WH Court Hearing 11 May-GJ 20 May, Indicted on Six Charges

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Snipped by me: JH doesn’t think that anyone who knows Anjelica is involved.“Everybody that we know that she talks to has either been at my house on Tuesday or is involved helping in some way, shape, fashion or form. We’ve reached out to college kids, old kids from high school here. We’ve reached out to everybody. There’s nobody that we haven’t been able to account for.”


Yes because a person guilty of kidnapping (or worse) has never ever been known to live with the victim, or interject themselves in to an investigation or join the search party for the victim, in a crime they actually committed.

This makes perfect sense. :thinking:
Does anyone remember the source of the tip that led police to the Northside Park search on March 11?
Transcript by rev.com of the interview. I have to see it in black and white.


Speaker 1: Wesley Hadsell was previously a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was using cocaine to get back into the gang. Those are accusations that were revealed in court today. Wesley is the adoptive father of Angelica "AJ" Hadsell, a Norfolk teen who was found dead last month. News Channel 3's Marissa Jasek has the story.
Marissa Jasek: Wesley Hadsell broke into a woman's home, found his missing daughter's jacket, and tried to hide the truth from police by threatening others. Those are accusations prosecutors made in court today, where Wesley faces several felony charges. All connected to his adoptive daughter, AJ's, disappearance. In all, 4 witnesses testified today. Their statements helped lay out a timeline leading up to Wesley's arrest.
It starts March 5th, 3 days into the search for AJ. That day, the Commonwealth says a man named Corey French found part of AJ's debit card. French lived at the house Wesley is accused of breaking into on Halprin Drive, a block from the Hadsell home. The next day, March 6th, 18 year old Andre Barr, who lives at the Hadsell home, testified that Wesley admitted to the break in, finding AJ's Longwood University jacket stuffed behind a couch cushion, and leaving it out for Barr to find. That night, Barr says Wesley told him and others about the break-in and said if they told police, they "would be dealt with." Then March 8th, Barr goes to this hotel off East Little Creek, where Wesley was living. There, Barr says he watched Wesley hide bullets in an AC vent and listened for hours as Wesley talked about his violent criminal past and wish to once again join the Aryan Brotherhood.
The Commonwealth believes this testimony shows Wesley's repeated attempt to manipulate and intimidate witnesses. Barr admits he first told police he found AJ's jacket but later changed his story, telling investigators it was Wesley all along. The break in charge was dismissed, though. The judge ruled prosecutors couldn't prove intent. His other 5 felony charges will go to a grand jury next week.
In Norfolk, Marissa Jasek, News Channel 3.

Thank you. WOW.
Which is why I'm having a hard time believing WH scared the witnesses into withholding information from LE by threatening them with big bad Aryan Brotherhood. JMO. They've known WH for a long time - long enough to be aware of his empty posturings.

I think there were other reasons no one came forward before they did. But I think they're using this AB crap for their own benefit. Eventually, this is all going to blow WIDE open.
Imagine a guy like WH, with the mental state we can surmise he has, given what we know of him, have heard and seen, and learned of his past behavior. Most AB members are similarly off-center (JMO/educated judgement) We know he was in prison for a long time after committing several crimes very popular with AB induction: kidnapping, robbery and B&E. He spent part of that prison time in AB controlled territories. It is extremely likely that he "joined" the AB while in prison or was on track to joining which is why he went to prison in the first place (I know it sounds crazy, but people actually do this). AB induction is a long process - he has only been out for 5 years. Murder is a common "test" and an even more common "job" on the outside, along with drug transport and dealing, which we have evidence to suggest. This does not make WH grand or special by any means - he would be the lowest toad on the totem pole, and the AB have no qualms about using their own as patsies, mules or pin cushions IMO, especially if they screw up.

Now I agree with you, I really don't know how CS or even AJ couldn't feel it out, or how no one noticed his AB prison tattoo, which he must have if he is a member. Or maybe this knowledge is part of why he and JH separated to begin with?

Or it could totally be like Elisa Baker and he is just a huge fan of Sons of Anarchy. "Google my name, and you'll know what kind of guy your're dealing with." :laughing:

Honestly? I think WH is a huge fan of WH.
We all want Justice for AJ. She did not deserve any of this. With that being said, Everybody and Anybody involved in any way in AJ's disappearance and demise should be held accountable for their actions and/or inaction (but more so actions IMO). But what's sad is, when I stop and think about it all, especially after seeing/hearing some of the things that came out at the hearing today, I do feel some who were involved, in one way or another, will walk away with no criminal charges, because they are needed as witnesses, their testimonies are needed for the prosecution, and they will all stick together like glue, and in the end - regardless of the roles they *may* have played in AJ's disappearance and demise - they will NOT be held responsible.

a few beans have already fell out of the pot...won't be long now that a few for more bail out before it starts to boil ;)
The hotel? I wonder if they would have seen his pals coming and going, as that may have been the center of his drug activity?

