What are you sick of hearing since the verdict has been announced regarding Casey?

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I am sick of hearing that ICA,her relatives, DT are going to be wealthy at the expense of a murdered child.

I am sick of talking about anyone involved in this trial that stands to make so much as quarter off of this child's murder.

I will not watch any more trial related interviews, or news programs. I am saturated..done...and I am not going to contribute to ICA's trust fund. If she does media interviews when she is released, not only will I not watch them, I will not support any sponsors of such programming.

Sometimes as individuals we feel so helpless to make impact or change. But every celebrity that is drinking the tiger blood, every sports star that is behaving badly, and even ICA is at our mercy. We make them or break them and when they cash in, it is because we as a society handed our money to them. We can certainly insure that she is a pauper if as singular humans we turn our back on the media. They do not care about her or us. They care about making money off of her and that can only happen if we allow it. Boycott sponsors and she will go away.
That the jurors apparently expected the Prosecution to prove who what where why and how. Which isn't the law.

It's ironic that the jurors say they couldn't vote guilty because the Prosecution didn't prove what/where/how/why anything happened. Well, jurors: the Prosecutors weren't there when Casey killed Caylee and it wasn't videotaped for viewing purposes.

IF the jurors won't use speculation to connect the dots of the Prosecution's evidence, but they want to believe the speculative accidental drowning story (even though there was no evidence presented to support it)....if the jurors do that, then THEY (the Defense) are the ONLY ones who can tell the jurors what happened, who was involved (if the jurors believe George and/or Cindy knew more about what happened), how it happened and the motive behind it.

I am weaning myself from cable news about the case(HLN is my ticket to being in a fetal in bed)...but I will still come here for a while anyway.
I cannot look at another juror after Ford..but would like you to report here if you will after watching it tonight, fifteen89.

So Defense team.....tell us how Caylee's body went from the backyard pool to George's arms to......the duct tape, the laundry bag, the trash bags, or did her body go straight to Casey's trunk and THEN she was placed in the laundry bag, the trash bags, the duct tape was added and then she was thrown in the swamp down the street?

I'm all ears.

ETA: Juror #1 foreman is supposed to be on Greta tonight. I will FORCE
myself to watch to hear the words coming from his mouth.

Please report back here after watching, 1589. I can't handle it!
I'm sooo tired of watching the all-too-frequent replays showing the
vacuous, vapid, blank-slate, ethical-relativist, non-judgmental (God forbid!)
non-critical, unthinking face and mono-tonal speaking tones of Juror #3, Ms. Ford. :maddening:

She...and the OTHER Jurors desperately need infusions of BRAIN CELLS.

Yeah, people like her really made America great.

I wanna run away and hide someplace, after this whole fiasco...and mourn and grieve.
Well I'll tell you what I'm sick of hearing, and each time I hear it, I get so angry that I cry. I could chew up and spit nails. It's that alt juror Russ H who is saying that Judge Perry said in his instructions to the jury "if you have the SLIGHTEST DOUBT, you must vote NOT GUILTY." He keeps saying that, the latest I just read on Fox News this morning. It tells me that the jurors ARE BEYOND BELIEVING in their sloppy ways, if THAT is what they think was said, if they think he said "reasonable doubt" means NOT THE SLIGHTEST DOUBT, that Russ goes on and on about the "bar for reasonable doubt" is so high. NOW who is not thinking here, is it me? Or is it them? Because I can't find that JP said that or implied it. I think that bird-shooting CM tried to mucky things up and the jury listened to HIM.
And while I'm on it, I am very upset that I seem alone in 2 things, ONE I felt that Judge Perry was very sloppy himself in those instructions, and that rebounds on the SA team IMO.

TWO, I felt from way way way early on, after the "BOMBSHELL" of the drowning/GA/lies scenario put forth by JB, that the PROSECUTION which was completely ill-prepared for such a bald-faced crazy bunch of lies, should have seized on EVERY CHANCE to get a mistrial so that they could prepare something for the crazy scenario presented.

Well I'm just venting, very upset over it all still, and the TH's on the TV are NOT helping matters by saying mean stuff like "get over it" etc. Caylee is DEAD. Shame on anyone who can simply "get over it" !!!!!!

I feel the exact same about this satement.
What are you going to do now?


Move along, you can't sit here.
she was not found innocent but "not guilty". People are free to believe and express anything they want. She may also go on to someday be found responsible in a civil case like OJ was as the standard of proof is different and if, for example, Caylee's father was alive and so inclined he could go after her. Media people have no more leeway than individuals to slander and defame. In fact, the damage from actual publishing would be greater than from an individual "publishing" by private speech or on line post.

