Welcome To Websleuths # 4

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Hi Everyone,

If you receive 5 points within 30 days you get an automatic timeout 3-day timeout. 30 days after receiving the points the points drop off.

There is no way for the mod to give anyone any points without a private message aka conversation being sent to the person receiving the points.

You will receive an alert that you have a new conversation in your inbox. That conversation is generated when you receive points or a timeout and explains why you received the points. It tells you exactly what you did to get your points.

What really bothers me is there is no way for you all to see how many points you have acquired. We can see them but you can't which makes no sense to me at all. I am assuming Xen Foro decided the message you receive every time you get points was enough. That's just my opinion

I understand the questions about the timeout system have not been answered to your satisfaction and as soon as it is humanly possible I will be able to explain in more detail.
Lilibet if you have anything else you would like to discuss on this topic please send me a private message.

What I love is when other members step in and help answer questions.

I really appreciate everyone who helps out on this thread. Thank you.


Hi Tricia

Thanks for this.

When I was on a time out, I did not receive a PM informing me of points, should I assume that at that time, I had no points?

Also, I wasn't informed of how long I was on a time out for, is there anyway we can find that out? As it wasn't included in the PM that I received.
waiting for Shanann & Mollie's threads to open. Can I get an exact time "when" these will open U.S.A. morning? ET? CT? PT?
It now is about 8:45AM ET.

@Tricia or @sillybilly - Thanks! :)
Click your name on the top right of the page and a little window will pop up then inside that you click "contact details" and that takes you to where you can change your preferences regarding emails.
R.e. receiving a copy of private messages to one's email: Thank you!
Thank you Tricia, that clarified things somewhat.
When I was on a time out, I did not receive a PM informing me of points, should I assume that at that time, I had no points?

Also, I wasn't informed of how long I was on a time out for, is there anyway we can find that out? As it wasn't included in the PM that I received.
Same here -- I got a PM from sillybilly stating I was on time out and why, but with no indication of how long or how many points I'd accrued.
Hi Everyone,

If you receive 5 points within 30 days you get an automatic timeout 3-day timeout. 30 days after receiving the points the points drop off.

There is no way for the mod to give anyone any points without a private message aka conversation being sent to the person receiving the points.

You will receive an alert that you have a new conversation in your inbox. That conversation is generated when you receive points or a timeout and explains why you received the points. It tells you exactly what you did to get your points.

What really bothers me is there is no way for you all to see how many points you have acquired. We can see them but you can't which makes no sense to me at all. I am assuming Xen Foro decided the message you receive every time you get points was enough. That's just my opinion

I understand the questions about the timeout system have not been answered to your satisfaction and as soon as it is humanly possible I will be able to explain in more detail.
Lilibet if you have anything else you would like to discuss on this topic please send me a private message.

What I love is when other members step in and help answer questions.

I really appreciate everyone who helps out on this thread. Thank you.


Just making sure of something: so, if I get an alert saying that a post has been deleted for such & such a reason, that does NOT mean that I received any points--since that would be a conversation that explicitly mentioned points?
Just making sure of something: so, if I get an alert saying that a post has been deleted for such & such a reason, that does NOT mean that I received any points--since that would be a conversation that explicitly mentioned points?

I’ve rarely gotten an alert when a post of mine is deleted, and when I did it was on the old non-point system, and once associated with a time out. I don’t think mods have time to send an alert just for deletions, unless it’s for the purpose of giving points. JMO But that’s a very good question.
Let me check with SB. I will be driving home this weekend and I have no idea what waits for me back home. I cannot commit to when I will be back on to answer but as soon as I can I will post the information.

I’ve rarely gotten an alert when a post of mine is deleted, and when I did it was on the old non-point system, and once associated with a time out. I don’t think mods have time to send an alert just for deletions, unless it’s for the purpose of giving points. JMO But that’s a very good question.

I received two alerts for deleted posts, recently. There was no mention of points--so that's why I wondered whether or not I'd gotten points. (The posts were deleted for mentioning an organization that evidently cannot be named. I knew we couldn't link to it--but I had NO idea we couldn't even say its name! And I've searched through the rules, and can't even find it mentioned in the rules--probably my lack of searching skill.) (Its a fairly famous fundraising organization.)

So, so far I hear that I probably wouldn't have gotten an alert unless I got points....but the alert didn't mention points....