Nuther thought, again the "gas station" could that be a hint of something happening at some particular gas station where Hadsell and others May have been active too?

A year ago, AJ liked this artist on her feed

I looked lurked a little further... ugh.. those home videos..
Transcript by rev.com of the interview. I have to see it in black and white.

Speaker 1: Wesley Hadsell was previously a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was using cocaine to get back into the gang. Those are accusations that were revealed in court today. Wesley is the adoptive father of Angelica "AJ" Hadsell, a Norfolk teen who was found dead last month. News Channel 3's Marissa Jasek has the story.
Marissa Jasek: Wesley Hadsell broke into a woman's home, found his missing daughter's jacket, and tried to hide the truth from police by threatening others. Those are accusations prosecutors made in court today, where Wesley faces several felony charges. All connected to his adoptive daughter, AJ's, disappearance. In all, 4 witnesses testified today. Their statements helped lay out a timeline leading up to Wesley's arrest.
It starts March 5th, 3 days into the search for AJ. That day, the Commonwealth says a man named Corey French found part of AJ's debit card. French lived at the house Wesley is accused of breaking into on Halprin Drive, a block from the Hadsell home. The next day, March 6th, 18 year old Andre Barr, who lives at the Hadsell home, testified that Wesley admitted to the break in, finding AJ's Longwood University jacket stuffed behind a couch cushion, and leaving it out for Barr to find. That night, Barr says Wesley told him and others about the break-in and said if they told police, they "would be dealt with." Then March 8th, Barr goes to this hotel off East Little Creek, where Wesley was living. There, Barr says he watched Wesley hide bullets in an AC vent and listened for hours as Wesley talked about his violent criminal past and wish to once again join the Aryan Brotherhood.
The Commonwealth believes this testimony shows Wesley's repeated attempt to manipulate and intimidate witnesses. Barr admits he first told police he found AJ's jacket but later changed his story, telling investigators it was Wesley all along. The break in charge was dismissed, though. The judge ruled prosecutors couldn't prove intent. His other 5 felony charges will go to a grand jury next week.
In Norfolk, Marissa Jasek, News Channel 3.


Thank you! Some images from Ms. Jasek's report about court today

Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.10.09 PM.jpg ~ Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.10.21 PM.jpg ~ Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.10.18 PM.jpg ~ Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.08.57 PM.jpg ~ Screenshot 2015-05-11 at 11.08.59 PM.jpg
Transcript by rev.com of the interview. I have to see it in black and white.


Speaker 1: Wesley Hadsell was previously a member of the Aryan Brotherhood and was using cocaine to get back into the gang. Those are accusations that were revealed in court today. Wesley is the adoptive father of Angelica "AJ" Hadsell, a Norfolk teen who was found dead last month. News Channel 3's Marissa Jasek has the story.
Marissa Jasek: Wesley Hadsell broke into a woman's home, found his missing daughter's jacket, and tried to hide the truth from police by threatening others. Those are accusations prosecutors made in court today, where Wesley faces several felony charges. All connected to his adoptive daughter, AJ's, disappearance. In all, 4 witnesses testified today. Their statements helped lay out a timeline leading up to Wesley's arrest.
It starts March 5th, 3 days into the search for AJ. That day, the Commonwealth says a man named Corey French found part of AJ's debit card. French lived at the house Wesley is accused of breaking into on Halprin Drive, a block from the Hadsell home. The next day, March 6th, 18 year old Andre Barr, who lives at the Hadsell home, testified that Wesley admitted to the break in, finding AJ's Longwood University jacket stuffed behind a couch cushion, and leaving it out for Barr to find. That night, Barr says Wesley told him and others about the break-in and said if they told police, they "would be dealt with." Then March 8th, Barr goes to this hotel off East Little Creek, where Wesley was living. There, Barr says he watched Wesley hide bullets in an AC vent and listened for hours as Wesley talked about his violent criminal past and wish to once again join the Aryan Brotherhood.
The Commonwealth believes this testimony shows Wesley's repeated attempt to manipulate and intimidate witnesses. Barr admits he first told police he found AJ's jacket but later changed his story, telling investigators it was Wesley all along. The break in charge was dismissed, though. The judge ruled prosecutors couldn't prove intent. His other 5 felony charges will go to a grand jury next week.
In Norfolk, Marissa Jasek, News Channel 3.

So where were the bullets before he was hiding them in the vent? I wonder if they were just laying around in his room where the cleaning people would see them when they came in. I wonder if Andre knew they were missing or reported missing on AJ's missing person report. Was he hiding them in anticipation the police would search his room or were they given to him by previously by someone else or did he really take them out of the house the day she went missing?
I just need to weigh in after being gone all day today. I can't believe the B&E and animal cruelty charges were dropped against WH. I am SOOO angry over all of this. As a part of WS since the Laci Peterson case, this is the only thread that I've gotten a TO over and I don't want another one...so I will refrain from stating my opinions. But I am praying that there are more serious charges to come, and these charges were only dropped b/c of the ultimate quest for justice for Anjelica.

