Welcome To Websleuths # 4

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Ooops. On the thread I am currently active in - Mystery doorbell woman - I seem to have lost the ability to quote a previous post. It may be temporary, and it may be intentional as a way for our mods to better monitor the thread. Just noting it here in case others are having the same challenge. Apologies if this is a known strategy that has been discussed before. It’s just the first time I have noticed it. Thanks.

The thread is closed

Thanks for the answer bears10.
Tip to others before reporting not being able to reply or quote:
Check the last post on the thread in question. At the bottom in small letters it may say “Not open for further replies”. Good to know.
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I am thinking this forum needs to be divided into subjects.

If I am looking for help on a particular topic, how can it be found among all the pages and posts in “Welcome to Websleuths”?

Several examples:
1. On the previous page, Marguerita discusses the number of Likes Received on the new site and how to go back to check your number from the old sight that didn’t carry over. Great Information. As many of us may not use that info or save it at the moment, how do we find it at a later date? Search has never been user friendly to me.

2. Another example is the ongoing questions regarding timeouts, points, mods letting us know when we get a TO, etc. There are pages of half answers if we were to Search, but nothing addressing the entire working system.

Does anyone have a suggestion? TIA.
I am thinking this forum needs to be divided into subjects.

If I am looking for help on a particular topic, how can it be found among all the pages and posts in “Welcome to Websleuths”?

Several examples:
1. On the previous page, Marguerita discusses the number of Likes Received on the new site and how to go back to check your number from the old sight that didn’t carry over. Great Information. As many of us may not use that info or save it at the moment, how do we find it at a later date? Search has never been user friendly to me.

2. Another example is the ongoing questions regarding timeouts, points, mods letting us know when we get a TO, etc. There are pages of half answers if we were to Search, but nothing addressing the entire working system.

Does anyone have a suggestion? TIA.

Maybe you could type up an index of topics with corresponding post numbers and keep it updated.
A FAQ thread with a prominent link could be helpful.
Yes a good FAQ is something that is near the top of my list.

Flute4peace or anyone reading this for that matter why don't you come up with a list of questions you would like to see in the FAQ? Also, please add questions and answers to the simple things. Things you already know the answer to but a newbie might not. I'll start a thread so we can make it a separate discussion
On my profile it says 6 people are following me (so unpopular, lol), but it only lists 5. Who is the 6th person? Is Big Brother watching me?

I'm following you Flossy, am I in your list? I have my privacy settings set really high so perhaps it doesn't show who I follow? But I don't mind if people know I'm following them. :D
Here is a bug/undesired feature that is affecting my use of the site:

Under the "History" tab and also in the section called "New Threads" the little orange tags in the subject of the threads are not visible.

For example, the thread DC - Delonte Rindgo, 17, Washington, 14th May 2018 has an orange tag that says "DC" but you can't see it in New Threads so it could be any town Washington in any state.


Not having the little orange tag also means you can't see if the status of a person has changed when looking across threads in the History tab. So someone might have been found, and the "Found Safe" tag added, but you can't see that in the History so you might think they are still missing.

A solution would be to have the orange tag be consistently visible in the subject of threads in any place the threads appear on the site.
Here is a bug/undesired feature that is affecting my use of the site:

Under the "History" tab and also in the section called "New Threads" the little orange tags in the subject of the threads are not visible.

For example, the thread DC - Delonte Rindgo, 17, Washington, 14th May 2018 has an orange tag that says "DC" but you can't see it in New Threads so it could be any town Washington in any state.

View attachment 146679

Not having the little orange tag also means you can't see if the status of a person has changed when looking across threads in the History tab. So someone might have been found, and the "Found Safe" tag added, but you can't see that in the History so you might think they are still missing.

A solution would be to have the orange tag be consistently visible in the subject of threads in any place the threads appear on the site.

I think it was like that on the old site too. The prefix DOES show up under your watched thread list though and it also appears when you click on the thread or view the forum the thread is located in. So if you want to know when a status of a case has changed simply choose to watch the thread and you will see the prefix when it is changed. If you only want to browse case threads before someone is found choose to watch the missing persons forum for new cases to read-- you can also get alerts when new threads are created in those forums. The alerts show prefixes. HTH.
Here is a bug/undesired feature that is affecting my use of the site:

Under the "History" tab and also in the section called "New Threads" the little orange tags in the subject of the threads are not visible.

For example, the thread DC - Delonte Rindgo, 17, Washington, 14th May 2018 has an orange tag that says "DC" but you can't see it in New Threads so it could be any town Washington in any state.

View attachment 146679

Not having the little orange tag also means you can't see if the status of a person has changed when looking across threads in the History tab. So someone might have been found, and the "Found Safe" tag added, but you can't see that in the History so you might think they are still missing.

A solution would be to have the orange tag be consistently visible in the subject of threads in any place the threads appear on the site.

That's weird because the rest of the threads in your screenshot have the state.
That's weird because the rest of the threads in your screenshot have the state.

Oh, I think I misunderstood the question. That particular thread is like that because the person who created it wrote the title like that. It has nothing to do with a bug in the system. When we create new threads in the missing section we have to BOTH select the state prefix tag from the drop down menu AND then repeat the state abbreviation in the body of the title. Otherwise when the thread is moved to "found safe" or "found deceased" there will not be a state in the title. When the mods move it they change the prefix so that no additional characters need to be squeezed into the title. That is probably the reason that prefixes don't show up in the "New Threads" list. Most of them would just be naming the state twice (ie: DC DC). Sometimes people don't realize this when creating threads or they forget to also put the state in the title. No big deal, just alert on that thread and ask for a mod to edit the title.
Can somebody please check and tell me if you see the posts in this thread: OH - OH - Six Women Missing from Middletown and Nearby Areas Since May 2016

I thought it was a bug yesterday or my computer loading slowly but I checked it again today and I still do not see any posts. There are two pages to the thread and it says "14 more messages" but only the link I posted yesterday shows up for me on the 2nd page. There is just a blank space where the posts in the thread should be.
I see people tagging other WSers with the @ symbol before their screen name. But that doesn't do anything, does it? People who are tagged don't receive a notification, do they?
I see people tagging other WSers with the @ symbol before their screen name. But that doesn't do anything, does it? People who are tagged don't receive a notification, do they?

@Inthedetails I don't have alerts enabled, but if you do, can you see this in an alert?
Can somebody please check and tell me if you see the posts in this thread: OH - OH - Six Women Missing from Middletown and Nearby Areas Since May 2016

I thought it was a bug yesterday or my computer loading slowly but I checked it again today and I still do not see any posts. There are two pages to the thread and it says "14 more messages" but only the link I posted yesterday shows up for me on the 2nd page. There is just a blank space where the posts in the thread should be.

I see the same thing.
Well - strange today - I got Chinese letter characters in the "New Thread" stuff - the one of the right side of the page....
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