WFTV - Some kind of protester tussle just happened?

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"Neighbors are sick of demonstrators. Friday, a group dressed up like devils and said they were waiting for Casey Anthony in hell.

The HOA asked a judge to sign an injunction to move the protestors to a vacant lot down the street. Meanwhile, the HOA has planted trees where reporters and protestors often stand, forcing them now to stand in the street."

HOA is doing its own limiting. Protestors may need to buy the house accross the street soon just so they have a place to stand lol.... Go HOA!!! I would want my HOA to work this hard if I was a neigbhor there!!!!!
D I S T U R B I N G ! ! ! Snip ...while they were out there fighting ANYBODY could have snuck in that house behind them and gotten to Casey.

I keep thinking the same thing. And anyone with a cordless drill and 1/8" drill bit could have found out where Caylee is. She would have begged to talk to Yuri. But I digress.

I am serious when I suggest that Cindy wear a MP3 player. She could listen to Mozart or Guns-n-Roses, her choice. Then she could ignore the protesters. It is not in her to ignore them if she hears them.

Green balogna, day old bread and plenty of tossed salad.
What I find appauling is the little boy. The way I see it is the guy who came and grabbed the protester pushes her back and the back door closed on the kid's arm. He is lying on the ground and some woman grabs his arm and tries to like drag him up off the ground. Then she just leaves him there and proceeds to go to the protester. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. I don't see the reasoning in going to a protest (little boy in tow) to protest the family of baby Caylee and then treating her own child like he doesn't exist when he's hurt and in need. What is wrong with people? I honestly just don't get it. For what it's worth I don't think Cindy had any right to storm her car like that either, but let's face it, Cindy does what Cindy wants, same with all of the A's. It's what happens to the little boy that unnerves me...
After watching the protestors (if u can call them that at this point) last night they made me sick, is all they are trying to do is get more drama going and to be part of the action, wether it be a confirtation with one of the A's or there face on the news. However with that being said.

The A's are the same way why would Cindy at that hour of night go out and fix the no trespassing tape that is just rediculous as well. She no's the HOA is waiting to see if these protestors have to do it at the front gate why not just hold out till the verdict comes out and see. They want the action as bad as the protestors do. Im sorry but the protestors and the A's get what they deserve. and i totally agree kids need to stay home.

I also beleive if the HOA says they hve to stay at the gate then they will go away because they wont get no action. and the A's will then start talking more cause they wont be getting the attention either.



Eventually Cindy will burst into song!

"If I had a hammer........."​

I vote for this as "the post of the day"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What I find appauling is the little boy. The way I see it is the guy who came and grabbed the protester pushes her back and the back door closed on the kid's arm. He is lying on the ground and some woman grabs his arm and tries to like drag him up off the ground. Then she just leaves him there and proceeds to go to the protester. This is absolutely disgusting behavior. I don't see the reasoning in going to a protest (little boy in tow) to protest the family of baby Caylee and then treating her own child like he doesn't exist when he's hurt and in need. What is wrong with people? I honestly just don't get it. For what it's worth I don't think Cindy had any right to storm her car like that either, but let's face it, Cindy does what Cindy wants, same with all of the A's. It's what happens to the little boy that unnerves me...

I agree that the mother of this little boy was negligent herself. That's really sad to see the child hurt like that!

The mother of this child and others like her are no different then Cindy, IMHO. They all thrive on D R A M A!!
My heart is broken for Cindy. She has lost not only her OWN daughter, but now, also her beloved granddaughter that she loved, cared for and raised since she first drew breath. She must be an emotional mess right now, and I can understand how she IS losing it. She is a mother defending her children, and she is in a volatile state of mind. Peeps should take it easy on poor Cindy, as I think she is on the brink of a complete breakdown. I think if they do find Caylee that she is going to have to be hospitalized when the denial can no longer shield her from the truth, and I REALLY do feel for her. She is not in a rational state of mind right now, and these "protesters" should leave her alone and not incite her into a rage. She has enough pain to deal with without all of that. imoho of course...

I agree with that. I liken it to "I can say whatever about/to my children, but don't anyone else dare too." In public she WILL protect her child, because that is what mothers do. Like people say, God help those who come between a mother and her child.
Seriously, would anyone one here want to BELIEVE their own child did something this horrific? I know I would not want to wrap my brain around that.
What I find appauling is the little boy. The way I see it is the guy who came and grabbed the protester pushes her back and the back door closed on the kid's arm. He is lying on the ground and some woman grabs his arm and tries to like drag him up off the ground. Then she just leaves him there and proceeds to go to the protester. This is absolutely disgusting behavior.

You saw EXACLY what I saw. The adult protestors hurt their own.

So who's gonna protest about the protestors 'child abuse'?
People think Cindy is strong, but I consider her weak. She is too weak to make her grown daughter accept responsibility for what she has done. A strong person who has a child like this uses TOUGH LOVE. What about poor little Caylee??? Cindy needs to put her daughter back in jail. Instead of using the money to bail Casey out she should use it to help with victim's rights. JMHO
You saw EXACLY what I saw. The adult protestors hurt their own.

So who's gonna protest about the protestors 'child abuse'?

EXACTLY my point! At the very least, BLATENT neglect! They just leave that poor boy laying there to continue their angry tirade. VERY Disturbing...
Not taking up for CA but the only way I leave my house without hair and makeup done is if the house is on fire. Again, a Suthern Thang. Momma would never let us leave the house not dressed and this included hair and makeup. It's that little sumthin' I do for myself, 30 minutes of me time and I think every women, mother, wife, daughter should have daily so I don't begrudge CA taking 30 minutes daily for herself. JMO
Not taking up for CA but the only way I leave my house without hair and makeup done is if the house is on fire. Again, a Suthern Thang. Momma would never let us leave the house not dressed and this included hair and makeup. It's that little sumthin' I do for myself, 30 minutes of me time and I think every women, mother, wife, daughter should have daily so I don't begrudge CA taking 30 minutes daily for herself. JMO

True about the Suthern Thang.

Cindy's from Ohio, I think. Don't know if it's Suthern Ohio, tho'. Would that count???
True about the Suthern Thang.

Cindy's from Ohio, I think. Don't know if it's Suthern Ohio, tho'. Would that count???

I'm a Southern Gal myself and I know the "rules" but when it's 90+ degrees outside.. hair wilts and make-up slides right off your face... so you ain't always perfect.. no matter how hard you try..
I still say she preps for her appearances...
Wow... I know it's been said here several times before, but after seeing that video I agree it's just a matter of time before something really bad happens. Some angry, redneck woman is going to grab Cindy by the hair and all hell is going to break loose...

It is a volitile situation, I agree. There is no point to it. Everyone is talking about Constitutional Rights but the thing is we may have the right to do some things but should we do them is the point. Putting other children in harms way is not the answer. I feel sorry for that little boy, he obviously was hurt and was ignored by all the adults...even the media did not go to his aid they just kept rolling tape. Shame on them as well. I wish protestors and media would pack up and leave. Then I would have to quit watching this circus too. JMO
You saw EXACLY what I saw. The adult protestors hurt their own.

So who's gonna protest about the protestors 'child abuse'?

I did! I sent an email to the OCSD and the DFS!

Pizzes me off! These people need to go home and take care of their own before they start protesting others. :mad:


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