I just got here and saw the news.

My initial impression is that WH rolled over on someone else in exchange for those two charges being dropped.

Nothing else makes any sense barring complete incompetency from the judge.

Especially when they have a taped confession to the B & E
I haven't seen much discussion of this link that was posted several pages ago. I think it explains why the B & E charge was dropped, along with the dog maiming. The whole article is worth reading, as there is a lot more info than I've quoted.

Bottom line...WH walked through an unlocked door and the homeowner did not notice anything amiss when she got home that day and didn't know about the break in until later. Her dog's injuries must not have been obvious. IMO It would be very hard to prosecute these charges since they were only based on WH's words. I can see why they were dropped.

Prosecutors have said that the March 6 break-in at the home of Reita Spilsbury, the mother of one of AJ Hadsell's friends, was committed by Wesley Hadsell because he was "seeking to impede" the investigation into her disappearance.

A lawyer for Hadsell has said he broke in because he believed his stepdaughter might have been in the house.

Joshua Campbell, AJ Hadsell's boyfriend, testified that during a conversation on March 5, Wesley Hadsell asked where Corey French lived, the layout of French's home and Campbell's opinion of him. French is Spilsbury's son, and Campbell and French knew one another.

WH goes to the home, finds jacket, puts it in plain sight where it is later retrieved by AB and others on his instructions. They call police but don't tell LE that WH found the jacket.

After that, Campbell testified, Hadsell gathered several of his stepdaughter's friends. He told them how he'd walked into the house through a side door and, when approached by the family dog, punched it on its head and knocked it out.

WH told them they could be "dealt with" if they told police what he'd done.

Spilsbury testified that a side door was usually left unlocked. She said that she didn't notice anything the day Hadsell broke in. She only found out about it later, she said.

So let's just say WH is NOT part of the AB in any way. Let's also just say some of those AB members watch TV and hear this news of his "membership. " Its really not a bright idea to claim gang membership when it isn't true. No matter whst gang you are talking about. Could make for some uncomfortable moments with some of his incarcerated companions IYKWIM.
So let's just say WH is NOT part of the AB in any way. Let's also just say some of those AB members watch TV and hear this news of his "membership. " Its really not a bright idea to claim gang membership when it isn't true. No matter whst gang you are talking about. Could make for some uncomfortable moments with some of his incarcerated companions IYKWIM.

...it's Wes. 'Nuf said.
I haven't seen much discussion of this link that was posted several pages ago. I think it explains why the B & E charge was dropped, along with the dog maiming. The whole article is worth reading, as there is a lot more info than I've quoted.

Bottom line...WH walked through an unlocked door and the homeowner did not notice anything amiss when she got home that day and didn't know about the break in until later. Her dog's injuries must not have been obvious. IMO It would be very hard to prosecute these charges since they were only based on WH's words. I can see why they were dropped.


WH goes to the home, finds jacket, puts it in plain sight where it is later retrieved by AB and others on his instructions. They call police but don't tell LE that WH found the jacket.

WH told them they could be "dealt with" if they told police what he'd done.


Maybe the judge is forcing the DA to charge him with something real or we are done here.

The remaining charges could easily be beat by a basic defense lawyer. He wasn't on parole; So the ammo may be bad because he is a felon; but you do have judges out there that will sentence a kid who killed 4 people via drunk driving to rehab due to affluenza.

So even if found guilty of these remaining charges, He may still just get a slap on the wrist.

So the judge is forcing hands here I think.
This one?


WH: This person said that they had been there for over a week and they had called before - they left a tip or whatever, message, or whatever. Maybe not spoke to someone but via message. The lady was older - she sounded like she may have been coming back from work. That’s the way she made me believe. She said was it was by a road leading nowhere, that there was a gas station at the end of it. It’s that.. it’s not the gas station – theres a gas station right past that road, but the road she was referencing was the toll road, and if you go past at nighttime it looks like a gas station from afar. Okay, if I had known that I would have known exactly what it was... blahblahblah.

Yes! Exactly this, thank you, Ms. Marple. I always seem to be catching up.
I haven't seen much discussion of this link that was posted several pages ago. I think it explains why the B & E charge was dropped, along with the dog maiming. The whole article is worth reading, as there is a lot more info than I've quoted.

Bottom line...WH walked through an unlocked door and the homeowner did not notice anything amiss when she got home that day and didn't know about the break in until later. Her dog's injuries must not have been obvious. IMO It would be very hard to prosecute these charges since they were only based on WH's words. I can see why they were dropped.


WH goes to the home, finds jacket, puts it in plain sight where it is later retrieved by AB and others on his instructions. They call police but don't tell LE that WH found the jacket.

WH told them they could be "dealt with" if they told police what he'd done.


Thanks for the link- it appears all the media are updating their links. I find it shocking that Wesley didnt know where Corey lived since he had such a dislike for him all this time.
This story sure sounds like it is still coming up short is that bc we have been following this? What will a grand jury going think based on just this information?

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