I have no problem continuing to express my firm opinion that she is guilty of murdering her daughter and I don't think anyone else should either and I don't believe in trying to silence people by threats. Casey is not going to sue anyone who believes she murdered Caylee. If individual website owners place restrictions on what opinions people can post, that's their right. But people can still express their opinions freely in this country and newspapers can report people's opinions just like the poll that found 2/3 of people believe she's guilty. An element of proving defamation is needing to show the statement is not true-I wish her luck with that-not guilty and innocent are two very different things and I, for one, would love to see her in court forced to prove that she didn't kill Caylee. I also think Casey may be libel proof, that is, her reputation is so damaged already that the statements cannot injure her so there are no damages. Anyway, I'm not a libel attorney but I don't want people believing their opinions about Casey Anthony are illegal or actionable when I don't believe they are.

To clarify my posts in this thread ...

The trial is over

The accused was pronounced 'Not Guilty' via the jury's verdict

Things have now changed exponentially. What we were free to say, to speculate, etc. pre trial and during the trial -- we are no longer free to say, unless we're prepared to face lawsuits (should certain persons deem lawsuits a way of drumming up needed publicity. OR -- if members of blogs and websites were threatened with libel/defamation, etc. and were they to lose -- even just on paper -- this could well be used to silence discussion AND to persuade the public that the previously-accused in this case IS innocent by virtue of the fact certain bloggers etc. had been forced to apologise to her)

We're in a transition stage. People were posting their opinions etc. freely prior to the verdict and they were basically safe from litigation

After the verdict, the accused individual was returned to society as 'Not Guilty' -- in other words, anything said or written NOW about that individual could be construed as defamation/slander/libel

I have nil faith in the individual's legal representatives' integrity. I don't want to see this site closed down and don't want to hear that any member has been charged with defamation, that's all

The media has a lot more leeway than private individuals insofar as what they can get away with. In addition, the talking-heads are covered by their networks' lawyers, insurance, etc.

It's my opinion that the previously-accused's handlers will be seeking ways of reinventing her for public consumption. It would help their case if they were able to use lawsuits against websites or individuals -- in order to portray the previously-accused as a 'victim' -- 'tiny, exhausted, wrongly-accused and defamed little victim ' -- 'poor little victim' who's being disgracefully defamed by 'witch-hunters' and 'mob mentalities' in blogs and websites

Don't know about anyone else, but I have no intention of helping them in any way to bleach that woman's reputation

Anyway, seems my posts have been miscontrued/misunderstood, so I'll sign off. Was just trying to deliver a warning to the posters here. Because I suspect a certain team of unscrupulous lawyers will stop at nothing ...
I am sick of hearing how important evidence is, that the jurors got it right because there was no evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. Then turn around and believe the defense OS accusing George of sexual abuse against Casey and being the one responsible for Caylee's death and body disposal when there is not one scintilla of evidence to support any of it except for a wild imagination and a pathological liar.

:takeabow: annalia :tyou: :tyou:


What about Roy? What do they think about Roy? Did they believe that part or did they just leave it out? Anyone know if the amazing jurors have since been informed about Mr. Degama Thompson...

oh, the jury would have LOVED that one. Even after they were given the proof that George never had any contact with this man they would have added that to George's list of being guilty-it would have proved the defense's theory even more! No wonder the defense tried it!

So, it was throw George under the bus all along, huh? I have had a media block in my home since two minutes after the verdict-do we have consensus as to whether George was in on it or a dupe who got played? I don't have an opinion anymore about all of that...

I don't know if non liars can ever know what liars are up to? Liars are everywhere and the worst thing is they lie about lying and have to point their finger at others...

that is all this "trial" was-it was like Casey got to have a High School Musical episode about a trial-as opposed to an actual trial. He said, she said..."we the jury think George is a liar and that Casey is cute as a button"...

oh, no I forgot Jennifer juror number three who is getting paid to do interviews said that "not guilty" is not the same as innocent...and that the jury "cried"...I just found that out-today...

but they just didn't have enough from the State...and by the way no one could say how Caylee died-Jennifer points the finger at all of us and says we are just as bad as her-we would have done the same.

No I wouldn't have. :no:

I just heard from Jennifer juror and I am already sick of hearing about her. Perfect for this thread. :sick:
Casey Anthony. I'm sick of hearing about Casey Anthony.

I wish I could wave a magic wand, and no one would ever mention her name again. Starting with myself. And I'm going to try to do just that - minus the wand.
Casey Anthony. I'm sick of hearing about Casey Anthony.

I wish I could wave a magic wand, and no one would ever mention her name again. Starting with myself. And I'm going to try to do just that - minus the wand.

Hey! BeanE!! If you're not gonna use that wand, can I have it? I am gonna need it to get this out of my own head.
I am sick of being told that, because I agree with the jury's verdict, I am an idiot. I am sick of hearing how jurors have been threatened and are in hiding (who does that??), and I'm also sick of hearing about Caylee's "civil rights." They don't work that way!
Casey Anthony. I'm sick of hearing about Casey Anthony.

