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4sure said:
Just in case some may doubt the "sex ring" "child *advertiser censored*" big money goverment cover ups you may want to check this out.Conspiracy of Silence mp4
It takes a few moments to load.

Thanks for the link. I wasn't doubting that this happens and had been at least partially exposed in Boulder the previous summer, correct? It was an international ring? Stands to reason they wouldn't have gotten all of them. (Not saying I'm off the fence, just acknowledging a good possibility.)
They may only have an idea of who was behind it. They did turn over names they suspected. Some here only ridicule them for it. It's also very possible the R's are involved in JBR's death and if not in something bigger. They may be very aware that there could be further repercussions (they do have other children and Burkes future to think about) if they get to pushy but need to stay just pushy enough to stay out of jail themselves.

I can relate to that idea.

You know, back on 8/17/06 I think it was, Joe Scarborough was hosting Tucker Carlson's show. He had a debate with Susan Filan and Wendy Murphy, then Pat Brown (who supported Wendy), and Pam Paugh. But during the show, he had Flavia Colgan and Alan Stock on. Stock, a radio DJ, mentioned that, even if the Rs were cleared of the murder, they weren't cleared of the cover-up.

I'm with LinasK. I used to be a die-hard RST. Won't get fooled again!
Work with me on this I have most of the acronyms figured.. But RST?
SuperDave said:
I can relate to that idea.

You know, back on 8/17/06 I think it was, Joe Scarborough was hosting Tucker Carlson's show. He had a debate with Susan Filan and Wendy Murphy, then Pat Brown (who supported Wendy), and Pam Paugh. But during the show, he had Flavia Colgan and Alan Stock on. Stock, a radio DJ, mentioned that, even if the Rs were cleared of the murder, they weren't cleared of the cover-up.:confused:

I'm with LinasK. I used to be a die-hard RST. Won't get fooled again!
4sure said:
They may only have an idea of who was behind it. They did turn over names they suspected. Some here only ridicule them for it. It's also very possible the R's are involved in JBR's death and if not in something bigger. They may be very aware that there could be further repercussions (they do have other children and Burkes future to think about) if they get to pushy but need to stay just pushy enough to stay out of jail themselves.
True,but they turned in ppl who sound very honorable(like the White's and Santa Bill),and just about all their friends in Co.That much reeks of desperation to appear innocent,as well as lack of a conscience on both their parts.
Eagle1 said:
This makes so much sense to me I want to remind us of it, although I've only read the first page of this thread so far and still have about seven pages to go to catch up.

In several ways it does seem this was all preplanned and that a lot of people knew. (The friends all being dressed so early that morning and ready to come running, BPD making excuses such as short handed and not opening that door, etc.) Higher-ups being involved makes a lot of sense.

And I do hope JonBenet was sedated enough that what happened to her was not too horribly painful, but she screamed loudly I firmly believe Melody Stanton and Barnhill were telling the truth but were silenced. The reason she tried the 911 call when molested on the 23rd, imo if you're right about her usually being sedated, would have been because that night she wasn't sedated, some perp may have forgotten, who'd maybe had too much to drink. Realized she was now dangerous to him and had to promise the after-Christmas extra visit, to finish her off. Poor innocent little kid.
Either silenced, or were afraid they'd be implicated after realizing the controversy involved.IMO it's likely she did hear a scream, and her husb. heard the metal scraping sound,from something in the basement.IMO,(is this Occam's Razor theory?),since the scream was heard coming from the basement and JB was found in the basement,it seems likely she was killed there too,pretty much ruling out toilet rage.
jfk said:
my thoughts were on that when i read your post, so i'll form them here.

if the R's KNEW that it was going on, and then the death occurred, they'd be just as reticent to disclose because of their involvement in child *advertiser censored*, even by association - even if not convicted, they'd be socially and financially ruined. probably to be guilty of that is worse than guilt of 2nd degree murder.

why would they have know about it and not done anything? - YET - (i'm thinking this through as i type) - let's see...

