What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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I am sick to death of anything related to ICA or her family. Especially how much money she is going to make. Per GMA this morning, they said most offers have been pulled fearing public backlash, but she would "tell her story" to someone willing to pay big bucks. I really hope all of them are scared of public backlash and stays away. I am also sick of the jurors and how they did this or that. They did not do their job IMO!
Actually it's not rare that women kill their children. It's more common than people realize. About 600 children are killed by their parents every year in the US, and at least 50% of the time the killer is the child's own mother.

But that's 600 mothers out of how many MILLION sufferers of bad childhoods. That's my point.
The statistics are that a THIRD of women are sexually molested or assaulted in their lifetimes. So the U.S. has around 300 million people.....halve that for the women and divide by three.
That's 50 million American women who now have an excuse to throw the baby in the swamp! I'm keeping it in my 'to do' file.
J/K---but I think you see my point. I understand women do kill their children. But EVERYONE using that excuse.....I'm sick of it.
They might as well rename HLN "The Casey Anthony Channel" .. all Casey Anthony/Bozo DT/dimwit jurors/uninformed talking heads .... all the time.

I stay away like the plague. Who would continue to watch this crap?
I`m sick of being told what to think from people who don`t really know the case.
That if they convicted, they'd be murders too.

They could have convicted IF there was something else besides murder 1.

It was probably an accident that snowballed out of control; George was there; the family was weird/liars.

The duct tape/chloroform was hard to follow.

This one really got me!! REALLY how hard is it to follow three pieces of duct tape on a TWO AND A HALF YEAR OLD CHILD'S FACE????
Shu7 what do you think they could have done to do a better job? Help me understand why you think they did not do a "fantastic job". Do you think "fantastic" is just an overstatement and that they did a "good" job. How would you rate the performance of the state in handling this trial?

Sure, I will give this a try. Let my put out some of my self opinion here. And make a plus-minus total of 10.

On the minus side.

1 - The State over charged Casey. Death should not have been on the table. This over charging made the State bring in outside Florida specialists for help. That looked weak to the juror.
2 - The State chose the wrong means for convincing a juror for a conviction. Going for a motive here over a means of death would have worked far better.IMO The Cindy-Casey fighting of money was more understandable and realistic to a juror to comprehend.IMO
3 - The States decision to bring in new unproven court technology was a mistake. All that testimony time on electronic sniffing technology lost the jurors. And the forensic evidence. "DUCT TAPE" forensics? What is that???
4 - The Prosecutions opening statement was badly directed. Trying to prove duck tape as the means for murder was not ever going to be conclusively proven. They knew that. And leaving out the endless money Casey stole with checks, cash and even quarters was a HUGE mistake.
5 - The prosecution during the presentation make a mess of easy communications evidence from the whole family. A nice time chart for phone and text calls would have cleared up the were people were at key times. And impeached Cindy massively as well. No phone call to George on the 16TH, as she claimed for example. And the easy technical stuff like even work records for Cindy's job was messed up. That never should of have to be done on rebrutal. It should have been part of their case in main. You can be sure the juror did take note that her company was not notified to come to court until the trial was in process. Talk about reeking of a State desperation situation. They were just unprepared in several areas.
6 - The prosecution made a confusing mess of the computer search of the Anthony's computer for chloroform. 1 search, or 84 searches??? A recovery program ran in 2008 that got the 1 search. Then another computer search about 18 months later with a new recovery program got 84. One that took days for the expert to set-up. That is not clear evidence. That reeks of going back to evidence and testing until you get the results you want at any cost.
7 - The processions "jury readers" blew their assessment big time.
8 - Aston vs JB physical presence in the court room? JB won that easily. Just how much damage did a simple item like Aston not saying good morning and good afternoon to the jury every time do? Plenty. JB not only said a nice "hi" to the jurors every chance he got, he played to them in a friendly fashion. Up close and personal. The prosecutions being aloof from the jurors just re-enforced the human jurors natural slight distrust of "big brother". And Aston laughing at JB was also a big mistake. Some professional he is. He could not even control his smirks during the trial. But the laughing was one of the last items the jury got to remember in the case. And JB made the most of it. That emotional picture of the police/prosecution laughing at the poor defense/accused was devastating.
9 - Linda's summation was bad. Very bad. Boring. With lots of jumping around. And to finish with a picture of Casey partying was a dumb idea. A picture of Caylee should and must have been used. It was Caylee who died. It was justice for Caylee that the trial was about. Not Casey's partying behaviour after the fact.
10 - The prosecution fell into JB's trap of making it a long trial. That also lost the jurors. They wanted to go home.
11 - The prosecution did not do their own job of laying out that Murder #1 was was JUST AN OPTION! And that all the charges were a separate issue to be deliberated.

