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coloradokares said:
Steve Thomas was not asked to quit. He simply could not take what was going on between the DAs office and the BPD any longer. He could see that no matter what they were never going to take the evidence and hard hard long hours and do anything with it regardless. He knew in his heart they had more than made the case. He carried a warrant for the arrest with him at all times, the police were that certain of the evidence. He felt if they'd been allowed to make the arrest the house of cards would crumble and they'd of had their confession shortly. However when he realized that Alex Hunters office was never going to prosecute till they had airtight .. or a confession he felt that he'd rather swing a hammer and work hard in construction do an honest days labor. He was not known in Boulder as a dirty cop. Boulders Loss. This case's loss. JMHO

FALLACIES, I've mentioned before, a whole list of them, include being too emphatic about things we can't KNOW for sure, one way or the other. It hurts our credibility, makes us sound young too.

And we're getting sidetracked even discussing our subjective opinions of ST's personality. He probably had the book in mind, getting ahead of the rest of the department whatever it takes, and I'm glad he wrote it. Whether or not he felt respected enough in the department ISN'T really important to us, after all, is it?
coloradokares said:
Steve Thomas was not asked to quit. He simply could not take what was going on between the DAs office and the BPD any longer. He could see that no matter what they were never going to take the evidence and hard hard long hours and do anything with it
That all could be ture and I'm sure a big "cover up in the DA's office" believer, however it does not change the fact that his theroy is embarassingly silly.
4sure said:
That all could be ture and I'm sure a big "cover up in the DA's office" believer, however it does not change the fact that his theroy is embarassingly silly.
Unless of course you live in or around Boulder and know how it works and it fits like OJ's glove never did.
Thomas's theory was embarrassingly silly? No more so than some conspiracy theory that isn't supported by the evidence.

Thomas didn't just scrape his theory up off the inside of his skull because that was his impression and his impression only...he followed the evidence and saw it indicated the Ramseys were involved and someone had staged the crime scene. The staged crime scene didn't fit with the evidence on JonBenet's body, such as the tape being applied after she was dead and a complete lack of defense wounds, indicating she was unconscious when strangled. The fact that the body was still in the house and wiped down and redressed and wrapped in a favorite blanket indicated the person who staged the scene cared for her. Plus the ransom note was a huge red flag, most notably to FBI agent Ron Walker, who set up phone taps on the Ramsey house the morning of 12/26, waiting for the kidnapper to call.

Thomas wasn't the only one thinking the evidence pointed right at the Ramseys, either. He had some very qualified experts backing up his theory, such as FBI's CASKU unit.
Eagle1 said:
FALLACIES, I've mentioned before, a whole list of them, include being too emphatic about things we can't KNOW for sure, one way or the other. It hurts our credibility, makes us sound young too.

And we're getting sidetracked even discussing our subjective opinions of ST's personality. He probably had the book in mind, getting ahead of the rest of the department whatever it takes, and I'm glad he wrote it. Whether or not he felt respected enough in the department ISN'T really important to us, after all, is it?
I sound young? WHOO HOO!! Tell my grandaughter nearly 17 that. She thinks I am way to old fashioned and a dinosaur. The picture you miss unless your from the 23 square miles surrounded by the rest of reality. Is Boulder CO was not then and is not now just a bubble in the center of the country where life is as everywhere else. You make your first mistake to think it operates like everywhere else. It does not. Its not even close to most of the rest of Colorado. Not that its a bad place. Nice place even . Beautiful. However you have already missed the boat by a country mile if you do not factor in the Boulder factor. Steve Thomas was a square peg in a round hole. He honestly thought when he was hired out of Boulder that he was hired to do his job. Tsk He shoulda known better. He just wanted to be a good Officer. He wasn't out for books. He didn't want a little 6 year old girl to die in Boulder so he could write a book. He wanted JonBenets murderer(s) to be brought to justice. He thought if he went out and did the hard work that produced the evidence and found the bad boys they'd prosecute them. He found out that prosecution in Boulder was not really prosecuting at all. if your case ever made it up the food chain, and that only applied to those cases you couldn't refer to a social program or advocate away in the first place. If you don't live it, it might sound a little unbelievable. But let the records of prosecution on cases stand for themselves. Steve Thomas was IMHO a hard working man who wanted to be in law enforcement because he believed in the White Horse Black Horse get the bad boys off the street, Law and Order justice that most of the nation Demands as their standard. Not a good thing if the DA's office in Boulder wasn't there to prosecute but would rather assist them in getting in touch with their inner child and how does this make you feel. Sorry I love Boulder. Steve Thomas moved on. Not because he didn't do his job. But because he did.
Your insight on how Boulder operates is invaluable, Coloradokares. We are fortunate to have you here with firsthand knowledge of what many of us have only read about. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us what you know.
Linda7NJ said:
So Patsy suffered from panic attacks and probably depression. Hmmmmmmmmmm

Also, certain antidepressants such as Zoloft and Klonipin can calm a person so much that one is incapable of feeling or showing genuine emotion. I know someone who took these drugs to help with depression and anxiety and she literally could not cry. She knew the given situation was sad but she could not show it. The picture of PR by JBR's gravestone with her own hands around her neck? Looks like she is trying to MAKE herself cry and can't. Very fake.
A lot of people don't like that picture, kidzndogznme.

