What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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I am sick of hearing NOT GUILTY played ad nausea um
I am sick of

1. Casey Anthony's face.
2. Jose Baez's face.
3. Cheney Mason's face (and his "middle finger of affection").
4. Hearing how "sick" the jury was. Good. I hope they are sick EVERY freakin' day for the rest of their lives.
5. There was no motive given....Hey GENIUS jurors - You don't have to have a motive. This is not CSI. Good grief.
6. I am mostly sick about hearing about how much money these clowns might make from the death of a precious child.

Thank you amen. :rocker:
I'm sick of hearing people say that the jurors couldn't render a Guilty verdict because they weren't sure enough to put the defendant to death. What?

In the last 3 days, I've heard one juror, 3 of Dr. Drew's jurors, 2 of my own family members, and a girl in the barstool next to mine use this same rationale. Most of whom, btw, profess to believe the defendant was guilty of purposely or unintentionally murdering her child (not accident). I am done explaining that a first degree murder conviction would not mandate the death penalty; the jury could have opted for life without parole. Aggravated child abuse and manslaughter convictions could have been rendered without the death penalty as an option.

How did everyone get so confused? How did the fact that the death penalty was an option become viewed as the death penalty being mandatory sentencing? I'm surprised and sick of the ignorance surrounding something that is not difficult to understand. Nobody said a conviction on any of the charges required a death sentence. Could Baez's "overcharging" mumbo jumbo have really influenced so many people into thinking that the jury had to vote for either "all" or "nothing". Sad...
Suddenly I am really sick of hearing about Nancy Grace-this is all her fault, she stinks, she's a loudmouth, Michael Moore's ridiculous assertion (as most of his assertions are) that KC was tried in the media, why bother with a jury, etc...
I do not watch Nancy Grace. I do not watch JVM. Though I fully support their right to spew this case all over the airwaves if that's what their sponsors and viewers want to see. It's called free speech, capitalism, and change the darn channel if you don't like it.
I have thought KC did something awful from the time Fox News, not NG, reported that Caylee was missing and her mother did not report it. And it was not an opinion program, it was a hard news report. From there, I Googled the case, found Websleuths, and the rest is hostory.
I have wanted KC to get the death penalty for almost 3 years now.
I am sick of being treated, whether by pundits on this case, or by politicians on many other matters, that I am too stupid to think for myself and others have to tell me what I should believe, how I should act. Or for that matter, that I am too overindulged and lazy to click a button on the remote if I disagree, I must just let Nancy tell me what to think instead of seeking out my own interests and info.
I do not need Nancy Grace, or the prosecutors or the jury to tell me what happened. Never did. I am over being treated like Americans/middle America are mindless lemmings that need the "smart" people to help us see the "truth", simply because of a minority of entitled people let others run their lives for them. That is not a true representation of our country and our intuition.
Nancy Grace has never convinced me of anything. But KC Anthony, now she convinced me of everything I believe about this case.

ETA: Oh yeah, and I did something that neither NG or the jury took the time to do...I read every last piece of discovery in this case.
Oh, and I'm sick of Casey's annoying, 15 year old sounding, bratty voice lie lie lie all day long, and laugh, and joke around.
what i'm sick of is hearing jose baez' voice... sickens me... when i hear his voice or the verdict read again (and again and again), i flip stations... it also sickens me to hear cheney mason's arrogant voice... baez is a sleezeball attorney, and mason just sounds like a nasty 'gotcha back' old man...
I agree with your post. I have to admit,
:crazy: I wondered if it was only me who hated the sound of baez's voice. It makes me nauseous....like some noise that comes out of a poor sick camel.

Chaney, same thing. I am tired of his voice and I am tired of seeing him on tv. Watching him during the trial was bad enough. I will use my remote to quickly escape any program that features the DT. :sick:

I am tired of the juror and alternate juror who mention they think JB is 'different' and that KC's guilt wasn't proven in court. On that I call bs.
I'm sick of juror #3 and her repeating RC's testimony.."it was an accident that snowballed out of control. ach, blech, argh, etc!!