On the plus side for the Sate???
1 - Thinking here.......................................... Heck, Aston did not even have a nifty pop tart in his pocket. So please help with the positive's of the State case please. The State lost an easy case to win after-all.

I rate the prosecution as a 2/10 at best.
I am sick of hearing that the state over charged CA--unbelievable, this jury had many choices and chose to only believe Baez's opening statement.

I am sick of hearing about Cindy and George.

I am sick of hearing what will Casey do or where she will go. (Just pray she does not have another child that inhibits her lifestyle)

I am sick of all of the excuses being made for this jury.

But it is fun posting about this one LOL
I am sick of hearing there was not enough evidence. Circumstantial cases are like "puzzle" pieces and most intelligent people can simply put the pieces together and come up with a end result. These Jurors did not even look at the pieces.

The State of Florida did an excellent job and the Jurors did not follow the law. Simple as that!

I hope the only offer ICA gets is from the National Enquirer, the two of them deserve each other.
This one really got me!! REALLY how hard is it to follow three pieces of duct tape on a TWO AND A HALF YEAR OLD CHILD'S FACE????

I thought the chloroform was hard to follow, was the site visited once for 3 minutes or 84 times? And was the 84 times my Space? There was conflicting testimony.
But what bothered me most was I think the prosecution should have done was show how easy it is to make chloroform and how easy it is to get the ingredients. If they said anything about making it, I missed it. I looked it up so I know, but the jurors could not look it up. Acetone (beauty supply store) and chlorine from pool supplies are the main ingredients. The jurors would not have known this and maybe thought one needed a chemistry set or something.

The duct tape though was compelling, but I go back and forth did she chloroform her and put her in the trunk so she could party, because she had no baby sitter and did not want to ask Cindy because of that argument they supposedly had (per Shirley and Rick Pleasea's interviews) which Cindy denied... and she did not intend to kill her....she accidently overdosed her.... but then...why duct tape.... and my other theory is she killed her intentionally to get back at her mother. If you listen to all the friends and family testimony that did not get in, many say there was a huge amount of jealousy. I think this argument put her over the edge. I think it was more about her mother, confronting her about stealing than partying....... And I think if the argument was admitted into evidence, the outcome might have been different.
I like your points but must disagree with the closings. The defense's closing was boring. The prosecution did an excellent job with their closing and presenting their case overall thoroughly though I honestly think they should presented more evidence that I guess they felt was not necessary.

Sure, I will give this a try. Let my put out some of my self opinion here. And make a plus-minus total of 10.

On the minus side.

1 - The State over charged Casey. Death should not have been on the table. This over charging made the State bring in outside Florida specialists for help. That looked weak to the juror.
2 - The State chose the wrong means for convincing a juror for a conviction. Going for a motive here over a means of death would have worked far better.IMO The Cindy-Casey fighting of money was more understandable and realistic to a juror to comprehend.IMO
3 - The States decision to bring in new unproven court technology was a mistake. All that testimony time on electronic sniffing technology lost the jurors. And the forensic evidence. "DUCT TAPE" forensics? What is that???
4 - The Prosecutions opening statement was badly directed. Trying to prove duck tape as the means for murder was not ever going to be conclusively proven. They knew that. And leaving out the endless money Casey stole with checks, cash and even quarters was a HUGE mistake.
5 - The prosecution during the presentation make a mess of easy communications evidence from the whole family. A nice time chart for phone and text calls would have cleared up the were people were at key times. And impeached Cindy massively as well. No phone call to George on the 16TH, as she claimed for example. And the easy technical stuff like even work records for Cindy's job was messed up. That never should of have to be done on brutal. It should have been part of their case in main. You can be sure the juror did take note that her company was not notified to come to court until the trial was in process. Talk about reeking of a State desperation situation. They were just unprepared in several areas.
6 - The prosecution made a confusing mess of the computer search of the Anthony's computer for chloroform. 1 search, or 84 searches??? A recovery program ran in 2008 that got the 1 search. Then another computer search about 18 months later with a new recovery program got 84. One that took days for the expert to set-up. That is not clear evidence. That reeks of going back to evidence and testing until you get the results you want at any cost.
7 - The processions "jury readers" blew their assessment big time.
8 - Aston vs JB physical presence in the court room? JB won that easily. Just how much damage did a simple item like Aston not saying good morning and good afternoon to the jury every time do? Plenty. JB not only said a nice "hi" to the jurors every chance he got, he played to them in a friendly fashion. Up close and personal. The prosecutions being aloof from the jurors just re-enforced the human jurors natural slight distrust of "big brother". And Aston laughing at JB was also a big mistake. Some professional he is. He could not even control his smirks during the trial. But the laughing was one of the last items the jury got to remember in the case. And JB made the most of it. That emotional picture of the police/prosecution laughing at the poor defense/assumed was devastating.
9 - Linda's summation was bad. Very bad. Boring. With lots of jumping around. And to finish with a picture of Casey partying was a dumb idea. A picture of Caylee should and must have been used. It was Caylee who died. It was justice for Caylee that the trial was about. Not Casey's partying behaviour after the fact.
10 - The prosecution fell into JB's trap of making it a long trial. That also lost the jurors. They wanted to go home.
11 - The prosecution did not do their own job of laying out that Murder #1 was was JUST AN OPTION! And that all the charges were a separate issue to be deliberated.