Can't think why...
I've shown that picture to people who don't know the pertinent details of the Ramsey case, and they have also said it looks fake and posed. You know, just the idea that she sat there and allowed photographers to take pictures while she was visiting her daughter's grave bothers me. Mourning JonBenet should not be a photo op like that. What I want to know is, how did photographers know Patsy would be there to visit JonBenet on that day at that time?

I've heard the same thing about people on anti-depressants, but that was in reference to Prozac. A friend of mine said the meds kept her on an even keel - she wasn't as depressed, but she no longer got extremely happy, either.
Eagle1 said:
Narla, I don't think we have a members' theory thread any more.
I was looking for the members' theory thread today too. What happened to the thread?
Nuisanceposter said:
Your insight on how Boulder operates is invaluable, Coloradokares. We are fortunate to have you here with firsthand knowledge of what many of us have only read about. Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us what you know.
You are so welcome.
coloradokares said:
Priscilla White made a dish of cracked crab up for JonBenet to take home with her. Not that she made special just for JonBenet to eat that no one else could have that night. The meal at the Whites was buffet style.
Are you sure she took it home with her?I may have missed that.Anyway,In ST's book,he says JR says the White's may have(or tried to,I don't have my book at the moment) drug them all.And in DOI,JR emphasizes the special plate made just for JB.So that stuck right out at me.And then when this thread appeared,it made me wonder if perhaps there were drug(s) found in JB.Esp. since the R's say JB was 'zonked' before they got home,they carried her straight to bed,and she never woke up after returning.In DOI,JR says he 'couldn't believe how sound asleep she was'.All of that raises some suspicion to me,although if there was anything found in JB,I don't think the White's did it.But by JR insisting the White's tried to drug them,emphasizing the special plate made by PW just for JB(not to mention they've even tried to blame the White's for JB death),and the fact they say she was 'zonked',they couldn't beleive how sound asleep she was ,and that she never woke up, I can't help but think something was found at the autopsy that wasn't released.JMO.
JMO8778 said:
Are you sure she took it home with her?I may have missed that.Anyway,In ST's book,he says JR says the White's may have(or tried to,I don't have my book at the moment) drug them all.And in DOI,JR emphasizes the special plate made just for JB.So that stuck right out at me.And then when this thread appeared,it made me wonder if perhaps there were drug(s) found in JB.Esp. since the R's say JB was 'zonked' before they got home,they carried her straight to bed,and she never woke up after returning.In DOI,JR says he 'couldn't believe how sound asleep she was'.All of that raises some suspicion to me,although if there was anything found in JB,I don't think the White's did it.But by JR insisting the White's tried to drug them,emphasizing the special plate made by PW just for JB(not to mention they've even tried to blame the White's for JB death),and the fact they say she was 'zonked',they couldn't beleive how sound asleep she was ,and that she never woke up, I can't help but think something was found at the autopsy that wasn't released.JMO.
I am pretty sure. Priscilla said she was making up a plate for her since she loved it so much. Like a doggy bag of it if you will. I don't have my books here either right now. But I am pretty certain that was the context of it.
How I remember the situation is that apparently the White's had some left over cracked crab. Knowing JonBenet loved crab,Priscilla made her a small dish of the left over crab.I don't remember it being made as a "special" dish,or a dish was prepared for her to take home.It seems no one can even remember if she ate the crab or not.

I think it simply was left over crab,not having enough to serve everyone,and knowing JonBenet loved it,Priscilla put it on a plate for JonBenet. From my take on it,it didn't seem like a big deal.
capps said:
How I remember the situation is that apparently the White's had some left over cracked crab. Knowing JonBenet loved crab,Priscilla made her a small dish of the left over crab.I don't remember it being made as a "special" dish,or a dish was prepared for her to take home.It seems no one can even remember if she ate the crab or not.