. . . which the jury was specifically instructed to DISREGARD by Judge Perry.
I'm tired of being told to "just get over it."

I'm tired of being told that "the system works."

I'm tired of being told "it's over." No it's not, IMO... not by a long shot!

I'm SICK TO DEATH of people not understanding and misrepresenting what circumstantial evidence is/means. Circumstantial evidence does NOT = WEAK evidence!!! A "circumstantial" case does not = a "weak" case!!

I'm tired of being told that the prosecution over-charged and that the not-guilty verdict is somehow their fault. WRONG! It's the lazy and ignorant jurors fault!

I'm tired of hearing about how much this jury liked Baez, and how he charmed them. He didn't charm these jurors, he DUPED them! The jurors not being able to see through his fake-azz smile and his fake-azz "good morning ladies & gentlemen" is yet another testament to the low intelligence level of this jury.
What a fantastic job the prosecution did presenting its case.

Hello world, they lost the case!
I'm very tired of hearing that Nancy Grace is somehow at fault for either the not-guilty verdict or for dishonestly making everyone think Casey was guilty or stirring up a "media circus."
I am tired of hearing the words "media circus" as if this wasn't a real case but just a performance that the media put on. And I'm tired of hearing that somehow the media forced people to become interested in this case.

I'm tired of hearing that Casey will become rich now and that everyone will be clamoring to hear from her. I really doubt that will happen. I think there will just be reports now and then of sightings of her, a la O.J. and Karla Homolka.

I'm tired of hearing that someone didn't follow the case or pay attention to the trial (because they are above all that, of course) but now feels qualified to tell us that the State had hardly any evidence and the jurors were thoughtful and careful in their verdict.

I'm tired of reading that, since the jury voted Casey not guilty, that she is now to be considered by everyone as innocent and no one should dwell on the facts of the case anymore. Would these same people write about a person they considered innocent, to whom a jury gave a guilty verdict. that it should just be accepted as truth and that everyone should drop the matter? Hello. The not guilty verdict means that Casey won't be punished by the law and nothing can be done about that; but it doesn't mean that private citizens are not allowed to express their opinions about her actual or probable guilt.

I'm tired of hearing the voice of Casey, Cindy, George, Lee, Jose, or Cheney. I'm not interested in hearing or seeing any of the jurors.

You know what I'm NOT tired of hearing? I'm not tired of hearing people say they think Casey didn't actually kill her daughter -- because I've never heard that said by anyone except her defense attorney.
I'm very tired of hearing that Nancy Grace is somehow at fault for either the not-guilty verdict or for dishonestly making everyone think Casey was guilty or stirring up a "media circus."
I am tired of hearing the words "media circus" as if this wasn't a real case but just a performance that the media put on. And I'm tired of hearing that somehow the media forced people to become interested in this case.

I'm tired of hearing that Casey will become rich now and that everyone will be clamoring to hear from her. I really doubt that will happen. I think there will just be reports now and then of sightings of her, a la O.J. and Karla Homolka.

I'm tired of hearing that someone didn't follow the case or pay attention to the trial (because they are above all that, of course) but now feels qualified to tell us that the State had hardly any evidence and the jurors were thoughtful and careful in their verdict.

I'm tired of reading that, since the jury voted Casey not guilty, that she is now to be considered by everyone as innocent and no one should dwell on the facts of the case anymore. Would these same people write about a person they considered innocent, to whom a jury gave a guilty verdict. that it should just be accepted as truth and that everyone should drop the matter? Hello. The not guilty verdict means that Casey won't be punished by the law and nothing can be done about that; but it doesn't mean that private citizens are not allowed to express their opinions about her actual or probable guilt.

I'm tired of hearing the voice of Casey, Cindy, George, Lee, Jose, or Cheney. I'm not interested in hearing or seeing any of the jurors.

You know what I'm NOT tired of hearing? I'm not tired of hearing people say they think Casey didn't actually kill her daughter -- because I've never heard that said by anyone except her defense attorney.