On the plus side for the Sate???
1 - Thinking here.......................................... Heck, Aston did not even have a nifty pop tart in his pocket. So please help with the positive's of the State case please. The State lost an easy case to win after-all.

I rate the prosecution as a 2/10 at best.
I'm tired of the jury-bashing, specifically statements that they're not intelligent or that they're lazy or that they're not educated enough or that they didn't do their job.

I'm also sick of seeing the acronyms ICA and KC, but mostly because I don't know what they mean. :)

I'm thinking that's not gonna stop for awhile :) KC is for Casey Anthony. ICA is for inmate Casey Anthony, it should be FKC, or FCA, either way the I should now be an F

the F is for felon
I'm sick of juror #3 and her repeating RC's testimony.."it was an accident that snowballed out of control. ach, blech, argh, etc!!

Right, if these jurors didn't have any/enough evidence for charges 1, 2 or 3 where did they find evidence for the accident????
I am sick of this whole case now. Since the killer was set free I have no interest in this anymore. There is nothing I can do about it. You feel helpless. Its depressing so I don't want to dwell on any of this anymore. I don't want to hear anything about Casey or the Anthonys. I don't want to see them get rich on anything. My only reason to talk about them at all would be to discourage anyone from watching any show they are on that they are paid to be on, to refrain from buying any books they may put out or any movies they may get rich off of. I don't want to see any of these players make a dime off of this poor murdered child.
I am so sick of the TH's the experts on TV, that don't even know how to pronounce Caylee's name or spell it, but spew their crap..

I am sick of peeps that come on our boards trying to belittle us like we don't know anything..I personally have been on this case since day one..READ ALL the Depo's the Transcripts..thousand of pages so I believe I know this CASE very well, Like hundreds of us do. So I believe I am very Knowledgeable about this Case an she is totally GUILTY an I will say the Jury was either <modsnip>. Justice was not served, They threw Caylee back in the swamp again..,:banghead:

I am so pissed an hurt for that little girl. I am hoping karma is around the Corner real fast..an Don't forget August 9th let those Purple balloons go..Caylee will always be in my Heart as I know Thousands of others feel that too. Now I hope I can turn the Page onto another missing person an hope Justice will be served.
I'm thinking that's not gonna stop for awhile :)

ITA. It's not gonna stop. :twocents: That's what happens when there is a huge miscarriage of justice-- when human beings are outraged and betrayed. That's what happens when those with a BIG responsibility fail in that responsibility and take the easy way out.

Looks like the EASY way out isn't gonna really be so easy now, is it?! :maddening:
That our country's judicial system WORKS. :banghead:
Well I'll tell you what I'm sick of hearing, and each time I hear it, I get so angry that I cry. I could chew up and spit nails. It's that alt juror Russ H who is saying that Judge Perry said in his instructions to the jury "if you have the SLIGHTEST DOUBT, you must vote NOT GUILTY." He keeps saying that, the latest I just read on Fox News this morning. It tells me that the jurors ARE BEYOND BELIEVING in their sloppy ways, if THAT is what they think was said, if they think he said "reasonable doubt" means NOT THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT, that Russ goes on and on about the "bar for reasonable doubt" is so high. NOW who is not thinking here, is it me? Or is it them? Because I can't find that JP said that or implied it. I think that bird-shooting CM tried to mucky things up and the jury listened to HIM.

And while I'm on it, I am very upset that I seem alone in 2 things, ONE I felt that Judge Perry was very sloppy himself in those instructions, and that rebounds on the SA team IMO.

TWO, I felt from way way way early on, after the "BOMBSHELL" of the drowning/GA/lies scenario put forth by JB, that the PROSECUTION which was completely ill-prepared for such a bald-faced crazy bunch of lies, should have seized on EVERY CHANCE to get a mistrial so that they could prepare something for the crazy scenario presented.

Well I'm just venting, very upset over it all still, and the TH's on the TV are NOT helping matters by saying mean stuff like "get over it" etc. Caylee is DEAD. Shame on anyone who can simply "get over it" !!!!!!
I am sick of all of the defense team's victory laps. Seriously, both atty's should have lost 15 pounds by now with all of the victory laps they have done!

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