Editing to add an afterthought: I think it's very good that we know when our posts have been deleted--how else can we learn. I wonder if there's an automated system that doesn't take much mod effort--that would certainly be good.
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I received two alerts for deleted posts, recently. There was no mention of points--so that's why I wondered whether or not I'd gotten points. (The posts were deleted for mentioning an organization that evidently cannot be named. I knew we couldn't link to it--but I had NO idea we couldn't even say its name! And I've searched through the rules, and can't even find it mentioned in the rules--probably my lack of searching skill.) (Its a fairly famous fundraising organization.)

So, so far I hear that I probably wouldn't have gotten an alert unless I got points....but the alert didn't mention points....

Interesting. I hope it was a “courtesy alert” filling you in on some of the unwritten rules (that’s one of them). :) I’m sure Tricia can clear it up, or you can message the mod who sent you the alert.
[S]@WS Admin[/S]

I think the problems I experienced below are all from hsving turned off Java-script temporarily. I will leave this as an example to others of what may occur without Java being enabled.

FYI.... this may be a fluke, but I have cleared cookies/data and reset my ipad but I am getting this (see screenshot) every time I try to "like" a post. It asks "are you sure you want to like the post?" is this something new (and annoying) or just a glitch that will go away? Thanks

Well, I was going to add the screenshot, but I keep getting a page that says to "upload an attachment" and can't get beyond that.
ETA .... goodness, the pics did post, but I don't know how. Call me perplexed,

And one more thing ... my text box turns yellow when I am typing now; that's new, too, isn't it? or have all my marbles left me with a head full of dead air space?


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Bringing this forward from another thread:

Hi everyone, been on Websleuths forever but rarely post, I'm sure I have had more than 3 likes!

(Hi Gecko100, I have to giggle at your post bc it appears you’ve been a member here since 2010 so I’m sure that you do have more than 3 likes with 522 posts lol. There was a forum transfer to a new software platform recently and in the process everyone’s “thanks” (now called “likes”) didn’t transfer...its funny because now for old members, on their profiles, it looks like they had a bunch of posts which nobody found valuable lol. Oh well :). I did notice something however, there is a place on your profile (“postings”?) which pulls up the pages of all your thanked posts at the very bottom, I accidentally came across it the other day. I guess if one really wants to know how many thanks they have they could multiply the posts per page by the number of pages...I’ll try it and see if it works.
ETA: Ok it’s actually under “Likes You’ve Received”, if you scroll all the way down there’s a menu bar with pages of your likes, mine says 8694 pages. Now I will check the number of posts per page...ok it’s 20 posts per page. So, in my case that would be 8694 x 20, whatever that is. Eta: So that would be 173,880 likes/thanks out of 26,807 total posts (right now it just says 16,706 likes). I’ll add this post to the Welcome to Websleuths 4 thread for anyone who wants to try it. I think some other people might have asked about this as well.)
Ooops. On the thread I am currently active in - Mystery doorbell woman - I seem to have lost the ability to quote a previous post. It may be temporary, and it may be intentional as a way for our mods to better monitor the thread. Just noting it here in case others are having the same challenge. Apologies if this is a known strategy that has been discussed before. It’s just the first time I have noticed it. Thanks.
Ooops. On the thread I am currently active in - Mystery doorbell woman - I seem to have lost the ability to quote a previous post. It may be temporary, and it may be intentional as a way for our mods to better monitor the thread. Just noting it here in case others are having the same challenge. Apologies if this is a known strategy that has been discussed before. It’s just the first time I have noticed it. Thanks.
Sometimes quotes I’m referencing don’t load so I just reload the page and try it again and then it works.
Bringing this forward from another thread:
ETA: Ok it’s actually under “Likes You’ve Received”, if you scroll all the way down there’s a menu bar with pages of your likes, mine says 8694 pages. Now I will check the number of posts per page...ok it’s 20 posts per page. So, in my case that would be 8694 x 20, whatever that is. Eta: So that would be 173,880 likes/thanks out of 26,807 total posts (right now it just says 16,706 likes). I’ll add this post to the Welcome to Websleuths 4 thread for anyone who wants to try it. I think some other people might have asked about this as well.)

THANK YOU for this tip marg. I sheepishly admit it makes me feel better knowing that number LOL!
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