. She is not a lost little girl she is a woman who feels entitled to have whatever she wants and if not given to her, she takes it or destroys it.
:seeya: I too re-watched DB's testimony not long ago. On redirect, he stated he didn't know of Mesa, but that Jodi said Arizona... Which, is just as damning since Arizona was never her supposed plan either. It's so interesting to go back and watch these first parts knowing what we know now. Everything stands out like a "bent tendon slit finger."

So in deliberations the jury could ask to look at any of these tapes to rewatch them and refresh memories?
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".

Imo - there is no anger or hatred in hell that can rival the anger and hatred of woman who made a full court press to win a man but was rejected (and many times in a cavalier or callous way).

It can also be an earthly power, feeling, or capability which is stronger than anything else one might find in any other realm.

I'm surprised no experts have really brought this up.
The thing about everyone graduating from Med school is a Dr is false. I'm in med school, and I won't be a Dr when I graduate (because that's not what I'm there for).
Right, I was responding to a post is all.

However that may not be true now. I can not imagine what else it is for. Private hearings seem to be put on the docket as such..

If you look before hearings there is a request for it first.. in the docket. Nothing here. We have no idea if something changed. Maybe they decided that they needed to add the day to get things moving???

Guess we will know on monday.
Yes, I think if Travis took the time to contact and or visit JA's Mom, the real story might have become apparent and this waste of life diverted. I believe as sharp as Travis was, the truth would have been understood.

Jodi made her decisions and she has no one to blame but herself. There are plenty of BPD people out there that have never harmed anyone, except for maybe themselves.

It's very clear that Jodi is just too much of a selfish narcissist to take any personal responsibility. She'd rather hurt someone else and make someone else pay for her bad decisions.

Listen to her testimony, read her journals, listen to her interrogations. Nothing is ever Jodi's fault. She had sex because Travis taught her wrong, she left a message on his phone after she killed him because a friend said something, and on and on and on. I haven't heard her take responsibility for one single thing.

She continues to make decisions every day in court, very much in control. If she wants it done, she wants it done, and then she can blame someone else later if the outcome isn't what she thought it would be.

Blaming Travis or anyone else for what Jodi has done is no different than what Jodi has done every day of her life. And I don't think it would have changed the outcome. She meant to make him suffer and she did.
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