1) they DISCOVERED A FRIEND involved and hadn't quite made up their mind how to respond when the murder happened.

2) John's being blackmailed and CAN'T do anything about it.

3) They're being paid WELL to take part in it.

just thoughts, nothing more.

i read the first part of Singular's book. didn't get far enough into it to see him tie JBR to the Racket. seems to be catching on...?

as far as John's labelling other suspects, no matter what anyone thought of him doing so, the detective's duty is to check all of them out. Thomas states that everyone was checked and cleared. i can't believe that these detectives didn't HOPE to find a trail leading elsewhere. They just couldn't for a reason. I guess.

Odd phone calls placed to John's office that can't be checked because the feaking circus that was Hunter's office thought a warrant for phone records wasn't necessary. smacks of something governmental, and i'm NOT a Cons. Theorist.
What about threatened as well ...JR could've been worried about PR's safety as well as the safety of his other kids.
IF either of them did it,what I find odd is JR letting PR go on national tv as sedated as she was.Wouldn't he have been worried she would slip up and inadvertently tell something?The tv appearance could've been to send a message to the killer(s)? I don't recall what all was in the tv interviews,I just rem. thinking it odd about the low reward amt(which i read isnt offered anymore), and them saying they werent angry with the killer,and wanted to get on with their lives(another message maybe?).Since BR said that too,maybe he was told to say it as a message that he wouldnt pursue anyone (or say anything,if he knows something),once he got old enough to.
Eagle1 said:
This makes so much sense to me I want to remind us of it, although I've only read the first page of this thread so far and still have about seven pages to go to catch up.

In several ways it does seem this was all preplanned and that a lot of people knew. (The friends all being dressed so early that morning and ready to come running, BPD making excuses such as short handed and not opening that door, etc.) Higher-ups being involved makes a lot of sense.

And I do hope JonBenet was sedated enough that what happened to her was not too horribly painful, but she screamed loudly I firmly believe Melody Stanton and Barnhill were telling the truth but were silenced. The reason she tried the 911 call when molested on the 23rd, imo if you're right about her usually being sedated, would have been because that night she wasn't sedated, some perp may have forgotten, who'd maybe had too much to drink. Realized she was now dangerous to him and had to promise the after-Christmas extra visit, to finish her off. Poor innocent little kid.
What I keep thinking odd is the fact SS didn't open the door to the police.I would think most ppl would be polite enough to do that,esp since it was the police,not a stranger.That's just basic manners,which she prob. knew but didn't exercise for some reason.(That's not to say everyone at the party is guilty of something).
JMO8778 said:
What about threatened as well ...JR could've been worried about PR's safety as well as the safety of his other kids.
IF either of them did it,what I find odd is JR letting PR go on national tv as sedated as she was.Wouldn't he have been worried she would slip up and inadvertently tell something?The tv appearance could've been to send a message to the killer(s)? I don't recall what all was in the tv interviews,I just rem. thinking it odd about the low reward amt(which i read isnt offered anymore), and them saying they werent angry with the killer,and wanted to get on with their lives(another message maybe?).Since BR said that too,maybe he was told to say it as a message that he wouldnt pursue anyone (or say anything,if he knows something),once he got old enough to.
I've only seen a snippet of the interview but from what I hear, JR looked like he was on the edge of his seat with worry what PR might say..

Capps, a poster here, is of that belief, maybe she has her theory in the theory thread if you wanted to look.
narlacat said:
I've only seen a snippet of the interview but from what I hear, JR looked like he was on the edge of his seat with worry what PR might say..

Capps, a poster here, is of that belief, maybe she has her theory in the theory thread if you wanted to look.

Narla, I don't think we have a members' theory thread any more. And JMO has a point, I think. Although none of our points have proved anything one way or the other, so far, there've been some good ones, and I've also thought if the R's were guilty, wouldn't they be afraid Patsy would slip up by going on TV sedated?