I think it simply was left over crab,not having enough to serve everyone,and knowing JonBenet loved it,Priscilla put it on a plate for JonBenet. From my take on it,it didn't seem like a big deal.
I don't think the White's tried to do anything to her,what is suspect to me is what JR said in ST's book,page 258,2nd paragraph:

The White's had been deeply hurt by the Ramsey's naming them as possible suspects in the murder of a little girl they loved as much as their own daughter.Then when Fleet challenged John Ramsey after the funeral in Atlanta,their friendship ended, and the White's became targets of a savage attack.Not only did John Ramsey suggest Priscilla White may have used a stun gun on JonBenet,but a Ramsey pit bull defender named Susan Stine slipped police 31 elaborate reasons why suspicion should fall on the White's.The preposturous claims of suspicious behavior ranged from the entire Ramsey family possibly being drugged during the White's Christmas party to Priscilla enjoying room service at the Holiday Inn in Atlanta.The White's were in a crosshairs of assault designed to smear their credibility.
I beleive JR himself inserted suspicion, through innuendo, against the White's in DOI.(pages 8 and 9...I can't type all that out right now).
But....what was it he so anxious to account for?The same with the Stine's...why throw suspicion onto the White's? ...What did they have to hide? IMO,obviously there is much more going on here,even though it wasn't said directly.IMO, the Ramsey's and the Stine's are all too anxious to accuse the White's to cover up something they themselves did or had involvment in, for whatever reason remains unknown.
Back in May I posted this:

"IMO,"throwing people under the bus",is an unfair phrase to be using toward the Ramsey's.
First off,the Ramsey's weren't randomly and voluntarily saying "I think this one may have done it!" They were being asked by the LE to think of anything,or anyone at all,that in hindsight seemed strange.
Secondly,and more importantly,we have to remember,a lot of the people the Ramsey's befriended in Boulder,were not life long friends from way back when.The Ramsey's only lived in Colorado for I believe five years? So some of these friends were only known to the Ramsey's for five years ... some less.Not alot of time to find out that some of them may have had weird skeletons in their closets.
In all honesty ... if it were me,after finding my daughter the way they did .... I would have no mercy,I would be spewing out anyone's name that I thought in the tinest way seemd strange. I may ruin some friendships along the way,but I would be doing all my apologizing after my daughters killer was in jail."

I still feel the same way.
narlacat said:
Yeah, me too.

I'm sorry about your eyes, it must be awful to lose your sight, I hope all goes well.

Capps will pop back soon enough I guess.


Sorry it took me so long to respond,but honestly,I wrote that theory almost two years ago and try as I might to discuss it at that time,not many posters seemed interested. I tried to go back to my previous posts to retrieve my theory,but could not find it. It's unfortunate that the "Members Theory's" thread was taken off,because a lot of posters put a lot of time and energy into it.

I don't have the time or stamina to try to rewrite it over again ... also a lot has changed since then.

But, to answer your question,I did think at that time,that the author of the ransom note covertly was letting JR know that he was not just some random crazy guy off the street,but some one he knew,(hence throwing in the personal information,the bonus amount,use your good southern commom sense,which was an inner circle joke,etc.)The rest was just filler thrown in to sound like a typical ransom note.

That was the gist of it anyway ... but it was connected to a whole long theory I had at the time,but the post is gone.
capps said:
Back in May I posted this:

"IMO,"throwing people under the bus",is an unfair phrase to be using toward the Ramsey's.
First off,the Ramsey's weren't randomly and voluntarily saying "I think this one may have done it!" They were being asked by the LE to think of anything,or anyone at all,that in hindsight seemed strange.
Secondly,and more importantly,we have to remember,a lot of the people the Ramsey's befriended in Boulder,were not life long friends from way back when.The Ramsey's only lived in Colorado for I believe five years? So some of these friends were only known to the Ramsey's for five years ... some less.Not alot of time to find out that some of them may have had weird skeletons in their closets.
In all honesty ... if it were me,after finding my daughter the way they did .... I would have no mercy,I would be spewing out anyone's name that I thought in the tinest way seemd strange. I may ruin some friendships along the way,but I would be doing all my apologizing after my daughters killer was in jail."

I still feel the same way.
Yes the did unfairly target those who I am sure they had to know could not have been responsible for the death of JonBenet. Friendships were lost. That is true but what of peoples reputations. Let a friend of yours falsely accuse you an you'd want a retraction and apology sooner than JonBenet's killer has seen the inside of a jail cell. It would be fair to put your self in both sets of shoes.
capps said:

Sorry it took me so long to respond,but honestly,I wrote that theory almost two years ago and try as I might to discuss it at that time,not many posters seemed interested. I tried to go back to my previous posts to retrieve my theory,but could not find it. It's unfortunate that the "Members Theory's" thread was taken off,because a lot of posters put a lot of time and energy into it.

I don't have the time or stamina to try to rewrite it over again ... also a lot has changed since then.

But, to answer your question,I did think at that time,that the author of the ransom note covertly was letting JR know that he was not just some random crazy guy off the street,but some one he knew,(hence throwing in the personal information,the bonus amount,use your good southern commom sense,which was an inner circle joke,etc.)The rest was just filler thrown in to sound like a typical ransom note.

That was the gist of it anyway ... but it was connected to a whole long theory I had at the time,but the post is gone.
What happened to that thread anyway, why is it gone?

Like what?

Thanks for getting back Capps, when the other person mentioned it, I was reminded of you and your theory.

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