BBM-For that matter, would they believe that if it were their child that KC murdered?
They ought to give that serious thought, considering a baby killer is now out on the streets.
I am sick of hearing....

GA had something to do with this (BARF)
ICA hopefully can really grieve now (BARF)
What a great job JB did (BARF)
The jury did the right thing (BARF)
How much money ICA can potentially make (BARF)
ICA was a great mom (double BARF)

Im sick of wondering if Ive been in a car accident, am in a coma, and this is all a horrible coma induced nightmare! Im also sick of being told black is white and even if it acts like a duck it doesn't mean its a duck. Sorry, but the duck is ICA and she is a murderer! Nobody is going to convince me otherwise!

on to more vodka!
I am not tired of hearing that Caylee has not gotten her due justice and likely never will, because her mother got away with (fill in the blank). I want that mantra repeated over and over and over until it beats in KC's mind like a tell-tale heart.
I know this has already been stated but I am going to reiterate how they claim the prosecution didnt prove how Caylee died~

how about trying some deductive reasoning~lets see...

she didnt die of natural causes
she didnt die from suicide
she DIDNT die from an accident unless she accidentally put duct tape over her own mouth & nose
SO...that leaves only one other option..homicide...murder...that is HOW she died. As testified by the medical ex.

Thank goodness the Scott Peterson jury was smarter that this.

Btw jury foreman on GVS tomorrow to regurgitate the same lame excuses we've already heard~dont think I can stomach to listen to anymore.
I'm sick of what's NOT being said by the media

That's Casey is not a celebrity (no I don't give a rats behind what's she wearing, how her hair looks! Where she will go

<snipped to save space>

You are so right! :clap:

Celebrity: A famous person. (Example-Julia Roberts)

Infamous: Widely known for bad deeds or being of bad quality. (Example-Charles Manson)

Infamous is a word of a by-gone era it seems. It's time to resurrect it for ICA. (Infamous Casey Anthony?)

I'm sick of thinking about all the times Baez asked for a mistrial and I prayed Hiz Honor would deny the motion! :slap: Grandma was right. Be sure you really want what you ask for! :banghead:
I know this has already been stated but I am going to reiterate how they claim the prosecution didnt prove how Caylee died~

how about trying some deductive reasoning~lets see...

she didnt die of natural causes
she didnt die from suicide
she DIDNT die from an accident unless she accidentally put duct tape over her own mouth & nose
SO...that leaves only one other option..homicide...murder...that is HOW she died. As testified by the medical ex.

Thank goodness the Scott Peterson jury was smarter that this.

Btw jury foreman on GVS tomorrow to regurgitate the same lame excuses we've already heard~dont think I can stomach to listen to anymore.

Please, I beg you, do not watch. Someone here will and will post it. We can hide from the ratings system here...:crazy:
What I hate is hearing that there was nothing to connect Casey to Caylee's death. Hello? There is the smell of a decomposing body in her trunk and a dead toddler? Even Ray Charles could see the connection. Did they think it was a coincidence? Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, she lied about the nanny taking her, she didn't seem in the least bit upset about Caylee being gone, all the items found with Caylee came from the house, I could go on and on. How could they think there was nothing to connect Casey to Caylee's death? Just because she managed to hide the body well enough so that it wasn't found before all the evidence was lost, not to mention that she didn't even report her missing and they can't see a connection. Unbelievable.
What I hate is hearing that there was nothing to connect Casey to Caylee's death. Hello? There is the smell of a decomposing body in her trunk and a dead toddler? Even Ray Charles could see the connection. Did they think it was a coincidence? Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, she lied about the nanny taking her, she didn't seem in the least bit upset about Caylee being gone, all the items found with Caylee came from the house, I could go on and on. How could they think there was nothing to connect Casey to Caylee's death? Just because she managed to hide the body well enough so that it wasn't found before all the evidence was lost, not to mention that she didn't even report her missing and they can't see a connection. Unbelievable.

BBM :floorlaugh:

Yes, and as far as KC being the last one with Caylee: Even GA did the math on that one, and I was seriously starting to doubt whether he was able to solve a 1 + 1 equation!

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