There are comedians who can imitate Hollywood stars so perfectly any of us can recognise them and be amazed. Somebody please answer my question, couldn't they also study the stars' handwriting styles if they wanted to commit a crime and frame them? And they'd be show-off people just as much as PR, even more so. The RN seems to me to be showing off, power. Only it leaves out the sex motive. But if I'm off-subject, just skip this, I've posted in other threads where appropriate. I'm just not getting an ans.
JMO8778 said:
True,but they turned in ppl who sound very honorable(like the White's and Santa Bill),and just about all their friends in Co.
I think the R's would stand has "very honorable" people before JBR was slain, yet you seem convinced that they could be killers. People are not always what they seem.
JMO8778 said:
That much reeks of desperation to appear innocent,as well as lack of a conscience on both their parts.
The people they named are the people they suspect. It would be a lack of conscience to not name someone as a suspect just because they are a friend. Its been the subject of other threads that friends like the Whites were relatively new and in no way did they name "just about all their friends in Co. that would seem to be an exsageration.
narlacat said:
I've only seen a snippet of the interview but from what I hear, JR looked like he was on the edge of his seat with worry what PR might say..

Capps, a poster here, is of that belief, maybe she has her theory in the theory thread if you wanted to look.


Nope,I never said that,and it was never my belief. You must have me confused wih another poster.
capps said:

Nope,I never said that,and it was never my belief. You must have me confused wih another poster.
Sorry Capps, misunderstanding.
What I meant was this:

The tv appearance could've been to send a message to the killer(s)?

From JMO8778's post no. 186 in this thread.

I thought that was part of your theory?
(sorry if it wasn't, could have sworn it was you..)
I've only seen a snippet of the interview but from what I hear, JR looked like he was on the edge of his seat with worry what PR might say..

He was! He nearly wet his pants.

There are comedians who can imitate Hollywood stars so perfectly any of us can recognise them and be amazed. Somebody please answer my question, couldn't they also study the stars' handwriting styles if they wanted to commit a crime and frame them? And they'd be show-off people just as much as PR, even more so.

That's true enough. Get enough practice...

I think the R's would stand has "very honorable" people before JBR was slain, yet you seem convinced that they could be killers. People are not always what they seem.

You said it.
Eagle1 said:
Narla, I don't think we have a members' theory thread any more. And JMO has a point, I think. Although none of our points have proved anything one way or the other, so far, there've been some good ones, and I've also thought if the R's were guilty, wouldn't they be afraid Patsy would slip up by going on TV sedated?
True,but I still think theyre either guilty(one or the other),or know who did it.As a businessman,JR seemed extremely concerned aobut his reputation.I think the TV appearance was more about that than anything else.As well as the Jan 5th appearance in church.He seemed so anxious to get in the spotlight and appear to be a good person/family."God-fearing",as PR put it.(red flag according to ST).And in DOI,PR says JR 'thought they should go to church that day'.IOW----I think he was more worried about his/their public appearance than anything else.PR's little speech did sound rehearsed.(both times).I think JR told her what to say,if not a PR person.
Overall,I try to consider every scenerio,but not one of them leaves the R's not knowing anything,as they say.My gut feeling is that PR is the one who did it;I don't think JR would have let her go on tv at all if he were the guilty one.
4sure said:
I think the R's would stand has "very honorable" people before JBR was slain, yet you seem convinced that they could be killers. People are not always what they seem. The people they named are the people they suspect. It would be a lack of conscience to not name someone as a suspect just because they are a friend. Its been the subject of other threads that friends like the Whites were relatively new and in no way did they name "just about all their friends in Co. that would seem to be an exsageration.
I beleive anyone the R's point the finger at is almost assuredly NOT guilty.If any of them had something on the other,then I think one of them would have talked by now.The fact the R's didn't point a finger at the Stine's at all is suspect to me,seeing as how they threw everyone else under the bus so readily.(I don't know if that inc. the Fernie's too,anyone know?).
Eagle1 said:
There are comedians who can imitate Hollywood stars so perfectly any of us can recognise them and be amazed. Somebody please answer my question, couldn't they also study the stars' handwriting styles if they wanted to commit a crime and frame them? And they'd be show-off people just as much as PR, even more so. The RN seems to me to be showing off, power. Only it leaves out the sex motive. But if I'm off-subject, just skip this, I've posted in other threads where appropriate. I'm just not getting an ans.
But PR wasn't famous or anything.It would've been difficult at best,I think,to get close enough to her to be able to imitate her handwriting and language enough to be able to pull that off.
4sure said:
I think the R's would stand has "very honorable" people before JBR was slain, yet you seem convinced that they could be killers. People are not always what they seem. The people they named are the people they suspect. It would be a lack of conscience to not name someone as a suspect just because they are a friend.
It's a lack of conscience for the R's to name people whom they know are innocent,too.Honorable ppl like the White's,who've done more and acted more caring than the R's ever did.And even sick, unhealthy ppl, like Santa Bill was..that's very sad. I recall reading when he died,how his wife was saying that he was so upset that anyone could ever think that he could ever have anything to do with JB's death.
I'm just appalled when I read other websites claiming these ppl to be guilty.
I bet the R's would be willing to let innocent ppl go to jail,if it made them appear innocent.