I wish I could wave a magic wand, and no one would ever mention her name again. Starting with myself. And I'm going to try to do just that - minus the wand.

Her name has not been spoken in this house for days, and it won't be. We have not tuned into media coverage either. After the verdict my dh, an atheist btw, said he was reminded of the movie The Devil's Advocate. We had a brief discussion as to if JB was Keanu Reeves or Al Pacino. 'nuf said.

I'm sick of snake-oil salesmen and people who don't exercise the part of their brains that make critical thinking and independent thought possible. :twocents:
I'm sick of hearing that the SA overcharged in this case, and thus the jury's verdict.

I'm sick of hearing about the death penalty in regard to this case.

I'm sick of hearing from the juror who said ICA appeared to be sincere and a good mom.

I'm sick of hearing that ICA is a celebrity.

I'm sick of hearing about all the reasons the jurors say there wasn't enough evidence. IMO is is so obvious that they latched on to their conclusions after hearing Jose Baez' opening statement, and keep regurgitating some of Baez' thoughts in opening/closing statements as basis for their deliberations.

I'm also broken-hearted ... and also enraged at the transparent lack of effort that these jurors put into their sworn duty.

And I read on another board today that apparently pro-ICA Geraldo Rivera had Werner Spitz on his show this past weekend. Spitz apparently said he thought the body was in that spot in the woods for months, just as the state said. (A shocked Geraldo got him off camera fast.) Did any WSers catch that?

(And, as an aside, for many years now, I'm absolutely sick of hearing the words "BOMBSHELL TONIGHT".)
I'm sick of hearing the term "lynch mob" being used to describe those who are speaking out and/or protesting against the verdict. It's bad enough that we live in a country where an injustice such as this has taken place, I'll be damned if anyone is going to take away my right, or anyone elses, to speak out against this!

Only in America could a child murderer be called an innocent victim, while the people who want justice for the child are called a "lynch mob".

Most Americans are pretty complacent, we see all kinds of bad things happen and sit there and complain but we usually just accept it. The fact that 2 thirds of this country is outraged and angry is not a coincidence, there is a good reason why people are mad.

I am tired of hearing that I only think Casey is guilty because of Nancy Grace. Like I dont have enough sense to read all the discovery released by the police and form my own opinion.
Oh and forgot to add: I'm sick and tired of talking with people about the case who say that they didn't follow it but then offer an opinion about it.

Amen to that! wow! or say there wasnt enough evidence and dont know

If I hear another person throw a pity party for the jury when about 4 or 5 have released statements or gone on the news, got paid and it aint even been a week yet, I'm gonna beat myself senseless. They dont deserve to have their lives and family threatned, but if they wanted to they could have gotten out of jury duty. Its not that hard. They had to have discussed or at least thought hard about how a not guilty verdict would shock and anger the public. If they could accept that then I dont feel sorry for them. If they knew what they were getting into then suck it up go into hiding or whatever. I dont care, sorry, I'm a cold ***** at times thats just me and my opinion.
1) Anything that comes out of Judge Larry Seidlin's mouth.

2) Anything that comes out of Cheney Mason's mouth.

3) That CA won't be prosecuted for perjury as though she's somehow entitled to lie under oath in order to save the MODSNIP she created.

If I hear another person throw a pity party for the jury when about 4 or 5 have released statements or gone on the news, got paid and it aint even been a week yet, I'm gonna beat myself senseless.

Which ones have been paid? Or are you saying they all have been? I'd be interested in reading more about that, so links would be helpful. Thanks.

They had to have discussed or at least thought hard about how a not guilty verdict would shock and anger the public.

I would hope they didn't discuss that as part of their deliberations, as public reaction should not factor into a jury's verdict. I don't know how prepared they were for the public's very bizarre and over-the-top reaction; I'm not sure I would have been if I were on the jury, since I wasn't as 'into it' as a lot of those who are the most angry.

I don't think any jury should have to go into hiding or have their lives become a living hell just because they reached a verdict that some don't like. The fact that they've had to do that tells me there's something wrong in our society, but it's not the jury that's the problem.
I am sick of hearing that because the Jury found ICA NG that she is 'innocent' and so ... who killed Caylee?

Not true!! NG != Innocent.

I am sick of seeing replays of the trial and thinking wow, oh wow, how can you hear this stuff and conclude NG ... buying into the DT theory without any evidence.

It is like extremes ... if the DP is too harsh a punishment why not seek middle ground rather than the other extreme of NG on all serious charges? Makes me sick to the stomach.
I'm sick of the sexual abuse excuse most especially with nothing to back it up, and knowing that Casey is nothing but a liar, and then used in a way to only try to cause reasonable doubt to keep her off of death row. It's an insult to real sexual abuse victims to not offern anything to prove it, and say it's ok that Casey did what she did and acted the way she did because she was sexually abused. As a child sexual abuse victim myself, it makes me ill every time I hear it.

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