Its been the subject of other threads that friends like the Whites were relatively new and in no way did they name "just about all their friends in Co. that would seem to be an exsageration.
WOW,yes, they did, too.In ST's book,he says they threw the last of their friends in Co. under the bus.Even ppl who defended them, inc. Jay Elowsky(sp?) whom they lived with at one time,after they went back to Co.
Overall,JR seems to have approached JB's death in a ruthless,businesslike manner.
JMO8778 said:
But PR wasn't famous or anything......

Well that's an excellent point. But frankly I'm thinking "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold", though I didn't see that movie and don't even know the story line. Just keep thinking that title. Someone said there were a lot of ulterior motives among the spies in the story. I may rent it one of these days.

We haven't had a spy theory yet, have we? But that might explain a lot of things.

If he was a bully making war on this family just because he COULD, with impunity, he could have made it his business, good spy skills practice for his bag of tricks, to learn her handwriting. Would have immunity, which might explain the inept DA's, etc.

Not saying this is my fave theory. I don't have one. Just a thought.

The note really seemed to be showing off and bragging that he could monitor these people and have power over them, probably why it's so long, an ego trip. If any of this is true, he's probably going to blow his own cover?

If imitating somebody else's handwriting was something he was very proud of, he could have worked on it a lot, could have been in the house before and stolen some samples. Anything's possible. Editing to remind us that a spy might tend to have foreign factions on the brain more than PR or anyone else we know of. She was smart, but I don't think THAT smart. A lazy spy who watched a lot of movies instead of working?
Eagle1 said:
Well that's an excellent point. But frankly I'm thinking "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold", though I didn't see that movie and don't even know the story line. Just keep thinking that title. Someone said there were a lot of ulterior motives among the spies in the story. I may rent it one of these days.

We haven't had a spy theory yet, have we? But that might explain a lot of things.

If he was a bully making war on this family just because he COULD, with impunity, he could have made it his business, good spy skills practice for his bag of tricks, to learn her handwriting. Would have immunity, which might explain the inept DA's, etc.

Not saying this is my fave theory. I don't have one. Just a thought.

The note really seemed to be showing off and bragging that he could monitor these people and have power over them, probably why it's so long, an ego trip. If any of this is true, he's probably going to blow his own cover?

If imitating somebody else's handwriting was something he was very proud of, he could have worked on it a lot, could have been in the house before and stolen some samples. Anything's possible. Editing to remind us that a spy might tend to have foreign factions on the brain more than PR or anyone else we know of. She was smart, but I don't think THAT smart. A lazy spy who watched a lot of movies instead of working?
Don't try and kid us Eagle, yes we've had one- from you!
You even tried to say Shapiro was a spy the other day on some thread, I forget which one now.

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